The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 179. First Contact With The Dragon

Chapter 179. First Contact With The Dragon

Dawn has arrived.

From today onwards, well be officially trying to subjugate Peony.

Of course, we arent going to suddenly challenge Peony out of nowhere.

Well first be making adequate preparations.

We are in the prep-phase, so to speak.

Around here should do

Ive come to the borders of the Safety Zone first thing in the morning.

Piles of rubbles and destroyed buildings are all that I can see.

From every angle, it looks like the end of the world has arrived.

The most eye-catching things are Peonys vines which are hanging in the air, sticking to the invisible barrier of the Safety Zone.

There seems to be more of them than yesterday.

(I doubt that the barrier would collapse but its such a sight that I cant help but brace myself for it)

Dokun. Dokun.

Each vine is as thick as a persons arm, and theyre pulsating like blood vessels.

From the inside of the barrier, I try cutting down one of them.

This wouldnt even itch Peony, but Im just testing things out.

I slash down with the orcs knife, and the vine gets cut with less resistance than I expected.

The vine withers the moment it falls to the ground.

However, from where it has been cut, a new vine grows, regenerating from its wound immediately.

Although I test a few other vines out, the results do not change.

(It isnt showing any signs of retaliating)

Did it realize that counter attacking someone whos inside is futile, or was the damage so trivial that it couldnt be bothered by it?

Anyway, its good that Peony isnt reacting.

I dont care about the vines as long as they dont get in the way of my work.

Alright. Momo.

I tap on the Shadow beneath my feet.

Soon after, Momo appears.


Good work, Momo. What is the situation like?

Wan! Wan wan!

Smooth sailing, Momo replies cheerfully.

Since yesterday, Momo, Aka, and Kiki have been persuading the Dragon whos still in the Shadow.

Will it be okay for her to come out?


Momo nods her head.

Ive come here today to greet the Dragon.

Although she became our party member, the Dragon hasnt opened up to us yet.

Unlike Aka and Kiki, she hasnt volunteered to join the party.

To work together and cooperate with the Dragon as a party, we must be able to hold conversations with one another.

Thats the reason why Im here at the boundaries of the Safety Zone.

If something goes south, being here would minimize the potential damage.

I have to say though, Ichinose-san was very reluctant about letting me go.

(Nishino-kun seems to have renewed his determination. I should do my best too)

Yesterday, when he returned to the base, Nishino-kun had on a reinvigorated expression.

It was as if he had been relieved of a burden.

Goshogawara-san appears to have talked him through about something, but Im not sure of the details.

That said, Nishino-kun should be fine by himself.

But what did he mean by I wont lose?

Those were his finishing words, and he said it with such a refreshing smile.

Whatever, thats not whats important right now.


As expected, Im feeling nervous.

Alright, calm down.

I steady by breath and wipe the sweat off my hands using my pants.

I should concentrate on persuading her to the best of my abilities.

Now then, Momo, whenever youre ready.


Momo dives back into the Shadow.

Moments later, the Shadow begins to spread rapidly, just as ripples would in water.

Thats when I feel the chills.

Shes coming!


The Shadow shoots up like a fountain of water, and the Dragon appears from within.

Her beautiful, blue scales are reflecting off sunlight, and her wings are spread majestically before me.

Whats more, inside her huge mouth which could swallow a person whole, I can see traces of her razor-sharp fangs.

No matter how many times I confront her, I cant help but be awed by her overwhelming presence.

The Dragon looks around and notices me by her feet.



A few seconds pass by as we stare at each other.

Suddenly, I hear sounds of something breaking from behind the Dragon.


A dust storm rises as piles of rubble are blown away.

At long last, I come to the realization that the Dragon is slamming her tail on the ground.



Not good. This is scary as hell.

Whats up with her? Why did she suddenly enter rage mode?

What happened to Momos persuasion?

Am I going to be eaten?

Taking care not to be noticed by the Dragon, I desperately stop myself from trembling.

Momo and Kiki appear from the Shadow.

Wan! Wan!

Kyu! Kyukyu!


Wan! Wan! Wan!



Momo and Kiki enter another round of persuasion.

For some reason, the Dragon appears to be fed up or at least thats the impression that Im getting.


The Dragon turns to look at me again.

Something akin to an electric shock runs through my head.

Ouch..!? What was that?

Did it connect?

I hear a voice just as Im holding my head.

Compared to the Heavenly Voice, this female voice is slightly lower and clearer.

Whats wrong? Stop standing there looking dumb and respond. You can hear me, right?

The Dragon in front of me peers into my eyes.

This voice is from?

From me, of course.



Watching me freak out, the Dragon makes an exasperated expression.


Basically, the reason why I was able to hear the Dragon was because of her skills.

It makes sense.

According to President Igarashis Appraisal, the Dragon has the skills Telepathy and Thought Resonation.

I had asked Momo and Kiki to persuade her knowing that the Dragon had these skills, but I was so scared that I forgot about them.

I shall say this beforehand. Not everyone can perform Thought Resonation with me. Only those that I have acknowledged are allowed to do so.

Does that mean its limited to party members?

No, since she had these skills before the worlds merged, they should be for the purpose of communicating with other races in general.

She might have set this self-imposed rule because of her pride.

Does that mean I was acknowledged by her?

Speaking of which, Momo is amazing.

After all, she was acknowledged by this Dragon much earlier on.


Momo makes a triumphant face.

You can praise me, you know? You can mofu-mofu me, you know?

Momo glances at me as if to say this, so I proceed to stroke her without holding back.

Kyu! Kyu!

I also mofu-mofu Kiki.

Ah, theyre so lovely.

Im healed.

Fuu, Ive calmed myself down.

I notice that the Dragon is looking at me with interest.

Is that part of your culture? Deepening your friendship through bodily contact? Hmm, then theres no helping it.

The Dragon silently presents her head before me.


Whats wrong? Why arent you touching me?


Im abiding by your customs, so touch me quickly.

Y-yes! Understood!

I hurriedly touch the Dragons jaw under her intense glare.

Hmm, not bad indeed

When I stroke her, the Dragon says so comfortably.



Momo and Kiki are spinning around the Dragons feet as if to say Innit?.

To be honest, her skin is so rough that it hurts.

Every time I stroke her, a part of my skin gets scraped off. It feels like my skin is being peeled by a grater.

Its not like I can say that out loud, so I keep stroking her until she is satisfied.

Hmm, enough.

After a while of stroking, the Dragon is finally satisfied.

Ah, my hands really hurt. Theyre tingling.

That was satisfactory. To think you can make me feel this comfortable with your hands alone. It seems like these two critters werent lying to me.

Wan! Wan!

Kyu! Kyu!

The Dragon nods in understanding alongside Momo and Kiki.

Wait a minute, what kind of persuasion were you guys doing in the Shadow?

You heard about me from Momo and Kiki?

The strongest hero among the human race and the most powerful existence on this planet, am I wrong? Oh, and I heard that youre really good at stroking.


I mean, I am confident in my ability to stroke others, but

Hey! Momo, Kiki, why have you guys lied to her!?



I try to admonish them with my eyes, but Momo and Kiki tilt their heads in confusion.

Eh? Wait a minute. Is that how you guys see me? For real?

Also, Dragon-san, Ive only stroked your jaw for a little. Dont jump to conclusions so quickly.

Isnt it obvious enough that what they said wasnt real?

On what basis are you believing in their lies

The strongest humanAn existence that rivals the Death KingNever thought Id meet one hereIts no wonder that you dont die. That person was also a monster that kept reviving no matter what happened.

Who in the world is this Death King that she speaks of?

Why am I being compared to this ridiculously overpowered existence?

Reviving no matter whatAhh, so shes referring to how I used the Art of Cloning to distract her.

Well, its understandable for a monster that doesnt know about Ninjutsu to think that I kept reviving in that situation.

Which means that it was me who provided her with the basis to trust Momo and Kikis lies.

If it was some unknown midget that suggested the alliance, I wouldve shredded that person with my claws; however, as you are as powerful as the Death King, I shall permit this alliance, oh human.

T-that so

For some reason, the Dragon firmly believes that Im the strongest human alive.

What should I do? Shell see through the lies sooner or later

Right, Ill just be honest and

Of course, if there was any falsehood in what the critters told me, our alliance is void. Understood?

I look forward to working with you.

Yup, its, uhhh, that.

Lets be optimistic.

Momo, Kiki, and Aka did their best to persuade the Dragon, so I have to live up to their expectations.

T-then lets first talk about what well do from now on. This is what we have planned

For the time being, thanks to Momo, Kiki, and Akas stellar (?) job at persuading the Dragon, our first contact with her ends successfully.

My stomach aches

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