The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 137: Are You Sure We Are Talking About the Same Person

Chapter 137: Are You Sure We Are Talking About the Same Person

Filia's appearance had undoubtedly messed up Alice and Lalu's plans. After all, they had no idea when Filia would regain consciousness. If they chose to stay here to read the taboos, they would certainly get into trouble once Filia woke up.

They couldn't just toss Filia out of the Nature Shrine, either. Once Filia regained consciousness, she would definitely recall that she had lost consciousness after entering the Nature Shrine and bring others with her to inspect the Nature Shrine next time. So, if they let Filia go, they couldn't stay in the Nature Shrine anymore.

Moreover, they also couldn't take the taboo books out of the Nature Shrine. Once Filia regained consciousness and came back here with other elves, they would definitely check to see if anything was missing here. Once they noticed that the taboo books were missing, they would most certainly launch a search throughout the entire village.

Fortunately, Alice and Lalu didn't get seen by Filia. When they noticed that the teleportation array had activated again shortly after they arrived, they quickly circled to the back of the teleportation array. Then, the moment Filia appeared, Alice had knocked the living daylights out of her using the Milu Rabbit. Hence, if Alice and Lalu secretly left the Nature Shrine now and pretended as if nothing had happened, it was unlikely that anyone would suspect them.

However, Alice felt a little reluctant to just give up now that the taboo books were already in front of her eyes. Moreover, the March Academy had no records of the elves' unique taboos.

For a moment, Alice couldn't help but have the urge to silence the witness Of course, she wouldn't actually do that since it'd be too cruel to kill an innocent person.

"Lalu." After looking at Filia's unconscious body and pondering for a while, Alice suddenly turned to Lalu and asked, "Would anyone notice if an elf goes missing for a few days?"

"What are you trying to do?!"

Even if Lalu was open to new things, she couldn't help but be shocked by Alice's question. If she didn't know any better, she would think that Alice was prepared to kill Filia to silence her.

"I'm thinking of keeping her asleep for a few days," Alice said, looking at Lalu with a confused look. She didn't know why the loli elf would show such a big reaction. Then, crouching down and poking Filia's unconscious body, Alice explained, "So long as she remains asleep for a few days, she won't leave to tell on us If she's really as strong as you say, she shouldn't starve to death even if she doesn't eat for a few days, right?"

"Elves are the precious children of nature. So, we actually have the ability to conduct photosynthesis. Even if we don't eat, most of us can survive for a very long time," Lalu answered, blushing a little when she realized she had misunderstood Alice. She also sighed in relief when she realized that Alice's thoughts weren't as exaggerated as she assumed. If Alice was merely planning on having Filia sleep for a few days, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

After a slight pause, Lalu continued, "But Filia is a guard captain. She is incredibly strong, and I heard she could even cast taboos without help You might have taken her by surprise and knocked her out just now, but I don't think it'll be possible to keep her unconscious for several days."

"You don't have to worry about this. I have my ways," Alice said, smiling. She might not have learned any spells that could put people to sleep, but one of the panties she commandeered from Rosa just so happened to have such an ability. "So, tell me. If this elfFilia, right? If she goes missing for a few days, would anyone notice?"

"There aren't many elves in the village, so if anyone goes missing for a few days, someone is bound to notice. Not to mention, Filia is a guard captain. Her position in the village is equal to the elders," Lalu said, a complicated look on her face as she looked at Filia's unconscious body. Although she felt like a traitor to her race for helping Alice, she couldn't get enough of the excitement she received from doing so. "But there are many precedents of Filia going missing. If any other elf goes missing, the others in the village would most definitely worry and launch a search. However, if it is Filia, I don't think the village will search for her."

Noticing the confused look Alice was giving her, Lalu quickly explained, "Filia's strength is well-proven. The Seventh Hero was her boyfriend, and Filia had fought alongside him during the war. She had even managed to hold her ground against the demons' Four Heavenly Kings. So, everyone in the village knows that Filia is unlikely to be in any mortal danger unless her opponent is the Demon King."

Upon hearing Lalu's explanation, Alice couldn't help but look down at the unconscious Filia. Then, she looked at Lalu, her eyes seemingly asking: Are you sure we are talking about the same person?

"Cough, cough. This situation is different. The teleportation array causes the user's soul to lose balance. Unless the user has readied themselves for combat, they will be utterly defenseless during teleportation," Lalu explained after recalling how easily Alice had knocked Filia unconscious. "Filia must've thought that we weren't dangerous individuals, so she didn't bother putting up her guard when teleporting."

"In short, this person is very strong, so the other elves won't worry that she would come into any danger even if she leaves the village, right?" Although Alice found it hard to believe that someone capable of fighting against the Four Heavenly Kings could get knocked out by a Milu Rabbit, Alice chose to believe in Lalu's words. "Also, did you say that she has suddenly gone missing in the past as well?"

"That's right. The first time it happened was around ten years ago. I was still a child at that time," Lalu said, chuckling when she remembered the past. "Everyone in the village panicked when Filia disappeared at that time. In the end, she came back by herself a few days later and said: I noticed something resembling the Demon King's aura nearby. However, as the Demon King had never appeared, everyone didn't pay too much attention to her words."

"She must be incredibly perceptive," Alice commented, a drop of sweat rolling down her forehead when she heard Lalu's words. She felt that the reason Filia had suddenly gone missing ten years ago was most likely because the Demon King's Power had chosen Luna as its new candidate. However, Filia had most likely only noticed the Demon King's Power returning and did not notice that it was staying inside Luna's body.

"That's right. So, ever since that incident, everyone understood that Filia would suddenly leave the village from time to time. She would also always return a few days later, so the others in the village don't worry much when she disappears," Lalu said. "Anyway, how are you going to keep Filia unconscious for a few days, Alice? I don't think the average spell and potion will work on her."

"Well I have my ways," Alice said, chuckling. "But I need to keep this method a secret, so would you mind turning around, Lalu? I'll tell you once I'm done."

"Is it that big of a secret?" Although Lalu couldn't understand why Alice wasn't willing to let her see the process, she had no choice but to listen to Alice's arrangements since she was on the same boat with Alice now. "Alright, then. But you better make it quick."

After saying so, Lalu turned around and stopped looking at Alice.

After seeing that Lalu was looking away, Alice untied the ammunition pouch she had restocked a few days ago.

Ordinary magic might not work on herbut taboos should work, right?

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