The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 199: The origin of the weirdo in the mirror

Chapter 199 The Origin of the Strange Man in the Mirror

Gatlin's tongues of fire were as dense as raindrops. Under the firepower, the supervisor's fat body was beaten to pieces with blood flying everywhere.



As the weird and unique swallowing sound appeared, a ball of plasma exploded from the supervisor's bulging belly, instantly filling the corridor and rushing towards Shen Ge like a flood.

"How dare you, a small-minded person, to do the same thing, a mighty dragon! Great magic spells, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna mama blast!" Shen Ge threw the manifested Gatling casually, and pushed his hands forward fiercely, and there was a big blow. The momentum of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Then, with a crackling sound, the floor, ceiling, and walls all shattered and then coalesced, turning into mudslides to block the torrent of plasma.

Shen Ge was having a great time playing here, when suddenly a feeling of dizziness came over him. This feeling was very "familiar" to him. It was a side effect of mental exhaustion when he didn't have the Red Mist Armor before.

"What's going on?" Shen Ge was shocked. According to his speculation, since he was in his own conscious world at this time, he was the master of this world, and there should be no "lack of blue" problem.

 “Infinite blue.”


 The next second, Shen Ge woke up from his dream. The surroundings were dark and he could not see anything.

 Shen Ge entered the dream world for the first time and was devoured by the flesh and blood monster he released. After death, he immediately returned to reality.

“Zi, zizi.” At this time, the beam of the flashlight flashed a few times, and then gradually dimmed, as if it was about to go out at any time.

"How can I leave the dream?" Shen Ge sat on the bed and lost in thought. In reality, the most comfortable ways to wake up from sleep and dreams are nothing more than "sleep until you wake up naturally", "wake up by being frightened", "wake up by peeing" "Waiting for its own reasons, or being awakened by external forces.

With this first experience, it became much easier for Shen Ge to escape from the consciousness of the weird Shen Ge this time, and he quickly suppressed the "revolving door" in his mind.

 “Spirit is infinite.”

 Singer Shen opened and closed his hands, repeating this action, hypnotizing himself in his mind. Soon, a flashlight appeared in his hand.

However, through the battle with the supervisor, Shen Ge understood that he was not "doing whatever he wanted" in this world, but he didn't know whether this was due to the "rules" of the dream or for other reasons.

He tried all the methods except joining the Fengling Yueying Sect directly. However, the dizziness not only did not subside, but became more and more intense.

External force is not enough, and "sleeping until you wake up naturally" is not reliable... As for the method of "waking up by being frightened", if ten-year-old Shen Ge still has hope, the adult Shen Ge, let alone the "neck guy" of the dean, even if Chu Meiren, Kayako and Sadako are all gathered together, and Shen Ge will probably invite them to join a table of mahjong.

 The good news is that it seems that you can be resurrected indefinitely in the "conscious world". After death, you will be "resurrected" somewhere, but you may be pulled into a dream by a weirdo and swallow your consciousness.

Shen Ge turned on the flashlight and looked around. This time it was also a ghastly ward, but much smaller than the last one. Except for a bed and a broken TV, there was nothing else.


Shen Ge suddenly felt that he had to enter a dungeon and defeat the boss before settling the matter. Needless to say, the boss of the "Rongshan Mental Hospital" dungeon must be the "Dean"!

Previously, when Shen Ge saw the dean, he had only one option: "escape". Now, through the awakening of his consciousness and the ready-made mental power or equipment in the dream, he is not without the ability to fight against the dean!


The floor and TV stand were dusty, including the model of the TV, which was more than ten years old.

 Although dreams are a false world "created" based on people's memory and imagination, people are not completely "invincible" in dreams, and there are even some "accidents" that often occur.

“Is this...the weirdos outside trying to take advantage of my ‘death’ when my will becomes weak to devour my consciousness?”


There are many situations like this. Anyway, even a dream is not "smooth".

However, at this time, Shen Ge's strength was exhausted to the limit, his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness, and fell directly to the ground.

At present, "awakening by external force" should not be possible, because when she fell into a deep sleep, Shen Ge was attached to the red mist armor, which also put Xiao Qi into alert mode. If she found herself in a coma, Xiao Qi would have thought of a way Wake yourself up.

Shen Ge didn’t know whether his situation was affected by the “rules” of dreams, but he came to two conclusions through several deaths—

 But the second time he entered the dream world, he died three times not counting dreams within dreams, but he was still trapped in the dream world and could not leave.

“If it’s a twisted space or a strange realm, does that mean there should be a weird or weird person here that maintains the space? As long as it is solved, this place will ‘collapse’ like a strange space?”

Shen Ge could only use the last of his consciousness to condense the pile of rubble that had turned into a mudslide into a single piece, blocking the supervision on the other side of the wall.

They were talking about some professional terms in medicine and research, ranging from "dose", "efficacy", "function", "tremor" and other terms that were barely understandable to completely incomprehensible. This reminded Shen Ge of When I first entered the dreamland, I was captured and studied for a few months.

In a daze, Shen Ge once again felt that his consciousness was gradually dissipating, and the revolving door that seemed like a person before death reappeared in his mind.

Shen Ge looked at the flashlight in his hand with a dull expression. Logically speaking, it was something he manifested through his spiritual power, and there was no reason it would be affected by the environment.

“…The dream world seems to have come back from the twisted space of Donghuan Lake. After seeing the ‘brain’, some ‘fuzzy memories’ were recalled.”

Feeling this familiar feeling, Shen Ge quickly thought that this time he entered the dream world, his first "death" was being swallowed by the dean. At that time, the weird Shen Ge created a dream-within-a-dream world and restored him to his adult state. Lowering his defenses, trying to devour consciousness.

Shen Ge adjusted his breathing, gradually calmed down, and then concentrated on hypnotizing himself as he had done with the supervisor before.

Shen Ge tried his best to concentrate and opened his eyes, and found that he seemed to be sitting on a chair. The surroundings were dark, but he could hear the voices of many people talking in the darkness.

At present, the location of "resurrection" will only be somewhere in Rongshan Mental Hospital, and cannot be resurrected outside of Rongshan Mental Hospital.

I don’t know how long it took, but Shen Ge felt like he was floating on the sea, rising and falling with the waves. The whole world was spinning, and he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

Another example is dreaming that you have all kinds of strange superpowers, but when facing enemies, the superpowers often fail and cannot be used.

Or maybe Xiao Qi is controlling the Red Mist Armor to fight against a monster. Although the defense of the Red Mist Armor is pretty good, it is just a armor after all. The collision can be considered an "external force" on the unconscious self, but for such a long time If time is still stuck in a dream, it proves that the method of awakening through external force is not feasible.

 The bad news is that "death" cannot return to reality.

 Shen Ge worked hard to maintain the barrier formed by the mudslide to block the torrent of plasma, and at the same time, he continued to deeply hypnotize himself in his mind.

For example, when you are being chased by a group of monsters, you dream that you can fly, but you can't fly high no matter how hard you try, and you watch the monsters getting closer and closer.

 “Long press F8 to lock attributes!”



The dark ward was eerily quiet. Shen Ge sat on the bed and thought without making a sound, which allowed him to clearly hear his breathing and heartbeat.



At this time, Shen Ge suddenly felt a cold wind blowing from the direction of the door of the ward, blowing on his face like a cold knife.


 Coming for business?

According to the last experience, after Shen Ge experienced the "stationary" observation environment, he would encounter a "ghost pressing on the bed" situation, which made him unable to move his fingers, and then a monster that was covered with light and stood still would appear under the bed.

At this time, the best choice is to leave the bed directly or take some measures under the bed, such as "cement sealing the bed".

 But Shen Ge wanted to verify whether the "plot" would develop as it did last time, and finally chose to turn off the flashlight, lie down on the bed, and wait quietly.

One minute.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

The ward was still very quiet. No sound could be heard except the heartbeat and the faint sound of "breathing". Shen Ge tried to move his fingers, but as expected, he found that he couldn't move.

Shen Ge kept himself calm, adjusted the rhythm of his breathing, and then began to "deeply hypnotize" himself. From moving his fingers to his wrists and then to his entire arm, it took him a long time to regain his mobility, this time in less than half a minute. Time is completely restored.

Shen Ge continued to stay quiet and listened to the noise coming from under the bed. Soon, there was a soft "crunching" sound from the right side of the pillow, and a pair of hands reached out from under the bed and dug into the bed board.

Shen Ge immediately turned over and sat up from the bed. He turned on the flashlight and shined it in the direction of the strange noise. Sure enough, he saw a pair of pale and cold...feet resting on the edge of the bed.

 Then the second pair, the third pair...


  ? ?

  ? ? ?


 Hey guys, Yuzu is also a spider monster, right?

As if feeling the light source on the bed, the monster under the bed crawled out directly. Its weird body had six smooth jade feet, which made it even weirder.

 The skeleton-like body, with ribs that grow in reverse like barbs, looks like the product of the alienation of the human body with the weird.

  Its face could barely be seen to be that of a woman, and Shen Ge had a feeling of déjà vu. It seemed to be 70% or 80% similar to the strange woman who had been "caesarean sectioned" by him in his first dream.

 Shen Ge found that when the flashlight shone on it, the other person was still slowly crawling towards him. Apparently, the previous setting of not moving when illuminated was no longer there.

"Good evening." Shen Ge said hello as he stood up from the bed. He threw the flashlight on the bed and pointed it at Weird's face.

However, Shen Ge's hands raised above his head had already transformed into a huge two-handed hammer, and then Mou Zujin smashed it down as he shouted "eighty".


Despite Shen Ge's small body, he has completed "hypnosis" so that he can successfully lift this two-handed giant hammer.

This smash directly deformed the spider monster’s face.

Shen Ge didn't stop. After one hammer blow, he hit it again, hitting it several times. He didn't stop until the spider monster's head was smashed into meat.


Singer Shen stood on the bed with his hands on the hammer and looked at the motionless spider monster on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. After trying this battle, he had gained some tips on the use of "hypnosis" and "embodiment" abilities.

  First of all, whether it is hypnotizing oneself to obtain certain abilities or enhancements, or manifesting some items, the stronger the ability obtained, the more mental energy, or in other words, treacherous energy is consumed.

Although there is currently no system that can express this value specifically, it is like running a thousand meters. You can have a clear perception of the state after running 200/400/600/800. Of course, the whole "I can do it" situation and then running like crazy is not within the scope of the discussion.

For example, the superpower Shen Ge obtained through "hypnosis" when dealing with supervision directly caused the walls, ceiling and floor to collapse at the same time, turning into mudslides to block the torrent of plasma. At that moment, almost all his mental power was drained, and he felt that his whole body was He instantly fell into a state of overdraft and fainting.

This feeling is like a Vulcan Gatling figure with a rocket launcher and infinite bullets who ran 50 meters, and then started sprinting for 100 meters instantly after using his super power, and his physical strength was exhausted in the blink of an eye.

  Secondly, “hypnosis” consumes more mental energy than “embodiment”.

 Like this time when dealing with the spider monster, Shen Ge "hypnotized" himself to increase his strength, and he could clearly feel that the consumption of the bazooka and infinite bullets was greater than that of the bazooka and infinite bullets.

He originally thought about embodying an existence similar to Gundam and flattening the entire hospital with one foot, but as soon as the idea came to mind, he suddenly felt dizzy. He immediately realized that the more complicated the object was, the more mental energy would be consumed.

 Finally, "rest" can restore mental strength to a certain extent. After killing the spider monster, he rested for about ten minutes and recovered due to the dizziness caused by the embodiment of the Gundam.

In general, "hypnosis" and "embodiment" in the dream world are like the specific abilities in the real world. Shen Ge independently controls the method and time of use, thereby producing different consumption of mental energy.

 Shen Ge decided to continue exploring Rongshan Mental Hospital to find a way to leave here or wake up, and at the same time investigate the research reports on the weirdos in the hospital.

Shen Ge opened the door and walked into the corridor. The corridor this time was exactly the same as the floor of the ward where he lived when he first entered the dream world. So I used a flashlight to search all the way according to my memory, and sure enough I found at the end the narrow ward where I had lived for several months in my first dream.

Shen Ge lay on the bedside and looked down with a flashlight, and found the "dog hole" that he had drilled several times. After crawling through the dog hole, he found that the room next door was empty and there was no trace of San Zai.

Shen Ge went all the way to the lobby on the first floor and found an "architectural drawing" in the drawer at the front desk. It only marked some departments on the second and third floors, as well as the first floor was marked "dormitory".

"The first floor below is the dormitory?" Shen Ge couldn't help but think of the room where he woke up from his dream. There were classrooms and specimen rooms on the same floor.

 If those "three guys" are "clone weirdos" created by the Weird Association, wouldn't it be surprising to build these areas?

“Each ‘death’ will be resurrected in a different location. It doesn’t look like the same timeline, but like a disrupted time and space.”

Shen Ge believes that to judge whether his guess is correct, he only needs to go to the first floor to confirm whether there are "rooms" and "classrooms", or go upstairs to see if the third floor has been devoured by flesh and blood monsters.

Shen Ge chose to go to the first floor to take a look. On the one hand, he could take the opportunity to look for the "dean" who was suspected to be the boss of the dream world. On the other hand, although the "neck person" dean said on her file that she was a level 4 weirdo, she showed The ability is much easier to deal with than the flesh and blood monsters devouring the floor. Shen Ge walked through the corridor and went down to the first floor below. According to memory, the right side was the "children's room" where he lived, so he opened the door and walked in.

In the dark room, the small round table, small bench, bookcase, toys, and crayon drawings on the wall were all exactly the same as the room he woke up in last time.

Shen Ge walked directly to the bathroom door with a flashlight. When he pushed the door, with a harsh "creak" sound, he pushed the bathroom door completely open, but this time the dim yellow light next to the sink mirror did not light up. The bathroom, like the children's room outside, was dark.

 Shen Ge first squatted down and took a flashlight to scan under the sink to confirm that there were no three cosplayers of "Toshio Saeki", and then walked to the mirror.

Shen Ge raised his hand and knocked on the mirror of the sink. He in the mirror also raised his hand and knocked, and then heard Shen Ge say in a calm tone: "Okay, stop pretending, it's yours to be able to synchronize the movements." The limit. But when I bent my finger to tap the mirror, my index finger retracted and I finally tapped with my middle finger. You didn’t notice this detail. It was still the index finger that tapped the mirror.”

Shen Ge's expression and movements in the mirror did not change at all. He still followed what Shen Ge did, as if it was indeed the mirror.

Shen Ge was not in a hurry. He stood still and stared at himself in the mirror for several minutes, and then said: "He is indeed handsome."

“…” Although Shen Ge in the mirror kept pace with Shen Ge, the slight hesitation in his movements was still captured by Shen Ge.

"Actually, I just lied to you. Although you can read my consciousness, it is only the superficial consciousness. For example, if I want to raise my hand to knock on the mirror and say something, because I think about it before doing it, you can accurately But as long as I act and speak without thinking, it will be difficult for you to follow.”

“The most important point is that when I completely empty my consciousness through ‘hypnosis’, you will be completely powerless against me.”

“Now I give you two choices. One, let’s talk straight to the point. Two, I smash this mirror and completely cut off your chance to interfere in my dream world.”



While Shen Ge was counting down, he raised his hand, and a small hammer appeared in his hand, and he made a gesture of hitting himself in the mirror.

"Wait!" At this time, Shen Ge's eyes in the mirror turned scarlet, and he returned to his previous weird look. Obviously, he didn't intend to pretend anymore.

The strange man in the mirror stared at Shen Ge ferociously, and said in a deep voice: "You... actually mastered the power of dreams in such a short period of time?"

Shen Ge said with a smile: "I can't help it. The talent is there. He is handsome and smart. You are not envious of people like me. After all, you want to control my consciousness just to get this kind of thing." ability?"

  “…” The strange man in the mirror was silent.

Shen Ge didn't care. He walked to the bedroom and brought a chair over. He sat in front of the sink and used it as a recliner. He put his feet on the table and looked at the strange man in the mirror: "It seems that I guessed it right. You see it’s pointless for us to continue in this stalemate, why don’t you answer a few questions for me?”

 “Why should I help you?” asked the weirdo in the mirror.

Shen Ge raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I can kill you easily, is that enough?"

"Just..." The strange man in the mirror's eyes widened, and the harsh words he originally wanted to say were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say any of the following words.

 Because he was horrified to find that he could not leave the mirror and "exit" from the dream world.

"How are you? Can't get out?" Shen Ge closed his eyes and didn't even bother to look at the strange man in the mirror. There was contempt and disdain in his tone, as if looking at him more was a compliment.

 In fact, only Shen Ge himself knew that he was now suffering from the backlash of overdrafted mental energy, and the spinning feeling made him unable to stand firmly.

Shen Ge maximized the power of "hypnosis" and forcibly sealed the weirdo in the mirror, which also caused him to overdraw a lot of mental power.

He had long expected that there would be an overdraft, so he moved a chair to sit in advance to make his "posture" more convincing.


With a "clang" sound, the small hammer in Shen's song hit the mirror, causing cracks in the mirror, and the face of the weirdo in the mirror changed greatly in fright.

Then, he heard Shen Ge say in a cold voice: "Give you one last chance to answer my questions honestly, or do you want me to drag you in for fun? I believe the 'Dean' will definitely like me to give it to her." Have you considered the toys?”

Shen Ge opened his eyes and stared at the strange man in the mirror with a heavy gaze. When he heard "Dean", the expression of the strange man in the mirror changed obviously, and Shen Ge knew that he had made the right bet.

Sure enough, the weirdo in the mirror was silent for a while, gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression and asked, "What do you want to know?"

“First of all, tell me, who are you? Why do you have the same face as mine?” Shen Ge stared at the strange man in the mirror and asked.

The weirdo in the mirror snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "So you don't even know my origins. I thought you were so old...ahhh!"

The weirdo in the mirror was taunting Shen Ge, and suddenly he felt like the world in the mirror was being compressed, almost squeezing him into a meat pie, but he still couldn't escape from the mirror.

Shen Ge closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Give you a are useless. Since you are unwilling to cooperate, then get out of here!"

  It sounds like Shen Ge's voice is vicious, but in fact, he has exhausted his mental energy so much that he can no longer hold on, and he relies solely on his willpower for final support.

 “Wait! Stop!” the weirdo in the mirror said urgently.

 From his slightly anxious voice, it can be seen that he is very resistant to entering the dream world, which is beyond Shen Ge's expectation.

Shen Ge originally thought that the dream world was an existence similar to a strange space and a strange realm. As a weirdo, the opponent should not be afraid of entering such a place, but the reaction of the weirdo in the mirror was too abnormal.

And from the consciousness of the other party trying to devour Shen Ge again and again, it can be seen that he is eager to get something through Shen Ge.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge raised his eyes and said inscrutably: "After the Yuzhou incident, I experienced 'massive blood loss' and missing blood. But neither the minister nor I could find out who was there. Trouble behind the scenes. After that, I met the clone monster Do Woo-sung who was born through the "Clone Parasite Type" in Bangguo, and I met Sanzai in the dream world... Let you answer this question, just to see if you can. Cooperate, I didn’t expect you to be clever at this time.”

The weirdo in the mirror gritted his teeth and said: "You are right, I am a 'clone' created by combining your blood with the cells of the original weirdo. Who wants to be someone else's substitute? Seeing your appearance in Bang Country, After Do Woo-sung's fate, I knew that the only way to get rid of the identity of 'substitute' was to kill you and completely replace your identity."

Hearing this, Shen Ge breathed a sigh of relief. What the other party said was "a clone made by combining your blood with the cells of the original weirdo", not "a clone like you", which meant Shen Ge's previous guess. That's right, he is not a clone, nor is he some strange parasitic "mother insect", but the "original body".

When he was in coma after returning from the Yuzhou incident, someone in the ministry got hold of his blood and created the Strange Man in the Mirror.

Hearing this, Shen Ge said helplessly: "Is this okay? Didn't Tiangan think of setting some restrictions for you when he created you to facilitate your control, something like the three laws of robots?"

The weirdo in the mirror snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you to even know that I am a person created by the Heavenly Stems. I thought that under the guise of acting together with the Twelve Branches, you would think that I am a member of the Twelve Branches."

Shen Ge said: "Please, I'm not stupid. First of all, the parasitic strange thing was created by 'Tiangian', and secondly, Tiangan cooperated with the Weird Association to build Rongshan Mental Hospital and created a lot of weirdos. It's just me. What I don’t understand is, as a new weirdo, why are you afraid of the dean? Could it be that...she’s not dead yet?”

Shen Ge’s truth was mixed with lies, and he deliberately told information that he was unsure of, in order to cover up the information that he didn’t know and use it to judge the authenticity of the “answer” given by the weirdo in the mirror.

 There is no such thing as a lie detector, and there is no way to guarantee the authenticity of what the weirdo in the mirror said. This method can only be used to identify it.

Just like the information obtained from the previous dealings with Ye Jingwen and Fatty Xin from "Tiangan", even if Shen Ge did not completely believe them, combined with a series of events that happened later, it is enough that 50% of the information they said was true. Thank God.

So in order to avoid trouble, Shen Ge had to be cautious and use the special characteristics of the dream world to "threaten" the weirdo in the mirror, trying to verify the authenticity of the information previously obtained from Ye Jingwen and Fatty Xin.

The weirdo in the mirror raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said in a sarcastic tone: "It seems that you don't know everything, but it doesn't hurt to tell you. 'Dean' is indeed dead, and as far as I know She was killed by you. As for how she was killed and how she died, I don’t know the specific details, but what is certain is that you had the ability to kill level 4 monsters when you were a teenager.”

 Shen Ge was hesitant to believe what he said. If he really had the ability to kill level 4 monsters when he was a teenager, it would mean that his identity was not ordinary.

How can such an "unusual" identity be discovered by the Special Policy Department after escaping from Rongshan Mental Hospital and living an ordinary life for more than ten years?

Then there are only two possibilities -

His "life" is either controlled by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, or by the Special Strategy Department. What surrounds him is "The Truman Show."

But Shen Ge had rejected this speculation before. After all, Deng Yuqi can "act" to this point, so it doesn't matter whether Shen Ge is being manipulated.

It's like you thought you were a "high school student" and joined an "elementary school class", but in fact you went to a "doctoral class". Everyone is acting with you, so it doesn't matter how good your acting skills are, because The whole world is creating a false world for you.

"Go on. Tell me something I don't know." Seeing the strange man in the mirror looking at him, Shen Ge motioned for him to continue.

The weirdo in the mirror said: "It can be seen from this that you don't even know the origin of 'Three Chai'. In fact, I am 'Three Chai' and you are also 'Three Chai'. More than ten years ago, the Weird Association, in order to seek development, , had to accept the recruitment, and joined forces with the Special Policy Department to conduct weird research. However, the failure of the human experiment in Dajing caused the Weird Association to be abandoned again. This time they did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, they used the power in their hands to conduct research on weirdos in Rong City within a limited time. Rongshan Mental Hospital was created.”

"This place is a mental hospital on the surface, but in fact it is a research institute controlled by the Weird Association. They continued to conduct research on weirdos. It was not until a few years later that the people from 'Tiangan' sent a cloned parasitic weird female worm. 'And a boy."

Shen Ge frowned when he heard this. Although the strange man in the mirror didn't say it clearly, Shen Ge had already mentioned that even if the boy was not him, he still had some relationship with him.

"The people from 'Tiangan' did not explain the origin of this boy. They just told the Weird Association that the boy can perfectly integrate the weird cells of the ancestors. If you want to cultivate a large number of weird cells of the ancestors, then based on the boy's genes, combine the weird cells of the ancestors with clones." The parasitic type creates a large number of clones, so the Weird Association and Tiangan have endless experimental materials and... ancestor strange cells."

“That’s right, that boy is you, and you are our ‘mother’, and we ‘three sons’ are all clones created through the parasitic cloning of your cells.”

 “It’s sad, isn’t it?”

The weirdo in the mirror smiled ferociously as he spoke, seeming to be mocking himself, but Shen Ge could see that he was unwilling to accept this fate, and his scarlet pupils showed dissatisfaction and hatred.

"We are like products on an assembly line, manufactured, transformed by weirdos, brainwashed by the organization's dogma, and tortured and studied by the dean like walking zombies. Until one day, a fire broke out in Rongshan Mental Hospital, and the dean didn't know it. When we thought we would be buried in the flames, we were rescued by the people from 'Tiangan'."

"Although there is not much difference between Tiangan and the Weird Association, at least there is no pervert like the dean, which has also improved our living environment to a certain extent. Gradually, we gained an independent consciousness and began to 'resist'. However, Those who resisted ended up with their bodies intact. I finally chose to surrender and become a weirdo trained by ‘Tiangan’.”

"I didn't know the 'truth' until my trip to Bang Country. According to 'Tian Qian', you were responsible for the disappearance of the dean and the fire at Rongshan Mental Hospital. But after that accident, you seemed to have disappeared from the world. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Stewards are, they can't find you."

“Until you become a counter-terrorism agent and appear in the special policy department.”

Shen Ge looked at the strange man in the mirror, was silent for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice: "So... you want to kill me, swallow my consciousness, and replace me as the 'original body'?"

"Although we were created from your cells, except that the success rate of fusing the weird cells of the ancestors is higher than that of ordinary experimental subjects, we are not much different from ordinary weirdos. There were dozens of clones, but they were eventually rescued by Tiangan There were less than ten of them, and in later research, there were only three who died and rebelled.”

“The research on you has been unable to make progress, and the organization gradually gave up. It was not until after the Yuzhou incident that someone found out your whereabouts and successfully obtained your blood sample.”

"Although 'Tiangan' has blood samples from your childhood in its hands, compared with your adult blood, it was found that you have 'evolved' again. The organization calls you the 'most perfect weirdo' and tries to make everyone peaceful. The same, thus avoiding the 'restart' and becoming the **** of the next civilization!"

"So the organization launched two plans. On the one hand, it sent people to try to contact you and reach cooperation with you openly. After all, there is no conflict of value between you and the organization; on the other hand, it secretly studied your blood and tried to Let our three remaining clones absorb the blood."

“Before, under the influence of the Weird Association, we had no independent consciousness and only knew how to call ourselves by numbers. After we have consciousness, who is willing to be a substitute, and who doesn’t want to be the ‘original body’?”

Shen Ge asked: "Three clones absorbed blood, and you were the only one who succeeded?"

"I don't know. Not long after the experiment, I went to the Bang Country to lurk. As a result, your appearance triggered a disaster in the Bang Country. After I learned the truth, I rebelled against Tianqian. In order to deal with you, I took the initiative to contact the Twelve Branches. Trying to use their identity to confuse the public and secretly replace you.”


The weirdo in the mirror sighed: "Now that things have happened, I finally understand why you are the 'original body' and we are just clones."

Shen Ge ignored the weird tone of the weirdo in the mirror and asked another question: "I guess you also investigated my identity after learning the truth. What did you find?"

"There is very little information about you, as if someone has deliberately erased it. Otherwise, Tianqian wouldn't have been unable to find out any information in the past ten years. However, I think the most ridiculous thing is that they probably never dreamed of it. You escaped from Rongshan Mental Hospital, not only did you not change your life in another city, but you settled down in Rong City openly. Is this... the most dangerous place is the safest place?" the weirdo in the mirror said sarcastically.

Shen Ge thought for a while and continued to ask: "Then have you found out why I can perfectly fuse with the ancestor's weird cells, and why I was sent to Rongshan Mental Hospital by Tianqian?"

"have no idea."

As soon as the weirdo in the mirror finished speaking, he saw Shen Ge's eyes darken. He thought he was going to use his ability to drag him into the dream world, so he quickly said: "I'm not lying to you, I really don't know. But... I doubt this is related to ' Dream World' has something to do with it."

 “Dream world?” Shen Ge narrowed his eyes.

The weirdo in the mirror said: "It is recorded in the organization report that during the Dajing disaster, you took the opportunity to take away a strange eyeball of the ancestor from the headquarters of the Special Strategy Department. And through that eyeball, you can see a magical picture, respectively. They are three identical planets, repeating the cycle of reincarnation, right?"

“Both Tiangan and Tece have studied the strange eyeball from the ancestor, but they have reached completely different ‘conclusions’.”

"The Special Policy Department believes that Earth 3 is repeating the evolution of Earth 2, and Earth 2 is repeating the evolution of Earth 1... Therefore, after Earth 1 was destroyed, Earth 2 learned from experience to avoid some causes of destruction, and then evolved again. 3 Earth No. 3 will learn from the experience of No. 1 and No. 2, and get the best out of it. Once it fails, Earth No. 3 will enter a reset."

Shen Ge nodded and said: "Yes, our department later studied and verified the conclusion of the Special Policy Department and believed that this conclusion is consistent with observation and inference... But seeing what you said, I am very curious about Tianqian's conclusion. What’s the difference?”

The weirdo in the mirror said solemnly: "Do you know why 'Tiangan' insists on going to the next civilization to become a god, instead of staying in the current world to save the earth?"

 “Why?” Shen Ge asked subconsciously.

"Because...the earth is now terminally ill, and the doomsday has become inevitable. All efforts can only barely delay the doomsday, but cannot change the outcome. 'Tiangan' discovered through observation that Earth No. 1 has actually withered completely. A dead star. Earth 2 seems to be repeating the evolution of Earth 1 until it withers... But in fact, Earth 2 is still 'alive'."

“Although it is withered on the surface, the ‘Tiangan’ used a special method to amplify it and found that there are still living things in the world of Earth 2.”

“Through the comparison between No. 3 and No. 2, Tianqian discovered that No. 3 has shown signs of inevitable demise. In other words, the countdown to ‘restart’ is already underway.”

"The reason why we came to this conclusion is that Tianqian Research found that Earth No. 2 and Earth No. 3 are just like you and me, the original body and ourselves in the mirror. Therefore, there may be huge differences in the evolution process of No. 1 and No. 2. But the difference between No. 2 and No. 3 is very small.”

“Tian Qian came to a conclusion through several years of observation, combined with the original research on you, and the accident at Rongshan Mental Hospital—”

“Earth 2…is probably your ‘dream world’!”

Shen Ge was stunned when he heard this. He and Li Xiang made countless conjectures about the three earths, but none of them was what the weirdo in the mirror said.

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