The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 198: The painting style will become normal soon

Chapter 198 The painting style suddenly becomes normal

Shen Ge hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time. Ever since he was afraid of being sleepy and lost all his energy, he felt energetic after taking a "nap" at most a day. This also made him patrol the city and hunt during the day to vent his energy, and go home at night to exercise all night to vent his energy. .

As the saying goes, "There are only exhausted cows, but no damaged fields." I don't know if the fields are damaged or not. I only know that the money spent on stockings and uniforms every month has become Shen Ge's biggest expense.

 It’s just that Shen Ge often wakes up late at night, and because he is too energetic, he can only stare at the ceiling in boredom.

 Obviously this time was no exception, he woke up in the middle of the night again.

 The strange thing is that Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan don't have the habit of leaving a light on when they sleep, but today the bedside lamp is on.

 “Zi, zizizi.”

At this time, with a slight sound of electricity, the bedside table lamp flashed a few times, and the room flickered. This made Shen Ge feel very uncomfortable and subconsciously closed his eyes.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, some terrifying images appeared in Shen Ge's mind unconsciously, flooding his mind like a torrent, and he couldn't hold it back at all.

As the terrifying scene became clearer and clearer, Shen Ge discovered that it seemed to be in a narrow ventilation pipe, and a human head that was big enough to burst the ventilation pipe.

The dark ward was so quiet that Shen Ge could even faintly hear her own heartbeat.



Shen Ge seemed to wake up from a dream and sat up from the bed. Then he found that he had left the "bedroom" and appeared in a ghastly ward. There were many blood stains on the bed he was sitting on. , and there were a few disgusting things that looked like internal organs at the end of the bed.

 “But why didn’t you wake up?”

 “Click, click.”

"Or is it that this 'dream within a dream' has nothing to do with weirdos, but is just caused by me falling into a dream, causing the dream world to become chaotic?"

"Could it be that the weirdo outside wants to take advantage of my fear and dissipation of consciousness to devour my consciousness? But why does he want to devour my consciousness? If he wants to replace me, he can directly kill or devour me, and then read the memory. Just replace it…”

Shen Ge faintly felt a cold wind blowing from the direction of the door of the ward, blowing on his face like a cold knife.

 The melted bear doll opened a **** mouth larger than its body and bit directly at Shen Ge on the bed.

 “Zizi, zizi.”

Shen Ge grabbed a pillow and stuffed it into the bear doll's mouth, but he didn't expect its melted body to change rapidly. Just like the **** hand of the weird Shen Ge before, it turned into a **** mouth and swallowed him.

 The final scene is when the dean opens his **** mouth and swallows himself.

Shen Ge leaned back unconsciously and lay on the hospital bed. Then he listened carefully to the movement around him. Once something approached, he would roll off the bed in the opposite direction.

Shen Ge subconsciously kicked the doll off the bed, and the pictures in his mind finally became clear. He remembered that he had fallen into a dream, and after escaping into the ventilation duct, he was chased by the "neck man" dean. While he was watching, she hit him in the back and fell down, causing him to faint.

The ward was eerily quiet. Shen Ge could hear nothing but his own heartbeat. He wanted to raise his hand to feel if the cold wind that blew just now was still there, but unexpectedly he discovered that his own heartbeat was still there. The body cannot move.

After Shen Ge's idea became clear, he suppressed those "revolving lantern" scenes, followed by the **** mouth of the dean extending from the ventilation duct, gradually approaching.


 Shen Ge felt that his consciousness was gradually dissipating, as if people would always recall beautiful memories before death, and his mind began to flash back like a revolving lantern.

"Dreams, consciousness, control..." Shen Ge struggled to hold on to the discomfort of his consciousness being engulfed by flashbacks. The flashing picture showed him confronting the weirdo in the mirror in the bathroom.

The hospital bed next to him was overturned on the ground, and the shelves with sheets and pillowcases around it were dusty, as if they had been abandoned for decades.


That face was terrifying. Shen Ge always felt that it seemed familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

five minutes.

At this time, with the sound of bones cracking as if its neck was broken, the scary bear doll that was kicked under the bed by Shen Ge slowly stood up.

  Shen Ge was swallowed whole. The terrifying teeth just bit him off at the waist, and the upper half of his body was swallowed by the strange bear doll.

Shen Ge subconsciously sat up from the bed. The strange thing is that his body is now in the state of an adult, but he tried calling Xiaoqi and the system but there was no response, which means that he should still be stuck in a dream.

" this a dream within a dream?" The first dream that Shen Ge entered was that he was chased by the dean in the ventilation duct. When he was about to be swallowed, he fell into a new dream.

The ward was gloomy, terrifying, and depressing. Ordinary people could be driven crazy in this environment even if they were not sick, but Shen Ge sat calmly on the bed and analyzed the situation in front of him.

 “He wants to swallow my consciousness!”

Shen Ge carefully recalled the appearance of that grimace, becoming more and more clear and terrifying. At this time, the coldness of Cheng Shengnan's sleeping body in his arms woke him up.

  In a dark space, an absolutely quiet environment, lying on the hospital bed unable to move a finger, Shen Ge did not become panicked. Instead, he kept himself calm, adjusted the rhythm of his breathing, and tried to observe the movements around him.

One minute.

"What's going on? Weird? Weird? Am I affected by the strange realm?" Shen Ge's expression was solemn. Under normal circumstances, when a person encounters this kind of situation, his first reaction is to be a ghost, but Shen Ge has dealt with weird things a lot. What I thought for a moment was that it was affected by a characteristic similar to "immobility".

Shen Ge lowered his head and saw that what he was holding in his arms was not Cheng Shengnan, but a gray and scary bear doll full of holes.

"He wants to directly seize my body, devour my consciousness, and 'replace' it entirely? Can this method completely get rid of the weirdo's 'short lifespan' problem?"

His gray fur is melting, and it is gradually turning from a fat bear doll into a melting human being.

ten minutes.

"But if that's the case, I should be swallowed by the dean. According to the situation last time when I was swallowed by a flesh and blood monster, I should wake up now."


At this time, the already dim energy-saving lamp on the left wall of the ward suddenly flashed a few times and then went out, and the entire ward suddenly became pitch black.

 “Click, click.”



While Shen Ge was adjusting his breathing, a soft crunching sound suddenly came from the right side of the pillow, as if a pair of hands stretched out from under the bed and dug into the bed board.

Shen Ge did not try to tilt his head to see where the sound appeared, because even if he could tilt his head at this time, he would probably see something very scary.

 Whether it is based on his current combat effectiveness or the current situation, even if he sees it, he has no way or ability to deal with it.

Shen Ge tried to open his mouth, but found that he couldn't even pronounce a "syllable" let alone talking. He simply concentrated on his mental power and tried to concentrate all the power on his fingers, trying to break through the stiffness of his body through his fingers. .



There was a slight sound of breathing, but this was not the sound made by Shen Ge, but something crawling out from under the bed on the right side of his pillow, lying on the head of the bed staring at him.

Shen Ge suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, because he felt that the long-lost fear was gradually coming into his heart. Thinking of the series of terrifying scenes that the weirdo in the mirror tried to swallow his consciousness before, he was worried that this was also the case. The opponent's conspiracy means that you must seize the time to regain control of your body.

 “I can move!” Shen Ge was surprised to find that he could bend his fingers, then the second finger, then the third finger...

 Whether it is a "ghost on the bed" or controlled by characteristics similar to "immobility", the gradual movement of the body means that it is freed from control.

  Shen Ge was trying to regain his body's movements, and the things crawling out from under the bed were also moving around the bed. It was as if he was looking for something, and it was more like he couldn't see Shen Ge lying on the bed.

Shen Ge listened to the rustling movement and felt the hands reaching out from under the bed groping for something. They touched from the head to the end of the bed. When they touched his ankles, they paused slightly, and then grabbed them tightly with both hands. Shen Ge's ankle.

At that moment, it was like putting his feet directly into a bucket full of ice cubes. The cold made Shen Ge smart, and it was this "freeze" that instantly allowed Shen Ge to resume action with both hands.

He subconsciously grabbed the pillow and swept it to the right. It seemed that he had hit something, but the attack was soft and had no effect at all.

But the moment the pillow hit the unknown creature, Shen Ge felt that his feet had resumed action. His right foot was caught, and his left foot immediately bent and kicked.

The first kick came up empty, and the second kick hit something hard. Although he didn’t know what it was, Shen Ge kicked it several times in succession.

The moment the other party released his hold on his ankle, Shen Ge rolled to the side and immediately fell off the bed.

"The door of the room is on the left, and the visual distance is five meters..." Shen Ge recalled the room environment he saw before the lights went out, and judged the distance based on the size of his steps. Although there was a slight error, he quickly touched the door of the ward. He twisted it, opened the door and rushed out.

At this time, there was a loud "clang" in the ward, which sounded like the sound of a bed turning over. But curiosity kills the cat. If you look back to see what the other person is doing in this situation, there is really something wrong with your brain. .

When Shen Ge rushed out of the ward, he did not forget his good habit of closing the door. The corridor was pitch black, with only a dim light source at the end on the left.

Running forward along the light source, one side of the double doors at the end was ajar. Shen Ge leaned against the door and looked inside. The spacious room was divided into two areas.

 On the left is a rest area with a sofa and a newspaper rack, and on the right there are many pull-out cabinets. A broken lamp hung from the central ceiling, swaying from side to side, making a "crunching" sound.

 It was supposed to be a very ordinary room, but... there were two people sitting on the sofa in the sitting area on the left, and there was a wheelchair parked in front of the TV, and there was also a person sitting there.

 It’s just that none of these three people had “heads”, and their hands and feet were also chopped off.

The drawer cabinet on the right is even more terrifying, like a morgue compartment. There are even two compartments pulled out, and two corpses with blackened feet are covered with a layer of white cloth.


 At this moment, there was a soft sound and the lights in the house went out.

"...The rest area is built next to the morgue. The style of this hospital is really different." Shen Ge quietly squeezed in through the crack in the door. Although he didn't want to mess with either the rest area or the morgue, he found that There is a flashlight next to the TV. It is pitch dark outside, and this flashlight is necessary to find a way out.

Shen Ge carefully approached the TV based on his memory and made sure that the three "TV viewers" were not moving. Then he quickly picked up the flashlight on the TV and checked.

It can be turned on and has electricity. This is the best news for Shen Ge since he fell into a dream.

Just as Shen Ge was holding a flashlight and preparing to leave, there was a "crunching" sound, and the necks of the three headless bodies were all twisting in the direction of Shen Ge's station.

At the same time, Shen Ge was standing just enough to see the direction of the drawer cabinet in the morgue. The white cloth covering the two corpses was lifted, and the two corpses sat up from the stretchers.

What’s scary is that the two “dead people” look like they were pieced together from different corpses, with obvious stitching marks on their naked bodies.

Similar to the two "weirdos" Shen Ge saw in the dream before, the "dead man" also had a bulge in his stomach, beating like a heart.

 The "dead man" stood up from the stretcher and walked slowly towards the rest area, while the three headless and limbless people in the rest area were also struggling in the direction of Shen Ge.

With a few "dong" sounds, the three people fell downstairs from the sofa and wheelchair respectively, and then twisted their bodies like squirming maggots and crawled towards Shen Ge.

"...No way, you are still dead after this? Are you weirdos or ghosts? I am studying under Lin Zhengying. If you offend me, you will be kicked to death!" Shen Ge raised the flashlight above his head and performed a demon-subduing ambush. Demonic pose, but these monsters walked straight towards him as if they couldn't hear him.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the foundation of Wanqi. Cultivate for thousands of eons and prove my supernatural powers! Let's go!" Shen Ge walked around the people crawling towards him, raised his leg and kicked the wheelchair. The wheelchair directly hit one of the people. The body fell over and fell on top of him, making a clanging sound as he struggled.

Shen Ge let himself and the wheelchair make noise respectively, but he observed that neither the three human pigs on the ground nor the "dead man" who stole the corpse from the morgue did not change their direction and were still walking towards him. But the monsters didn't move until he entered the room and got the flashlight.


Shen Ge suddenly realized that he had caught the attention of these monsters when he was testing the flashlight. He quickly turned off the flashlight. Suddenly, these monsters were like playing 123 wooden figures, frozen in place and motionless.

 “Sawadika?” Shen Ge called out tentatively.

The weirdo made no move.

 Shen Ge turned on the flashlight again, and the weirdos immediately took action again. He quickly turned off the flashlight and confirmed that these monsters did not respond to sounds, but would be awakened by the light source.

"But there was a dim light in the room before. Why were they staying in the room quietly?" Shen Ge thought about it and exited the room. As soon as he left the room, he heard slight movement from the direction of the corridor, like a person on the ground. A quick crawl.

Shen Ge turned on the flashlight and looked into the dark corridor. Sure enough, he saw a terrifying deformed body in the beam of the flashlight.

This monster is deformed because the limbs connected to its body are all "feet", and it also has no head, with two hands on its neck.

 If this was the thing that was hiding under the bed before, then it would make sense why it took a long time to find traces of Shen Ge.

What surprised Shen Ge was that when the beam of his flashlight illuminated the deformed body, it was as motionless as a wooden figure.

But before Chen Ge had time to be happy, he heard rustling sounds coming from the morgue. When he shined the flashlight, he found that the five weirdos were heading towards the door, crawling and walking, although they were not very fast. But it looks particularly scary in a dark space.

And when Shen Ge moved the flashlight to shine on the morgue, there was another rustling sound in the corridor ahead, and the monster moved again.


have to.

I thought Lu Bu was already invincible, but I didn’t expect there to be any masters?

 One is being immobilized by the light, and the other is feeling the light source move. You are reasonably avoiding weaknesses and colluding, right?

The human pig has no head, no arms and legs, and is squirming like a maggot. Its speed is negligible, and the two weirdos who have come back from the dead are not moving very fast either...

 In contrast, the biggest threat to Shen Ge was the deformed body in the corridor. So Shen Ge took a flashlight and shined it at the deformed body, restricting its movement while walking towards the stairwell in front.

 After Shen Ge entered the stairwell, he couldn't find the deformed body in the corridor. The other party immediately took action after losing the light and crawled towards the stairwell.

Shen Ge didn't have time to think too much and ran upstairs.

After going upstairs, before Shen Ge had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he was surprised to find that the spacious resting area in the stairwell was full of people. The flashlight beam swept over, and there were people without heads and hands, with a big lump in his stomach, and his hands and feet were replaced. There are even hands and feet growing above the neck... everything.

This place is like a hodgepodge of weirdos spliced ​​together with corpses. There are weirdos with all kinds of weird looks. What surprised Shen Ge is that some of the "characteristics" on some of these weirdos have been seen by him in the real world.

For a moment, Shen Ge suddenly thought that this place in his "memory" was probably the experimental base of weird people. The weird people he met later whose heads turned into fleshy petals and sickle heads were probably these weird spliced ​​corpses." "Evolve"!

“However, if Rongshan Mental Hospital was engaged in research on weirdos back then, then I must have had some contact with them. Why don’t I know anything about weirdness and weirdos?”

The first time Shen Ge saw a "monster" in his memory was naturally his father's mutation during Haiya's trip, and the first time he heard the word weird was when he accidentally killed the black cat to activate the system a year ago.

If Rongshan Mental Hospital is studying weirdos, he should have memories whether he was locked up here for three years or later "complicit" with those people.

  Why is there no relevant memory at all?

Shen Ge couldn't help but think of the fuzzy and clear parts of his "memory". Could it be that he was really stimulated in Rongshan Mental Hospital and developed a split personality, causing his true memory to be "covered up" by falsely created memories? ?

Although Shen Ge is confused, now is not the time to think about this. He must find a way to get out, or "wake up" as soon as possible!

Just when Shen Ge stepped onto this floor, the weird people who had been standing still came to life, and there was a rustling crawling sound under the stairwell behind. Apparently, the deformed species was also catching up. .

Among these weirdos, some are sensitive to light, and some are immobile after being exposed to light. Shen Ge can only rely on his ten-year-old skinny body and quick movements to shuttle between the weirdos.

I finally escaped from the rest area and entered the corridor. I glanced at the dark corridor with the flashlight in my hand. I was surprised to find that this was the same floor as the ward where I lived in the last dream!

Shen Ge immediately thought of a way and immediately ran towards the ward where he "lived" before. At this moment, with a "clang, dang, dang, dang" sound, the observation windows on the doors and the partitions under the doors for food delivery all disappeared. After being shattered, hands that looked like artificial limbs stretched out from the cell and grabbed Shen Ge in the corridor.

Shen Ge also reacted quickly. He pounced forward almost as soon as he heard the movement, and two hands stretched out almost close to his scalp.

The weirdos who were chasing him were caught by these prosthetic limbs, and were instantly torn into pieces of flesh and dragged into the cell. As a terrifying gnawing sound was heard, dark blood was seen flowing from the crack in the door.

Shen Ge fled all the way to the outside of the ward where he had "lived" before. There was no sneaky hand sticking out of the door. He opened the door and looked inside with a flashlight to make sure there were no weirdos before rushing in.

Not only did the appearance of the Sly Hand not pose a threat to Shen Ge, but it actually helped him deal with those terrifying pursuers, allowing him to at least take a breather.

However, Shen Ge didn't dare to stay in the room for too long. If a weirdo came after him, it would be a big deal.

Shen Ge lay on the edge of the bed and looked under the bed. Sure enough, he saw the dog hole in his "memory". He lay down in front of the dog hole and looked at the opposite side with a flashlight to make sure there was no weirdo next door before crawling over.

In this way, Shen Ge relied on his memory and the dog cave route that San Zai took him to avoid the rooms with weird people and went to the previous archives room.

At this time, Shen Ge came to the archives room for the third time. The first time he was caught by the third son and escaped the supervision and dean's pursuit. The second time was when he was escaping from the pursuit of a flesh and blood monster.

The first two times he had no chance to check the information in the archives, this time he did not leave in a hurry, but looked through the information in the archives with a flashlight.

The strange thing is that when Shen Ge looked at these materials, he felt similar to the feeling he had when he looked at the experimental files in the dean's specimen room. Originally, he knew nothing about experiments, but when he saw these materials, it was like a mental state. The memory in my mind has been awakened, and there is always a feeling of déjà vu.

Through the information in the archives, Shen Ge discovered that Rongshan Mental Hospital was indeed a base for studying "weirdos."

Similar to the "underground research institutes" of Sakura and Bangguo, an underground research base was also built under Rongshan Mental Hospital.

After the accident at the Haiya Research Institute, "conflicts" also occurred among the researchers. In the end, some returned to China and some left.

These people believe that the world is in danger and that humanity only has a few decades left to survive. Instead, the regular army is **** and it is better to stand alone and give it a try, so they each created a weirdo organization.

 One of the groups, composed of 80% of the researchers and warriors of the Celestial Dynasty, created an organization called "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches".

 There is also a group of people whose purpose is simpler, which is to let humans have weird powers, and they are proud of accepting the weird plan, so they formed a "Weird Association".

However, there are not as many members in the Weird Association as there are in the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches", and there are not many powerful researchers. Without the organization, it has no funds and no strength, so it is too difficult to develop.

 The most important thing is that there are not many breakthroughs in the research on weirdos. The most powerful weirdos in the organization are less than the second level, and their combat effectiveness is not very good.

 In addition, these people are all from the Haiya Research Institute after all. They are to be turned into gangsters and become enemies of the whole world immediately. They are also afraid that the Great Celestial Empire will directly send troops to wipe them out, so they have been silent for a while.

 Until the Great Heavenly Dynasty contacted the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches" many times due to the problems of the Haiya Research Institute, they hoped to "invite" them to serve the country again on the condition of giving them the greatest freedom.

But at that time, the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches" were having internal conflicts due to ideological issues. Facing the separation of the "Heavenly Stems" and the "Twelve Branches", they not only refused the recruitment of the Great Celestial Empire, but also moved the base away from the Great Celestial Empire, with the help of "researchers" Their identities were retreated to beautiful country, cherry blossom country and stick country.

And combined the efforts of many countries to form a United Nations-like organization called the "International Counterattack Organization". However, the mystery had not yet been exposed at that time. This organization, like MIB, had been developing in secret and had not been announced.

Of course, in order to cast a wide net, the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches" also retained some researchers in the Great Celestial Empire, trying to control the world behind the scenes.

 Just because the separation of the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches" caused the plan to come to an end, some researchers took advantage of the situation to "stay" and reported the "Weirdo Association" to the government.

The Great Celestial Dynasty hit a wall with the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches", so they turned their attention to the "Weirdo Association" and sent people to make many contacts.

 The "Weirdo Association" was already having a headache due to lack of research funds. The Great Celestial Empire extended an olive branch and agreed to build the Haiya Research Institute.

 The researchers of the "Weird Association" were scattered and assigned to various departments, and most of them worked with the researchers of the Great Celestial Dynasty to rebuild the New Haiya Research Institute.

 The other part was assigned to three secret bases in the Great Celestial Empire, including the Dajing Underground Research Institute and Quanlongshan Base.

But the good times did not last long. Weirdness is an "anti-human" existence. Trying to integrate Weirdness with humans is a taboo. Therefore, a tragedy occurred in the human experiment in Dajing City, and a "Level 4" monster was artificially created. Let the new department's special strategy department, which was originally weak against enemies, be wiped out.

The above authorities urgently stopped the research on weirdos, and at the same time began to vigorously develop the special strategy department, intending to learn from this accident, and thus embarked on a different "path" from the weirdo organization.

  Agents and weirdos are both "using uncanny to fight uncanny". The difference is that the former turns uncanny into a "weapon" and uses a modern model to train uncanny warriors to deal with uncanny.

The latter is committed to combining weirdness with itself to create "new humans" whose physical qualities and abilities are superior to weirdness.

The difference in philosophy means that the Weird Organization is destined to be "abandoned", and from "regular army" to "savage", then from "savage" to "regular army", and finally to "savage", this makes the Weird Association feel that it is Betrayed.

When the Weird Association joined the Quanlongshan Base, they used the influence of the department to secretly prepare an escape route. After being "abandoned" this time, they first contacted the researchers at the Xinhaiya Base and caused an accident, which caused a giant strange thing in the deep sea. Let the special policy department spend all their energy on dealing with the giant monster in the deep sea.

 Then he took this opportunity to take away the research data of the Xinhaiya Base and the failed research report of the Dajing Underground Research Base, and established a new weird research institute in Rongshan Mental Hospital.

The Eccentric Association took advantage of the convenience of the mental hospital to open up connections with Rong City, and began a new round of eccentric research using patients and death row inmates.

“Dean” was the leader of the Weird Association at that time. He was also the first fourth-level weirdo in the Weird Association to successfully transplant weird cells and complete four different transformations.

 Originally, research at Rongshan Psychiatric Hospital was carried out in secret until "Tiangan" and "Twelve Branches" separated. The former found the "dean" and proposed cooperation.

"Tiangan" provided a variety of parasitic weird mother worms to the Weird Association. During the research process, the "Dean" found a large number of methods to cultivate parasitic weird mother worms, and found "clones" from these parasitic weird ones. "Weirdo's method.

They cultivated "mother worms" to absorb the originally rare ancestor weird cells, and then implanted the new "weird cells" into women.

 The number of cloned weirdos is increasing, which means that the Weird Association has more and more "materials". As it develops, they gradually gain strength that rivals the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.


 Shen Ge saw these materials related to the birth of Rongshan Mental Hospital, and the more he read, the more frightened he became. Obviously, he did not expect that this had something to do with the Haiya Research Institute and the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. And combined with the information from the "Weird Association", all the remaining doubts in the Haiya Research Institute have been solved!

  No wonder the headquarters always avoids talking about the issue of weird experiments. The New Haiya Research Institute was inexplicably attacked by strange people in the deep sea. The Weird Association was behind this!

However, Shen Ge still couldn't figure it out. Since the "Weirdo Association" is behind Rongshan Mental Hospital, then his memories of the three years in the hospital have been confirmed to be "false", but after all, he gave up voluntarily and was carried out by split personality. It is unclear whether it was a cover-up or whether the Weird Association was behind it.

  If it's the former, at least the general direction of "memory" has not changed, which is naturally good news, but if it's the latter... it means that Shen Ge is still being controlled by the Weird Association, which is terrifying!

For example, Shen Ge is actually a "clone" cultivated by many cloned parasitic females, and his memories were all created by the Weird Association.

Or maybe he was an experimental subject who was sent here. After being transformed by a weirdo, he became "half human and half weird", and that's why the "system" appeared later.

  Comparatively, Shen Ge feels that the latter is more likely than the former, but whether the "system" is related to the Weird Association remains to be verified.

 The first is the term "clone". According to Fatty Xin, the weirdo Du Yusheng is the latest "product" of the clone-type parasitic strange mother insect, and he is also the type of weirdo with the smallest flaws so far. But even so, Du Yusheng had serious problems with his emotions, consciousness, and memory.

Secondly, if Shen Ge is really a "clone", then there should not be two types of memories: "fuzzy" and "clear". This is not necessary in the first place. After all, they are all false memories anyway. It is up to the "dean" to make them up however he wants. After all, why create some "fuzzy" memories to become loopholes.

Even if the "dean" was trying to save trouble, or some other reason caused this problem, it means that Tang Jinze's family of three are members of the Weird Association, otherwise there would be a fatal bug in Shen Ge's "clear" memory. .

But when Shen Ge joined the Special Policy Department, Deng Yuqi not only investigated Shen Ge, but Tang Jinze's family, as one of his few "relatives", was naturally also involved in the investigation. In other words, if Tang Jinze's family is related to the Weird Association, it means that Deng Yuqi also has a problem.

Of course, the Special Policy Department "recruited" the Weird Association and teamed up with the Weird Association to build multiple research institutes. It would make sense for this to happen.

  If it reaches the point where "the whole world is acting with you", then Shen Ge feels that whether it is the truth or not, and whether it is a clone, will become unimportant.

So, the problem is back to the original point -

Leaving aside whether the system has anything to do with the Weird Association, if Shen Ge was an experimental subject who was sent here and was transformed by weirdos, was he the one who "annihilated" the Weird Association or someone else?

You must know that the "Dean" at this period is already a level 4 weirdo. Not to mention the weak chicken Shen Ge back then, even Shen Ge now dare not say that he can definitely kill the opponent. After all, the weirdo does nothing else but run away and save his life. The means are one more than the other.

For example, the leader of the Twelve Branches, who has "four heads and eight arms", had several heads removed by Shen Ge. Now he is only "cultivating" instead of dying.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge quickly rummaged through the archives for cases and the like, trying to find files related to him.

At this moment, Shen Ge suddenly heard a strange noise coming from upstairs, and then red blood bubbles gurgled on the ceiling.

 Shortly afterwards, a huge monster emerged from the blood bubble.

 The body of the monster was similar to the flesh and blood monster Shen Ge had seen before. It was a lump of dough and looked very disgusting. The two arms are thick and strong, supporting the bald head.

With just one glance, Shen Ge recognized that this was the "supervisor" he had met in the dream last time.

"Got you."

"Got you!"

 The supervisor stared at Shen Ge and laughed strangely, just like the "dean" had discovered him before, like a hunter who had found his prey.

Shen Ge didn't have time to think too much and ran towards the door.

His small body is not big enough for supervision.

"San Zai mentioned before that there is a supervisor on each floor. There are monsters below, and there is no guarantee whether there will be other supervisors on the top. The most important thing is that the flesh and blood body of the supervisor looks like the same as the one above. A fusion of flesh and blood monsters in a dream..."

“It doesn’t seem safe to go up or down.” Shen Ge recalled what San Zai had said before and ran towards the stairwell.

Although the corridor on this floor is also dark, there are no monsters like those on the lower floors. Shen Singer has a flashlight, so he is not afraid of hitting anything.

With a "boom" sound, the supervisor directly opened the door of the archives room and chased him out.

Shen Song glanced at the flashlight and felt that the supervisors were "pouring" out of the archives, much like the flesh-and-blood monsters in the dream last time.

At that time, he "awakened" after being swallowed by a flesh-and-blood monster, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while, whether to try to "commit suicide" or not.

“Wait a minute, before I ‘wake up’ this time, I was knocked away from the ventilation duct by the ‘Dean’, and was eventually swallowed by her.”

 “Why am I still alive in that case?”



Shen Ge thought of the experimental files in the herbarium, and also thought of the information he had just seen in the archives. These "informations" all had a sense of déjà vu.

“Could it be said that the so-called dream is actually in my conscious world, and everything I see and hear is actually the process of memory awakening?”

 Bathroom, weird man in the mirror.

Shen Ge thought of a very critical issue, that is, the "weird man in the mirror" in the bathroom wanted to make himself fearful and control his consciousness through consciousness interference...

" a dream after all!" Shen Ge stopped, raised his hand and slapped his forehead, feeling as if he suddenly realized something.

 What is a dream?

That is a void world created by people in their sleep, either from their own memories or from things they come into contact with on a daily basis. It is a world that can be controlled by people’s consciousness!

  Why do people like to dream?

That's not because you can do whatever you want in your dreams. As long as your "consciousness" is firm enough, you can create the world you want!

The biggest reason why Shen Ge was able to get rid of the interference of the "Weird Man in the Mirror" in the bathroom and not be controlled by him was not that his mental power defeated the opponent, but that this was Shen Ge's conscious world, and he had the final say. world!

Shen Ge turned around to face the flesh and blood "supervisor" coming towards him from the other end of the corridor, then closed his eyes and began to deeply hypnotize himself!


With a series of soft sounds, in the originally dark corridor, the energy-saving lamps on the ceiling lit up one after another, illuminating the entire corridor instantly!

Immediately afterwards, Shen Ge threw away the flashlight, raised one hand, and shouted:

 “The guns are coming!”


I saw a rocket launcher turning into a white light and appearing in his hand. With his small body, he was carrying a rocket launcher that was larger than a human. How weird it looked!

 “All fear comes from lack of firepower!”

 “Hey, feel the joy of RPG!”


With a sound breaking through the air, the rocket trailed a long smoke tail and flew towards the supervisor's big bald head, exploding with a "bang" and blowing off his head!

 Then, Shen Ge threw the rocket launcher and raised his hand, and "Vulcan Gatling" appeared, and it was also Gatling with "infinite bullets".

Shen Ge carried Gatling, the **** of fire, towards the supervision. He kept rushing all the way. Gatling's tongue of fire and the bullet casings falling to the ground made him feel that his style of painting was normal!

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