The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 75

Chapter 75


Not only in Nanashi town, but in every city, there were a number of requests that ended up being salted away. They could be broadly divided into two types of problems. One was requests that were salted away because they were unpopular due to their lack of umami. The other was requests that ended up being left untouched because of their height of difficulty to accomplish.

For the former case, it could be solved through compulsory requests should the time come, but the same couldnt be done with the latter case.

As the requests ranged from subjugating powerful monsters, to securing precious resources that only existed in harsh environments, or creating magic tools that required profound knowledge. The only way to solve these problems was either to wait for a powerful or knowledgeable person of a certain level to stop by by chance, or spending more money to invite a high ranked guild member. For requests that held a high degree of danger, one might be able to make an appeal to the country, but as there was rare precedence of this practice, as of right now salted requests were becoming the source of headache to every guild. And then, due to some sort of coincidence. A number of unparalleled powerful people were gathered at Nanashi town.

At the same time, Nanashi town was faced with a crisis of survival due to an excessive influx of demons. It might be inevitable for Echigoya, who was struggling with the countermeasure against said crisis, to turn his eyes toward them.

After contacting the neighboring guilds and confirming the situation, Echigoya asked Mikoto and the others for help with dealing with the requests that had been salted away. Of course, this was nothing more than a request, as the guild had no authority to force them to act. Even if the salted requests were to be completed, in the end it would be the achievement of the person who completed them. It wasnt like there would be any benefit for Echigoya, or even for Nanashi town in it. However, the fact remained that they had done their best to solve the problem of salted requests, which had been the bane of every guild. Even if as some sort of form of gratitude due to it, the transportation of goods to Nanashi town, which was short of supplies, was given some priority, no one would bother picking on something on this level as a problem.

Thus, just as Mikoto and the others returned to Nanashi town, which had somehow managed to keep itself alive, it was around the time when the severe cold had subsided and the color of spring had finally begun to appear.

What greeted such them were the figures of the townfolks who were abuzz about peculiar rumors. A huge lake that had suddenly been discovered. A large agriculture area that had been secretly built up for a long time. A legendary beast that spread terror throughout the town at a certain night.

The matters were more than enough to surprise Mikoto and the others, who had just returned after a long absence. And then

This is completely beyond imagination, isnt it?

In front of the rumored huge lake that had suddenly appeared in the wasteland, these words were the only ones hero Mikoto managed to force out in the end. She was still in her sailor uniform form as usual, but combined with the scenery, it truly made a picturesque spectacle.

This is beyond the realm of magic. This is for sure already within the realm of Gods and spirits. Just what kind of potential-filled power Grand Magic is? Id love to hear your opinion about this matter, Spirit-dono.

World interference of such a scale isnt something that even we, the administrators of the world, could readily perform either. Geez, just what in the world happened here?

As the Great Sage Merlin, standing next to Mikoto, left such a pursuer of wisdom-ish remarks, the superior spirit Enou Zonmer, standing atop Mikotos shoulder, immediately let out a retort in a chirping manner. Its helium gas-ish voice was nothing short of suspicious as usual. If Tanaka-san were to happen to be there as well, he would surely have declared Youre the culprit! after revealing his deduction while striking his signature pose.

Hah, as usual, everything he does is on such an overly large scale. Well, I have to admit that thats so like Boss, though.

Yeah, thats exactly why its worth following him.

Curryman and Kugel fell in love once again with his way of life, which was to generously wield his power when it came to saving people. The younger brothers were also so moved that they couldnt find many words to express it.

As expected of Master.


And that was the ExpeMas of the day. It was a wonder if there had ever been such a heavy utilization of ExpeMas in the history of a certain novel publication site? It was ExpeMas that might even cause stomach upset and nausea on the readers due to its excessive weight. I would like to ask the writers of a certain novel publication site to all by means reconsider the dangers of ExpeMas. I sincerely hoped that everyone would be careful of the excessive usage of such a dangerous material.

By this time, a month had already passed since the attack of the legendary beast Galapagomes.

The eyes of Mikoto and the others, who were standing on the shore of the lake, were reflecting the images of small boats that were floating here and there. This area was beginning to regain its ecosystem as it was already under the control of Kaku-sans Grand Magic. In the northern part of the continent, which had already been abandoned by the administrators of the world, this land had been reborn as the only place where people could live in safety.

Oh! Isnt it Hero-dono and the others?

Its been a while, hasnt it? Have you been well?

The ones who called out to Mikoto and others, who were in a daze in front of the lake, were Suke-san and Kaku-san, who recently had too much time to spare.

Yeah! Weve been trained by you guys, after all. We wont be beaten down that easily.

Curryman replied as he floated a fearless smile. The others ought to have felt the same way.

By the way, Tanaka-san was the one who did it, wasnt he?

Mikoto was more or less certain about it, but just in case, she decided to confirm it with Tanakas comrades, the Sukekaku duo.

Yeah, somehow the town seemed to be quite in a dangerous situation, after all. That fellow, Tanaka, also unusually put his spirit into it, you see.

Thats right-degozaru. I was also touched by Tanaka-donos speech about his feelings for the people at that moment-degozaru.

An overwhelming power that surpassed even those of Gods and spirits. And then the noble mind of wielding said power for the sake of the weak. Mikoto couldnt help but feel that other than him, there was no one else who could clear up this chaotic world.

So, in the end, what in the world did he do?

Hmm? Well, the same as always, I guess.

Zonmer slash Uesama strictly inquired about the matter that Tanaka had perpetrated. As a superior spirit, it must have been dying to understand the details pertaining to such a huge interference of the world. Unlike a certain muscle administrator, it seemed to shoulder some sense of responsibility as an administrator of the world.

By the way, Uesama seemed to be fond of Hero Mikoto, and had decided to accompany her. As the situation turned into Uesama getting NTRed from him, it was unknown how Tanaka felt about it. Moreover, as the one who NTRed him was his very own future wife, his complicated feelings must have been something immeasurable for ordinary folks like us. Most likely, the feeling of frustration that washed over you when the cut form here part of the soy sauce pouch ended up getting stretched out. There was surely no doubt that he was assailed with stress that easily surpassed it. Being able to avoid a mental breakdown even under such a predicament, as expected of our protagonist, Tanaka-san.

Gah! I wish I could have been there too.

Where is the Lord by the way?

I think hes most likely looking around the agriculture land.

The town is by no means saved yet-degozaru.

The words of Suke-san and Kaku-san reminded them once again of the current state of the town. On the surface, the town might seem to have gone back on its feet, but that was nothing more than a frail facade that was just barely being maintained with the supplies it had managed to scrape up. And then, the fact that Tanaka was still ceaselessly battling the problem even now.

But still, this is the kind of problem that is too much for us to handle.

That may be true. But surely there ought to be things that even we can do for the town. Even if it were just some small requests, if we solved them, it would surely be of some help to the town as well. Even if only little by little, as long as we can alleviate everyones anxiety in such a way, Im sure

Yes, as expected of you, Hero Mikoto. My eyes werent deceiving me for acknowledging you.

And so they began to move once again. On the path of challengers in pursuit of their ideal.

Hah, what a long story. Well, I guess its the so-called boarding on the same boat. Ill accompany you.

The Lord is not giving up yet. In that case, we cant afford to spare any efforts as well.

Curryman and the others boarded along. The challenge with the ideal of Tanaka and the other as the stake had only just begun.

On the other hand, speaking of the man who was supposed to be tirelessly running ahead to open up the way, Tanaka-san, he was standing in a daze in the middle of the agriculture land he had built.

No way How come theres nothing sprouting as usual? What in the world is going on?

It had been almost a month since he had shown his prized agriculture land to Echigoya. In front of the field that had shown no change at all, Tanaka was overcome with impatience.

Did I make some sort of mistake somewhere? No, thats not possible. Theres no way I, who managed to somehow get through it with a make-up lesson even when I got a failing mark in biology, would stumble over something on this level. Thats right, I can still do it. The next moment, we should be hearing a narration that says, At that moment, a mysterious occurrence occurred, out of nowhere, and everything will turn out fine. And then, as girls suddenly fall from the sky in droves, my harem life will thus begin, Im sure of it. Oh no, I have yet done mental preparation for that, though.

There was no such a narration. And then, Tanakas harem life was not sprouting either, but just as he was in the middle of getting lost in such a chaotic delusion in the middle of agriculture land where nothing was sprouting, Suke-san and Kaku-san appeared.

Hey! Youve got a visitor!

Three shadows arrived. The one standing between Suke-san and Kaku-san was an existence whose figure was so nostalgic for Tanaka as they hadnt seen each other for a long time.

We can finally met again.

S, sensei!

It was the man, with a frail and seemingly spiritless figure, who had firmly seized Tanakas heart with this talent to create magic tools that roused chuunibyou souls. The researcher Omoi whom Tanaka had arbitrarily idolized.

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