The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 74: (2)

Chapter 74: (2)

In the wake of the nice idea of adding Mikoto to the close combat group training of Suke-san, the Hero-chan retention operation was a success. Furthermore, in order to expand the range of encounters with girls, he even had Kaku-san participate as well and begin magic-related training. As a result, the only participant was the old man, the company of the hero, but even Tanaka-san also sometimes failed. At the very least his efforts were worthy of recognition.

However, even after that, as the obstacles refused to go away, Tanakas actions continued to be constrained. As the little man among little men recognized by everyone, Tanaka-san couldnt afford to trigger the shitty event of bumping shoulders with the powerful people on the street, and only time continued to pass by.

Wherein, a chance finally upon him. It seemed that the powerful people had received an excursion request, so they wouldnt be in the town for a while. Now was exactly the perfect timing to wash away the topic with his own.

Please keep in mind that Tanakas impatience was due to these deep circumstances.

The bad news was that Mikoto was not there, as she seemed to happen to have some business with her so on and so forth acquaintances. Because of that, the tasty event of Mikoto being captivated by Tanaka-sans cool and gallant figure would never rise, and Tanaka-san wouldnt be able to show off his awesome powwow to Curryman and the others to clearly show them who the leader was either, but as he couldnt afford to waste the chance that had finally come his way, it couldnt be helped.

O chaotic land ostracized by the heavens. Obey my command. The slipping down wandering souls. A thousand-armed vessel that supports you. Howl!. The Gate of Abyss!

The wasteland in front of them sank as if responding to the chuunibyou soul unleashed by Tanaka. As usual he was manipulating the ground with the live-support magic he was familiar with.

Oh! I dont really get it-degozaru, but its amazing-degozaru!

As crazy as always, huh.

Suke-san was somewhat excited about the natural disaster that was taking place right in front of him. On the other hand, Kaku-san was showing an exasperated expression at the scale of nature manipulation that was impossible even with the Grand Magic of a superior spirit.

Kukuku, take a look. Its the completion of the natural vessel! Moreover!

Tanaka abruptly held up his hands to the sky and a huge body of water appeared in the sky. The water then abided by gravity and fell into the natural vessel that Tanaka had prepared. Rumbling in the ground echoed in the area.

Uwa! What an impact! But it looks like theres still room for more. Then how about double!

Another huge body of water fell down again, bigger than before.

It can still take more! Then Triple!

Rumbling in the ground echoed in the dark night. You were disturbing the neighbors, you know, Tanaka? However, even then Tanaka-san didnt stop.

Then quadruple! Ten times! Twenty times!

What in the world is this?

The next day, urged by a seemingly proud Tanaka, the accompanying Echigoya saw a huge lake that expanded as far as the eye could see.

How is it? This is the water source that I spent dozens of days building, Ive expected as much, as Ive predicted that food problem would occur ever since returning to this town, Ive expected as much.

Why did he say it twice? Even with such a doubt floating in his mind, Echigoya was lost for words about the lake in front of him. On the other hand, Tanaka seemed to be satisfied after saying Lines a man would like to say at least once.

The matter of creating something like this, Ive never heard of it, though.

Oh, as Ive been thinking about giving you a surprise, Echigoya-san, I guess everyone was being considerate and decided to keep quiet about it. Well, dont worry about the trivialities, my best friend!

Irritation rose in Echigoya-san.

Last night, due to the echoes of the rumbling in the ground, we received tons of consultations from the frightened residents, though.

Oh, that. That was that thing, wasnt it? Umm, what was it again? Oh! Thats it. Its the Ganapagimus, right?! Well, I was also startled by it. To think the legendary beast Galapagomez would show up around this area. When I was performing the final check of the water source, I also panicked, you see. I was so nervous wondering whether it would come this way or not, really. But its a good thing it was just passing by, isnt it, Galandoh Gaddem?

Firmly holding in his thought of Its name is ever changing every time you call it, isnt it? and his urge to retort, moreover, firmly enduring the irritation caused by Tanakas face, Echigoya observed the lake in front of him.

The water quality was pretty good. The waterside, which Tanaka-san had adjusted so that he wouldnt drown, was gently-sloping and not too dangerous. Considering the blue-colored water surface that stretched as far as the eye could see, let alone Nanashi town, the amount of water was expected to be enough to support even the entire northern part of the Empire.

Considering the current condition where they were able to somehow cover their drinking water with magic, this water alone was something they would be grateful for.

And then, beyond where Tanaka had been urging him to look that way with his eyes. At the side of the lake, he could see a stretch of beautifully established agricultural land.

How is it? As expected I wouldnt claim it to happen right away, but with this well also have plenty of food from now on.

To be honest, I was surprised. To think you would have arranged preparations to such an extent. Im seeing you in a new light, Tanaka-san.

Answering as such, Echigoya once again burned the scene that could only be called a miracle into his eyes.

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