The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 13: First promotion test, Day 1

Chapter 13: First promotion test, Day 1

There were many voices and presence.

The Gurion familys townhouse in the royal capital and the mansion in the Gurion family estate.

Basically, Kunons range of activities was limited to these two, so it was almost the first time for him to be in a place where there were countless people around him.

If it had been before, he would have shied away, he thought to himself.

Your Highness. Can I be a girl just for now?

Hmmm , then Ill be a boy. Pretty girl, give me your hand.

Milica takes Kunons left hand. Because she was asked to be an escort.

My brother watches them, thinking, Theyre really close.

As a school for nobles, there are not a few men and women who have a fiane, but Kunon and Milica seem to be particularly close among them.

Shall we go?

Please do. Brother, lets go.

Oh, oh.

Milica took Kunon by the hand and he started walking.

He was dressed in formal attire for an evening party.

His face is covered with a leather eye patch.

In his right hand, he carries a make-up cane.

In his left hand, a distant ninth, but still an established princess.

And accompanying her like a companion, the next head of the Gurion Marquess family.

He was so conspicuous that he couldnt help but attract the attention of the students and their followers, but he didnt care about any of that and went under the school gate proudly.

The teachers who were standing by to welcome him and guide him on his way were stunned to see him go.

Wait! Mr.Kunon Gurion!

That teachers name Cast- A female teacher who had been forced to pick up the blind second son of a marquis family, a job that could only mean trouble, chased after the three who passed by.

Even though the school doesnt take into account status differences, its still a bit of a daunting task for Cast, who has only been working there for two years and comes from a baronial family.

Moreover, it was not what she had heard.

She was told that the boy who was coming would be a little timid.

However, the boy appeared like an imposing prince. She couldnt help but look away.

She couldnt help but wonder if that was really the Kunon Gurion.

That was how unexpected his arrival was.


Kunon, Milica, and Ixio also turned around.

The outfit and the cane were still good, but the eye patch covering his eyes was quite a feat.

Its proof that you really cant see.

Im Cast, the person whos here to pick you up. Im a teacher at this school.

Oh, I see. Nice to meet you Ms.Cast, Im Kunon Gurion. Im a girl now, so I shall take a curtsy.


The way he spreads his invisible skirt and pulls his left leg is curtsy. Its a womans greeting.

What? Are you a girl?

Was it a miscommunication?

I thought we had been told it was a boy.

She is wearing a boys formal wear, but is she actually a girl?

Biologically, Im a man, and I have a mans personality. But Im a beautiful girl only now.

What the hell is that?

And why did you add beautiful to it? Im not saying she? is not pretty, but she is.

Cast didnt understand what he meant when he said that, but Ixio whispered, Theyre seeming to play some kind of game. Dont worry about it, and she forcefully decided to agree with it.

Because Kunon was so imposing, I really couldnt decide if he was joking or serious.

He must be the type of person who should not be taken seriously.

Just knowing that early on was a benefit.

Milica, Ill take him from here on out.

Oh, yes. I understand.

Milica had a class and Kunon had an exam.

They were going to different places.

So, Kunon, lets eat lunch together.

Yes, Your Highness. You too, brother.

Alright. See you at lunch.

Milica and Ixio went to the school building, while Kunon was led by a cast member to a special classroom.

It is a small room where teachers and students face each other.

Are you getting the gist of this?

Kunon, who had taken his seat, replied, Yes.

Ive heard that you have to pass five promotion exams to graduate.

Thats right.

Basically, most students at this school graduate in three to five years. The promotion exam is to confirm what you have learned over the past six months to a year.

Its not that difficult if you listen to the class properly, but if you fail the promotion exam, you wont be able to take the exam for another month.

Are we clear so far?

Yes, Kunon nodded.

The point is, if you pass one exam, you can take the next one?

Yes, thats right.

Normally, if you pass one exam, you cant take the next one for a few days, but in Kunons case, as a special measure, you can take the exam every other day.

Since you didnt need to attend school originally, Kunons father and His Majesty the King had a discussion and came to an agreement.

Such special measures are not uncommon, so the school is used to it.



My father and His Majesty the King, theyre buddies. Its a cozy relationship. Im sorry to put pressure on the school.

..Oh, I see. Ill pretend I didnt hear that.

Im used to adhesions, though I cant say it out loud.

Do you have any questions? Ill be watching you closely during todays exam, so you can ask me anything you want.



Im afraid my father and His Majesty are in bed together..

Since there seems to be nothing to worry about, lets begin the test immediately. And please dont get the teacher involved in any political danger.

Im looking forward to it.

Cast did a facepalm.

Over the course of the morning, Kunon successfully completed the exam.

She had heard that he was blind, and she immediately understood what he meant when he told her that he was still fine. Well, she didnt understand how he did it.

Kunon was solving the puzzles so easily that I wondered if he was really blind.

And just a few minutes ago, he left to go to the cafeteria with Milica and Ixio, who had come to pick him up.

That was the end of his exam for today.

His next exam was tomorrow, and if he passed it smoothly, he would graduate in four days.

If he passes the exam, that is.

.. Something just doesnt feel right

Cast only briefly looked over the answers, as another person will be grading them.

But as far as she can see, all the answers are correct.

Its hard to believe that this is the answer coming from Kunon, who kept saying strange things throughout the exam, and whose attitude isnt good. Though his writing was unbelievably beautiful.

It was a perfect answer that Cast couldnt agree with.

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