The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 12: First Day in School

Chapter 12: First Day in School

Wow, so handsome! Isnt Master Kunon the one who modeled the white horse prince in the story!

In response to the house servants crazy compliment, Kunon pulled his loose bow tie from side to side and said proudly,  

It seems my true identity has finally been discovered. Im sorry I didnt tell you until now.

Ixio looked at his brother and the maidservant, who were laughing at each other, with a strange look on his face.

Wait, was my brother like this, he thought.

Hello, brother. Im Kunon, the model for the white horse prince.

Oh, oh.

I didnt expect Kunon to talk to me. I couldnt even give a witty reply, I was just confused.

The day came when Kunon will go to school.

It was a few days after the family meeting, and a few more days after he had talked to Milica.

His father contacted the school to arrange a date. And his mother took care of Kunon as if she was bursting with worry and love for him, which she had been suppressing until now, and arranged his formal wear.

Because of that he was dressed as if he was going to a party.

Well, for a nobleman, its not that strange.

For Kunon, there was no reason to get all dressed up if he was told that today was the entrance ceremony.

Kunon arrived at the main building early in the morning and was dressed and coiffed by his mother, Tinariza.

And his older brother Ixio, who was waiting for the house servant Iko at the doorway, decided not to mention too much, thinking that Well, such things happen.

To start with.

Its been a long time since Ixio had a chance to talk to his brother properly, so hes a little upset.

Have a good day!

After being seen off by their mother, who was in tears at the miracle of sending off her two sons, they got into the carriage.

Oh, wait.

Wait, Kunon came down the carriage.

Ill see you later. Im off, Mother.

The wheels of the carriage were covered with water ball A Ori a hard, elastic water that served as a buffer and they got in again.

It was a device that he had devised for his father, who had injured his back due to the rocking of the carriage, to make the carriage rock less.

Magic is useful, isnt it?

Yes, it is. If its so convenient, I might even be able to find a job.

more like definitely getting a job offer, Ixio thought.

The carriage began to move smoothly.

Hey , are you still worried?

Ixio, who was sitting next to Kunon, who was looking out the window, though he couldnt see, called out to Kunon.


The blind eyes turn to Ixio.

Today Kunon is wearing a stylish leather eye patch over his eyes.

He thought it was fine since he couldnt see anyway.

But it hurts if your eyes get dry from the outside air, or if insects or dust get in.

It must be hard to be blind isnt it?

Its hard. But Im not too worried anymore.

You dont?

Yeah. Im a little stronger now.

The words were simple and clear. It was so simple and easy to understand.

Yes, its true that when youre strong, youre confident, and when youre confident, you can act proudly.

Its just that Ixio, who only knows the old Kunon, feels a little uncomfortable.

Im sorry that I worried you so much. I know you blame yourself for my fall and injury.

Im fine now. I used to even want to die, but now Im determined to live no matter what.

Yeah. I see.

Im sure Kunon became stronger.

Kunon grew stronger.

Now, Ive always had the spirit that Im going to live no matter what happens to the rest of the world. Im sorry, brother, but I will live. Ill live long enough to feel sorry for myself.

Oh, really?

Also, I still cant shake the question of whether my brother was like this.

For better or worse, magic has changed him.

Probably the house servant is responsible for the bad parts. No, Im sure the house servants presence was also important.

The carriage, which was not shaking at all, stopped in front of the aristocratic school very smoothly.

Do you need a hand?

They had been talking about various things to fill the time gap until now, but now they arrived at their destination.

This is where we pause.

When Ixio went down first and asked, Kunon shook his head, No problem.

Kunon got out of the carriage as if he could see them. He certainly didnt need any help.

Kunon! Master Ixio!

When Kunon returned the carriage, a girl came running up to me.

It was Milica.

She was waiting at the gate because she heard Kunon will start school today.

Good morning, Your Highness. Im so lucky to be able to hear your beautiful voice in the morning. Can I talk about how lucky I am for half a day?

Good morning, Kunon. You look so cute in your bow tie.

What, even prettier than yours?

No, its not.

Good. If you had said it was, I would have ripped it off and thrown it away right here and now.

Milica, no longer accustomed to Kunons snide remarks and jokes, let it slide.

Good morning, Your Highness.

Ixio also greeted him, thinking, These two are . amazing.

Ixio thought that although he was a member of Kunons family, he was probably outnumbered by Milica in terms of closeness.

And so Kunon came to school for the first time.

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