The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 190: No!

Chapter 190: No!

Haru spent the whole night talking to Ryan, Lan Yan and Lan Tao about where he had come from and what he had done so far. They were all interested in where and how did he get so strong so he entertained their questions. He had nothing better to do and it would be strange if he sat silently so he answered them as best as he could.

By the time morning rolled around the skyscrapers in Beijing could be seen in the distance and the feeling of uneasiness left the bus. Everyone felt reassured that nothing bad would happen now that they could see Beijing. Haru took a few minutes to read through messages he had received the night before.

"Jeez, What does she want now?" Haru complained as he saw thirty-six messages from the same number.

"You having girl troubles? I thought someone so amazing wouldn't have to worry about something like that." Ryan mocked Haru as he looked over his shoulder at the phone to see the crying emojis on his screen. 

"No, That's my cousin. She wanted to stay at my house while I was gone but I told her dad not to let her anywhere near." He laughed before replying with a smiley face and putting his phone away again.

"Is that so? Where do you plan on staying anyway? You said you were going to stay here for a few days before heading somewhere else right? Do you know anyone who lives here?" Ryan asked. Haru didn't really answer the questions about what he was going to do in Beijing.

It's not like he could even if he wanted to. What was he going to tell them? He has come looking for the body of a dragon to give to one of the two souls stuck inside the ring that he is wearing. That was as believable as saying cats are actually aliens from space that have come to take over the world.

No one would believe something like that. So he decided to keep it to himself to avoid any confusing explanations. 

"Well, I figured that I would just go buy a room at a hotel or something. Do you have any recommendations?" Haru asked. But just as Ryan was about to speak Lan Yan shouted out.

"No!" She disagreed with Haru's plan to stay in a hotel for some reason.

"No? What do you mean by no?" Haru asked, confused. He wasn't too good at understanding intentions from a single word but he didn't think anyone would understand this kid.

"I mean you can't stay in a hotel. My father will want to thank you for saving us. You should come and stay at our house. I'm sure he won't mind." She explained with an excited look on her face. Haru went silent before thinking it over for a few moments.

"No thanks. I would rather stay in a hotel." He said and then turned back to Ryan as if she hadn't said anything at all.

"So do you have any recommendations?" He asked once again.

"Recommendations for hotels? Well honestly I have only been here once and that is when we first accepted this job. They had us stay in the Royal Imperial hotel in the centre of the city. It's a five-star hotel and the restaurant inside has two food award stars so it's probably expensive. Sorry." Ryan said in shame. He wanted to be of help but that was the best he could come up with.

"That's perfect. I don't really care about money, after all, I'm not paying for it. How was the presidential suite?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"What!? Do you think we were allowed up there? That was way out of our budget. There are not many people who can afford to pay that price just to stay in a room. And what do you mean you're not paying? I would advise against causing a scene. I heard that they have a strong backer. Even stronger than the government." Ryan explained.

Haru felt like he had gotten the wrong idea. It sounded like Ryan thought that he was going to go in there and flex his power before demanding them to give him the best room. But that was far from the case. He did say that he wasn't going to pay for it but he didn't say that it wouldn't be paid for at all.

"I think you're misunderstanding me a little bit. I'm not going to force them to give it to me for free. Her father is going to be the one paying for it." Haru patted Lan Yan on the head as he explained it.

"What!? How did you come to that conclusion? Do you think that just because he owns a big company it means that he has money to burn!? I could understand if you stayed in a regular room but there is no way he will pay for you to stay in the Prudential room!" She shouted, outraged that Haru had come to that conclusion.

"If he truly values his daughter's lives then he will pay for my stay. If he doesn't pay back their Saviour then he isn't a very good father. You should probably run away from home if that's the case." Haru said matter of factly and felt the eyes of everyone on the bus turn to look at him once again.

"Y-you asshole!" Lan Yan raised her hand to slap Haru but her hand stopped suddenly. 

"Watch your mouth kid. Or I will wash it out with soap." Haru threatened her as he caught her slap with his hand and then looked out at her for a few moments.

Her cheeks were slightly pink, Her eyes half-closed and her lips were pursed.

"Why don't you wash it with your lips?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

Haru, let go immediately.

"Not interested kid." He sighed and then looked back at Ryan who was staring at him with curiosity. 

"Haha! Yes! I win. Did you see that! You thought about doing it!" Lan Yan celebrated while thinking of Haru's rejection as a game to try to make him fall for her.

"Your girlfriend must be the most beautiful woman in the world if you are willing to stay this loyal to her. You said she lived in Shenzhen right?" Ryan asked.

"That's right. She's incredibly beautiful." Haru smiled as he thought about all the time he had spent with Suyin.

"I doubt it. I bet she's ugly. Let me see a picture of her." Lan Yan complained and then tugged at Haru's arm.

"Fine. If it will make you shut up then here." Haru snapped and pulled out his phone and opened the album of photos that she had taken of them together. Haru didn't take many pictures so Suyin would force him to give her his phone so she could take some instead.

As soon as he handed his phone over to Lan Yan she went quiet for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter.

"That's not your girlfriend! You think a stupid edited image with the singer Jiang Suyin will trick me?" She laughed some more and then held up the phone for Ryan to see also.

"That's Uh." Ryan didn't have anything to say. He didn't think Haru was the type of person to do something like that but he looked at Haru for an explanation he just sighed in reply. It didn't seem like something someone would do when caught in a lie so he kept his mouth shut.

"Keep on swiping." He said with another sigh as he judged her intelligence for thinking that he would edit photos of them together. 

"What?" She asked confused by what he meant.

"Keep on swiping through the pictures."

She gulped and then swiped across now seeing a picture of Haru, Suyin, a kid and two older people.

"That was Christmas last year when I stayed with her at her parent's house. And that there is her younger brother." He pointed to Chen who was trying to put a star on top of a Christmas tree in the photo.

"What you actually! I mean That doesn't mean anything. So what if you know someone famous? That doesn't mean she is your girlfriend." She said in protest but Ryan on the other hand seemed blown away by the fact.

"Then keep swiping." He told her which she listened to him and did exactly as he said before landing on a photo of them both lying in bed seemingly wearing no clothes at all and under the blanket together.

"Uh Okay, I believe you!" She said and then slammed the phone down in Haru's lap before looking away embarrassed. 

Haru looked down at his phone to see the picture and a feeling of dread sank into his stomach.

"Woah don't get any funny ideas! We were just sleeping together. I mean sleeping in the same bed. I had shorts on and she was wearing pyjamas." Haru explained as Ryan caught a glimpse of the photo and started to laugh.

"Sure. I believe you." He poked fun at Haru trying to explain himself as the bus made its way into the city before coming to a stop outside the hotel. The driver had listened in to Haru's conversation and driven straight there so he wouldn't get angry about arriving too late.

He got both of his bags and slung them over his shoulder before walking to the front of the bus and waving goodbye to his new friends. 

Just as he was about to exit the bus he turned to the driver who was still shaking in fear.

"I'm sorry about the damages. If your company needs to hold anyone responsible then the blame should fall onto the person who booked the ticket for those two girls back there." He pointed at Lan Yan and Lan Tao.

"Yes sir! I understand. I will get the money from their father. You won't be held responsible." The driver stuttered out like he had received an order and then drove away as soon as Haru stepped down onto the pavement. 

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