The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 189: Single

Chapter 189: Single

Without warning Haru's body was sent flying through the air and aiming directly for the bus. He tried to catch up to it but he didn't expect he would be sent towards it like he was a bullet fired from the barrel of a gun. The wind pushed past his face causing his cheeks to flutter.

"Pull up! Pull up!" He began to chant over and over again as he caught up with the bus and looked like he was heading towards the centre of the roof.

"Sir, Why did we leave him behind!? He just helped us get out of that terrible situation and this is the way you repay someone who saved your life!?" Ryan shouted at the man with the scar on his face as everyone was now sitting in their original seats.

"It was for the best. That boy is crazy. The look in his eyes was one of enjoyment. It was just a matter of time before he turned around and murdered us too." The man with the scar.

"Please. Let us go back. I need to thank him for saving our lives." Lan Yan also sided with Haru while they discussed what to do next. 

"No! You didn't see what I saw. If we go back now we will all end up in unmarked graves." The man said again this time shouting at everyone for silence.

"Aghhhh" A distant humming sound made its way from behind the bus.

"What's that sound?" Lan Tao looked up and asked her older sister who was sat beside her.

"What noise?" Lan Yan asked since she couldn't hear anything over the sound of the front bumper of the bus scraping against the ground.

"Aghhhh..!" The sound now called out louder as it made its way toward the bus only getting clearer and louder with each second that passed. 

In a flash of light, a loud crash shook the ground all around as the tarmac from the road ahead of them seemed to self-destruct and sending large rocks into the sky to rain down upon the top of the bus.

"Ouch ouch ouch." Haru shook his head and brushed the dust off from his clothes before standing up in the centre of a crater he formed in the middle of the road.

"Why didn't he warn me that it wouldn't take so much effort!? I would have taken it even slower if he did!" He complained at Li Jun's lack of information about learning how to fly.

As Haru got to his feet once again he noticed the headlights from the bus shooting a beam of light directly into his eyes. He tried to block out the light with his hands as he walked toward the bus.

"Drive! Drive the goddamn bus already!" The man with a scar on his face began to shout at the bus driver but after all of the crazy things that he had seen tonight, he was too scared to move even an inch. He remained stationary with his foot on the brake pedal as Haru slowly walked towards the bus.

The driver held his breath as he watched the young man who had just created a hole in the ground walk toward the door of the bus and then knocked on the glass with his index finger.

"Come on open the door. I'm afraid of the dark." Haru joked with a smile but to the driver of the bus, the smile on Haru's face looked more like a sadistic grin. He had the feeling that if he even moved an inch he would die instantly. 

"Didn't you hear him?" Lan Yan stood up and asked before pushing her way past the man with the scar on his face who was eagerly watching with his hand still on his gun.

"Miss Lan, What do you think you're doing!?" He shouted and grabbed her wrist.

"Get off me! If you were half as good at your jobs than he is then I wouldn't have been in any danger in the first place. And don't think I have forgotten that you were about to hand me and my sister over to those men to preserve your own life. 

If it wasn't for him then my sister and I would either have been kidnapped or killed. You are scum!" She shouted at the man with the scar and then slapped him in the face as hard as she could.

The man's head turned slightly before he let go of her hand and she walked to the door of the bus and pressed the little green button above the drivers head to let Haru on board.

"Thanks, It's much warmer here than it is outside." Haru smiled and then patted Lan Yan on the head before looking back at Ryan and waving.

He then looked up at the driver who was grinding his teeth out of fear. 

"To Beijing please." He smiled as he boarded the bus cracking yet another joke to calm everyone's mind. He figured that they would still be panicking from getting rammed off the road so he needed to do something to change their mood. 

But he didn't know that joking after showing so much strength had the opposite effect. People with strength tended to be serious so when he said something they wanted to take it seriously so it wouldn't offend him and that is exactly how the driver was feeling.

"Right away Sir!" He yelled while almost choking on his tongue and then slammed his foot down on the gas pedal causing everyone to fall back into their seats apart from the people standing. They were all thrown toward the back of the bus.

"Agh!" Lan Yan screamed slightly as she fell back but then stopped as she realised that she was no longer falling and felt a hand around her waist.

"Have you ever heard of a speed limit? What are you going to tell the police when they pull us over?" Haru complained at his erratic driving.

"Sorry, Sir! I will do better!" The driver then slammed on the brakes to slow down to the speed limit almost sending everyone into the seat in front of them. 

"That's better, keep this speed." Haru smiled at the driver once again and then looked down at the girl who was staring at him with a confused expression. It was one of wonder and amazement. 

"What is it?" Haru asked. He was concerned about how she was looking at him and it was making him a little uncomfortable. She looked like a child at the zoo for the first time.

"Are you?" She asked but then stopped herself.

"Am I?" Haru repeated after her, encouraging her to carry on with her question.

"Are you single!?" She shouted.

'Well, that isn't what I was expecting. I thought she was going to ask if I was a cultivator or a superhero or something cool. But single? Jeez, what is going on in this girl's mind?' Haru thought before answering her.

"Nope. And even if I was, I'm not interested in kids." Haru smiled before looking down at the girl who was much shorter than him. When suddenly another voice called out from the bus.

"Haru! Haru! Haru!" It was Lan Yan's younger sister. She was sitting behind a middle-aged looking woman with brown hair. 

"What's up?" Haru asked Lan Tao who was shouting his name over and over.

"You were awesome! I want to learn karate too!" She shouted.

"Oh, You remembered I am Japanese?" Haru asked surprised but what he had just done was far above the level one could get from practising martial arts alone. 

He then looked back down at Lan Yan who was standing beside him but facing the ground. 

"Oh come on. Don't be sad. You don't even know me and I am way too old for you. Just find yourself a guy from your class or something." Haru said to her to try to make her feel better. 

She didn't say anything at all. She just stood silently before looking up at him with her lips closed together as she pouted in response to being rejected. 

"I can't do that! My father said that he will only let me marry someone who is stronger than him! I can't just choose a random classmate." She said unreasonably.

"Come on that's not what I meant. I'm sure he is just being overprotective. When you find that one special person who you want to spend the rest of your life with I am sure he will respect your decision. Now come on. Come sit with me and Ryan. Oh and bring your sister. 

I have some questions to ask about Beijing. I've never been there before." He said as the bus driver-focused with all his heart on keeping the bus steady and avoiding potholes so Haru would have nothing to complain about. 

As they walked to the back of the bus all eyes narrowed in on Haru this time but the emotions behind them were mixed. Some of the people looked at him with admiration and some of them looked at him with fear.

But Ryan looked at him with confusion as he sat down beside him and crossed one leg over the over exactly like he had done before.

"Who in the world are you?" Ryan asked.

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