The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 65: Qi Deviation

Chapter 65: Qi Deviation

The scarlet seed then stopped its advancement and simply laid dormant to one side within the energy barrier. It knew fully well that if the ancient entity wanted it, the ancient entity could obliterate him with just a thought.

But luckily for the scarlet seed, the ancient entity was sealed. Moreover, even in its sealed state, if that entity was willing to sacrifice a bit. It could still make its life a living hell. Thus, the scarlet seed quickly proposed a temporary truce for the time being.


Outside, on the battlefield, everyone who had their baleful auras sucked away suddenly became numb and slightly mindless as they went on with the massacre. The only people who weren't affected were people with high level of comprehension [i.e., stronger mental fortitude].

Whilst the killing was ensuing, Min Hong was currently rolling and screaming in intense pain. His fingers were already elongated to about three inches and his ears were growing pointier. His teeth were gradually elongating into fangs.

His eyes took a black colour and his pupils a red hue. His forehead had bulged slightly in two places as if horns were about to burst out of it.

"Aaaahh!" Min Hong let out an excruciating howl as he rolled on the ground. All his insides were transforming, his dragon tattoos were losing their golden colour and gradually turning black.

Some of them had actually turned completely black. Similar transformations were taking place within his body, Qi sea and Sea of Consciousness simultaneously. Within his Sea of Consciousness, his soul image trembled intensely as cracks started to form on the altar and energy barrier.

Min Tian and Min Rou heard his screams and looked backwards. When they saw Min Hong's current condition, their scalp tingled and they were frightened to the peak.

"Rou'er! Go check out what is going on with Hong'er. Leave the rest to me!" thunder rumbled as Min Tian bolted backwards arriving in front of Min Rou's opponent with a devastating attack.

Min Rou's opponent hurriedly retreated giving Min Rou the window to approach Min Hong.

On getting to Min Hong's area, Min Rou waved her sleeves as a cyclone abruptly surfaced from nowhere.

They were spinning so fast that all the Soaring Cloud Alliance members and elders who were trying to attack Min Hong in his prone state were torn into shreds, their blood and gore spraying in all directions. Min Rou was truly agitated.

She quickly lifted the now abnormal looking Min Hong into her embrace as she cried sorrowfully at the suffering Min Hong. She quickly placed one of her fingers on Min Hong's wrists as if she was checking for pulse.

Min Qing retreated towards Min Rou and fought off the several Soaring Cloud Alliance members who were trying to make full use of this opportunity to kill Min Hong.

As Min Rou's cyclone was raging in response to her emotions, Min Qing released her water concept which became mists, followed by her Yin Qi and bewitching aura. They merged together into Min Qing's twenty metre domain.

But as if sensing a sort of familiarity within the two users, Min Qing's domain fused with Min Rou's cyclone as a unique, massive and petrifying domain was born. It contained three concepts [Yin, Water and Demonic from Min Qing] and one intent [Wind from Min Rou].

The new domain raged and increased in intensity as the laws within it supported one another and the domain area increased until it spanned a 15-kilometre area.

The several unlucky Soaring Cloud Alliance members who were too slow in retreating and got caught within this frightening domain suffered a tragic torture;

Firstly, they were thrown up by the wind and large amounts of tiny sliced wounds surfaced all over their body as they bled little by little.

Then, they were bathed with water, before a potent Yin Qi washed over their body. The Yin Qi intruded their body through these tiny wounds as they were gradually freezing up on the inside and outside simultaneously.

Lastly, after being frozen into a block of ice, the wind then began to break the ice bits by bits, as different chunks of body part enclosed in ice were cut off from their victims.

It was a truly excruciating and lengthy way to die. Several cries echoed within the grey wind as dark clouds covered the entire area and rain began to fall. Witnessing the tragic fate of their fellow members, all the Soaring Cloud Alliance experts avoided that zone like a plague as they fled the scene.

With Min Qing and Min Rou's emotions controlling the domain, Min Rou finally focused on the suffering Min Hong who was now bleeding from all his orifices.

Min Rou sent in a stream of gentle Qi into Min Hong's body and separated a slim trace of her mental energy to wrap up the Qi. That way, everywhere the Qi passes and everything it encountered would be projected into Min Rou's mind.

But immediately Min Rou received a feedback she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Father! Hong'er is having a Qi Deviation." She cried out till she lost her voice and her throat was scarred.

"What?!" Min Tian was flabbergasted. "How was that possible? How did it even start?" several unanswered questions marched through Min Tian's head as he tried to move over and get a few answers for himself. If he could, that is.

But two figures suddenly blocked his route "You, take forty Peak Dan Formation experts with you and go finish them off!" Wang Tong blocked Min Tian's left flank as he gave an instruction to the elder that was previously battling Min Rou.

"It feels so exhilarating to actually see him suffer a retribution for tricking me like that..." Lu Chen smiled coldly as he blocked Min Tian's right flank.

Hearing this Min Tian's expression became really awful as he tried to stop the elder. He grasped the air as three flaming swords with lightning snaking around them formed. But this time they were shorter, probably due to exhaustion of Qi.

After all, the battle had been going on for almost half an hour now. He sent two towards Wang Tong and the last one towards the fleeing elder looking to stop the bald man in his tracks.

But Wang Tong simply formed three attacks of his own from the Intent of Fire and Water. He also made three attacks and sent one to save the bald elder and the remaining to block the two that Min Tian sent towards him.

Seeing his intentions thwarted, Min Tian tried to attack once more, but Wang Tong's voice rang out in ridicule. "Family Head Tian, your opponent is me, why bully someone weaker? This is unbecoming with someone of your status and calibre."

"Wang Tong! Don't push me!" Min Tian's rage flew through the roof as lightning and thunder flashed and boomed within the dark clouds surrounding the battlefield.

As if in response to his rage, Min Tian actually broke through in his comprehension of his two elemental laws.

Fire and lightning were naturally violent, so when his rage violently erupted, it seemed to strike a deeper connection with these violent elemental laws.

Then, a huge lightning python descended from the skies and wrapped itself around Min Tian's body. The lightning python had flaming eyes as Min Tian gazed at Wang Tong with eyes flickering with lightning within.

The moment Wang Tong felt Min Tian's gaze descend upon him, his hair stood on end like he had been electrocuted. "Eight plane [Peak Intent] of the Law of Fire and Lightning! What have I gotten myself into?"

Sensing the dangerous aura and malicious intent radiating from Min Tian, Wang Tong looked to the skies and yelled. "Venerable Royal Guard Lu Chen! We agree to your demands, we are willing to make you the Alliance Head, please help us out!"

Lu Chen looked down from atop his flying beast and sighed. "Min Tian, if you hadn't made a breakthrough, I would have sat this one out. But now you have made things slightly complicated and thus I must act."

"Moreover, the allure of being the Alliance Head of the Soaring Cloud Alliance is too tempting to refuse. So, I hope you won't resent me for acting like the kid did earlier and go back on my word!"

Lu Chen leapt of his flying beast and descended violently like the spear of a war-god a he approached Min Tian. He revealed spread his arms wide and clapped. This was the exact same technique he used to kill the Ironwood tribe Leader.

Two massive palms erupted from the earth, but this time, the heavy aura of metal was radiating from them. Then they also clasped Min Tian in the middle. But, the splash of blood and gore the Wang Tong and Lu Chen duo were expecting didn't come.

Instead, lightning flashed all over these palms as they exploded into bits as Min Tian calmly walked out of the explosion. As the dust settled and the duo saw Min Tian, they almost soiled their pants in fear.

One of Min Tian's eyes was flaming red whilst the other was flickering with blue lightning. Then he made some hand seal gestures as he activated the 'First Seal' of the [Art of Myriad Seals] and his aura erupted and soared into the 4 Star Nascent Soul stage.

He took a step and vanished, leaving only a reddish blue light streaking towards the duo.


"Such speed!"

Lu Chen and Wang Tong gasped in shock as they quickly and tactically erected different defensive techniques.

Lu Chen waved his sleeves as several Earth-Metal walls that were each about sixty feet tall and at least thirty feet thick. After erecting about seven of these walls, Wang Tong then surrounded Lu Chen and himself within a giant ball of water.


Min Tian bored a hole into these walls as he burst out on the other side, losing about forty percent of his momentum in the process before he proceeded to the water barrier and struck with a fist.

This was a plain fist strike without any technique whatsoever. The moment his fist struck the water bubble, its momentum was once again halved and the violent nature of the fire and lightning surrounding his hand dampened considerably.

But nonetheless, the fist strike broke through the water barrier as it struck Lu Chen who was blasted away like a kite with a loose string.

"What! His fist strike still actually contained this massive amount of force?" Lu Chen threw up a pale of blood as he struggled to remain standing causing his legs to bore a one foot deep and 70 feet long gully on the ground.

Wang Tong already retreated with his water bubble the moment Lu Chen was struck. He approached Lu Chen and created a small water bubble that encapsulated Lu Chen's injured arms.


A sizzling sound rang out as Lu Chen's charred arms began to gradually heal. Clearly that water technique was a healing art.

Min Tian looked to the side and was frightened by what he was looking at.

There the massive Yin cyclone created by the merger of Min Rou and Min Qing's domain was already waning. There were about forty Peak Dan Formation experts firing different attacks containing several laws at it.

Within the waning cyclone Min Hong was still scuffling in intense pain. The anatomy of his bones had greatly changed, his dragon tattoos have all gone black and dormant. His 'Yuan Wonder Gate' had been smashed and his yuan Qi infected.

Within his Sea of Consciousness, the energy barrier and altar when his futon was were already cracked greatly. This was utter destruction of Min Hong as a being and all these destructions were caused by just the residue of the aura of the scarlet seed, who was also called a 'Yao Demon King' by the playful voice earlier.


As all this was going onoutside on the battle field

"You! Go and join them. Break apart that cyclone and slaughter those three!" Lu Chen commanded his flying beast as it flew towards the area where the Min Rou trio were.


Back within Min Hong's Sea of Consciousness, a cold snort echoed within the ancient door.

"Hmph! You will pay for this!" the playful voice spoke once again after a while as a deep golden ball of light with several ancient characters flew out of the door and latched onto the crumbling altar.

The moment this ball of light entered the altar, the altar began to restore itself at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then the altar released a bright golden glow that spread out in all directions.

The moment this light touched the energy barrier, it's cracks were also restored till it was spotless once again. The rest of the light spread all over his Sea of Consciousness to halt the havoc the black aura was currently wreaking.

After that, the radiance shot into the futon and entered Min Hong's body before halting the changes ongoing within his body. But it couldn't restore his cultivation as it had all been infected by the black aura.

Since the golden light only possessed reparation powers but not purification effects. The transformation halted as Min Hong's anatomy gradually returned itself back to normal. His body glowed slightly as the fangs, three-inch long fingers and so on retreated to normal.

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