The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 64: Intense Grief Breaks the Ancient Seal

Chapter 64: Intense Grief Breaks the Ancient Seal

The entire scene looked like a red-carpet event in modern day earth. The path Min Hong just created was dyed red with enemy blood.

On getting to the centre, Min Hong's blades were like the reaper's scythe as several heads fell off wherever they passed. He released his 'One with Dao' level [Song of the Wind Spirit] sword technique.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Min Hong looked like he had been possessed as he kept mumbling that same single word repeatedly. He had lost count of how many souls he had killed. It was as if he had lost his soul and all reasoning.

The only feelings he had currently were; grief, rage and resentments.

The Yuan Qi within his body was ceaselessly consumed, yet just like someone who had gone mad, Min Hong's twin blades flashed. Everyone who saw the glint of his swords were unable to see anything anymore as they all fell to the ground, dead.

Meanwhile on the other side, Min Qing, Min Jiao, Min Bai, Min Ming and every other younger generation member Min Hong was familiar with had slaughtered so many people that their eyes had gone red.

For the sake of the Min Family, they were all willing to burn the last drop of their Qi and burn their vitality.

Then gradually, Min Hong started to feel numb from the killings and began to grow exhausted. He bent over and gasped for air, his hands on his knees as he heavily inhaled and exhaled.

Then he gazed into the distance where the Nascent Soul experts were battling it out with each other.

There, Min Tian and Elder Shin fought the Leaders of the three regions at the same time. Two against three, battling two 2 Star Nascent Soul and one 3 Star Nascent Soul expert simultaneously.

The two of them relying on their seventh plane [Intent] level comprehension of the Sword Law to sustain the battle. But they were gradually falling into a disadvantage.

Elder Shin battled the Merchant Alliance Head; Jia Ma and Zhou Family Head; Zhou Long, simultaneously as they were both in the 2 Star Nascent Soul Stage and seemed to have comprehended a weaker Law compared to the Elder shin.

Elder Shin who fused his seventh plane [Intent] of Water and Wind Law to produce Ice for attack whilst using the Wind aspect for movement and the Water aspect for defence was the one falling into gradual disadvantages.

After all, he was battling two 2 Star Nascent Soul experts who have also comprehended their own Laws.

Min Tian on the other hand was battling intensely with Wang Tong who had comprehended and fused the seventh plane [Intent] of the Fire, Metal and Hammer Law was really having a hard time.

Every time they collided Min Tian would feel the heaviness and overwhelming properties of the Hammer Law which made his old bones vibrate intensely. Thus, he was gradually getting worn out.

But Wang Tong would also feeling the electrocuting and numbing properties of the Lightning Law, coupled with the searing effects of the Fire Law that almost had his blood evaporating. Moreover, he couldn't attack anyhow he wanted because of the Sword Law.

His Hammer Law was meant for brute force and pummelling, and this is only perfect when fighting against a defence type, Nascent Soul experts. For people like Min Tian who he was currently battling, the sword was meant for finding flaws in opponents moves.

On another area of the battle, the Guardian Beast of the Min Family; Yun'er, was busy keeping the two Guardian Beasts from the Zhou and Wang Family at bay, although she was barely doing holding on.

After all, two of them were in the Peak Dan Formation stage. But the one from the that Jia Ma; the Merchant Alliance Head brought, which was is the 7 Star Dan Formation stage, ceaselessly interfered with the battle, causing the Guardian Beast Yun to gradually fall into a disadvantage.

The rest of the elders from both the Soaring Cloud Alliance and the Min Family who were in the Nascent Soul stage were battling with raging intensity

"I am utterly unable to participate in a battle of such scale." A bitter twisted smile split Min Hong's lips when he saw the battle ongoing amongst the higher ups of both parties.

Any one of these experts could kill him with just a flip of their palms. At this moment Min Hong's heart surged with the feeling of helplessness and inferiority.

If only he was a Saint stage expert. No, even the sixth level of Nascent Soul stage power level would be enough for him to turn around this ongoing genocide and rescue his Min Family from this merciless slaughter.

In the battle amongst the stronger experts, the Min Family was starting to gradually fall into a glaring disadvantage. This wasn't because they were weak, but rather because they were sorrily outnumbered.

Min Tian was battling the Wang Family Head and Elder Shin was barely holding his own against the Zhou Family Head and the Merchant Alliance Head.

Min Bolin was currently battling the three 1 Star Nascent Soul elders from the Wang Family, and was even currently injured with blood trickling down his right arm.

The supreme Elders Shui and Shan, were currently battling the three 1 Star Nascent Soul experts from the Merchant Alliance.

Min Rou, Min Lei and Min Jin all picked a single supreme elder each from the Zhou Family as they were evenly matched. In fact, Min Rou who just recovered to the 1 Star Nascent Soul stage was faring better than her brothers at this point.

The rest of the Min Family experts who were in the 1 Star Nascent Soul stage such as; Min Teng [Min Bai's father] and his wife; the Head healer with the commander of the Death Guards were all swarmed upon by three Peak Dan Formation elders of the three regions.

As a result, many Peak Dan Formation experts from the Soaring Cloud Alliance tore through the rest of the Min Family members and younger generation, slaughtering them all and leaving a bloodbath in their wake.

Though the Nascent Soul elders of the Min Family were still managing for the moment, the members of the Soaring Cloud Alliance outnumbered that of the Min Family by at least five to one.

"Nice strategy Family Head Tong! So, you plan on delaying the older experts until the younger generation battle concludes, then swarm the older experts with your own younger generation and wait for an opening to strike a fatal blow." Lu Chen stood on his beast as he thought to himself with a smile.

"Wear them out with overwhelming numbers and then move in to deal the killing blow" Lu Chen simply smiled to himself as he watched a live genocide ensue.

The entire battlefield was drenched in blood, gore, resentments and bitterness to the extent that the mood and emotions of everyone participating in the battle had been slightly affected by it.

For Min Hong, he had seen his family members die over and over again. In fact, his friend the fatty; Min Dong who was his first opponent in the coming-of-age ceremony, just had his belly split open by an enemy sword as his organs spilled out onto the ground.

Min Hong whose belly was already full to the brim with utmost resentment and hopelessness actually puked when he saw this. Tears had already begun to form in his already scarlet eyes.

As his tears started to form, they actually stung his eyes for some unknown reasons. His arms and legs grew crazily weak a he fell to his knees and clawed his aching heart and upset stomach.

Whilst all this was happening, no one knew that all these baleful auras were being sucked out of all the experts on the battlefield and was gathering at a spot not too far away from Min Hong.

As these baleful auras gathered with extreme speed, an ancient seal appeared and a tiny whirlpool abruptly spun to life as all these baleful auras were sucked into the centre of the seal where some of the ancient characters on the seal started to vanish.

This went on for a short while before the whirlpool began to absorb the baleful aura radiating from Min Hong. But the moment it absorbed the first bit of the aura the seal finally vanished completely and the whirlpool stopped and then abruptly vanished as well.

No one noticed anything from the start to the finish. Then a voice that seemed to belong to over five thousand people sounded from within the ball, and it carried a babyish tone with it.

"There's only so much someone like you can handle unh you're weary and tired. Lost both mentally and in your soul I could make good use of someone like you, you will serve me Yao Ming really well. HahaHahaHaha!" the voice laughed contently and no one on the battle field still noticed anything wrong.

Then all of a sudden, the ball of light fed on all the baleful aura on the battlefield and that of Min Hong before it suddenly took a slightly transparent hue and a completely blood and scarlet red seed could be seen at the centre of this transparent black ball.

After completing its feeding, the ball dashed into Min Hong's body and began to wreak havoc everywhere in his body. His bone structure, muscle, organs began to transform as if he was turning into something entirely inhuman.

What was doing these transformations was merely the aura left behind by the trail of this black ball of light which dashed into Min Hong's Sea of Consciousness, looking to take over his mind.

The black ball of light appeared within Min Hong's Sea of Consciousness as it saw a spirit image of Min Hong who was in a dormant state sitting atop the white futon, on the altar protected by the energy barrier.

The black ball of baleful aura then dashed for the spirit image of Min Hong which was his soul. But it was repelled by the energy barrier. It barged and barged all over again but to no avail.

"Hmph This puny barrier won't stop me from achieving my complete freedom. I've been sealed in that hell hole for so long and those guardians would soon sense that I've been released through this place."

"I need to take over this human child's soul quickly, so I can hide my aura and gradually recover my strength HahaHahaHaha!" the ball of light barged once again but couldn't still penetrate the barrier.

"Hmph! I guess I have no choice but to use a tiny bit of power no one can stop me Yao Ming from achieving my aims. Not those guardians and not even those old demons who refuse to die!" all of a sudden the black spherical ball exploded and the red seed charged towards the barrier one more time.

This time, it entered like a hot pin through a candle. Whilst the energy from the black ball which exploded earlier, spread across his entire Sea of Consciousness, corrupting and even killing anything it came into contact with.

As the red seed entered the energy barrier, it swiftly approached Min Hong's soul. But, as it was about to enter into Min Hong's soul, the giant, ancient door with three broken seal which was behind Min Hong trembled slightly.

Then a young playful voice echoed from within the door. "I've been waiting a very long time for someone to enter through this door and break me out of this seal."

"And after finally finding such a person, you want to try and take over his soul? In the presence of I, the great and revered Sun Wukong! You must be dreaming you filthy thing!"

Towards the end of the statement, though the voice still sounded playful, one could tell it was truly furious.

Then a golden ball of light exploded out from the door and sped towards the sentient scarlet seed and began to swallow it up.

"Bloodline of the Ancient Sun Clan! The guardians of all universes!" The babyish voice within the red seed was shocked stupid as intense fear erupted within it.

"Wait! Why does your aura and power seem so weak? So, we are both in a pinch unh?" the babyish voice seemed to recover a bit as it continued.

"You're injured and I am also injured why don't you let us co-exist for now and let the boy himself decide who he will partner with? You cannot kill me yet and neither can you seal me and I can't do anything to you at all." The babyish voice continued.

"Let's just gradually hide and recover within his body and when we are back to our peak, we can both decide with the boy on what to do. Moreover, you're still sealed at the moment and all you can do is send these mental attacks of yours." The babyish voice laughed as the red seed expelled the golden mote of light.

"I am the great guardian general. I cannot be negotiating with a Yao Demon King. Your elders usually piss their pants at the hearing of my name. but, wait until I'm free from this seal and you can return to whichever hell you came from" the playful teenage voice spoke one last statement as the entire place went silent.

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