The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 55: A Brewing Storm (2)

Chapter 55: A Brewing Storm (2)

A week later

Min Family Castle

Family Head Residence

Everywhere had been abnormally calm for the past one week. In fact, it was like the massive chaos caused by the news of the Wang Clan's invasion didn't happen.

But todayThere were about twenty people currently in the hall.

The atmosphere was tense and anger radiated from most of the people here. some were yelling in anger, others were having a shocked expression on their faces, whilst a few were calm with a thinking expression on their faces.

"I was wondering why we were all told to return from seclusion. So, it was because of this. If I don't give those Wang Family piece of sh*ts a piece of my mind, then my name is not Min Shan." Elder Min Shan was so furious his long beards were trembling as he yelled.

"Min Shan! Calm your nerves, I can't hear myself think." A calm and cool voice suddenly spread all through the hall and everyone became silent. Even Min Tian who was sitting at the head seat looked up to gaze at the figure that just spoke.

"Min Shin, what do you think?" Min Tian asked the figure who was the second strongest expert in the entire Min Family. He was joint with Min Tian in cultivation base, but Min Tian had comprehended stronger laws than he has.

"There's no use in getting angry over nothing. Since things have developed to this level, I don't think we should be bothered about our personal affairs at the moment. We have the advantage of the battleground."

"We should just prepare and wait for them to come to step foot into the castle premises, then we can use our defense system to wear them out a bit before we engage them...or Min Shui, what do you think?" Elder Min Shin turned to the figure sitting right next to him.

"That seems a lot better than Min Shan's idea. We are already a few steps behind in planning and if we took the fight to them, we don't know much about the mountain where they reside, as such we might suffer a miserable defeat." Min Shui voiced his thoughts.

Currently amongst the twenty plus people present, there was Min Tian and Min Shin who were in the 3 Star Nascent Soul Stage.

Then there was Min Shui and Min Teng (Min Bai's father) who were in the 2 Star Nascent Soul stage.

They were followed by Min Shan and Min Bolin [Min Hong's first uncle] who had a power level equivalent to the 1 Star Nascent Soul Stage.

Whilst the rest were all of Min Hong's uncles, the head of the healers; Elder Xun, the elder at the library; Elder Ling, and the commander of the Death Guards; Elder Xiao, who all had power level equivalent to Half Nascent Soul Stage.

Then everyone else including Min Rou, were all at the peak of Dan Formation stage, and if given ample time could actually form their Nascent Soul and advance to the One Star level.

"Since it has been decided, we will wait for them here. I and the three supreme elders Shan, Shui and Shin will be here in the hall, while my sons would guard the castle." "Every other elder should patrol and keep watch on the outer premises of the castle and alert everyone at the slightest sight of anything unusual." Min Tian dished out duties to all the elders present within the hall.

"When the battle starts, I will personally deal with the Wang Family Head. Min Shui, Min Shin and Min Bolin will deal with their three supreme elders, while everyone else deals with the rest of their elders."

"This battle would be critical to our staying here in the Soaring Cloud Village, don't be rash. Always keep a cool head and be calm at all times. Min Lei and Min Shan, those words were mostly meant for both of you. Don't cause the rest of your peers any difficulties because of your hot bloodedness." Min Tian warned sternly.

"I'm sorry for my earlier flare ups. I just became too emotional after hearing the different shameless and malicious actions those bastards have taken. Especially on our innocent younger generation members." Min Shan calmed himself before taking his seat.

"You're not the only one who is disgusted by their actions, and we are also furious. After all, they were our family members too. But I would rather bottle up my rage and let it incubate well before I unleash it on them."

"Moreover, rage can also be a source of power and you also formed a fire elemental Nascent Soul, so it's expected for you to be unable to restrain your rage. But, just promise me one thing on that day" Min Shin spoke.

"What is it you require of me, elder brother?" Min Shan asked respectfully.

"On that day, make sure they burn for their sins." Min Shin's voice was low as the entire hall slowly became cold. Everyone could actually see their breaths puff out.

Elder Shin could actually affect the environment with just his mood alone and the intensity of the cold which subsided a little later clearly showed the intensity of his rage. Even Min Tian shuddered in the cold, while the weaker elders sneezed in cold.

One would remember that even an ordinary Warrior stage or Qi Sea stage expert was immune to cold. So, for these elders who were in the Nascent Soul stage to shiver in cold only shows how powerful forming an elemental nascent soul was.

When one reaches the Dan Formation stage, they would be able to comprehend an elemental law, which would give them the ability to borrow the power of the element after they have mastered the nature of the element.

But, in this case the power of the element was being borrowed. When one reaches the Nascent Soul stage and forms an elemental nascent soul, they would be able to actually control the element like it was their limbs and command it to do their biddings.

This was the reason why the element of ice responded to Elder Shin's mood even though he didn't control it or even willed it. The element had just gotten too intimate with him that it could actually respond to his mood individually.

This was why Nascent Soul Expert were very feared, they can control the elements with their thoughts alone. Some experts like Elder Shin could create extremely sharp spears made of Ice element out of nothing. It was a seriously fearsome ability.

Whilst all these was happening no one noticed the Min Lei who had been silent since the beginning of their planning. He just stood there, quiet to the extent that it seemed like he only a servant or wasn't even there.

He looked towards his wife who was right beside him, before giving her a knowing nod and then continued to spectate the meeting as if it had nothing to do with him at all.


Back at Min Rou's residence

Gathering at the dining table to eat lunch were Min Rou, Min Qing and Min Hong. "Mother, I think that the Wang Clan's plans are not that simple. Since they have been this ambitious from the start and have now decided to take action, I doubt if their plans are only this much." Min Hong spoke.

"Starting tomorrow, I will send out my spies to watch their every move tightly. I want to see any more development their plans could make. With the recent stunts they have been pulling both openly and from the shadows."

"I have long suspected that the hunt was just a ruse and they were really looking to control the entire Soaring Cloud Village. This was why I sent Min Teifei to the Zhou Family and Min Su to the Wang Family. But what bothers me the most is still the fact that, they seem unafraid should the Royal Palace get a wind of this matter." Min Rou clenched her hands into fists as she spoke.

"Since they could bribe the Royal Guard stationed in our Soaring Cloud Village to defy the orders of the palace and change the date of the hunt without even sending a notice to us, it's only normal to assume that he would also be the one to make sure news of this doesn't spread out of the Soaring Cloud Village."

"After all, in the entire village, he currently holds absolute power. I guess this was the reason why they've decided not to tarry any longer since the longer they wait the more the probability of something unexpected happening." Min Qing also chimed her thoughts.

Min Hong and Min Rou were both stunned and surprised at the same time. Firstly, Min Hong never knew that Min Qing had such deduction ability especially when she's only fourteen years old.

Secondly, was the fact that, ever since the Yin Qi flare ups started, Min Qing had rarely spoken to anyone except when in the presence of her family, and even when she's in the presence of her family, she rarely speaks unless someone asks for her opinion on things.

She had recently been developing an aura of isolation around herself. This was especially when Min Hong went for training in the Mist Marshlands for a year and Min Rou had to attend to her information gathering duties.

Furthermore, sometimes even Min Tian himself would be out dealing with his family head duties, and as such she was left alone most of the time. This continued until Min Hong returned and then she became a tad bit social with him.

Then even after that, she still felt ignored as Min Hong only focused on the ceremony and the hunt and didn't think too much about it. Min Rou also noticed this, but she was explicitly instructed by Min Tian, to allow the siblings sort it out themselves rather than interfere in their matters every time.

Then as fate would have it what was supposed to be Min Qing's sadness, turned out to be what would pull them together more, and Min Rou was naturally happy with the outcome.

But now that Min Qing now felt open enough to actually speak of her own volition, it was only normal that the worried Min Rou would be surprised.

"You're really cut out for my line of work. Would you like to join me on some missions? Though, most of the time it would be you and Min Su on missions, but I think we ladies can handle such missions better than those muscle for brains." Min Rou happily suggested.

"The only difference is the method at which we get information. Women use their ability to seduce while men use brute forceboth are very efficient in their ways" Min Hong calmly responded. "Now that you you're back, I can be at ease. Your injuries" Min Hong added worryingly.

"Don't stress it. If any of those elders of the Wang Family dare to fight me one on one, it would be their funeral. None of them are good enough to be my opponent." Min Rou said as a matter of factly.

Nodding his head in relief, Min Hong looked to his sister, Min Qing. Although, he still felt something was going on with her, but he decided not to add to the current tense mood of the Min Family.

A while later, two figures walked into Min Rou's residence. The first was the frequent Min Tian and the other was his peer when it comes to power level, Min Shin.

"Qing'er, you have really grown up." Min Shin spoke emotionally as he looked towards Min Qing. He was also aware of the background story of the little baby Min Tian brought back from his mission to ward off the Ironwood tribe, who were terrorizing the local smaller tribes.

Min Qing smiled as she looked at her grandfather and his best bud. She had known this elder since she could speak and walk. Most times when she was little and Min Tian went on a mission with Elder Shin, Elder Shin usually tell her about their valiance in battle.

To the little Min Qing back then, the stories always sounded like one from the novels and she was always excited to see him once again to hear more stories...but unfortunately shortly after that the elder went into cultivation seclusion and only came out because of the current crisis the Min Family was facing.

"Father the preparations on the castle are about done" Min Rou said as she stood up and respectfully offered her seat to Elder Shin.

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