The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 54: A Brewing Storm (1)

Chapter 54: A Brewing Storm (1)

Wang Family Region Atop a tall mountain

Wang Family Head Residence

It was a large residence with two living quarters on each side and one large, luxurious and tall building facing the entrance.

The center of this residence was split into three parts; one being a training area, the second being a garden that contained flowers of different fragrances and colors which gave the entire residence a sweet and luxurious smell to it.

Then the last was a courtyard with a very fat but short tree with long branch span in the middle. There was one bamboo chair, one bamboo bench, one luxuriously woven straw mat and a marble stool in this area which seemed to be a relaxing area.

A tall and muscular figure was currently sitting on the bamboo chair with a steaming pot of herbal tea on the marble table, a cup of the same hot tea in hand and two maids, one massaging his shoulders and the other his feet.

He was currently watching two little boys spar on the training ground few feet away from him.

The two kids were giving their all in this duel and were sweating profusely. They both seemed to be about twelve years and were both giving each other a hard time, with the way the spar was going, it would most likely end in a draw.

But the figure kept watching the spar in anticipation and hopes that something might happen.

After watching on for a bit longer he muttered to himself, "So it is another draw again unh? I guess I will have to send them both to that place to awaken their bloodline." Then he sighed.

The moment he sighed, both kids landed a critical attack on each other simultaneously and were both pushed off the training ground. They both stood up, straightened their clothes and bowed towards the figure without moving in the slightest.

"Go in and freshen up. Both of you should prepare for the journey tomorrow. It might take a long while before you return with master. So, you should make full preparations." The figure spoke as he waved them off.

As they both left the training area a voice sounded from the entrance, "Father, it is me, Wang Zheng."

The figure waved the maids as they stood to one side before muttering to himself. "At least some good news has finally arrived today."

Wang Zheng walked in and bowed to his father, the Family Head of the Wang Family, Wang Tong. The man then turned and smiled at his son proudly.

This son of his had never let him down, he had cultivated to the Four-Star Dan Formation stage at the age of twenty, leaving all his peers behind eating from the scraps of his dust.

There was a striking resemblance between the two, including their almost feminine handsomeness and arrogant demeanors.

But the arrogance within this man seemed to bred into his bones and it was really obvious he had achieved this a very long time ago.

"You've returned. How was it? Did you see him?" he asked his son expectantly.

"Yes father. The information was correct, it was just as he had said, he is only in the 6 Star Qi Sea stage." Wang Zheng replied with his head still bowed.

"Come sit." Wang Tong sat up before he continued. "He shouldn't pose any problems to you. I also want you to be quick with it so you can assist the rest when taking care of them. Make sure none of them leaves that place with their lives." He spoke in all seriousness.

"Rest assured father. As long as any elder doesn't interfere, they will all meet their miserable ends underneath my sword." Wang Zheng replied with a very confident tone.

"Good. Those useless Zhou Family would be taking care of the merchant tribe and since the royal guard has accepted to keep everything under wraps, we must make sure that no one escapes to get word out." Wang Tong said grimly.

"Since the Min Clan won't dare start a war with our Wang Clan just because of the loss of a single branch family, we must make sure we wipe them out completely. Firstly, we don't want to have a future or potential calamity for our Wang Clan or Family because of our negligence."

"Then secondly, we can't fully trust that greedy royal guard. Since he could be bribed by us, he can also be bribed by others as well. In fact, if he wasn't from the Royal Palace itself, I would have killed myself once this was over."

"But, if he fails and word got to the Royal Palace about this, not even our Wang Clan would be able to save us from doom."

"So, all of you better make sure none of their younger generation escapes. Leave their elders to ours, and I will personally take care of that old ghost Min Tian." He added.

"If everything goes according to plan and that person plays his part well, we should be able to end it swiftly and be home before sunset." Wang Zheng tried to ease his father a bit with that statement and it seemed to work a bit.

"Never place your hopes on anyone, that's what got me to where I am today." Wang Tong reprimanded softly before adding, "But even if he doesn't play his part, nothing can stop the Min Family from meeting a miserable end." Wang Tong had a broad smile on his face as he spoke.

"Father is too capable and wise." Wang Zheng flattered before he added, "Has Ling and Long awakened their bloodlines yet?" he asked.

"Sadly, not. Master thought if they both gave themselves a good fight, their bloodlines might resonate and the two of them might awaken it then or at least one. But, since it didn't happen, I've decided to let master take them to that hell hole. That place should serve as an excellent stimulator."

"After all, that was where I awakened mine too long ago. But irrespectively, I've told master to take them away and only return with them when he gets the news of this mission's success." Wang Tong answered.

"How are the rest, hope they're not slacking off? If anything wrong happens on that day, they can as well forget about returning." He asked with a vicious expression. "Nothing must go wrong."

"They don't dare slack off with me here. We've invested a lot of resources in them, if they don't play their part perfectly, I would kill them myself." Wang Zheng assured his father.

"Good. You may go now. You can do as you wish today since you have given me a piece of good news, and it's only natural I reward you." Wang Tong stood up as he entered the tallest building in the residence.

"Father is truly wise indeed." Wang Zheng thanked his father with a lecherous smile before he looked towards one of the two maids that were massaging his father earlier.

The maid was not too pretty and wasn't ugly either but had a very sexy and moderately full chest and buttocks.

The maid blushed slightly as she walked towards Wang Zheng and started giggling as the latter started to stoke her rear end as they both entered one of the living quarters in the residence.


Meanwhile, back at the Min Family Castle

Within Min Rou's residence, there were currently five figures in the dining room. Four were at the dining table and one stood to the side with a bow. The entire room was a little nervy.

"So that's how it is unh." Min Rou muttered under her breath. As she looked towards the figure opposite her, "Father, we need to start preparing. There's going to be a massive unrest very soon."

The figures at the dining table were; Min Tian, Min Rou, Min Qing and Min Hong. The figure standing to the side was Min Su who just gave the report of her reconnaissance mission. They were all sitting there with grim expressions at the moment.

"I have been anticipating this for a very long time now, it was only a matter of the time they had the balls to pull it off." Min Tian spoke in silent rage. "Have you told everyone to return to their homes and all the other things I requested?" Min Tian asked.

"Yes father. Everyone stationed at various business locations have returned, our golds and sellable resources have been exchanged for spirit stones and the rest of our resources are now stored in the library." Min Rou answered smartly.

"We have also managed to relocate about ten percent of the outer members. We gave each of their parents few resources to support them afterwards. But I don't think we can relocate every one of them, but we should be able to dispatch about sixty percent of them before they arrive."

"We have also tried to relocate some of our castle members, but every batch we have sent so far have been poached and gone missing. After a long and thorough search, we can only presume that they've been killed or if lucky captured." Min Rou added once more.

Min Tian slammed his palm onto the table in anger as he bellowed. "And we are yet to discover the traitor amongst us?" he paced up and down extremely furiously.

"Grandpa, calm down. We already know that the traitor is a Min Family elder. That has narrowed the search a bit. We would surely find him or her." Min Hong tried to ease his grandfather a bit.

"Hmph! If I get a hold of that person, even his ancestors would feel sorrowful for him or her by the time I'm done venting my mind." Min Tian vented his fury with that statement as he calmed himself and sat. "How much longer will it take Min Teng to arrive?" he asked.

"Elder Teng is coming with the all the Death Guards and it would most likely take two more days before they arrive the rest of the soldiers were left behind to serve as the first line of defense." Min Su answered this time around.

Min Teng was Min Bai's father, the one stationed at the Min Family border. Since his son Min Bai had entered the top ten during the coming-of-age ceremony after being defeated by Min Hong, it was only natural that he would be accepted into the Min Family castle and given the position of an elder.

"I also think the traitor amongst us also leaked the locations of all our younger generation members that were out training. We were very lucky that immediately we discovered this, we sent someone to Hong'er then. Or else who knows what would have happened." Min Tian spoke as he gazed dotingly at Min Hong.

"We were indeed very lucky." Min Rou added as she ruffled Min Hong's hair a bit. "But still others are being assassinated. We've lost about twenty of them and about three of them made it to the top ten of the coming-of-age ceremony."

"We should increase the security of the castle and dispatch one Death Guard each to all the families living within the castle. Since there are already spies amongst us, there might be several assassination attempts. So, this should at least make them less prone to it."

"Open the library and give all the castle members all the cultivation resources they need. Since everything might be lost in this battle there's no point in keeping them. Moreover, I am very sure our enemies aren't hold anything back and neither should we." Min Tian instructed.

"Min HongMin QingBoth of you should head over to the library as well, so you can the things you might need. Since they are poaching all the castle members we sent out, it only shows that, we are the only obvious target."

"Since the outer members are not completely related to us, they've let them off. But for us, we will have to do battle. Moreover, since they are not willing to negotiate only shows that they've been festering this plan for a long time."

"Furthermore, since you little ones will also be doing battle, it's only natural that you're given enough life preservation and cultivation resources to protect yourselves." Min Tian concluded before he left the residence.

Min Rou waved her kids back to their rooms before dishing Min Su several instructions.

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