The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 222: Hidden Emotional Quests

Chapter 222: Hidden Emotional Quests


Daniel screamed in shock whilst Min Hong and Little Fei were utterly gob-smacked by what they just heard before Min Hong finally had enough voice to stutter at Little Fei;

"I-is that even possible? Like is it even a thing?"

"I didn't believe it could actually work I have always been thinking about the possibilities but this changes a lot of things

In fact, it would be the best variation improvement the 'Shadow Part' of your [Chaotic Shadow Steps] have ever undergone"

Little Fei shook his head as he muttered out of breath and before Min Hong could say anything else, he left whilst muttering some ramblings like a crazy scientist who was trying to build something which would make the entire world piss their pants

Min Hong who was about to ask; "You were thinking about the possibilities!?" saw Little Fei as a realization hit him

Was Little Fei the one who came up with those techniques that we used when battling Little Bai a while ago!?

The [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] First Stance: Baptism of the Saints and the [Dragon Slayer Sword] First Stance: Chaotic Soul Slash!?

"And here I was thinking that it was a technique that came with the cultivation technique for breaking through"

"But if that is what it is, wouldn't that make Little Fei a Scholar!?"

Min Hong wanted to go ask but was stopped by Daniel who said he should look into his system storage

There on the storage icon was a number 2 which showed that there are two new items in Min Hong's system storage that was also linked to his own Spatial Ring

Thus as Min Hong delved into the storage he saw the two new items encased some sort of yellow glow and were floating higher than the rest...

So reaching to the roof where these items were Min Hong saw a rainbow colored ring that was simply sealed, because even despite being sealed, Min Hong was still feeling a sense of force and power and domination and destruction and sovereignty, but also the meekness of an innocent little child radiating from that rainbow colored ring

Then, without even being told, Min Hong understood that he would have to go through the funniest process of gaining acknowledgement from a one-month-old infant, trial

Then looking to the second item which was a blob of translucent liquid which looked like it was entirely made of silver and at the same time could take a black shade and also return to a bright translucent white

This was the diluted version of the blood of the first dragon which Min Hong was supposed to pour into a bath full of Qi so as to create a dragon transformation pool  causing Min Hong to begin to cringe slightly from the sheer amount of power stones he was about to crunch for his next cultivation

Even Little Wu would most likely puke blood from the sheer amount of power stones Min Hong would use

Mu Li and the gang would also be shocked at the amount of power stones Min Hong will request for

But back to the story, Daisy beeped and spoke after reading Min Hong's emotional Intelligence;

"Cultivating within the Dragon Transformation Pool will take you about six weeks and based on the system's estimation of that ring's power level, even as it is in its weakest state, it would still take at least six to seven weeks to gain its acknowledgement if Host is lucky to receive its recognition" 

"Thus, Host cannot do both before the 'War God Trial' begins"

Daisy said as Min Hong smirked and thought to himself;

"You sure, daisy!? I have the necessary tools to do just that"

Then he spoke;

"We will do both"

"Little Fei, I would love you to help me handle the matter of the 'Dragon Transformation pool'" Min Hong began to designate work to each of his alts

There was time to play and mess around with each other, but there will also be time to work for the betterment of the body they were within

Then he looked to Daniel and spoke;

"You will follow me to go gain the acknowledgement of that overpowered monster baby"

"I will do the talking, you just be prepared to alert me of danger, and help me avert the ones you can take care of"

Daisy kept watching the tactfulness and synchronized way Min Hong handled his alts at that moment, and began to increase Min Hong's soul statistics to increase their sync value

With that Min Hong decided to do both two separate cultivation sessions with the power of his alts

This means;

A part of Min Hong's brain that was being handled by Little Fei will focus on cultivating his body in the 'Dragon Transformation Pool' whilst the other part of his brain which will be controlled by Min Hong and Daniel would focus on gaining the acknowledgement of the overpowered monster baby

With their own part of the brain still split into two, for both defense, and taking the trials

The trials of the acknowledgement process' 

The boldness and sense of thrill within the voice with which Min Hong decided to do two separate cultivation sessions at once, in one body, caused Daisy to begin to subconsciously add more cowries into Min Hong's wealth balance

This was the function of her emotional intelligence which set unknown quest to test Min Hong's attitudes and beliefs and once he passed some of these missions subconsciously the system rewards him with cowries...

[ Just like Bitcoin Farming or those stimulation games with auto farm function]

Back to the story, Min Hong exited his mental dimension and returned to the outside world as he stepped out of the bath and summoned Min Qing who was later given the duty of setting up a meeting with the group

After all, what he was about to do would greatly diminish the groups reserves

And just has he had expected, they were stunned speechless when they heard of the amount of spirit stones Min Hong claimed to need for cultivation but contrary to Daniel who thought they were going to complain, none of them did as Mu Li stated;

"You were the one who fought the death match, so literally it is your money

But Min Hong beg to differ, as he politely responded;

"But it is also a gamble we did with the savings of everyone in the group"

"What if I had lost? All of you would have also lost a years' worth of your cultivation resources"

"I have yet to pay the debt for your trusts

"thus, I don't want you to praise me for a complete two sided transaction"

"You traded your earnings and trust for multiple values of your earnings and a domineering group and we have almost reached the goal"

"Thus, everyone shall be treated equally and all the income in whatever form that we make would be shared amongst everyone in this group, equally from now, henceforth"

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