The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 180: Little Fei

Chapter 180: Little Fei

"If one doesn't even have a stable heart, then how can such a person look to achieve much in the path of the immortals?"

A fourth voice which was extremely unfamiliar to Min Hong sounded from within Min Hong's head

But before Min Hong could turn his head to see who it was that made that statement, he heard Daniel's statement and his jaws fell open

"It took you a lot lesser than I had anticipated I guess that is the perks of being a clean slate"

Min Hong then turned around and saw a blue-robed version of himself that took the appearance of the 5 year old Min Hong

"Not that, I was just so fascinated about both of your lifetimes that I was so eager to meet you guys in person"

"Thus, I had to crunch every drop of knowledge I had access to Thanks for hinting what I needed to do, now that I think about it, I would have gotten rid of me a long time ago"

The 5 year old Min Hong which was his third alter ego spoke with a 5 year old voice, but with the countenance and calmness of a mature adult

"Oh Little Fei meet the original squire of this lifetime" 

Daniel introduced the previously dumb royal babe to Min Hong who despite seeing everything and hearing everything in person, still had his jaws slacked and his eyes wide

"Ugh Stupid What are you shocked about?" Daniel face-palmed himself as he berated Min Hong

"No, it's fine I would be shocked just as much if I were in his shoes"

"Anyways, we should go back to what you were doing earlier

It is a wise choice to bring back your mother and upgrade her innate abilities" 

"One might have a caring master or friend or ally, but they would never share the same level of care mothers have towards their own flesh and blood"

[Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!]

"Moreover, you will need all the emotion she has to offer"

"So I support you fully on this one"

Little Fei spoke calmly with a vibe an aura around him that seems to calm everyone and everything around him an aura that brings out the little ounce of friendship and love in a tyrant

It was like a breath of fresh air to the otherwise accommodating but stifling relationship between Min Hong and Daniel, thus the duo instantly had a very sound first impression of Little Fei 

"Alright, I think we should reallocate roles to ourselves now that I am fully functional or what do you think?" Little Fei suggested



Min Hong and Daniel voiced their consent somewhat absentmindedly, seemingly captivated by this innocent looking and holy minded Little Fei

This was neither a technique of some sort that was being casted by Little Fei nor was it that Min Hong and Daniel were mentally weak, it was just Little Fei's adorable aura of a new born which no one can find any fault with that was causing this reaction 

In fact, if Little Fei was to roam the female province of every district in the Desert Sun Sect, he would most assuredly be flocked over by many girls and even most female elders (Winks...)

"I can handle the Soul, Mental and Heart aspect of your cultivation"

Little Fei suggested as Min Hong and Daniel bubbled their heads up and down in ascent

"I will handle every single Dao comprehension and assist with Missions from the system and the likes"

Daniel added as he and Little Fei both gazed towards Min Hong who had finally shut his agape mouth

"I would focus on my body and Qi cultivation as well as the choice of Daos to comprehend, whilst overviewing and overseeing your progress in the roles you have all chosen"

Min Hong assumed the General rank of his own life, but he did it in a subtle manner because he knew this was a matter he couldn't aggressively solve

After all, there is nothing stopping Daniel from combining with little Fei to wipe him off the map and take over his life by themselves, except for the 10% access each of them had with the others

"That's fantastic"

Little Fei rubbed his hands together like someone who was about to dive into a task of interest

"Alright, which one are you planning to give her?"

Little Fei asked Min Hong who had already gotten to the body interface of the cultivation menu

"I will give her the perfected Rain Dragon Meridian technique to enable her open the maximum amount of meridians she can withstand"

Min Hong began to elaborate on his plans to upgrade his elven mother

"Then I will give her the [Wonder Gate Codex] to cultivate her Qi, and the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] for her mental and soul cultivation"

"I will then purchase a heart force cultivation technique for us now, and finally, a body cultivation technique that is more suitable for a lady"

Min Hong gave the Little Fei duo a quick briefing "Then I suggest you pick this one"

Little Fei pointed to one of the techniques available in a list that seemed to be over 500 in number

This technique read; Testaments of Ancient Titans and cost around 5000 cowries as it belonged to the Peak Grade Silver Tier level

"Then for the heart cultivation, I think this should suffice"

Little Fei pointed to another technique since he was going to be primarily in charge of cultivating Min Hong's heart force

The technique he pointed at this time was also another Peak Grade Silver Tier Technique that costed a similar 5000 cowries to the body cultivation technique earlier

"Now that we are done with that, it is time to awaken her bloodlines and also find some suitable martial art techniques for myself and a low ranked one I can share to the rest of the group, so that they can at least have a minimum guarantee of success."

"Daisy, pull up the character bloodline upgrade interface and I would need you to make some suggestions on which ones would be the most efficient and cost effective at this time"

Chu-Lom! Directives Accepted

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