The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 179: Heart?

Chapter 179: Heart?

"Would you like to upgrade character's level or bloodline?"

Min Hong and Daniel, who knew they didn't have enough cowries to support their new-found personal goal, had no choice but to manage the little balance they had till they complete the 'War God Challenge' mission, and furtherly, the Nihility Flame mission

But for Min Hong at this point he cared so little about cowries and was only interested in upgrading his mom as best as he could

Thus, he looked over to Daniel at first before answering Daisy

Daniel noticed the apologizing look Min Hong was currently giving him

Though, it was a look of an initial apology, but Daniel knew fully well that Min Hong was going to go ahead with the upgrade even if the heavens were flipped upside down and the netherworld was turned inside out

The only reason why Min Hong had given that look was to make himself appear less like a selfish, immature and unreasonable person everyone and readers most often portray him as

He knew Daniel would most likely reject the idea because the only thing Daniel was concerned about was their cultivation progress and Daisy 

But contrary to expectations, Daniel simply looked towards their 40,000 cowry balance and thought to himself;

"Screw it We might as well just go all in..."

Then with a deep, helpless sigh, he looked over to Min Hong and nodded;

"Just do it"

Min Hong revealed a joyful and gratified smile before turning back to the screen...

"Daisy, can I add my techniques and arts to the system log?"


"Sure would you like to add all of them or do you want to make preferential selections?"

"Add them all"


Scanning host for arts and techniques

Min Hong felt the familiar electric feeling wash over him once again

Scanning complete

Found five cultivation techniques and seven martial arts techniques

Adding twelve techniques to user data profile

Adding complete

"Add all martial arts techniques and Rain Dragon Meridian cultivation technique to Min Rou's data profile"


Cultivation and Martial arts techniques added

Since you have a form of currency, I believe you must also have a store right?"

"Sure Opening System store"

Adding and collating store item data, availability and value

1% complete, 2%... 5%... 10%...

Then Min Hong saw the system take what seemed to be almost thirty solid minutes before it finally took him to a submenu that read;






Then he clicked on Resources and was taken to another submenu where he saw; Pills, Potions, Plants, Stones, talismans and still the list still went on and on...

But since that was not his current primary target, Min Hong went back and then clicked on cultivation and was taken to another submenu that read;





and lastly, something he had never seen or heard of before;



Daniel was even more stunned by what they were currently staring at on Daisy's store interface

"Heart is the core and the strongest determining factor of a cultivator's journey to immortality and godhood"

"Heart is were confidence is born it is where belief is planted and nurtured it is where will resides and where love is festered"

"It's the strongest part of every living being but at the same time, its most vulnerable part"

"The heart is innocent and weak from inception and could also be trained and strengthened in either the right or wrong path"

"You can train the heart in the path of cowardice, lies, and evil Or you can train it in the path of valiance, truth and virtue"

"The hearts festers desires, then desire controls the mind and finally the mind shapes a person's life"

"It is the pivot by which every other thing rotates, unh?"

"But how does the heart affects my cultivation and Dao?" Min Hong asked as Daniel shook his head before muttering beneath his breath;

"Not only does this guy need a heart cultivation, he also needs something to cultivate his brain What a stupid question"

Daniel had an expression of sheer incredulity when he heard Min Hong ask such a question

But Daisy in all her capable and programmed self, responded;

"Since belief is festered in the heart and it is also the basis by which the Dao is attained, then we can say; one can never reach the true potential in their path of Dao comprehension if their heart is not strong enough"

"There are also cases where the Dao had actually killed a cultivator"

"Rephrasing in simplest term; if an expert is comprehending the Flame Dao, and deep within his heart, he doesn't completely believe in the Flame Dao, then such person would see their spirit get incinerated by the same Flame Dao they are comprehending" 

"That not all That expert would also see his soul and body follow suit that is the importance of the heart force to every part of a cultivator's Dao comprehension"

"In a situation where two opponents find themselves having equal amount of power, the winner would be determined by who believes in themselves and have absolute confidence in their abilities"

"Lastly, a cultivator with a stronger heart force can also nullify or reduce a huge chunk of an attack powered by the Dao of his opponent if the opponent has a weaker heart force"

"This follows the same trend for cultivation techniques, martial arts techniques, divine abilities and every other path in life"

"It even helps when in an interview or when having a negotiation with some higher powers"

Daisy explained based on the records of everything related to heart force recorded in her system

"Hence the famous quote; one has to kill the god within one's heart before one can have a hope of ascending to godhood"

Daniel added one of the quotes he had heard back in his days as an assassin, and this mantra was one of the reasons why he went on to become one of the most feared assassins in the entire world at that time

This was because of the degree of confidence he carried within his heart about his missions

"If one doesn't even have a stable heart, then how can such a person look to achieve much in the path of the immortals"

A fourth voice which was extremely unfamiliar to Min Hong sounded from within Min Hong's head



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