The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 147: A Stunning Visitor

Chapter 147: A Stunning Visitor

But, ever since I began to cultivate the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] technique, I started sensing its presence within my Mind Palace more specifically.

Though, it initially seemed dormant and asleep, but when I made a breakthrough to the Peak of the Dan Formation stage with my nine Qi Altars, I briefly sensed a unique energy which seemed to be turned off moments later.

There seemed to be a barrier whenever I tried to once again touch upon that energy, but that momentary leak in that energy was enough to stimulate it." 

"So whilst I was battling those two, I had thought that if I place myself in the face of danger that it would awaken, but it didn't."

"So, I decided to use my full cultivation and once again momentarily touch upon that energy, and this time, it was enough to awaken it from slumber." Min Hong explained.

"Prior to this moment, I noticed that I had lost my ability to do multiple things simultaneously. The most I could do was split my mind into three parts."

"I had thought it was due to my soul being tainted by the presence of Yao Ming, so I focused more on cultivating my soul ad even went to the extent of merging both techniques"

"But even after all that, there wasn't any form of progress, so took my mind off it and just felt it was my retribution for having such huge amount of luck."

"But who would have thought it was because part of my mind the very core of my consciousness had been sealed from me without me knowing" Min Hong sighed when he thought about it. 

He truly didn't want to think much about something of such magnitude.

Not because he was scared but simply because it was something on a level which he didn't even know existed or was possible to achieve.

"Perhaps, your karma had been tampered with even before you broke the seal on the ancient door."

"If it was so, then it would still be acceptable, but if it was done after I was unsealed, then there is a need to be extremely wary and cautious." 

"This is because, someone who is able pull of such a stunt without me even having the slightest hint would be able to kill both of us with his fart alone"

Though the way he said it was funny and nearly made Min Hong chuckle, he understood fully well that such a statement was not meant to make one laugh, especially when they were the person in question.

"There is no point in thinking too much about it for now. If the person who did this was as strong as you suggest him to be, then we must be temporarily safe for now" Min Hong spoke.

"Hmm, how can you be sure of that?"

Little Wu glanced towards Min Hong as he asked with a bewildered crease etched on his forehead.

"I am sure in two scenarios; firstly, the person is so strong that he considers it something belittling and a stain on his pride to kill someone as weak as me" 

"In the second instance, there is someone as strong as him or even stronger who is capable of putting him in his place or even one that this experts fears so much that he dare not act openly on me"

Min Hong explained his perspective to Little Wu who scoffed in response before jeering playfully;

"If the person who is helping you is as strong as you suggest him to be, do you think you will be sent to this godforsaken and mundane dimension?" 

"But, who knows you seem to have an envious relationship with Lady Luck, so your second perspective might be not too farfetched."

"Though, I suspect that it is more likely to be your first perspective, there are also rules that governs different dimensions, especially the ancient ones. " Little Wu reasoned. 

"Most of the ancient dimensions have rules and regulations guarding their entry and exit."

"Some ancient dimensions are prevented from entering any dimension that does not possess at least one Ancient Sage, whilst there are others who are actually in favor of the opposite."

"So that expert might just be in a dimension where it is against their rules and regulations to descend into this dimension" Little Wu gave his views about the situation. 

"But wouldn't that mean that my enemy if an adult or my rival if a youngling is from an ancient clan or dimension?" Min Hong responded.

"Or can it be that, even the ancients are terrified of my talents?"

Min Hong spoke with a thoughtful frown which was very serious but was nullified by the playful smugness in his tone which caused Little WU to roll his eyes as the corners of his lips to arch downwards in ridicule

"Firstly, I would have said 'You Wish!' but then your talent and affinity for cultivation is truly astonishing."

"Though, it might not rival that of the inner court disciples of those ancient clans, it is still enough to keep their outer court disciples on their toes" Little Wu consoled.

"So I am only comparable to the best amongst their outer disciples unh." Min Hong laughed softly in a self-ridiculing manner. 

Hearing this, Little Wu actually smacked Min Hong on the head as he chided;

"Is that how fragile your Dao is? You might as well stop cultivating if such a thing is already insurmountable to you"

Min Hong who was stunned by the seriousness Little Wu had begun to exude recently, looked towards the Ancient Heavenly Monkey who was currently seated atop his hovering staff and recalled how annoying and unreliable this guy was when they first met and he couldn't help but wonder what was causing all these changes within him. 

But still he chuckled confidently as he responded;

"Even when I was faced with certain death, I never wrote myself off, neither did I do so when I was faced with my Qi deviation and when you add the fact that I actually passed the inheritance trials of the 'great creator' tell me, do you think something as meager as that could make me scared or cower?"

Little Wu was a bit taken aback when he heard Min Hong as his view of Min Hong changed once again as he thought;

"I seem to have forgotten that this little punk is now master's equal and also the only disciple of the 'great creator' within this dimension. They would certainly not have acknowledged him if he was a coward"

Then he sighed as a self-depreciating smile tore the corners of his lips.

But what he heard next really made him want to smack Min Hong into oblivion;

"Moreover, an ocean in the distance cannot quench the nearby thirst" Min Hong said

"Furthermore, though I might not be any more than an ant in the face of those old, ancient experts everyone fears, if I am given enough time, I will be able to catch up and even surpass them..."

"At that time, they would be nothing more than people I look down upon from the highest point in the journey of cultivation..."

"Then, they will all gather themselves and come bow at my feet in hopes of becoming my subordinates and it would be too late as they will realize that even my servants are already much stronger than them..."

"I have no fear for them but only deep respect that they have managed to have transcended into immortality which is no easy feat... But even gods were once mortals and demi-gods were the by-product of a god and a mortal, so why should I fear someone who was once like me?"

Min Hong glanced at Little Wu and noticed his intensely twitching brows as he braced himself to be smacked once again, but even after waiting for about a minute nothing happened.

Then he saw Little Wu vanish back into his body as his voice echoed in his mind;

"Is that how lowly you think of gods and ancient experts? Haha ha! Perhaps you are right'

His voice faded as he pretended not to have noticed the great flaw in Min Hong's statement

Who were ancient experts? People who could move from one dimension to the other by just tearing up a portal in space and entering it before exiting on another dimension like they just moved from their living room to the kitchen

But for some strange reasons, Min Hong could sense that his laughter was filled with genuine agreement with his views.

But as he was about to ask why he abruptly left, Min Hong heard the sound of approaching footsteps, then he looked outside and noticed that it was already dark, though not completely but the massive sun of this world which was the size of earth itself was 90 percent down the horizon.

But instead of sitting up or going to the door to receive his guest, Min Hong simply laid there unbothered about whoever it might be. 

He had sent an obvious message today to the entire outer court, so he was sure the person who was visiting him at this hour couldn't be here to make trouble.

But then, if they really came to make trouble, then he could just increase the tally of the people he had killed to three.

He was that confident in his current ability, but when he heard the voice of the person who had come to his doorstep, he was a bit taken aback before a mild warmth spread all through his body as he joyfully sat up on his bed; 

"Hong-ge, are you awake?"

A gentle, innocent and soul cleansing voice chimed outside Min Hong's door as the softness in the tone drifted into Min Hong's ears soothing his body which seemed to get lethargic for some mysterious reasons at that point.

Min Hong instantly went for the door and opened it before letting in the lithe and sexy figure of Min Qing who stunned Min Hong with her current appearance.

Min Qing who was currently wearing a sea blue straight tight gown with several shimmering decorations gently walked in past Min Hong whose nose was assaulted by the luxurious perfume she applied.

Then his eye caught her entire left leg up too her thighs peeking out and hiding behind the long slit on the side of her gown like as if it was playing a game of hide and seek with him, whilst the heels she was currently on made sure with absolute certainty that her sexy figures twisted and swayed in the right directions. 

The glittering of light her jade earrings reflected as it shook slightly drew Min Hong's gaze as his eyes locked on to Min Qing's back which was currently showcased by the beautifully designed large oval opening at the back of her dress causing Min Hong to involuntarily gulp.

Then he saw her rolled up hair that was held in place by another beautiful jade pin before she gracefully turned around revealing her amateur but shyly stable bulges on her chest which only seemed to beautifully compliment her flat tummy. 

Then were the two bangs that gently floated down either sides of her face which actually projected her otherwise negligible but beautifully slanted willow-like eye brows.

Before everything ended in her eyes, those eyes that seemingly drew in every shred of Min Hong's reasoning.

Seeing the way she had left Min Hong dumbfounded and stunned by her beauty and natural charm, Min Qing smiled happily as she blushed slightly before chiming in melodic voice once again;

"Hong-ge, are you expecting someone else?" 

She asked before Min Hong remembered that he was still standing at the entrance with his hand still holding the door opened.

Then he stuttered; "Ehm Uhm, yeah- I mean no, I'm not expecting anybo-, let's close the doo- you know what? I will just shut up"

Min Hong found it hard to complete a single statement all through as he decided to shut his blabbing mouth before ruining the mood as he closed the door and locked it behind him...

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