The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 146: Inducing Fear With Fame

Chapter 146: Inducing Fear With Fame

After the death match between Min Hong and the Chi Zheng duo which ended in such a nightmare inducing manner that shook the entire outer court to its foundations, Min hong's name instantly became the center of attention and the talk of the outer court.

His fame began to spread all through the outer court like a wild fire during the driest harmattan season...

Those who happened to witness his display of impunity began to spread words of the event into every nook and cranny where attentive and eager ears were present.

They immediately began to portray Min Hong in several different facet of characteristics; from those who claimed he looked like an devil which had just ascended from hell to those who claimed he was just a Bipolar and mindless killing machine.

Then finally, to his new found fans who claimed that he fought like an emperor who was just dispatching some arrogant and impetuous rebels.

They of course didn't forget to mention Zi Kun's manner of death who had a shocked and confused expression on his face which had its mouth agape whilst staring at its own body. Then they ended it with cruel, gruesome and stomach churning death of Chi Zheng, causing many disciples who heard it to nearly throw up seven days worth of food in disgust and terror.

However, what scared people the most was not Min Hong's level of cruelty and savageness that made him look like he could kill anyone he felt like without batting an eyelid, but the fact that he was a monstrous and trailblazing talent; they have never heard of any twelve year old expert who had a cultivation base in the Peak Dan Formation and Emperor stage. 

Though, they still felt Min Hong had only one Dao which was his Second Plane Intent Level Metal Dao, it was not significant enough to reduce the level of shock and awe they felt in the face of such trailblazing talent.

But then, when they also added the fact that he had battle two disciples in the higher level of the Dan Formation stage who had Daos which were stronger than his simultaneously, many of the weak willed disciples instantly began to feel deep fear and reverence surge from the deepest depths of their hearts. 

The icing on the cake was when they heard about Min Hong's last statement to the spectators of the death match;

"A dog that follows a lion to hunt should know that, even if the lion finds no game, it would still eat anyways"

They all couldn't help but feel that Min Hong was speaking to all the disciples in the entire outer court especially to those who were looking to cause trouble for him.

To those who might have been making some self-dooming plans for him and his group in their heads; those words that could very possibly haunt them to their deaths resounded sounding exactly like Min Hong's nonchalant voice including all the disciples who were there to witness his death match, causing them to tremble even in their dreams. 

In next to no time, Min Hong's fame had become something of nightmares to many outer court disciples.

Some of them even went to the extent of locking themselves within their apartments whilst others who had stronger wills and fighting spirit went into closed door seclusion as if an apocalyptic battle which would determine the fate of mankind was knocking on their doors.


Far away from the 21st District of the outer court was something that looked like a massive courtyard which was built on about a thousand square meters of land.

Within this mansion was a hall that was radiating and exuding a deep and potent sense of grandeur that bordered on both the vintage past of this world and its current level of development.

A group of sect elders were currently gathered around a meeting table as they discussed the death match between Min Hong and the Chi Zheng duo with serious and deep expressions. 

By the time Elder Feng finished recalling everything the events that occurred throughout the course of the death match, every single figure within the hall showed a perplexed and mind-boggling expression, seemingly in utter disbelief of everything they had just heard.

"Stronger than an Ancient Law? Are you absolutely certain about this, Elder Feng?" 

"I know it may sound like I am cracking a crazy joke, but I can promise you that I am absolutely serious about this matter."

"I also doubted the possibilities at first but a nascent soul can never be wrong about such matter and I could see with both my eyes how several disciples puked blood when they tried to forcefully resist the effects of his Dao on theirs."

"If I didn't see that and felt it, then I would never believe it even if you told me whilst dragging my naked body along an acre of broken metal and glass" Elder Feng seriously assured. 

"A twelve year old with a Peak Dan Formation and Emperor stage cultivation, including a Second Plane Intent Level of a Dao that is actually stronger than an Ancient Dao how frightening would that be if it were true?"

However, despite Elder Feng's clear and serious tone, the rest of these elders still doubted Min Hong possessed such a monstrous talent, as it was something not only unheard of, but also severely unimaginable to even people of their ranks and cultivation stages. 

It was extremely hard for them to believe it even if such a story came out of the Sect Leader's mouth, especially since there is not even a single expert that had ever achieved such a feat in the history of all the knowledge the entire Dogon Empire had managed to accumulate in their tens of thousands of years of existence.

Moreover, if such a talent even existed, it would have been nigh impossible for his clan or whatever power was backing him to keep it a secret till this stage. 

Elder Feng had already known that his would be impossible to believe to every sane mind that heard it, and had already prepared himself mentally before attending this meeting.

So, when he saw their expressions and response to his claims, he didn't bother about it one bit.

"Whatever I give up. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not at this point, when you see it for yourselves, then you will be eventually forced to feed yourselves this grim and stomach churning truth."

Then Elder Feng left the hall with a sigh, stunning the remaining sect elders.


Min Hong, Min Qing and Qing Tan returned to his apartment whilst Mu Bai, Mu Li and Long Sha branched along with the representatives of the Treasure Hall to go and cash out their newfound mouthwatering and fear inducing wealth. 

When Min Hong entered the apartment, he went straight for his bath to get himself cleaned up from the dried blood stains splattered all over him whilst Min Qing and Qing Tan simply sat on his bed as they both waited in silence with mixed emotions.

For the Min Qing duo, part of them wanted to scream out and celebrate the valiant victory of Min Hong's battle.

But Min Qing's other part was seriously worried about Min Hong and how he seemed to be talking to himself which made her feel the man of her dreams was being possessed by an unknown entity.

She was certain it wasn't Little Lin because of the aura that was exuded by Min Hong at that time, so the fear of the unknown is what was creeping up her hearts and she could only remain calm whenever she saw that Min Hong's attitude towards her and the group hadn't seem to change. 

For Qing Tan on the other hand, the reason why she hadn't exploded into cheers was because of the reverent and servitude feeling that Min Hong's aura had planted within the depths of her soul.

After all, a maid would only celebrate with her lord after he had granted her the permission to do so.

So she could only bottle everything inside her heart out of fear that Min Hong might get offended if she misinterpreted the ensuing mood that was about to descend once the rest of the group returned. 

Min Hong spent about three hours in his bath as he submerged himself completely to its depths carried away in thoughts and an expression full of mixed emotions etched on his face.

Even a Peak Warrior or Qi Creation stage cultivator could hold his breath for about six hours under normal conditions, so for someone with Min Hong's level of cultivation these past three hours was just like as if he had only held his breath for three seconds. 

He was currently having several conversations with himself in his head at the moment;

"Alright, I have spoken to Little Wu about it, and though it's not something impossible, we will still have to wait till I enter the Nascent Soul stage before we do that. So for now, I would still have to bear with having only a part of my mind functional." He thought.

After about another thirty minutes of conversing with his alter ego, Min Hong finally stepped out of his bath as he donned a light robe this was an outfit which was light enough to be considered an inner wear but still conducive enough to receive a visitor then he walked over to his bed where the Min Qing duo currently sat meekly.

When he saw them and sensed the somewhat restrictive atmosphere, he smiled knowingly as he spoke lowly and softly; 

"I am really exhausted and tired. Kindly gather everyone here tomorrow morning, I have some more detailed explanations to make concerning our plans" Min Hong faced Min Qing as he spoke.

"Understood, we will leave you to rest" Min Qing responded as she left with Qing Tan to the female province of the 21st District. 

Min Hong collapsed in exhaustion on his bed as he stared at the ceiling looking to reflect on everything that occurred today when Little Wu swopped out and appeared beside him with his arms folded and his legs crossed as he sat atop his staff before speaking;

"Even I didn't expect you to be incomplete no, bipolar would be the correct word" He spoke with some underlying meaning in his words before adding; 

"So have you always known and was planning to keep it a secret from me or you were just as oblivious as everyone was?" He asked.

Min Hong slanted his head to the side as he glanced at Little Wu with his head resting on his interlocked palms as he replied;

"Ever since I recovered from the Qi deviation, I have always felt like something was missing within me"

"It felt like my soul and consciousness had been split in half whilst the first half of it was completely sealed away from every one of my senses... But then I had no knowledge about mental and soul cultivation, so I simply thought it was because I had not comprehended a Dao..."

"It was not until I began to cultivate my mind and soul that I started feeling like something was actually within me but had been asleep basically since I had been born" He replied

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