The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 119: Entering the Dogon Empire

Chapter 119: Entering the Dogon Empire

Min Hong was amazed by this and the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' responded to his thoughts as both his eyes instantly went pitch-black throwing the energies of every other Daos within a one-mile radius into disarray.

This dropped both of Long Sha's Dao Intent Level by Two Planes.

Then without any gesture of facial expression, one black hole spun into existence as it slammed into the incoming sword.

But instead of a collision sound, it just hummed as the blackhole began to devour the sword.

But the sword was still pushing back the blackhole towards Min Hong.

After all, despite the drop in Two Planes, Long Sha's sword still contained a Metal and Sword Dao that is in the Third Plane. 

Though Long Sha's Dao was not even half as powerful and strong as Min Hong's, it still contained more energy, therefore it was supposed to last longer than Min Hong's blackhole.

But Min Hong's blackhole still possessed self-sustenance properties, which is to absorb the energy of whatever it comes in contact with and use it to fuel itself. 

But the difference between the two arose from the fact that Long Sha's attack came from two Daos in the Third Plane level, whilst Min Hong's attack came from a single Dao in the Second Plane; the Oblivion Dao.

But Min Hong himself knew this and wasn't planning on taking Long Sha's Dao head on. 

Instead, when the blackhole absorbed about 70 percent of the sword, Min Hong simply snapped his fingers as the blackhole exploded blasting the rest of the sword into energy fragments.

Before the energy could even disperse, Long Sha bolted through the energy motes with his dull metal sword in hand as he slashed at Min Hong.

Min Hong flicked his wrist as an ordinary sword appeared in his hand before approaching the incoming long Sha.

When they both got within striking range, Long Sha slashed at Min Hong in an arc.

It was one of those strike sword masters use in beheading their opponent of splitting any part of their body in half.

But this one was directed towards Min Hong's chest, which could slash open a glaring wound on his chest. 

But Min Hong abruptly slid his left leg to the front, like someone who stepped on a banana peel, and immediately he dipped t the floor as the sword slash went over him.

Then he simply stabbed towards Long Sha's armpit which was already left wide open.

The moment this happened, all the spectators were already at the edge of their seats as Min Hong's tactics took them by utter surprise.

What Min Hong did wasn't any kind of technique or martial art but simply a ducking technique that he just came up with on the spot.

It was what they call 'Simplicity within Complexity and Complexity within Simplicity' which was a sign that an expert is about to surpass the 'One with Dao' level of a specific martial art or technique.

With two simple moves, Min Hong had not only rendered Long Sha's attack useless, but he also slipped past his guard and launched a counter-offensive sword strike of his own that could kill him or at least fatally injured him.

But Min Hong's sword came to a stop just as it was about to stab Long Sha's skin, but that was enough to determine the outcome of the duel, which was an absolute and irrefutable defeat for Long Sha. 

The duel came to an end as Long Sha stored his blunt metal sword back into his storage ring, before extending an arm to Min Hong.

Min Hong also stored his simple sword and took Long Sha's arm as he helped him up.

Then Min Hong rearranged his robes as he clasped his hands towards Long Sha before commenting;

"Your abilities are truly one of a kind and if you had used your full cultivation power, I would have surely lost."

"Thanks for going easy on me, it was truly an enlightening duel for me."

Min Hong complimented Long Sha with a slight hint of consolation hidden within his statement.

"What are you saying I tragically lost to you and you only used one Dao against my attack which was the combination of two Daos which were even individually stronger than yours."

"So, I don't think using my full cultivation would have really made any much difference."

"You are very much talented Fei Hong, and I am sure my father would be pleased with your abilities too."

Though he lost, Long Sha didn't take it as anything untoward, which only elevated Min Hong's view about him the more.

There were more people in this universe who will always take defeat in an offensive manner than there are sands on the earth.

So, to find people with Long Sha's mentality is a truly rare one.

Thus, Min Hong appreciated it with a smile as they walked back to the relaxation area together whilst chatting. 

When they got there, Little Ming and Min Qing were both beaming smugly as an elated expression covered their entire face, stunning Min Hong and Long Sha who looked at each other before laughing at the childish behaviour at the duo.

Then they looked towards Elder Long Jun who seemed to be caught up within his own thoughts.

When he noticed the silence, Elder Long Jun finally looked up at Min Hong as he spoke;

"Young Fei Hong, I guess the Dao you used earlier seemed to be a variant of the Force Dao; the Dao of Gravity, which explains how the energies within the area was thrown into disarray affecting Long Sha's Dao."

"The good thing is, you seem to have a perfect talent for manipulating energies, which will do you a lot of good in every battle you ever find yourself."

Min Hong nodded with a smile as he acknowledged Elder Long Jun's advice.

Then Elder Long Jun looked over to Long Sha and asked with a knowing and consoling smile;

"Do you know why you lost?"

Min Hong and company were shocked at the audacity Elder Long Jun just used in that statement of his.

Though they might be new here, but they have gotten hints first-hand when only the two of them were able to cower a crowd of hundreds of experts stronger than them into taking them away.

They also have an idea about how harsh the Long Clan penalises any member who holds hierarchy in contempt.

So, to actually speak to Long Sha in that manner; 

It was an absolute shocker. But then another mind short-circuiting scene happened instantly;

Long Sha actually went down on one knee as he spoke with a disappointed and sorry expression;

"Master, Long Sha has been too lazy in his training and lax in judgement. But most of all, he is also not wise enough to discover his flaws?"

The aura around Long Sha told Min Hong's group that this wasn't a rehearsal and neither was he faking any of it.

Then seeing his honest, disappointed and sorry expression, Elder Long Jun nodded his head contently as he gave him guidance;

"It is because you overestimated yourself and underestimated the ability of your good friend here."

"The Long Sha I know would have never went through with an attack or technique that would leave him tragically vulnerable to that extent."

"You never believed that our young Fei Hong here, would be able to see an opening within your attack and force you into such a dire strait."

"Then lastly, the Long Sha that is my student would always put his all even when duelling with a housefly, but I saw none of that today."

"Is it that you are already losing interest in cultivation also?"

"You should do well to remember that your mother is counting on you and facing great dangers for sending you out here."

"Are you not going to make her the best and wisest Elder of the Clan again?"

As Elder Long Jun dished out these words after another, Long Sha's expression became more self-immolating. 

"It was not easy for her to sneak me out and have me follow you, you know?"

"So, even if you feel like quitting or forgetting the sacrifices we are out here trying to repay, I will not allow you to."

"From now henceforth, you will be training with me and sparring with our young friend Fei-Hong here."

When Elder Long Jun got to this point, he looked towards Min Hong and added;

"Sorry to trouble you, young master Fei Hong. I only want him to be the best that he can be, and I know you don't have as much cultivation as he does."

"But, if there is any way I can assist you in bringing up your cultivation, do not be shy to ask."

"I have a Peak Earth Grade Pill here that can stabilize any foundation under the saint realm."

"Here, take it so you can speed up your cultivation without worries." 

Elder Long Jun flicked his wrist as a small pencil container-sized black case appeared on his palm.

This black case had some green coloured runes etched all over it, which seems to signify that whatever was inside the case had been sealed to prevent any aura from leaking.

But just as Min Hong was contemplating on whether to receive such a gift or not, Little Wu's voice echoed within his mind;

"Get that pill. At all cost you must get that pill. It is just what you need at this point. Bullsh*t can someone ever get as lucky as you?"

Min Hong didn't even bother to start bickering or asking the details of the pill from Little Wu as he stepped forward and got one knee to accept the case.

Even though he knew that accepting this case from Elder Long Jun was akin to owing him a favour, he still had to do it all in the name of his personal mission and greater good. 

After all, they have already helped his group multiple times and also given him a chance to become a member of their Super Clan and even Long Sha was thinking of making him a core member of the Clan.

Furthermore, he had already decided in his mind to make the Long Super Clan his backer, so owing them a favour works to his advantage either way. 

The moment Min Hong accepted it he signalled to the Min Qing trio to come over as they also joined him in taking a knee towards Elder Long Jun and declared;

"The Fei Family thanks venerable Elder Long Jun for his help thus far and thereby pledges loyalty to the cause of young master Long Sha!"

Min Hong had already had his suspicions about Elder Long Jun and what Little Wu just told him now confirmed his theory perfectly. 

Moreover, Little Wu also warned him seriously, that if he passed up this massive opportunity, he might never get another one, no matter how hard he tried.

According to Little Wu, this might very well be his first step into establishing their own Super Clan.

So, since Min Hong couldn't explain anything much to the Min Qing trio, he only sent a statement to them via mental transmission which said. 

"To be served, one must serve!"

But those three never needed the statement, because they have so much trusted Min Hong that they had decided to follow his decisions even if there isn't any favourable outcome at the end of it.

So, from the first moment he knelt, they had already wanted to kneel along with him, so calling them was just the final command they needed.

Which is why, even though the way they all knelt felt practised, Elder Long Jun could still feel the pure intent behind it.

This made Elder Long Jun really pleased and as a result his view of Min Hong's group was elevated to several higher level as he added;

"Goodgood. Since you have become part of our plans now, we will surely not cause you to suffer any loss."

But before they could say anything more, Elder Long Jun looked towards the direction of the mansion's gate as he spoke with a sigh;

"Alright, our passes are here. It is time for you three to leave for the Desert Sun Sect Don't forget the reasons why you are all here and don't fall short of my expectations."

"Fei-Hong, I will be leaving Long Sha in your hands, please help protect him. The same goes for you too." 

Elder Long Jun gave some other advice to the trio as they walked outside the castle where the carriage that was supposed to take Min Hong, Min Qing and Long Sha to the Desert Sun Sect for the selection exam was waiting.

He then gave Long Sha a storage ring as Little Ming bolted over to Min Hong and snuggled her head on his arms as Min Hong spoke;

"Don't worry, it will only be for a bit of time. We will see each other very soon. Elder Yun be sure to take care of Little Ming on your adventures."

"I will be waiting to see how much you have both grown in three years." He said in a low voice. 

After all, since they left the East Wind Empire, Little Ming and Elder Yun were the only other true companion he had asides from Min Qing who was way much more than that.

So, he was a bit reluctant to part with them.

But Elder Long Jun spoke to him once more;

"Don't worry, Long Yueyao would also be joining them on this trip once she drops you guys off and returns."

He pointed at the beast which had been pulling their carriage since they were still outside the Sunfire City gate.

It was only then that Min Hong's group truly paid true attention to this beast which seemed to be a crossbreed between a tiger and a fox.

But strangely, it actually had black furs all over it, making it look like a panther, except for the fiery-red patterns on its body which appeared ordinary to the eye.

But to Min Hong's 'Eye of Infinite Dao' was actually a bloodline seal, which wears off the purer its bloodline got.

Its eyes were also red, with an aura of a 4-Star Dan Formation stage expert and its 5 feet height.

After curiously studying the beasts, everyone said their final pleasantries to each other, as well as their goodbyes before Min Hong, Min Qing and Long Sha entered the carriage.

Then Elder Yun placed a spirit stone at a slot beside the carriage as a defensive and protective rune shimmered into existence for a brief moment before disappearing like it was never there.

Then the beast pulling the carriage moved, reaching a 100 miles per hour speed in less than ten seconds as they view of the Elder Long Jun trio shrunk rapidly in the eyes of the Min Hong trio until they were completely out of sight.

Then after a three-day journey made through the break-neck speed of Elder Long Jun's contracted beast, the Dogon Empire wall came into view as the carriage pulled towards the only massive gate in the distance. 

Then after another thirty minutes, their carriage reached the gates and Long Sha presented his family plaque to the guard who was collecting passes.

The moment the guy saw the plaque, he was greatly surprised as he spoke in a flustered tone;

"Gr. gregreetings, young masters and mistress. Welcome to the Dogon Empire, we hope you enjoy your stay"

Then he quickly passed down the order as their carriage was allowed through even bypassing the entire process of the checkpoint. 

When this happened, Long Sha saw Min Hong's surprised facial expression.

Then he spoke;

"Before we reach the Desert Sun Sect, I will explain the system of governance the Dogon Empire enacts. That and a little bit of more information, then you will understand everything clearly."

"Firstly, you need to know that the Dogon Empire has a very future-seeing and intelligent Emperor. He uses different systems of governance which on their own has its own demerits."

"But he combines these systems in such a way whereby the flaws of one, is supplemented by the strength of the other." Long Sha began explaining.

"Though they have been existing for over hundreds of thousands of years, they only moved here about ten thousand years ago in search of resources."

"Apparently, all the Clan Heads of the Chu Clan which were also the Emperors of the Dogon Empire had always been more inclined towards the harsh and military dictatorship type of governance."

"It was said that they had the most loyal, well-trained and valiant armies from the start, since they recruit soldiers from amongst their citizens and then promise them resources and a land of their own for every Kingdom or Empire they take over."

"But the problem was, they began to run out of lands when the amounts of Empires and Kingdoms they could conquer reduced."

"Thus, they had to set out to find land and much more resources, as a result they stumbled upon this region which was then called the Western Desert Empire and were ruled by the Desert Sun Sect at that time."

"But then, the reign of the Chu Clan had been passed down to Emperor Chu Yang who is the current Emperor of the Dogon Empire."

"But instead of conquering the people and driving them out like his predecessors, he opted to assimilate them into the Dogon Empire instead and then created a new governance system which would still fulfil the intentions of his predecessors to an extent but at the same time ensure that their resources were well regulated and thus ending their flawed nomadic nature."

"So, he created a new system of government which, from the top, the Chu Clan uses a dictatorship system of governance."

"Though not on its people directly, but rather on its parliaments which consists of the four sects withing the Empire located at the four cardinal points of the entire Empire which was in tandem with their military and dominant nature."

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