The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 118: A Friendly Spar with Long Sha

Chapter 118: A Friendly Spar with Long Sha

"Good! I need you to use your Slaughter Dao to form your next nascent soul. I have a plan for your Flame nascent soul and though I don't have the flame in hand, I can still get it within three years."

"So, if you have the chance to form a third nascent soul before I come into possession of it, then you should move along with your Sword Dao next." Min Hong advised.


[Thoughts: Min Hong] "Since Elder Yun has two bloodlines, that means she has a chance to become a 'Sage Beast', and since the only Daos she can really combine is her Wind and Flame Dao, then that means she can become a 'Sage Beast' with the Dao of Inferno."

"Furthermore, I have to make sure she uses the Nihility Flame to form her Flame nascent soul."

"That way, her Inferno Dao would be the strongest in existence asides mine"

"To task of ensuring that the three of them reach the peak of their potential is going to be a very difficult task for me."

"From the Spirit Realm upwards, one's Dao completely determines how much power one would ever achieve in their lives."

"If I am to makes sure that they get the best of resources to comprehend their Dao, to reach the Nirvana stage might take longer than normal."

"This inadvertently means, we have to shift our revenge a bit longer"

"What am I saying though the only perfect material to comprehending the Dao I have in sight at the moment is the Nihility Flame which is present somewhere within this Dogon Empire, I still have my darling Lady Luck who springs up surprises every now and then."

"There is no use in worrying about something I have no power to really influence."

"According to Little Wu, Min Qing already has the purest of all Yin bloodline which belongs to the demon within her. Her 'Heavenly Trench Sirena' bloodline has not been awakened yet."

"Moreover, the trench is the strongest of all water realms, but even though I suspect that she isn't related to me by blood, I don't know how she would take it if I told her about the method involved in awakening her bloodline."

"Urgh is this how smart and wise people usually feel?"

"The frustration of knowing what is best for someone but being unable to say it out because they might sever their connections with one which in turn prevents them from acknowledging the further help you have to provide? This life is truly unbalanced but I have a mission to accomplish"

"If she does not awaken her bloodline before thew Peak of Dan Formation stage, then I think I would have no choice but to resort to the dual cultivation to help her awaken it."

"But I bet she would never understand that I was only trying to help her. Urgh, it is truly not a good thing to know much more than the people you are trying to give the best to."

"They will never fully understand your point of view until it is too late. But it is a sacrifice I have to make, even though she does not understand why I did it I don't mind going to hell, if it means she will be great in life."

Min Hong was seriously conflicted about how to help everyone within his group without appearing forceful, lecherous or overbearing.


"Alright, let me just make it simple for everyone to understand me. I have long since made it my top-most priority to ensure that everyone within our group; the Min Family, has the best treatment we can afford, and I will never settle for less."

"Since we are the only true members of the Min Family left, I have to ensure that we are strong enough to revive the names of not only our family, but that of everyone who trust us enough to sacrifice their lives for our survival."

"Whatever we do with this life that they have given us would be our way of repaying their sacrifices, and I am not going to allow any one of us repay it in a mediocre manner."

"So, I have set some plans in place for the betterment of this group, but I need this group to also try their utmost best to get stronger. That way, it can enable me completely focus on my plans."

"You two are going with Elder Long Jun to train. You have to make complete use of your training area to improve yourselves. No excuses would be tolerated. If you have to stain the entire place with the blood of thousands of beasts to achieve your aim, Do It!" 

"I and Min Qing would also make sure that we have become Core Disciples of the Desert Sun Sect before you return. This is our target for the next three years, do not make the dead regret their sacrifices."

Min Hong voiced his intentions in a bid to spur the drive of the Min Qing trio.

"We will do as you have intended young master. Any one amongst us who is becoming more relaxed would be reminded and dragged by the rest of us, to help them reach their best."

Elder Yun was the one who understood Min Hong's intentions the most. So, she reassured him. 

"Thanks a lot, Elder Yun. Min Qing, this is for you. I obtained it a long while ago, when I went out on a cultivation adventure. But everything that had happened up to this stage had made it impossible for me to give it to you earlier."

Min Hong brought out the 'Yin Demon Blade' and gave it to Min Qing who received it in shock. 

After all, she could very much tell just from the looks alone that this thin and long sword was anything but ordinary.

Then the ripples that the sword was emitting confirmed her guesses that it was not an ordinary grade weapon either.

Hell! Even the expressions of Elder Yun and Little Ming alone, was enough to explain to her that the sword was not any random weapon. 

"Then for every one of us, I have these two techniques. This one is called the [Chant of the Cherubs] and it is a soul cultivating technique."

Min Hong touched each of the trio on their foreheads as he passed along the Peak-grade Black Rank soul cultivation technique. 

"This one is called the [Scripts of Buddha] and it is a mental cultivation technique."

Min Hong once again passed along another cultivation technique, which shockingly to the Min Qing trio was comparable to an Earth Rank cultivation technique, according to their understanding.

"Hong-ge, since you so much believe and have invested this much into us, then we have no excuse for not meeting up to your expectations."

Min Qing held the sword in her hand as she meekly gave her devoting thoughts to Min Hong who only smiled in return, knowing that he had just passed the drive, zeal and determination he carried within him to his companions. 

"Good. the method of cultivating these two techniques is not demanding at all, and you can also find every other detail when you go over it. Does anyone have an idea of how long we have spent cultivating?" Min Hong asked.

He only knew that the trio were already waiting for him when he exited his meditative state, but he had no idea how much time had passed since then. 

"We have spent about a little over fifteen weeks since we first entered cultivation seclusion. This means that we are already hours into the day we are supposed to exit seclusion."

Little Ming gave Min Hong the most accurate amount of time they have spent in seclusion.

"This means Long Sha and Elder Long Jun would be expecting us to come out of the house now."

"Alright, since we all know what is expected of each of us, we can all try our best to not only achieve the target, but to surpass it. Goodluck to every one of us."

Min Hong then waved his arms as the aura spurting out of the formation slowed to a stop.

Then he stood up and touch some parts on the ground, as the formation runes once again revealed themselves before melting into ink form and slithering their way back to the eight formation stones.

Min Hong then stored these eight formation stones into his storage ring, as Little Lin who had been standing guard all these while bolted to his side before bowing slightly.

"Congratulations on your return to the cultivation path, master." She subserviently flattered. 

"Thanks, you can return now. I will call out to you whenever you are needed."

Min Hong smiled back at her as he rewarded her hard work with what she loves the most; spending more time with the 'great elder'.

Since Min Hong had heard about the Guardian Bow and the Guardian Sword, he had already set it as his goal to own them.

Thus, he was not really psyched about using Little Lin who was a staff, a weapon he understands little to nothing about.

But should he be in a real pinch, he would not think twice before using her, even if it has to be under disguise. 

Then after sorting everything out, Min Hong's group stepped out of their residence as they met a maid outside who greeted them respectfully before delivering a message;

"Elder Long Jun had ordered me to come tell you that, you can find him and young master Long Sha at the training area within the courtyard."

The maid finished delivering the message before she then stood up, bowed slightly and then retreated from the residence. 

Min Hong's group thanked the maid as they all headed over to the courtyard with Little Ming coiled around his right arm whilst Elder Yun was perched on Min Qing's shoulder in her shrunk state.

Though they were not radiating a fearsome aura, they vibes their group gave was somehow, unique, ancient and unusual.

When they got to the courtyard, Elder Long Jun immediately noticed them as he gasped in shock;

"You guys really feel utterly different. You are already halfway through the process of creating your second nascent soul that normally takes about half a year to one entire year to achieve, but you did that in just about two months. That is truly shocking." He complimented Elder Yun.

"You have also moved from the 5-Star Dan Formation stage to the 7-Star Dan Formation stage You achieved a two-stage cultivation breakthrough in just about two months, that is truly monstrous." He also applauded Little Ming who was just grinning smugly throughout. 

"You have also achieved the same thing as this little serpent, but you even managed to improve your comprehension of your Yin Dao to the Second Plane Intent Level and I can also sense that your Water Dao has also reached the Second Plane Concept Level."

"If the little serpent is a monster, I don't know what to refer you to"

Elder Long Jun smiled towards Min Qing as he actually applauded her, causing Long Sha to look over from the training are where he had been practising since dawn. 

"How come I still can't sense any shred of cultivation from you?"

Long Sha looked over to Min Hong and asked as he walked over drying his sweat and perspirations with a piece of cloth. 

"Even I am not sure myself" Min Hong blurted a lie so cleanly, that it came out natural and extremely convincing.

Then he added;

"But I am only in the Peak of Qi Sea stage, with two Intent Level Daos."

He pulled another fast one whilst releasing his cultivation aura and the Dao of Metal and Chaos energy to further reinforce his half-lie. 

"You truly possess monstrous talent. To cultivate from the scratch to the Peak of Qi Sea stage in less than two months is something even I myself cannot hope to achieve."

Long Sha commented. He was truly impressed by Min Hong's cultivation speed.

"You flatter me too much, Long Sha. Haven't you yourself seen improvements in your cultivation and Dao comprehension."

"I can tell you have reached the 7-Star Dan Formation stage with a Fifth Plane Intent Level Metal and Sword Dao. You're not too bad yourself."

Min Hong slightly played down Long Sha's compliment whilst dishing out his own.

"Good since we have both comprehended the Intent Level of the Metal Dao, all you need to do is to comprehend the Sword Dao and you will then possess the complete criteria to be a core member of our Long Clan."

"Not that I don't think of you as a member of our clan, but there is only much that my influence could do for you."

"Should my father decide to test you directly, then it would all still boil down to your individual ability." Long Sha explained. 

"Don't worry Long Sha, I will never come short of your expectations or make you lose face in front of your clan. We have a goal to achieve together, remember?"

Min Hong smiled as he walked over to Long Sha as they began to walk and talk amongst themselves, leaving the rest behind. 

Then by the time they finished what they were both talking about, they noticed that had obliviously walked back to the training stage.

When they both realised this, they were both stunned as they looked back at the others. Then before they could say anything, Elder Long Jun's voice spread over;

"Since you are both there, why don't you exchange pointers for a bit???" He said with a smile.

Long Sha looked at Elder Long Jun and back at Min Hong before he spoke;

"Fei Hong, please pardon the actions of my teacher. But I have also been training and sparring alone because teacher would never spar with me to my heart's content. So, I wish we could have a duel." Long Sha plainly requested.

"Of course, Long Sha. I also happen not to have even had a single spar since spent the entire time on cultivation alone." Min Hong gave another half-lie as he responded.

"Fantastic. So how do you propose we go about it?" Long Sha revealed a slight smile.

"How about we settle this in three moves. The first move will be based on physical hand to hand martial art."

"The second would be based on the Daos we have comprehended alone and the last move would be based on one move from our weapon arts. Or What do you think?"

Min Hong returned the smile as he gave his own opinion.

"We should also make these three moves all in one bout. That way, it would stimulate a real duelling experience. Moreover, I will only use the cultivation of a Peak Qi Sea stage in the duel. That way everything can be fair"

Long Sha added another ingredient to sweeten the duel.

"Since it is decided then, I hope you don't go easy on me. That way, we might have an opportunity to gain insights and enlightenments through this duel."

Min Hong walked over to the middle of the training ring and took his fighting stance which he did by just standing side-front with an outstretched right arm.

"Don't worry, if I did that, I would be disrespecting you. But I hope we can reach the same level of cultivation and comprehension."

"That way, we can truly spar without holding anything back." Long Sha took the same stance before speaking; "Fei Hong, I will be attacking now."

"Let's do this!"

Min Hong spoke as Long Sha bolted towards him.

But just after leaving his position, Long Sha looked up only to find out that Min Hong was nowhere to be found.

Then he felt the hair on his neck move slightly in response to a slight wind and instantly, he made a 180-degree turn and shockingly, he saw Min Hong approaching with a very solid fist strike.

Then since this first move was a brute hand-to-hand bout, Long Sha packed a Peak Qi Sea stage power behind his own fist strike in a bid to counter Min Hong's fist strike.

Then when the two fists were only about an inch from collision, Min Hong's palm opened and flattened into a palm as Long Sha felt his fist sink into something like a bubble gum cushion.

Then, Min Hong sucked off over 90 percent of the force behind Long Sha's fist and then borrowed some of its momentum to rotate at an abrupt and cornering angle, appearing at Long Sha's flank as he sent a palm strike directly at his ribcage.

Long Sha was momentarily stunned by Min Hong's movement that he was a little slow to react.

But he still managed to send a palm strike through his armpit.

But due to his lapse in reaction time, he was unable to gather enough force behind his blocking palm strike.

Then the two palms slammed into each other;


The dust on the training area were blasted in a ring-shaped manner as they perfectly displayed in details, the shockwave that was created by the collision of these two attacks.

Min Hong was pushed back taking two rapid steps and stabilizing himself with a third heavy step while Long Sha took four rapid steps before stabilizing himself with a fifth, stunning Min Hong completely.

But he didn't relax as he scrunched his brows and massive amounts of metal aura gathered around him before transforming into a broad sword, then sword aura also gathered around him and infused with the sword made of metal aura.

The sword made of metal aura instantly gained a skin-tingling sharpness as it began to hum, rippling sword aura were slightly visible due to the amount of dust in the air.

Everything from the collision of each palm strikes, up to this stage, happened in less than two breaths.

Then Long Sha relaxed his brows as the sword aura bolted towards Min Hong like an incensed viper. All these was done by Long Sha with no apparent gesture of any kind.

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