The Innkeeper

Chapter 1036 Legacy

Chapter 1036 Legacy

Even though it was early morning, it was bright and sunny in Torrinwood. That was natural, since daylight was not determined by the time of day in the Midnight realm, but on windcurrents. When the wind blew the burning fireballs away, it would darken, but otherwise it would stay bright.

But most of the time, there were enough burning fireballs in the sky so that even if some were blown away, others would maintain the light. Which is why the day cycle, in most places, was just based according to the biological cycle of the various races living there.

That is why, even though it was bright outside, most people were within the confines of their homes, fast asleep.

The excitement of the previous day had kept many up late, which is why many were bound to have a late start to this day. But some… some were still awake!

Whether it was the countless under privileged kids who'd suddenly gotten their hands on resources that would allow them to cultivate, or the sick who had gained a new lease on life, or those who'd finally had their debts forgiven, or the Torrins, who had been humiliated, they were all awake.

To them, time was just a human construct. They could not give up the moment they were living in just because the clock said it was early in the day. Many of them were too excited to sleep. Some of them were too angry for it. All of them had their thoughts preoccupied.

But regardless of what they were feeling, they were the only ones who weren't rudely awakened when an overbearing aura suddenly enveloped the entire city.

It was not oppressive, or threatening, but it was so powerful that it could not be ignored. Even though the citizens of the city began to panic, as they could not understand what was happening, the aura itself was filled with a feeling of calm. It lacked all sense of urgency, and merely demanded attention and nothing else from the residents of the city.


The city, the earth, the river, the forest, the air, and the world itself trembled under the might of the declaration. An aura of gold, a level higher than any had ever reached in the entire sealed domain, pervaded the entire city, and brought everyone to their knees.

A blinding light suddenly shone in the sky, unstoppable by any wall or boundary. Even those who were within their homes could see it, though whether they saw the image for real, or it was just in their minds, no one could know.

As the light dimmed, a vague outline became visible. But as time went by, the light became even dimmer, and the outline became even clearer.

At first, when the people, and even the beasts of the surrounding forest, saw what was within the light, they felt a fear that chilled them to their very core. It was a creature they had never even heard of, but something from within their very being told them that it was far beyond their meager selves. They were insects and nothing more in the face of that creature.

But then, suddenly, their sights honed onto something else. Atop the cataclysm that took the shape of a monstrous creature, there was another figure, and it was that of a man!

The hearts and minds of everyone shook as their whole world turned upside down. Their very souls trembled with excitement, as if they had seen a miracle before their very eyes. The natural order of the universe was turned over in front of their very eyes.

They did not know why such thoughts came to them in their hearts, but they knew it was true!

Peaceful and unconcerned, the figure of a man sat atop the forehead of a world ending calamity. That is when everyone realized that the aura they were feeling were actually two distinct auras.

The first overwhelming aura, one that took the entire city captive, was the aura of the creature. The second aura, one that was laced with gold, was that of the man sitting on top.

Before they could speculate any further, the figure slowly started to descend from the sky out in the open outside the city walls.

The aura began to recede, but as it did so, it beckoned them to come.

An abrupt stampede seemed to occur as every living person in the city seemed to break into a sprint as they ran towards where the monument fell. They wanted- no, they needed that legacy! They needed that world toppling power.

Naturally, those who were stronger overtook the crowds, and soon found themselves outside the city in an area that seemed to have changed overnight.

There was a massive monument of a creature lying prone, and on its forehead a man, in the middle of an equally amphitheater of marble that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Some hesitated to enter, but others dashed in, uncaring. They had to get their hands on the monument first. They were getting ready for a fight.

But all was not as they had thought, and when they entered the amphitheater, they realized that their objective was nearly impossible.

An oppressive aura radiated from the monument, though it did not spread farther than the walls of the amphitheater. The aura held down those who wished to move forward, and crushed their will to dust. To approach the monument seemed almost impossible.

But more than that, alongside the pressure, a series of thoughts seemed to automatically enter the minds of those who entered the amphitheater. They were the rules of the place.

Any who wished to come were allowed, whether they be man or woman, adult or child, human or beast. The monument alone will be the judge of who is worthy of its legacy. If any dared to stop or bar entry of others from trying, they would forever be disqualified from truing.

More and more people began to arrive, and soon, even beasts. But oddly enough, none of them fought. All of them had their eyes focused on the figure atop the dragon that had no face.

Cleath could not help but wonder why the physique looked so familiar. Then a name suddenly entered his mind.

As if detecting his thoughts, the figure, the one that was supposed to be inanimate, turned to look at him, and then winked.

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