The Innkeeper

Chapter 1035 Monument manufacturing

Chapter 1035 Monument manufacturing

Now that he was about to leave, and had already had his fun, Lex spread his spirit sense over the entire city. What did it matter if he learned everything there was to know about this place? He was done trying to immerse himself into ordinary life.

From what he could tell, body cultivation was the orthodox cultivation path in this place. It made sense. On earth body cultivation was a lot harder than spiritual cultivation because there weren't enough resources that supported body cultivation, but that didn't seem to be the situation here.

Back then, zombie cores had become very popular because of how they supported body cultivation. But here, Lex had already spotted countless fruits that were considered normal, everyday fruits that people ate as snacks that were even more effective than zombie cores.

Of course, that was because this was a new realm and was packed with extremely concentrated spiritual energy, but even if it was temporary, this was the reality these people were living in. It did not matter to them how rare these fruits were on the outside, because here they were normal.

With that in mind, what can Lex do that would be considered a really big deal here? He could think of a few things, to be honest. He could either do something that reinforced the body cultivation system, but better, or introduce something from the spiritual cultivation method.

But what should he do?

Unable to decide, Lex pulled out a coin, closed his eyes, and flipped it. If it landed on heads, he'd do a tournament style elimination method to give the final winner an award. If it landed on tails, he'd leave a monument in the middle of the city that no one could destroy or move, which would only give out its technique to someone suitable.

The sound of something cracking attracted his attention, and he opened his eyes to the sight of the coin embedded into the roof, revealing the tail side facing him. Since it's on the roof, does the tail being visible mean that heads is actually on top?

After a quick consideration, Lex decided to stick to tails.

Lex naturally did not have the means to create such a random monument out of nothing, nor did he happen to have one such thing on him at the moment. But what he did have was a ring with the soul of a dragon.

He had already learnt that dragons lived an incredibly long time, which meant that they were easily prone to boredom, and so partook in many activities no one would expect, from watching plays, reading books, playing video games and more. Hosting random tournaments and randomly dropping such monuments to stir up their subordinate races was included in those activities.

He explained to Pel what he wanted to do, and the trusty ring spirit quickly searched its memories for a suitable method that could be used by Lex. Once again, the issue was that he was too weak to use most of the techniques used by dragons, and so he had to rely on one of the training techniques as well. But even though it was merely a training technique to manufacture something, it was more than enough to fulfill Lex's needs.

After thanking Spong-e for the over 100 burgers he made for Lex, and leaving behind a healing serum as well as a reward for Pat, who had taken a beating trying to stop Plank, Lex teleported away.

He had to focus on learning the technique, and then quickly making a nice, eye-catching monument which would also serve as a treasure which would select someone suitable and transmit techniques to him or her.

Normally, when one imagined treasure manufacturing, they would imagine an assembly line or something being made by heavy machinery, or maybe something being made piece by piece by a blacksmith if they were old fashioned. But dragons had an entirely different way to manufacture things.

Lex took out a number of various metals and ores from his spatial bangle, and then visualized the monument he wanted to make, as well as its capabilities.

He doubted he'd succeed on the first try, but he was a quick learner, so it shouldn't take too long.

Lex summoned a Glyph that he was really excited to use- the Dragons breath Glyph!

He felt heat build up in the back of his throat, and after aiming at the ores, began to breath out a thin streak of yellowish-

golden flames.

Fed by his spiritual energy as well as Domination, his flames were more than just hot! They were completely overbearing!

The ores began to melt and then purify on their own, while the other metals began moving within the flames, as if invisible hands were controlling them. The trick was to accomplish everything using only one breath, which was the real obstacle, considering Lex's lungs were much smaller than a dragons.

But the challenge excited him. He tried to follow the instructions of the technique, and began molding the metals together to form a new alloy, which was taking the shape that he desired. Pleased to discover that this was actually easier than he had anticipated, Lex doubled his focus and spent the next few hours crafting a large monument that looked like a faceless man sitting atop a dragon.

Alongside its physical shape, he also began to mold the functionality of the monument, using Domination as the foundation for all of it. For dragons, their will was enough to shape many things, and as such, their manufacturing techniques followed the same pattern.

Technically speaking, they weren't the best treasure manufacturers in the universe, or even the Origin realm, but no one would say that to their faces. But, for Lex's purpose, this was good enough.

The day eventually came to a close, and the city of Torrinwood went to sleep still excited about the events of the previous day. It would probably be talked about for a very long time, they thought. But they had no idea what was in store for them the next day.

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