The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1070 V3 Ch304 VS Servite HS (6)

*Third Person*

Mikey slowly made his way to the mound as Jake Atkins trotted around the bases. "Okay, let's admit that was a bad idea, and move on."

Cody unclenched his jaw. "Right. I know."

Mikey put his arm around his shoulders and leaned in as they walked to the back of the mound. "No, I don't think you do. You're probably feeling upset. Mostly because of the shit talking going on between you and Danny. Brush it off. It's not wrong to lose to the best hitter in the state. Heck, it's expected. 

Cody elbowed hit away. "I'm just annoyed that I was too predictable. I should have played it safe and walked him. Don't worry, I'll put it behind me. For now."

"If you're sure." Mikey gave him one last look before walking back to home plate. He gave his coach a subtle sign to keep an eye on Cody. They're now losing and still don't have an out this inning. Might be time to have the bullpen warming up. 

The third batter for Watsonville took a fastball down the middle for a called strike. Mikey liked the speed that Cody showed. It was also good to show that you aren't afraid of the strike zone after giving up a homer. The second pitch was a curve that looked high, yet landed in the zone for called strike two. 

"Damn. That's nasty." The batter muttered. 

Mikey grinned. But didn't want to start talking after losing the lead so fast. Cody was good. More than good even. Mikey just didn't think he would be so calm after getting owned on the first pitch. 

Cody got the number three batter to go down swinging, earning some cheers from the stands. They probably understood how important it was for Cody to get back on track so soon. The cleanup hitter was next. Garret Knudsen. This was another good test. 

Mikey wanted to call for a curve first, but Cody shook him off. Mikey gave the sign for fastball outside. Cody nodded. He got set, did his windup, and threw one of his fastest pitches of the game. Garret swung right away and connected. Mikey jumped to his feet and the batter started to run. The ball soared to center field. Allen chased it back, reached the warning track, waited so he could time his jump just right. He made the catch before the ball could make it over. He landed and held up his glove to show that he did it. The batter was out. 

Mikey let out the breath he was holding. That was a good hit. If it went anywhere else but dead center, it would have been gone. 

The ball was returned and everyone got in position. Cody didn't shake Mikey off anymore, throwing more curves and got the fifth batter to groundout to short. End of the fourth. They went back to the dugout. 

"I thought you weren't going to throw that guy a fastball." Ty complained to Cody in passing. "He demolished it. Hey, do you think he's stealing signs?" He turned to Mikey who was taking off his gear. "Have you seen him look down at you at all?"

Mikey laughed. "No way. He doesn't even stand in the back of the box. He just has great reflexes."

"He probably planned to swing at the first pitch no matter what." Coach Wilson came over to say. "Just pitching to him, gives him an opportunity. The runner on first is known for speed. If he had planned to steal and was successful, that would lead to first being open. I would take control there and request that you guys intentionally walk him at that point. Where he took advantage is that he knew you probably wouldn't throw a curve. Why? I don't know. Could be something as simple as a feeling or something elaborate as that you're tipping off pitches."

Cody swiftly turned to look at his coach. "You think I'm tipping?"

"I can't see anything outright so don't worry. But also don't rule it out. You never know. It doesn't help that the cleanup guy almost took you yard on a fastball pitch as well." He looked to Mikey. "Pay attention."

"Does that mean Cody will go out for another inning?" Mikey asked. 

He nodded. "Even if Brian and you get on, I trust Cody can lay down a bunt to advance you guys." He looked at Cody. "One more inning at least. Then I'll start considering a relief appearance."

"From Danny?" Someone asked. 

"Probably. It's still a very close game." 

Brian was first out of the dugout, ready to start the fifth. He played second base for Servite and had seen two grounders his way. He previously hit into a groundout in his first at bat and hoped to perform a little better this time around. Unfortunately, hopes aren't guaranteed. He struck out swinging and went to the dugout as the crowd cheered for the pitcher. 

Mikey was a little better, getting the ball into play, but the speedy shortstop was there to make the play. The same thing happened to Cody. The pair were in the dugout together, getting ready to get back out on the field. 

"That guy is like a magnet to the balls." Mikey complained. "How many has it been already? Like five times?"

"Six." Cody corrected. He put his hat on. "Probably has to do with the way the pitcher throws. We tried going opposite to the second baseman, but no one could intentionally do it."

"Ugh." Mikey finished getting his gear back on. They walked out together with one going to the mound and the other headed for the plate. The umpire gave them a few extra minutes for the practice pitches before waving the sixth batter up for Watsonville. 

He had previously had a hard hit line out. This time, Cody stuck with the curve more. The batter still connected but the fly ball was weak. Allen in center field had plenty of time to get under it to make the catch. The seventh batter did something similar, flying out to center. The eighth batter pulled his hit to left, but it was still a routine fly. The fifth ended without much action. 

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