The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1069 V3 Ch303 VS Servite HS (5)

Top of the fourth and back to the top of their lineup. I kicked the dirt a little as Dave got set. The game was moving fast and slow all at the same time. Fast as in, it took less than an hour to be through three innings. Slow because nothing has happened yet. For either side. I had a feeling that the team to strike first would have an overwhelming advantage. 

The first batter made contact on a 1-1 count, hitting a routine grounder my way. I got my glove down, and fielded the ball, throwing him out at first for the first out. The second batter was the only one that struck out against Dave last inning, and he did it again this time, but looking. I thought it was a good call, but the guy had something to say to the ump. 

The ump said something back, but I was too far. 

All of a sudden the batter threw down his bat and I flinch back. He got closer to the umpire to the point that Mitchell got up and stood between them. That didn't necessarily help things as the guy bumped into Mitchell's chest. Mitchell tilted his head and started to say something back. Dave, Sean, and Jason were there to back him up in seconds. 

Servite's on deck batter reached at the same time. A few of their guys started to come out of the dugout. Instinctively, I backed up, not willing to get involved. A hand landed on my shoulder and I jumped. 

Noah laughed. "Okay, okay. What are you getting jumpy for. This guy isn't mad at you. He's not even really mad at us in particular. He's angry at the ump."

The Servite head coach came out and started to gesture for his players to get back into the dugout. He then went to the batter that was having the fit. The batter seemed to realize he was in trouble with his coach when he saw him. He stopped his talking to the guys and to the ump. The coach said something to the umpire and took his player back to the dugout. 

Suddenly, the umpire yelled. "You're outta here!" And motioned for an ejection. 

That riled up the player even more but his coach was there to take him back to the dugout. The coach handed him over to his assistants and other players, then went back to the umpire. 

"Wow." Noah whistled. "I wonder what he said."

I frowned. "Does it matter? He was already walking away. That coach had him under control."

"It might matter." Noah shrugged. "It's high school ball. A curse word could get you thrown out."

Dave, Sean, Jason, and Mitchell came walking to the backside of the mound as the coach talked to the umpire. 

"That guy is high strung." Jason shook his head. 

"Who? The ump or the batter?" Noah asked. 

"Both." Sean made a face. 

"This umpire is probably on edge now." Mitchell said, holding his mask in his free hand. "Don't say anything in the box. And definitely don't give him any kind of look that can perceived in the wrong way."

"Jake's safe." Noah laughed. "He won't look at anyone twice. Especially strangers."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Such attitude from a guy that started to back up at the sight of a confrontation." Noah laughed again. 

We spent another minute or two talking, before the Servite coach went back to his dugout and the umpire called for the game to resume. We all got back into position after the lengthy delay. 

Dave face the third batter. The very first pitch was put into play: a single to left. Bryce could only play it on the hop and return the ball to the infield. After eleven outs, Dave gave up his first hit of the game. 

It was a little sad, but nothing could be done. Runner on first and now Dave had to face the cleanup hitter. The batter previously hit a grounder to Noah, this time he went to my side of second base. I made a lunge for the fast grounder, but didn't get it. Brian came sprinting in and fielded the ball to keep it at a single. Runners at first and second now. 

I dusted myself off and adjusted my hat. I had to reset. As did Dave. Something bad was brewing and I think we all could feel it. A lot of the cheers that could be heard right now, were for Servite. 

Dave had a tough battle with the next guy. Just when I thought Dave could get out of this jam with his splitter, the batter connected with it on a 2-2 count. The ball flew to the left corner and hit into the fence. The runners were already on the move. Bryce threw the ball in to Noah and Noah relayed it home. The first run had score but Mitchell scared the other runner back to third. He then checked on the batter who was already at second base with me. 

1-0. Servite. The crowd roared with excitement. 

Mitchell called time and walked the ball back to Dave on the mound. I glanced at Noah for direction. Noah stayed in position so I did too. Mitchell spoke to Dave while covering his mouth with his glove. When they were done, he put his mask back on and went back to home plate. Whatever that was said, really helped Dave. He got the next guy to go down swinging and we were officially out of that mess. With a run deficit. 

I wanted to talk to Dave; maybe to find out what had gone wrong, but I was due up in the bottom of the fourth. Only behind Noah. The two of us got ready together and left the dugout together. 

"I'll get on this inning." Noah said confidently, lightly knocking his bat against his cleats. 

I didn't like the sound since it was different from my own. I tried to ignore it. "You've got a plan?"

"I've always got a plan." Noah grinned. 

We distanced from one another, taking practice swings as the pitcher prepped. Noah went to the batter's box with all seriousness. He pulled his bat back and had his eyes trained on the pitcher. Real confident. The pitcher did his windup and started his motion. As soon as the ball left his fingertips, Noah put his bat in front of him, in bunt position. He did his best to drop the pitch into the field of play then ditched his bat and took off to first. The catcher was the first to get to the ball as it rolled to the left. He stayed hunched over it, looking to see if it'll go foul, not bothering to throw to first. It stayed fair and Noah was safe at first. 

Our first hit. I grinned as I walked to home plate. Typical Noah. He's been relying more and more on the bunt and with his speed, it's been working out a lot. 

"Come on, Jake!"

"You've got this!"

"Dont run away from him, Cody!"

"Take him on!"

I got in the lefty's box this time. I didn't have a plan at first, but now...I kind of wanted to try for the fences again. I couldn't do it with my right, but now the variables had changed. 

Cody did a check throw to first, but Noah safely made it back from his lead. Our group of fans 'booed'. That's something I've never had to experience. An outright 'boo.'

I stepped out of the box as the pitcher got the ball back. When he throws to me, it's most likely going to be a curve. But with that being true, Noah would have a higher chance to steal when there's a breaking ball thrown. It's just not as fast. But there's a small chance, that just maybe, he does throw a fastball. I proved in my last at bat that I want him to rise in the pitch count. He might not believe that I would attack him so early. Especially since his pitch count was below thirty after three innings. 

It's a gamble. A risk that I'm willing to take. Worst case, I fly out again. Noah could still tag up and then there's Bryce and Garret behind me. Coach would agree with me. I got back in the box, set. 

The pitcher didn't do a full windup, going straight into his motion. The pitch came fast. Fastball. Not a curve! I purely reacted on instinct, swinging at full force. I connected and pulled the ball to right field again. Except, this time, the right fielder didn't have a play to make. He could only watch it go over his head and over the fence. 

2-1. Us. Back on top. 

The whole place got loud at contact and it only got louder when it was official. I ran the bases as my name was chanted. I put my head down, embarrassed. I tagged home and Noah was the first one to jump on me, throwing his arm around my shoulders and dragging me around. Bryce slapped me on the top of my helmet. As did Garret. In the dugout, it only got crazier. If I didn't know better, I would have thought we had already won the whole championship.

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