The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 291 - 291 Where is Alfred? (1)

291 Where is Alfred? (1)

The next day, Alfred and Sally set out in a carriage given to them by Edgar.

“Why does it seem like you are scared? Are you afraid to visit your parents?”

‘No, I am afraid of when you will start lecturing me about being a maid or my nonexistent relationship with Caleb,’ Sally thought.

On the outside, she forced a smile and replied, “Sort of.”

“Living apart from them must make you nervous about how they are doing. The moment you see them your worries shall fade away. You can relax your shoulders around me as I am no longer the butler. I am not going to scold you,” said Alfred, knowing that was what she was afraid of.

“That does not make me feel better. I am used to running to you for anything concerning the Duchess but now you are part of the family, I cannot speak to you like before. It is odd,” Sally admitted. There was another line drawn between the two of them which would make it harder for her to speak to Alfred sometimes.

There were times when they would randomly find themselves speaking about the things Alessandra and Edgar were doing but now he was retired and named a family member, she had to treat him differently. All the servants had to.

“It won’t be long before I am given my old job. Edgar will see that there is no one good enough to replace me and if he does not, I will still act as the butler behind his back. There are many times when he is out of the house for days. He is only around because of his marriage to Alessandra.”

“I don’t understand. Anyone would be happy with the position Edgar has offered you but yet, you want to return to being a butler. I would have taken the chance to be a part of the family no questions asked,” said Sally as she would no longer need to worry about money.


“There is a difference in our lives. You work as a maid because you are in need of money. You would most likely jump at another type of work if it guaranteed more money. I on the other hand love being a butler. I had no need to care about money as it has not been an issue since I was a young boy. I love my job. Money doesn’t matter when you love what you do,” Alfred explained.

“That makes sense. I hope that one day I can find myself in a position where money does not matter and I am doing something that makes me happy. First I need to take care of my family.”

“Have you ever figured that your parents are not in need of you taking care of them? They must be suffering from the guilt of seeing you constantly work and putting them before what you want. I do not know what is going on in your life but try to be happy. I have grown fond of you and wish to see you happy. Even if it is with Caleb,” Alfred added as he was certain the two would get together and make things awkward for Alessandra with their relationship.

Sally frowned. They were doing so well up until Caleb was brought up. “I do not plan on being in a relationship with Caleb or fooling around with him. I do not know why everyone seems to think that I will. I find him to be annoying.”

“It wasn’t long ago that Edgar was adamant about not getting married and now looking at him. Happily married and doing things I never thought I would see. We can never truly predict what we will do tomorrow. Just make sure it does not hinder your job as the Duchess maid,” said Alfred. He was okay with everyone’s decisions unless they would get in the way of doing their jobs.

“Noted. This is my stop. I will see you in three hours,” Sally said, opening the door herself since the coachman would not come out to do it for her. Not that she wanted him to.

Alfred looked out at the average-sized home. It wasn’t anywhere as grand as Edgar’s but it was evident the person here got to enjoy a life without hard labor. Why didn’t Sally’s aunt take her under her wing and help her get married to a decent young man? The marriage would have paid back any moment she would need to spend on Sally.

He watched Sally reluctantly walk to the gates as if she was only doing it because he was present. Alfred had not ordered for the carriage to move yet since he wanted to ensure she had gotten inside safely since it was not safe for young women these days but to relieve her nervousness, he tapped the carriage wall for it to start moving.

Alfred finally understood why Alessandra thought there was something going on in Sally’s life. It was unfortunate they could not meddle as it could push Sally away.

Alfred opened up a book he brought along to read on his way to town. He would never admit to Edgar that it was refreshing to be out like this reading a book he was yet to finish. “I should see if there are any new tea mixes in town,” he said.

There was so much he could do to occupy himself now that he was without a job. Like planning out a little garden for himself for when winter would come to an end and he could also look for a spot to teach young men how to be good butlers.

After a long ride, Alfred arrived at a graveyard just outside of town. He sent the carriage away so the driver would not be bored out of his mind waiting for him and it would only take a minute to walk to the area in town where a lot of shopping was done.

Like he did every year, Alfred came to pay a visit to an old friend who had unfortunately passed many years ago. A woman who shared the same passion as he did when it came to her job. She had no family to visit her grave so he promised to pay to keep her grave clean and visit every year on her birthday.

Alfred stooped down before the grave covered in snow and slightly large rocks that were not there on his last visit. Someone had to have placed them on the grave to get them out of the way. “No one in this town knows how to do their job,” he muttered as he cleared the grave.

The name Lucille Waller was shown after the snow was wiped away.

“I wonder if you would find a way to come back to this world and scream at me if I place down a flower,” Alfred chuckled.

He remembered her stating how she hated to see flowers placed on graves and while she awaited death, she told him not to bring her any flowers because it was pointless. “I hope you are happy wherever you are. Happy birthday, Lucille.”

He had excluded Lucille from his answer to Alessandra’s question. The woman for him was long gone and there would never be another for him to settle down with. Alfred looked forward to meeting Lucille in the afterlife or as some would say, another life.

Alfred stood up now that he was finished with her birthday greeting. A simple visit was all she wanted and now the promise was fulfilled. He adjusted his coat and walked out of the graveyard to head to town to find something to let the hours go by until it was time to collect Sally and go back home.

Alfred walked the street happy to see that young women were out with chaperones instead of walking around town by themselves. News of another body led them to be more careful. As soon as he stepped foot into the shopping area, one particular shop caught his eye.

“I should purchase my own tea cups and plates. I need to restock on tea before I start my next book,” said Alfred, excited to start a collection he could keep in his room where they would not be broken.

As Alfred hurried to enter the shop, he was unaware that someone had noticed his presence in town.

“Teresa,” Priscilla looked to her side at the maid she brought along to carry her items. “Find out if my son is in town and come back to me right away.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Priscilla silently watched the man she detested enter a shop. She should have long gotten rid of Alfred and now it seemed an opportunity had presented itself. She had a good feeling this morning when she decided to visit the town to do some shopping and now she knew why. Had she stayed in the shop she was in a second longer she would have missed the clear view of Alfred walking by.

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