The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 290 - 290 Growing family (3)

290 Growing family (3)

“You truly should have received a proper spanking as a child,” Alfred sighed.

“Would you have liked for my grandmother to end your life? You know she hates it when someone touches her precious grandson,” said Edgar. Not even he would be able to save Alfred from his grandmother.

“Your grandmother isn’t one to hold back from spanking you herself. I would have made a complaint to her and let her deal with it. Duchess, you should be stern with your children so they do not come out like this,” Alfred said, pointing at Edgar who smiled.

“That’s amusing to hear since you have called me perfect many times. Besides, children are meant to be a bit troublesome in their youth. I was simply a normal child. You are always too dramatic, Alfred.”

“Normal children would break a rule or two. Do something they shouldn’t like take a cookie when it is not time for it but you, you made it your job to torture others. You were never normal,” said Alfred as he shook his head.

“And after all of that, you couldn’t help staying away from me. That is how wonderful I am or perhaps you enjoyed being stressed. I am starting to pity you,” Edgar said, taking pleasure in Alfred’s annoyed expression.

“I am curious,” Alessandra entered the conversation. “What made you stick by Edgar’s side despite him being so troublesome? I asked him early why you have never started your own family.”

“Well, I can say he was not always doing something bad and there were moments when I enjoyed being around him. I disliked how alone he was when he was left with his mother and then I would overhear the letters he would send to his mother about wanting to come home from that awful school. He needed someone so I made up my mind to be that person. Taking care of him was a handful so I never sought after my own child and there was no woman I met to start one with.”

Alfred remembered making up his mind to be by Edgar’s side when Edgar had been left alone by his mother who set out to visit one of her friends and did not want to take Edgar with her. He remembered Edgar standing alone by the window watching his mother leave. It was the first time he saw how lonely Edgar was with his mother constantly attending parties or sending him off to a school he disliked and his father always in court.


There was a point in time when Edgar wished to be close to his parents but neither had the time for him and realized too late how much distance Edgar had placed between them. Edmund only started to be around Edgar more when Edgar started to make a name for himself and was in the palace regularly. Priscilla took an interest when it came to Edgar marrying or when Rose would try taking her son.

“It is too late for me to start a family now and I have not knocked anyone up,” Alfred said, looking directly at Edgar as he clarified this. What would he look like having a child at this age? Certainly, a woman around his age would not be looking to have children this late. “I prefer the life I have now and I do regret a second of it.”

“Hmm. I always thought you perhaps liked men and kept to yourself as there was no man who caught your eye,” said Edgar.

“I am only fond of women,” Alfred replied, tempted to smack Edgar on his hand to shut him up. “I should have retired sooner. I’ve sent out a notice that you are looking for a butler and I will conduct the interview with those wanting the job tomorrow after I have returned home,” said Alfred.

“Where are you going?” Edgar inquired. Alfred would always leave home around this time of year and never say where he was going. “Running away now that you are no longer the butler?”

“If only. I am going to visit an old friend who passed away a long time ago. I won’t be gone for long,” Alfred answered. “I should consider taking this moment to get far away from you.”

“And I shall hunt you down and drag you back to my side. You’ve made a promise to be here therefore you cannot run away now. In case you haven’t heard, another young woman was found today. Women are the only ones being taken but you should still be careful during your time out. The town must have heard the news by now and will become rowdy. Take a guard with you,” Edgar said.

There was also the fact that his enemies could try harming Alfred if they were to spot him alone.

“I will be fine. I am still a good fighter at this age. I will return home safe and sound tomorrow. Besides, Sally will be joining me on the way to and back from town.= so I will not be alone. Now, why is it taking so long for the food to come out?” Alfred asked, looking in the direction of the kitchen. Had he been taking control of dinner, Alessandra and Edgar would not be sitting this long without food. “Give me a moment-”

“Sit down old man,” Edgar pinned Alfred’s left hand to the table to stop him from leaving. “It is you who is in need of a spanking to get old habits out of you. Keep still or I shall send for a stick.”

Alfred sat still, not because of the threat of being beaten with a stick but of Edgar calling him old. “Edgar, never call me old man again or I shall make the Duchess a widow.”

Alessandra bit her lip to refrain from laughing. There were now three ways to make Alfred angry. One, dirty the floors. Two, break his plates. Three, call him old man. She wasn’t surprised to see Edgar’s smile widen upon hearing Alfred’s threat. She watched him open his mouth most likely to say it again but she stopped him by squeezing his hand.

“If you wished to hold my hand, you only had to ask,” Edgar said, flipping their hands so he was holding her.

Alessandra tried to pull back her hand but Edgar’s grip was too strong for her to fight out of. “I was not trying to hold your hand and you know it. I was trying to stop you from bothering Alfred. Please let go of my hand, Edgar.”

“No thank you. I am quite comfortable like this,” he replied, sticking out his tongue slightly to piss her off. Seeing her nostrils flare and her glare at him were both exciting. If not for Alfred and the servants present, he would make up for the opportunity he missed from them not bathing together and have a good time with her here at the table.

Alessandra sighed, giving up as it was pointless to try fighting Edgar in this matter. She relaxed her hand, letting Edgar do as he pleased for now. As soon as the food was served, he would have to let her go.

A few minutes later after the food was placed before them, Alessandra frowned due to the fact Edgar had not released her hand.

Alfred ate in silence, happy that Edgar’s attention was shifted from him to Alessandra and he wanted it to stay there. He tried to eat as quickly as possible without choking to be able to leave the table and give the two some privacy. Anything to have the little one he was looking forward to arriving soon.

“Please release my hand. How are we supposed to cut our meat?” Alessandra asked.

“Like this,” Edgar snapped his fingers. The maid standing behind the two of them stepped forward. “Cut the meat for the Duchess and I. Problem solved.”

Alessandra wanted to smack her face because Edgar solved the matter already. Why did he always need to have a solution to everything? She felt Edgar squeeze her hand as if mocking her failed attempt to be released.

The maid worked fast to cut the meat and go back to the sidelines to get away from the couple. The Duchess looked like she would jump out of her chair to strangle the Duke and not surprisingly after the interactions she watched between the couple, the Duke was grinning as he awaited it happening. No one would ever believe her if she spoke of this playful side Edgar Collins had.

“Goodnight you two,” Alfred said as he pushed his chair back.

“You could not have eaten that fast. Do not leave me alone with him, Alfred. At least help me get my hand back,” Alessandra pleaded.

“Nonsense. Sleep well tonight Alfred. Hurry out of here,” Edgar shooed him away. He wanted Alfred to hurry out of the room so he would be alone with Alessandra. “Everyone out!” He ordered the servants present in the dining room. “Do not step foot in this dining room for an hour,” he said. “Or two,” he added after glancing at Alessandra.

Alfred made his grand escape out of the dining room. The servants started to move but were stopped by another order.

“Everyone stay,” Alessandra gave the order. “This is my home too therefore they must listen to my order. They are not going anywhere Edgar so please, release me.”

Edgar ran his tongue along the tip of his teeth. Seeing Alessandra use her authority was quite enticing. “Just this once,” he released her hand.

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