The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The shuttle bus took them to the hotel, and everyone went upstairs to tidy up.

Shang Yu returned to her own room, she looked at her crown and clothes, and put them in her suitcase. Would these things set off the security scanner?

She frowned, and glanced at Yu Yuan bouncing on the bed.

"You'll have to help out later."

She was determined to take these things back with her. The gems on the crown could be exchanged for money.

As for the clothes, everlasting for thousands of years, made with unique silkworm silk, they could at least fetch some money.

Yu Yuan looked at her curiously: "Miss Shang Yu, you also need my help with something?"

Shang Yu packed up the items and closed the suitcase: "Because you're so great, I need you."

"Of course!" Yu Yuan was immediately full of pride: "No matter which era, I am the one..."

"Let's go." Shang Yu didn't let it finish speaking, and dragged her luggage out the door.

"Hey! I wasn't done talking yet! That's rude~" Yu Yuan hurried to catch up.

When they got in the elevator, it was just Shang Yu and a clump of bugs that was Yu Yuan.


The elevator arrived at the first floor, the others hadn't come down yet. She sat on the sofa playing on her phone.

She was quite interested in what had happened last night now.

But of course she couldn't find anything about it online. The news only showed what they wanted you to see. The real news would never appear there.

She had killed quite a few people last night after all~

The blood of those people really smelled awful.

She browsed the news boredly. This world was full of interesting things.

All kinds of entertainment news, gossip news, celebrity scandals, etc., it all seemed quite amusing.

Shang Luo was the second to arrive, dragging a suitcase twice as large as Shang Yu's.

Seeing Shang Yu, he let out a cold snort and kept his head down playing games.

Shang Yu couldn't be bothered with him. The guy was just an idiot.

The second to arrive was Shang Wan, pulling two large suitcases. Seeing the two of them, she silently sat down without saying anything.

Soon the other two arrived as well.

The driver came to carry their luggage and loaded everything into the car.

"Miss Shang Yu, you still haven't told me how I can help later!"

"When we go through security at the airport later, make sure they detect the crown in my bag as just ordinary silk, and don't detect any metal."

"Huh?" Yu Yuan scratched his head: "Do I need to get in the bag too?"

"Yes, they won't be able to detect your existence anyway."

"That doesn't seem scientifically plausible."


Shang Yu grabbed its leg: "Is it scientifically plausible that I'm alive and you can fly?"

"Hehe, I guess you're right!" It quickly smiled ingratiatingly: "Don't worry, leave it to me. I just need to use my abilities to shield the detection right? I got it!"

Shang Yu let it go: "You'd better really understand."

Shang Wan didn't dare look at Shang Yu again now. The Shang Yu from before had ignored her, but now she was so powerful.

Soon they arrived at the airport. Everyone could see that airport security was extremely tight today, with five times as many patrols.

Shang Yu walked calmly, got her boarding pass, and checked her luggage through security.

Yu Yuan also quickly dove into the suitcase. There were no issues detected, so they went on to board the plane.

In a moment they were on the airplane. The four of them sat on one side, while she sat alone on the other side. She was quite happy to have some peace and quiet.

As people gradually boarded the plane, a man also sat down next to her.

Shang Yu paid him no mind, and just closed her eyes to sleep.

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