The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"I'm sorry! Dad, I was wrong, I'm sorry sister, I won't do this again, please give me another chance sister!"

Shang Wan started crying directly, Shang Hui held her up and looked at dad, but didn't dare say anything.

Never mind, dad is just like grandpa, he dotes on Shang Yu brainlessly.

Now that he knows Shang Yu studies so hard, he dotes on her even more. Our positions at home are precarious.

Anything else I say will just get me scolded.

"And you!" Shang Muhuai turned his cannon on Shang Hui.

Shang Hui was completely confused, dad, he didn't do anything.

"Why didn't you stop your brother from bullying your sister so much?"

Shang Hui: "..."

"Shang Quan too, if I hear of you bullying your sister again, get out of the Shang house!"

Shang Quan: "..."

Shang Muhuai looked at Shang Yu gently, "Little Yu don't be angry, tell dad if anything happens, dad will deal with them for you."

Shang Yu: "They just aren't very smart, no big problem."

Zhong Ruoxue looked at Shang Wan, her eyes made Shang Wan a little scared. She naturally knew what Shang Wan was afraid of.

Shang Muhuai said, "Alright, hurry back, don't delay things tomorrow."

"Little Yu, mom and dad won't be back for a few days. If anything happens at home you can tell grandpa. Your brothers' brains don't work."

Shang Quan: "..."

Shang Hui: "..."

Shang Luo: "..."

Really, meaningless, the human world isn't worth it.

Shang Yu murmured in agreement, she didn't expect these parents to care so much about her.

It makes sense, in Shang Yu's memories, they were very caring these days.

"Dad, then we'll get going." Shang Quan walked out first, he couldn't stand to stay in this private room another minute.

The others followed, Shang Wan still sniffling, hurried to catch up.

Shang Muhuai yelled at their retreating backs, "Why are you walking so fast? Wait for Little Yu!"

The others immediately slowed down.

Shang Yu walked slowly behind, watching their cowardly manner, finding it a bit funny.


Yuyuan was laughing uncontrollably already, "This dad is too cute, hahaha, they're all intimidated."

It didn't expect this human to be quite nice.

So good to Little Raindrop.

Shang Yu sat down in her spot, the others glared angrily at her.

Shang Yu casually propped up her head, "Jealousy is useless, you have to learn from others' strengths, then improve."

"What's there for you to be cocky about!" Shang Luo grit his teeth, "Just because you tested 746 on the college entrance exam?!"

"Mm-hm, what did you get?" Shang Yu lazily looked at him.

"I..." Shang Luo didn't answer, "Why should I tell you."

Shang Yu's fair finger gently tapped the table, "From your IQ, you probably didn't break 200 points."

"Bullsh--!!" His face was beet red, "I got 570!"

"So~" Shang Yu tilted her head, "My 746, 176 points higher than you."

"What kind of big brother are you."

"Your IQ is just that of a little brother."


Shang Luo was about to cry from frustration, he really felt too aggrieved today. He looked out the window to calm himself.

This woman is too vicious!

He couldn't beat her in words or in a fight!

Thinking about having to be oppressed by her in the future, tears flowed from the corner of his eyes. Life is so hard!


Come on! Throw comments and gifts at me, don't go easy on me just because I'm a delicate flower!

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