The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 86: Persuading Allies Part 1

Chapter 86: Persuading Allies Part 1


She actually roared with laughter and even dropped that arrogant tone of hers. Exactly how happy was this potato!

Are you done laughing!? I tossed the Grimoire of the Dead at Numila which was swiftly caught by her.

She gazed at the black grimoire before tossing it back to me with a disinterested look. She turned back to me with an icy look, which while didnt contain any killing intent, gave me the sensation of being dropped into an icy ravine: You should be happy that youre not a male.

At that time, I still didnt understand the meaning of her words. It was only later that I found out about the key difference between a harpy and a harpy witch. It wasnt their strength but rather their unwavering loyalty to their husbands.

The only men who could get off unscathed after touching a harpy witch were their husbands or their sons.

Shes with me so you better keep your distance. Habona shooed her with a wave of her hand before turning to the midget imp. If theres nothing else, well be leaving.

Hold up, Im not done talking yet. He waved his hands to stop her from leaving. No matter how domineering she was, Mo En was still the leader of a large faction, not giving him his due respect was not an option. Habona stood there gazing down at the ugly little midget.

There we go, whats the rush. Lets all have a proper discussion. The reason I came here is tomhm He abruptly stopped and surveyed his surroundings. A second later, he scrambled to a nearby wall.

Whats up with this mysterious little beanfirst he goes off about having a discussion and then suddenly stops to find a wall? Was he looking for a prop or was trying to reflect on his actions? Dont tell me hes taking a piss

Just as my thoughts started straying off course once more, he suddenly turned around and with his back to the wall

Ah, shouldve done this earlier. Standing and talking is simply too tiring. As he said this, he slumped against the wall and sat down.


Exactly how lazy are youall you did was say a few sentences!

Given their nonchalance, Habona and the others mustve had dealings with this eccentric imp before. Or perhaps it was his strength that made them slightly wary around him.

However, it seemed that sitting down wasnt enough as he began twisting around trying to find a more comfortable position. He soon gave up and instead laid on the ground directly, not caring about the dirt as he rolled around with a slightly glazed look in his eyes.

Ah~~~the whole point of being born a devil is to enjoy yourself~~~*roll* so comfortable He unabashedly sighed in satisfaction.

Whats with that philosophical tone youre taking! Youre obviously just a lazy bones, you naked illiterate!

If theres nothing else, well be leaving, goodbye. Ignoring his antics, she blandly said that and proceeded to lead us away.

Ill be on my way as well. Im kind of tired after those two battles. Numilia yawned in boredom as her eyelids began to droop.

Wait wait wait! Im not finished yet! He swiftly moved himself in front of us and then to Numila, all the while maintaining his supine position. As he did so, he anxiously stated his purpose: Im actually here to find the soul bard!

What the heck is wrong with you? Is that all you had to say? Why didnt you just say so earlier instead of embarrassing yourselfdid you really have to dig yourself into a hole before youre satisfied, you potato.

Alright then what business do you have with me?

Ah hah, its like this, Im hoping you will marry my grandson He shyly smiled as he said this.

I just said that Im a male. Will you please scram

He threw me a strange disbelieving look as he scanned my body. However, he didnt perform full body check-up like Numila did and instead adopted a negotiating tone: Then what about my granddaughter?

No. Why must I get involved with some ugly dudes kids.

Why not?

Because I dont think that your granddaughter will fit my sense of beauty.

my granddaughter is extremely cute! He adamantly tried to recommend his lovely granddaughter to me.

Theres no way this ugly midget could have any good looking kids. They are probably at the level of a potato as well.

No thanks!

exactly whats wrong my babiesjust go have a look Having been rejected thrice, he laid there like a deflated balloon, dejected.

Is this guy really the head of a few thousand devils? Are you sure hes not some imposter? Or perhaps his head shrunk along with his body

Since thats the case Mo En, well take our leave now. Dont take it to heart.

Habona placed me on her shoulders once more and began to leave. On the side, Numilia began to fly away as well having lost interest in this scene.

Hold on, I seemed to have forgotten something important. Exactly, why did I agree to save Harlow? Because Habona agreed to help me break through the exit once I did so. If she can become my ally, why cant Numila and Mo En as well?

Wait up, I have a question for everyone.

Hearing my sudden interruption, she stopped walking and turned to look at me with an inquiring look: Whats the matter?

Whats up? Numila halted her flight and landed.

So youve finally come around! Is it going to be my grandson or my granddaughter?

No, I just wanted to ask, are you guys truly satisfied with just staying here all your lives? Did this guy even have any brains in his head or was it just filled with mush?!

Before he even understood the meaning of my question, he chimed in: Of course not, Im going home as well. Once you guys leave, theres no one else here. How boring is that.

Im wrong for thinking you had brains at all.

Unlike Mo En, Numila clearly had an inkling of what I meant. Youre talking about leaving the maze? She said after giving me an appraising look.

Thats right, I intend this leave place, as soon as possible. I want to return to the western human realms, I want to have human food, I want to stay in a big house with a warm bed. I miss Roscar, Nicole and even SaresI dont want to struggle alone in this world for survivalI cant even let the others find out that Im a humanbecause humans are cattle to devils.

If its you, becoming a four-star is only a matter of time, is there a need to be in such a hurry?

Numila had clearly seen my strong desire to leave. Given that I had chosen to recruit more people, it was also clear to her that I wasnt a rash person who allowed his desires to cloud his judgement and was clearly aware of the dangers of doing so. This contradiction between my rash desire and my cautious behavior intrigued her.

I have my own reasons, I only want to know if you guys wish to stay here for the rest of your lives?

Haha, what a joke, the guardians at the exit wont stop a four-star from leaving. As long as I wished it, I could leave at any time. Having finally understood my question, he rushed out to pad his sense of existence once more. Whats the matter, you want to leave?

If you were willing to leave, you wouldve done so long ago. I couldnt be bothered to answer his question. After our short interaction, Ive come to the conclusion that he was an idiot, so there was no need for such wariness. The fact that youre still here means that you mustve had some reason for staying.

When you put it like that, I seem to haveexactly why did I choose to stay behindwhy? He scratched his bald head and began to mull over this question. However, no matter how much he tried to act like one, he clearly wasnt cut out to be a thinker. After a short deliberation, he gave up and with a wave of hands, said: I seemed to have forgotten.

Sigh, I guess I shouldnt have expected anything more from an airhead

In contrast, Numila was a lot more straightforward to deal with. Like her name, she was fiery and direct. The maze is too dangerous, I have to guard my clan in order for them to survive.

So it came down to their clans survival after all.

Regarding this harpy witch, there was clearly no need to probe her intentions and so I cut straight to the point and asked: Since you feel that this place is dangerous, shouldnt you lead them out of here?

Thats impossible. The guardians at the exit arent as simple you think they are. Its been said that since the creation of this maze, only four-star experts have been able to leave this place. There have been no records of weaklings ever leaving this maze.

She gave me a firm look and said: None whatsoever.

Theres no way thats true! Theres always a way, if you dont even attempt it, youre destined to fail from the start!

Youre dead the moment you try!

You only know that once youre dead!

I dont know why but the negotiations ended up in a shouting match between me and Numila.

Its impossible, just give up. She lowered her voice and tried to persuade me once more. However, there was no way I would change my mind for someone who wasnt even an ally yet.

I stared back at her, not intending to show any weakness as I rebutted: Then let me ask you, are you sure that all of your subordinates are willing to stay here and await their deaths as well?

She was stumped by question.

As long as there was a chance of leaving, who would willingly stay in this god forsaken prison?!

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