The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 85: Mo En

Chapter 85: Mo En

Even though I said thatafter giving it some though, I dont think I can actually beat her even if I triederrr, just wait till I finish cultivating my godlike techniques, Ill get you then. For now, Ill let you off. Be grateful for my benevolence, bird woman!

Having to deal with that flying bast*rd once more, Habona was in a notably foul mood, Hey you, dont tell me youre here to pick another fight?

Numila peered at me with narrowed eyes, clearly interested as her mouth broke into a smirk: Im just here to determine the identity of the soul bard. However, if we are still on opposing sides the next time we meet, Ill be the first to kill you.

Now thats harsharent you wasting that beautiful face of yours

Dont worry, as long as Im here, you wont be able to lay finger on her.

Habona put me back on the ground after which I immediately ran to her back. This bird ladys gaze was simply too piercing and she even wanted to kill meshould I seek protection from Habona? But that mat of black fur thoughI think Ill just pass on it.

Hmm, why dont you just try it then.

Numilas body instantly heated up and started radiating scorching heat waves. Just by standing near her made me feel cooked.

The defeated shouldnt act so arrogantly! With a kick of her feet, she shot into air, dispersing the heat as she hurtled right at the flying harpy.

What did you say! She shouted defiantly, her body erupting in a blinding flame that blocked her from my view. All I heard was her furious shouting. I was just careless the last around. This time Ill show you who is the real loser!

These two habaneros were just so temperamental

Previously, Numila ended up losing because of that surprise attack by Habonas tail; what shouldve been a weak point turned out to be a deadly weapon and caused her sneak attack to backfire.

This time, things were different, the same tactic wont work on her. Furthermore, she had confirmed that while Habona was stronger than her, her speed was inferior to her own especially since she had the ability to fly. This was a massive advantage against the land-bound Habona, one which she intended to make use of right now as she pelted the werewolf with long range attacks.

First were simple fireballs, next came the fire serpents, fire whips and even a flame shower. As the two fought, the destruction they wrought became even more widespread and heated up. Several passing undead ended up getting caught the crossfire and were instantly reduced to ashes to by stray fireballs, soul flames and all

Are you about done? How about coming down for a fair fight!!

So its unfair just because you cant hit me? How stupid do you think I am to give up on my advantage of flight? Youre mad if you think Ill do so just to engage in a melee fight with you.

Damn it! Despicable b*tch, DIE!

The one who should die is you!

Roasted chicken!


By now, Habona had been driven insane by the infuriating fire attacks of the harpy. Not only was she unable to hit her, she even got burned trying to do so. No matter how she tried to attack, Numila was able to evade by a hairs breath thanks to her wings.

Errr, Harlow, is your sister going to bealright? By now, we were slightly concerned about our safety. After all, she was the strongest in our temporary party. If we were to get swarmed by harpies while she was engaged, the two medusas alone would have difficulty protecting us two baggages.

Dont worry, Sis isnt as frenzied as you think she is. While we cant turn into humans thanks to our overwhelming rage, this doesnt mean that we are controlled by our rage. She might look frenzied now, but she will definitely come back to her senses when the situation arises, barring any exceptional circumstances.

As I was his benefactor, Harlows attitude was noticeably respectful. Even his fiancee, Majosha had become significantly friendlier.

Youre sure about that?

This was her third attempt at hitting Numila. Despite her frenzied and reckless attacks, Numilas flight ability was proving too difficult for her to handle. With her impressive agility and command over fire, as long as she didnt stay stay too close to Habona, Numilas position was nigh assailable.

If she really cant win, we should join in the fight. She said this while staring intently at the ongoing battle. She coldly threw out a suggestion, My snake hairs should be able to hit her from this distance.

Dont forget about me, my accuracy rate is pretty high with my snake hairs. Majosha chimed in, agreeing with her sisters suggestion.

maybe you shouldnt. Would she be alright with our interference though? From the looks of it, she mustve been the prideful type who didnt want anyone to interfere in her fight.

No! Harlow anxiously cut in. Sis is really particular about a matchs fairness. If you stepped in now, she would be furious.

Are you sure she isnt furious already? She smirked as she pointed at the female werewolf who had been on the losing end since the beginning. She seems to be on the verge of losing it.

Its a totally different matter. Right now, shes still in her normal state. Once she gets angered to the limitshe wouldnt even able to recognize me Harlow shrunk inwards as he said this as if he had remembered a traumatic experience. After a few seconds of silence, he finally broke out of his recollection with a head full of sweat. He hastily persuaded them not to interfere in the fight.

Fine, shes your sister. Manasha waved her tail dismissively and crossed her arms, ready to watch the show from the sidelines.

Majosha, on the other hand was significantly more concerned. She was Harlows sister after all. Once Majosha marries into the family, that sister would be her kin as well.

Harlow, are you sure your sister will be fine?

Dont worry, she hasnt shown her true powers yet. He said confidently in what could be an attempt at assuring Majosha or a show of confidence for his sister.

As we were discussing this matter, Habona leaped into the air once more and attacked Numila. Unfortunately, the harpy merely dodged it with a flap of her wings. With a wave of her hands, she launched a fire serpent, engulfing the furry werewolf in crimson flames.

In the face of this aerial attack, all she could do was fall helplessly to the ground. Aerial battles werent her forte after all. She roused the mana in her body and dispersed the scorching flames. However, this came a little too late as a section of her fur ended up getting singed black.

My beautiful furmy beautiful tailyou bast*rd! Her eyes turned bloodshot as if they were about to bleed. Her damaged fur had stirred her anger even more.

That ugly lump of fur? Even if it wasnt singed black, its still ugly as sh*t at the best of times. Plus In a professional display of heckling, she waved her hands in front of her nose as if there was an odor lingering around, With that stench of yours, I would die from suffocation even without you lifting a finger. Meat-eaters are such a smelly bunch.

I smell? She gave herself a sniff. Having noticed nothing, she bellowed in anger: not like you dont eat meat.

Isnt it normal to be unable to smell the odor on yourself

Judging from the roiling black mana around her, she mustve been truly furious.

Thats right, I only feed on souls. She smugly replied.


Based on this conversation, it almost sounded like she was of a higher grade than Habona

Ahhhh! Thats it, Im definitely going to kill you now!

The one who is going to die is you!

With that, the halted battle resumed once more.

Oh, isnt this an exciting scene. Just as the two potatoes started fighting. A frivolous drawl barged into the scene, capturing the attention of everyone present. The previously heated battle ended up stopping abruptly.

Following that voice, I turned around and saw what had to be the most hideous looking red imp I had ever seen in my short life, bouncing around the corner. As for why he did so, it wasnt that his leg was injured, instead it was a strange swagger born out of his sense of superiority.

It was as if this barely one meter tall potato was a rich kid with a dad called Li Gang (

Without showing any self-consciousness, the small imp flashed us a stupid smile and said : The weathers pretty good today, are you ladies having fun here?

Mo En! x5

Mo En? Mo Endont tell me this mini potato is Mo En!

Even though Ive never seen him before, Ive heard some rumors about him from Habona. He should be a four-star devil with an extremely strong faction under him. It was said that he had over 2,000 devil henchmen and even had a primal lust demon as his lover.

All this time, I assumed that he must be some single horned, winged devil with a ferocious face and a hulking frame. The last thing I expected was to see a midget, with the face of plebeian, an extremely perverted one.

Due to the huge disparity between my mental image and reality, I ended up blurting the first question that came to mind: This is Mo En? Are you sure its not a case of mistaken identity?

Do you think that the five of us would make this mistake at the same time? By now, Habona had already abandoned her fight and darted to my side.

Mo En, shouldnt you be in your nest looking after your kids? What are you doing here?

A fight between four-stars are a rare sight and so I decided to have a gander. He eyes narrowed in a lascivious smile as he surveyed us. His eyes swept over the gathered females before finally stopping on me, staring at me intently. I suddenly felt an urge to bash him for giving me that uncomfortable lookbut I didnt dare to do so.

And so, several seconds passed before he finally gave me a gentlemans bow and said: This beautiful lust demon, would you happen to know anything about a soul bard appearing nearby?

Until now, I couldnt wrap my head around this small imp. His aura was even more domineering than Numila but that appearance of his

The five of them had simultaneously recognized him as Mo En so there should be some validity in this claima low-key attitude is probably best

Im not a lust demontruth be told, Im a male. Perhaps your eyes needs to get checked.

Huh, you arent a succubus? Before Mo En could even react, Numila abruptly butted in. Ignoring the furious glares of the werewolf beside me, she reached out and grabbed my face, pulling it in various directions. She gave my body a thorough sniffingeven in that area. A minute later, my body had been thoroughly inspected.

She finally withdrew her hands having finished her inspection under the livid gaze of my eyes and threw out a statement.

You dont even have a d*ck and you dare to call yourself a maleThats gotta be funniest joke Ive heard in my entire life.


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