The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 98: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (47)

Chapter 98: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (47)

Chapter 98: A female mate chooses to farm (47)

She has said before why the Tatars outside the pass attack the city every new year.

Because of lack of supplies!

Nowadays, the supplies in the Yanguan market are getting richer day by day as she transfers them from Nanman and the counties along the way. The Tatars even thought of disguising themselves as common people in the pass and sneaking in to trade. This shows that they actually don't want to fight.

In the lean days, who would like to fight if there are sufficient supplies? Even if you are a militant, you have to eat first, right?

"In this case, we will set up a large market in the area connecting the inside and outside of the customs. We will hold a big market every ten and a half days to facilitate the people inside and outside the customs to trade. Of course, in order to prevent the traders from having militants mix in, which will cause problems to the people inside the customs If there is a threat, a firearms battalion team can be sent to the scene to maintain order. If anyone disrupts the order, shoot into the air as a warning. If they refuse to obey the order, they will be shot on the spot."

Thats right. Yan Kejin thought of something with her. It will not only scare the monkeys, but also scare the Tatars to see if they dare to invade our great Yanhua.

The couple met and worked out a feasible plan, and Yan Kejin went back to the military camp to convene a meeting with the soldiers.

Xu Yin took her grandma and others to count the large quantities of goods in the warehouse, and when the market was set up, they went there to trade.

It would be better to exchange more wool and sheepskins from the Tatars and see if we can use the existing textile machines to spin cashmere thread to knit sweaters.

It really didn't work, so she, a little mechanical expert trained by the system's skill books, had no choice but to modify one.

Bovine and goat milk are also quite good nutritional supplements, but storage is a problem.

I wonder if the Tatars have invented methods for making milk powder and cheese. If not, she could help them.

Xu Yin felt that she could always trust King Jinnans work efficiency.

No, I just made the plan to open the market at noon, and in the afternoon I took my men to select the location.

The captured Tatars were released.

Yanguan Military Camp plans to open a large market, open every fifth day, and welcome people from inside and outside the pass to come and trade. The news needs to be spread through their mouths.

Not to mention the reaction of the Tatars, the people in the pass were opposed to it anyway.

Hearing that it was proposed by King Jinnan, who was named the Great General of Power, groups of people gathered in front of the mansion.

They all accused the Tatars of eyeing Yan Pass and trying to capture Yan Pass again and again. It is not easy for the soldiers to defend the city. Why did you let them in? Isn't this inviting a wolf into the house?

There are also some people who heard from somewhere that King Jinnan was originally a prince, and was granted the title of prince after being deposed by the Holy One. They even felt that Yan Kejin deliberately let the Tatars enter the pass, maybe because he wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against the Holy One... In short, the government The doorway is noisy like a vegetable market.

Yan Kejin was already prepared for this, with a long body and a cold tone:

Do you want to live a stable life without wars and chaos, or do you want to live a life of refuge where a wave of battles will happen every now and then, and if you lose, you will be displaced?

Do you still need to ask? Who wants to leave their hometown and flee?

Thats right!

Yan Kejin raised his handsome eyebrows: "In that case, why do you oppose trade with foreign countries?"

Those are the Tatars! The Tatars who kill without blinking an eye! Letting them in, doesnt it give them a chance to kill us?

"The opening of the market to the Tatars does not mean that the Tatars are allowed to enter. It just provides a place for everyone to get what they need. We have the daily necessities that the Tatars need, and the Tatars also have me. What the two sides want, trade and trade, can alleviate each other's living difficulties, why not do it? I will solve the problems you are worried about." Having said this, he winked at a soldier from the firearms camp.

The soldier stepped forward, showed his improved gun, and fired a shot in the distance. However, with a "bang" sound, the thick coffin board placed in front of a coffin shop was suddenly drilled in a puff of black smoke. A hole.

The people were dumbfounded and were silent for a while.

Yan Kejin's cold voice sounded again: "This is a musket, a weapon more powerful than bows, arrows, and spears. Anyone who dares to disrupt the order of the transaction can refer to this board for the consequences."

That is a thick coffin board. No matter how powerful the arrow is, it can only penetrate a few millimeters and penetrate... That is no joke.

Now, who dares to say anything?

Speaking of which, when did Yanhua have such powerful weapons?

Not to mention the common people, most of the soldiers in the camp have never seen it. The existence of the firearms camp was only known to people above the level of captain of ten thousand before.

But now, not only the soldiers and people at the bottom, but also the Tatars outside the customs have heard about it.

Is there really such a magical weapon?

Second Prince, this matter was witnessed by this villain with his own eyes, and there is absolutely nothing false about it.

The current King of Tatar has four sons. The eldest prince and the second prince have violent personalities. They have always advocated attacking Yanhua to expand their territory and seize more territory and resources for their tribe.

The third prince and the fourth prince advocated for peace. At this moment, they became more and more determined in their choice, and one after another persuaded the Tatar King:

"Father, if Yanhua really invents this extremely lethal weapon, once a war breaks out, it will be our troops who will suffer the loss. Our clan has been recuperating for two years before regaining this little strength. We really cannot afford to suffer further casualties. Ah, please father, please think twice!"

"Yes, father, Yan Kejin is a man with great martial arts skills and good at strategy. He became famous in the battle at Pingheguan five years ago. At that time, he was still a young man. Now that he has such a powerful weapon, how can he fight with him?" Aren't you giving away your head for nothing! In my opinion, since Yan Kejin has opened the market and allowed my clan to trade, it shows that he also wants to negotiate peace, so it is better to have a discussion with him."

The King of Tatar looked at his eldest son and second son: "What do you two brothers think?"

How can we see it?

In the past, it was definitely the main battle.

What can't be done without fighting? There will be nothing to eat as soon as winter starts outside the customs. If we don't grab some food before autumn, how can we survive the long cold winter?

Where to grab it? Isnt it just Guannei? It would be better if we could defeat Yanguan in one go and turn it into our own territory.

It's a pity that Yanhua's soldiers are not vegetarians. Every time they conquer, they are beaten back again. This went back and forth, over and over again, and the number of times they fought with each other was not a hundred but seventy, eighty or ninety times.

Now, Yan Kejin posted a notice on behalf of the Yanguan garrison, allowing them to go to the market to trade. This is a difficult choice.

Thinking of the supplies they had secretly sent spies into Yanguan City in exchange for several times before, the two brothers swallowed their saliva in unison: "How about trusting them once?"

If this was brought up by another Yanhua general, they would only think that the other party was deliberately deceiving and trying to lure them into the pass so that they could catch all the turtles in the urn, but Yan Kejin is still worth trusting.

In this way, the Tatar people welcomed the opening of the integrated market of "one family inside and outside the customs" with trepidation and a little eagerness at the same time.

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