The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 97: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (46)

Chapter 97: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (46)

Chapter 97: A female partner chooses farming (46)

An ordinary sheepskin jacket, with no embroidery or gems, was actually replaced with two kilograms of fine sugar as white as snow!

Two sticks of Cistanche deserticola were exchanged for two bottles of seafood sauce and a handful of very delicious seafood called kelp stew!

It made several spies very happy.

How could I bother to spy on the military situation? I took out everything I had on hand and replaced it with sugar, soy sauce, seafood... Then I quickly and slowly slipped back to the border to report.

With such a small amount of food in exchange for so many condiments and seafood that are uncommon outside of China, what kind of cities and battles are there to be attacked! Wouldn't it be better to get something in exchange? There have been no casualties yet.

When the Tatar King heard the spies report, his first reaction was disbelief.

The spies who sneaked into Beijing last year said they had seen these things when they came back, but the prices in Beijing were not that low. Only the princes and nobles could afford them. How could Yanguan sell them so cheaply?

Continue to explore!

The second wave of spies sneaked into the pass again.

This time they brought a lot of fur coats and wild medicinal materials that were not worth much in their eyes.

The king said that if we can't spy on the military situation, we might as well go back in exchange for some oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and canned fruits that are scarce outside the customs.

The spies mingled among the people of Yanguan and exchanged a bunch of things like looting.

Once again verified: these snowflake white sugar, ruby brown sugar, and canned fruits, which are sold at sky-high prices in Beijing, are indeed very cheap in Yanguan.

The Tatar king became interested.

Find a way to sneak in and change! I want to see how many good things like this there are in Yanguan!

At the same time, King Jinnans motorcade set off immediately after the Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition to rushing on the road, they also purchased a batch of farmland and villagers to use as spare granaries. So no matter how fast they rushed, by the time they arrived at Yanguan, the ice and snow had gradually melted. It's March, and the New Year is spent on the road.

Mother Feng, who arrived first with the **** car, had already taken the maids to tidy up the mansion, making it look like a new house.

Originally, Xu Yin thought that she was old. When she passed through Furong County, she wanted her to return to Xu Mansion to reunite with her family. It was Grandma Feng who insisted on coming to Yanguan.

"The old slave is old, but his hands and feet are still flexible. After Yan Guan settles down, it will be time for the princess to have a child. The old slave is not proficient in raising children, but when it comes to raising children, the old slave is still somewhat sure. Again. The reporter said that he wouldnt feel at ease if he handed it over to someone else. Chunlan and the others are still children themselves.

Left Xu Yin speechless.

If Aunt Feng didn't mention it, she wouldn't have thought about the child at all.

In fact, the past two years have been so full that I have almost no time to think about pregnancy and children.

That night, she kept asking Yan Kejin why she hadnt seen him give birth after two years of marriage. Doesn't he want a child of his own?

The dog man smiled meaningfully: "I have asked the imperial doctor. The princess looks weak, but her body is still strong. If she is not pregnant, it may be because she is not destined to have a child yet, so there is no need to worry."

Who the **** is in a hurry?

Yan Kejin lay on her shoulder, and the hot breath he breathed went straight to the tips of her ears:

Does the princess also want to say that it would be nice not to have children to disturb her? Is the two-person world that the princess talks about like this now?

""You think too much.

She was wrong!

She shouldn't have brought up this topic.

After provoking it... Anyway, I jumped from the topic of "children" to the unspeakable "battlefield".

When Xu Yin got up the next day, she felt as if she had been run over by a big truck all night, and every part of her body was sore.

He was a dog man, with a refreshing look on his face. He had breakfast with the princess and then went to the military camp.

When I first arrived, I had a lot to do. The top priority is that the firearms camp must be settled as soon as possible to start formal training. Xu Yin went back to her room to catch up on her sleep, and when she woke up again, it was already noon.

Mammy came in and said that the female members of the Ten Thousand Husband's family came to visit and asked her if she wanted to see her.


Just to understand the current life situation in Yanguan.

There are ten ten thousand captains under Yan Kejin's control, but there are only four female relatives who came this time.

The other six captains of ten thousand husbands were either not yet married, or they left their wives at home to serve their parents-in-law and did not join the army.

Fortunately, the four female relatives have been with the army for many years and know Yanguan Bu very well. However, Xu Yin can answer a few questions, which is enough for her to understand.

"Madam, I don't know. There are very few fields in Yanguan that can produce grain. Most of them are sandy soil. You can't grow anything. The grain has to be transported from the inner county. Sometimes it is shipped late and three meals a day are not available. , The days when there is little clear soup and little water are really a torture.

"Madam, she would be frightened if she saw the houses where locals live. Many of them don't build houses. They just dig caves on the top of mountains and talk about being warm in winter and cool in summer. Most of the houses in Yanguan City are either ours or ours." Such family members accompanying the army are either from Neijun coming here to do business."

Madam, I have followed my husband to Yanguan since then. What I am most unaccustomed to is the lack of water. There is little rain here, and the local people have experienced droughts in previous years and are still worried. Even if it is not a dry season, water is very economical.

Before Xu Yin arrived, she was fully mentally prepared for the lack of supplies in Yanguan, but she did not expect that the actual situation was more difficult than she expected. Especially water, which cannot be transported from Nanman or Zhuangzi along the way!

She tried her best to think back, how did later generations solve the problem of water use in the northwest?

South-to-North Water Diversion?

Long-term planning is fine, but to alleviate immediate difficulties, distant water cannot quench near-term thirst.

After all, given the economic strength and technological level of later generations, it took more than ten years and hundreds of billions to realize the water connection. In ancient times, it was extremely difficult to break through regional restrictions and realize the South-to-North Water Diversion.

DingExplore the northwest region of Yanhua and complete the task to reward a map of the region.

At this time, the system issued another task to her.

Exploring the northwest region of Yanhua?

This is much bigger than the Southern Barbarians. It is a vast world and the tasks are quite difficult. Fortunately, there are also a lot of corresponding energy point rewards after completion.

After Xu Yin sent away several female relatives, she began to arrange for people to investigate.

Unexpectedly, during this inspection, a group of Tatars disguised themselves and sneaked into the pass.

At first, Xu Yin thought it was a hoax, but after interrogation, she found out a ridiculous truth.

What? Are they here to trade?


Yan Kejin was also a little bit dumbfounded. He leaned back in the chair and twisted his sore eyebrows. He had interrogated him personally all night, but he didn't want this answer.

Logically speaking, one needs to be a civil servant to enter the customs. The generals guarding the customs have neglected their duties and have been dealt with by him. Most of them are Yan Keheng's people. Taking this opportunity to rectify the military appearance and discipline.

"...At first they refused to talk about life and death, but then a Tatar who had a pregnant woman in labor waiting for brown sugar couldn't help but cry, so they all were recruited. In addition, this time, two groups of people have disguised themselves as common people in the pass and sneaked into the market. We exchanged sheepskin jackets, woolen felts, butter and other items for the scarce sugar, soy sauce, cans and muslin cloth outside the customs..."

Xu Yins eyes lit up as she listened:

Your Majesty, I know how to stop fighting!

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