The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1340: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (21)

Chapter 1340: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (21)

Chapter 1340 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (21)

Xu Yin pulled out two water radishes and brought them to Master Wu.

You think Im helping you out? Haha! No, no, someone is really looking for you. Master Wu pointed in the direction of the concierge.

Xu Wen?

Xu Yin was stunned for a moment when she saw the visitor clearly.

Sister Wenwen

She reviewed the original plot, what was Xu Wen doing at this time?

Oh, she saved some money by selling clothes. She heard that fashionable clothes come from the south. She always wanted to visit Nancheng and buy some goods to sell back.

Unfortunately, there were very few trains at this time, so I finally plucked up the courage to leave home and take a train in the city, but I missed one train and had to wait until tomorrow for the next one.

How do you survive this day and night? Go home, worry about being scolded, live in a guest house without a letter of introduction. I didnt have any relatives or friends in the city, so I finally decided to wait in the waiting room of the train station.

There were many passengers coming and going in the waiting room. She found a corner and sat with her bag in her arms.

Fortunately, considering that it would take a long time on the train, I brought a book on fashion design.

She bought this book from a street stall for two cents. It was this old book with yellowing paper and curled pages that made her decide to make clothes to make money.

She waited at the train station all day long. She ate a few bites of steamed buns when she was hungry, and went to the toilet to drink a few sips of water when she was thirsty. At night, there were gradually fewer passengers in the waiting room. Her neck was sore from reading, and when she turned her head to move, She found a man with malicious intentions staring at her. When she looked over, he grinned at her, showing yellow teeth.

No matter how brave Xu Wen is, he dares to go to Nancheng alone, but after all, he is a girl, and she is afraid of being targeted.

Finally, she pretended to go to the ticket office to ask about the train schedule, and then took the opportunity to squat under the window sill of the ticket office all night, not even daring to go to the toilet.

As a result, when I got on the train the next day, my legs were swollen and numb, and it also caused a urinary tract infection. But I was traveling and had no time to seek medical treatment, so I kept dragging it on, which turned into chronic nephritis...

Yin Yin.

Seeing Xu Yin, Xu Wen's eyes lit up and he walked over with his baggage.

She smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't know why when she encountered a little difficulty, the first thing she thought of was her cousin.

Yinyin, I went to your place of work. They said you were working the evening shift this month and you didnt go to work until eleven oclock at noon. They told me the address here, and I..."

As Xu Wen spoke, he realized that this decision was a bit abrupt. He tightened his bag and pursed his lips: "If it's inconvenient for you, I'd still..."

Sister Wenwen, Im just a little surprised, nothing inconvenient. Lets go to my dormitory to talk.

Xu Yin stepped forward and took the baggage from Xu Wen's hand and led her to her dormitory. While walking on the road, she introduced:

"This is a staff dormitory jointly built by three units. Only dual-employees or mid-level cadres and technicians can apply for the Tongzi Building in the south. We single young people live in the old bungalow in the north. My colleagues and I live in dormitory No. 08. Well, that's the one There is a big flower bed in front of the door, and there are two pots of sky-high peppers next to the flower bed. Next time you come, if you don't see me in the restaurant, just come here and look for me. I'm usually there, not in the house, just behind the house. Small vegetable garden

Xu Wen was a little upset at first, regretting that he came to see his cousin on a whim. The worst he could do was stay overnight at the train station. It wasnt like he didnt stay up all night before, so he could sleep until he got on the train tomorrow. But in Xu Yin's gentle voice, her annoyed mood gradually calmed down.

After entering the house, Xu Yin raised the curtain and asked her cousin to sit in her room for a while. It was already the beginning of summer in mid-May. She had been working all morning and was inevitably a little sweaty. She went to the water room to wash her face. , and came back with a basin of water.

"Sister Wenwen, please wash your face too." Xu Yin took out a new washcloth and stuffed it into Xu Wen's hand, "You came to the city on the morning bus, right? Have you had breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry, so stop working." Xu Wen held her hand and told the truth hesitantly, "I came to the train station to take the train. I asked someone to inquire about the train number to Nancheng before, so I calculated the time to get there early. The shuttle bus came here, but unexpectedly the shuttle broke down halfway and was delayed for more than an hour. By the time I arrived at the train station, the train had already left the station. This train only runs once a day..."

Xu Yin nodded: "Do you want to stay at my place?"

Xu Wen smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't dare to go home. Before I came out, I left a letter home saying that I was going to Nancheng. My mother was so angry when she saw the letter. If I went back, she would definitely confiscate the money I had on me. She wont let me go out anymore, and will arrange for me to get married as soon as possible. She wanted me to get married at the beginning of the year, so that she could make room for my brothers wedding. But I dont want to, Im only eighteen years old, and I dont want my life and my Just like my mother, she spends her whole life around the stove, arguing over trivial matters every day..."

Perhaps realizing that he was going too far, Xu Wen wiped the corners of his red eyes and smiled helplessly: "I made you laugh. Originally, I wanted to spend the night at the train station, but then I remembered that you were in the state-owned hotel in the city. I was working in a hotel, but somehow I got on the train and came here..."

After arriving, I felt a little abrupt.

She and her cousin have not been very close since childhood because their parents often quarreled. An accident last month injured her, caused her cousin to fall into the river, and almost caused a complete falling out between the two families.

Logically speaking, she shouldnt have come to see her cousin.

Xu Wen calmed down, picked up the baggage and said, "You're going to work soon, right? How about I go back to the train station?"

"You're all here, let's stay here for the night." Xu Yin said, "My bed is a bit old, but it's still spacious. It's not crowded for two people."

She took out a stack of books from the side of the bed, put them on the shelf, and took down the alcohol stove at the same time.

She would use this to turn on the small stove when there were people in the dormitory.

Dried noodles and eggs are always prepared. If you want something sweet, there is brown sugar. If you want something salty, go to the back of the house and pick a few rapeseed and chopped green onions, and you can cook a pot of egg noodles in no time.

You got up early to catch the bus, havent you had breakfast yet?

Im not hungry. Xu Wen hurriedly stopped him, If youre hungry, there are steamed buns.

The steamed buns are dry, not as delicious as the soup noodles.

Xu Yin couldn't help but cook a pot of fragrant green vegetable and egg noodles, let Xu Wen eat slowly, and explained the location of the toilet and water room.

"Sister Wenwen, I have to go to work. You are tired after traveling for a long time. You should go back to sleep after eating. If you are hungry, there are biscuits and bananas on the cabinet. If you want to go out for a walk in the afternoon, I will let Xiaoyan accompany you. You. She gets off work at one o'clock and comes back to take a nap. She has nothing else to do when she gets up. Let her take you to the supply and marketing building? The supply and marketing building in the city has a much more complete range of products than our county town, and there are many more styles of clothing. "

Xu Wenwen wanted to decline politely. Being able to borrow a bed here was already a great convenience for her. She didn't want to bother her cousin's roommate to go shopping with her. But when she heard the styles of the clothes, she was a little moved: "How about I Lets go shopping by ourselves later.

Anything is fine.

Xu Yin left her a spare key and went to work.

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