The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1339: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (20)

Chapter 1339: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (20)

Chapter 1339 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (20)

Wang Zhao burst into tears after eating it - it was spicy!

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of rice, I ran to the kitchen and drank a glass of water before I came back to life.

I just choked on the chili pepper.

Apart from spicy food, what else do you taste? Rui Xijin asked him.

Anyway, he didn't taste the delicious taste. There was a fishy smell of farmed frogs in his mouth.

Wang Zhao carefully picked up a piece of frog meat this time, making sure that no chili seeds were stuck on it, then put it into his mouth, chewing it and said:

"The frog meat is quite strong. The difference from the previous braised frog is that there is no soup, only dry ingredients. The side dishes are quite rich, including lettuce, potatoes, carrots, celery... Hey! After all, it's not cheap! A box of bullfrog, only a few pieces of frog meat, all served as side dishes, but you charged me the price of a big meat dish!"

The same conversation took place at the Red Star Hotel.

Just after the lunch rush hour, the manager came to the store to inquire about the sales situation of the hot pot bullfrog. He heard that the sales were going well. More than fifty copies were sold in one noon, and he was very happy:

Not bad, not bad! The cost is lower than that of pork, but it can still be sold at the same price as pork, which increases the profit margin of our restaurant a lot. Xiaojin, you still have a way!

Jin Xiuzhu said with a smile: "Manager, this is only the first day, and the name of the hot pot bullfrog has not yet been announced! When the customers who ordered this dish come back and talk about it, there will definitely be a wave of peaks. Yes. Manager, can I buy the Baotou fish head in the river? The American frog fish head is more delicious than the hot pot bullfrog! It can definitely be used as the treasure of our restaurant. This dish is similar to hot pot. The base and ingredients must be prepared in advance. When it is ready, customers can cook it and eat it themselves, but the dining table needs to be modified..."

Jin Xiuzhu spoke eloquently. As he spoke, he pulled the manager to the side and started gesturing to rectify the dining table.

The others looked at each other silently.

Master Zhao's expression was not very good. He whispered to Master Hong: "It seems that I, the master, will soon be of no use."

Master Hong patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: "Why am I not the same?"

Master Zhao lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. After a long while, he said softly: "If it doesn't work out, I'll go to Ruifu Building and ask. I heard that they are looking for a chef."

Turning around, he asked Xu Yin jokingly: "Xiao Xu, if I change jobs and go to Ruifu Building, do you want to come with me?"

Xu Yin;

She seemed to have just declined the olive branch offered by Ruifuluo.

However, Master Zhao just said it jokingly at this moment, taking the opportunity to express his unhappiness.

The manager didnt ask him to step down in favor of someone else, so he wouldnt give up his position as chef foolishly.

After all, a regular employee in a state-owned hotel is an iron rice bowl that many people would envy. Even if Ruifu Tower offered him twice the salary, he would consider it.

What's more, he didn't know the specific situation at Ruifu Building. He only heard a vague mention from a friend in the market: Du Miaomiao of the Rui family was renovating the Ruifu Building after taking it back.

Since it is being decorated, it must be planning to reopen. But the heads of the Rui family who are good at cooking are gone, but the only heir is someone who knows how to eat but not how to cook. He will definitely recruit a master chef from outside. With Ruifu Building's past glory, one master chef is not enough. Four are too few for a state-owned hotel.

Master Zhao didnt show off on his face and continued to get off work diligently as usual, but in his heart he was paying attention to the current situation of Ruifu Building.

Xu Yin followed Master Zhao, finishing the morning shift and the evening shift.

This month, she doesnt have to get up early. She goes to work at 11pm and closes at 7pm. She can sleep until she wakes up naturally in the morning. When she wakes up, she can satisfy her cravings - eat breakfast that is not available in hotels, such as Guilin rice noodles and beef ramen. , or Hong Kong-style morning tea.

It was only around eight or nine o'clock after I finished eating, and then I went to the vegetable field behind the house to do some cooking, build a shelf for tomatoes, and catch insects in the corn field.

The housewives of Tongzilou saw her at home in the morning and would come over to lend a hand and chat after hanging the clothes. "Xiao Xu heard that you were only sixteen years old? Did you start working after graduating from junior high school?"

"It's better to work early, like my niece. Three years ago, our factory office wanted to recruit a regular worker. As soon as I heard about it, I told my sister in advance that I wanted my niece to go. It's so easy to sit in the office, keep accounts, Just write a notice, but as a result, the college entrance examination resumed that year, and my niece wanted to take the college entrance examination and refused to come to work in the factory."

Its good to go to college. After graduation, youll be assigned a job, and the job position is no worse than the office of a grain and oil factory.

"Then she has to pass the exam! She missed our factory's recruitment and failed the college entrance examination. She was half a year late and didn't get anything. Later, she had to ask my man to get her a temporary worker spot in the workshop, but she still hasn't. Become a regular employee.

The woman who spoke paused and looked at Xu Yin: "Xiao Xu, when will your hotel be hiring again? I heard that a new person was hired a few days ago. What are the requirements for hiring people now? If possible, I would like to My niece was transferred here. The workshop of the grain and oil factory is so hard that my husband is too tired to move when he comes home every day, let alone a girl..."

Xu Yin shook her head: "I don't know, the new colleague was brought here by the manager."

Is she a regular employee or a temporary employee?

Temporary worker.

When he heard that they were temporary workers, the other party didnt say anything anymore. He probably thought that temporary workers in the hotel were either odd jobs or in logistics, and it was not easy. The key is that the wages were one level lower than those in the workshops of grain and oil factories.

So the topic changed and returned to Xu Yin:

"So it's good for you, Xiao Xu, to go to work early. When you come in, you will be a regular worker and the master's deputy. When the master is transferred or retired, you will be the master."

Xu Yin smiled and said nothing.

"Xiao Xu, you are so humble. There are few girls as capable as you nowadays."

By the way, Xiaoxu, do you have a partner?

Old Wang, do you want to promote your nephew again?

"What's wrong with my nephew? He's a regular worker in a machinery factory. He doesn't smoke or drink, and his wages are paid to the family. He's been obedient since he was a child. But he's a bit introverted, so he hasn't found anyone for a long time. It's not that he's bad, it's that he doesn't take the initiative. If you have **** with a girl, you will blush when you see her, but this is also an advantage, right? At least it can ensure that you will be devoted to your daughter-in-law after marriage and will not have second thoughts, what do you think, Xiao Xu? "

All the women looked at Xu Yin.

Xu Yin:

Then he said slowly: "My mother said I'm still young, so don't be in a hurry to find someone. She asked me to consider this matter in a few years."

The woman who wanted to be her nephew's introducer looked a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "Sixteen is not too young. We are not getting married right away. We just want to get married first. It doesn't matter where we are."

Xu Yin shook her head and continued to move out of her house. Ms. Xue said: "My mother will be angry."

Xiao Xu! Xiao Xu!

Master Wu, who was in charge of logistics, waved to her at the corner of Dongshui House: "Someone is looking for you!"

The group of housewives who kept asking questions around her finally left.

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