The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1306: Living in the days of natural disaster (33)

Chapter 1306: Living in the days of natural disaster (33)

Until she returned to her residence, Xu Yin whispered to Xu Xi: "Our bunker is strong, just like this central city, and floods cannot get in."


Of course, have I ever lied to Xixi?

Hearing this, Xu Xi burst into tears and laughed.

Ning Jin glanced at Xu Yin.

He said in his heart that you had deceived him. Otherwise, where did the marshmallows, little cows and Lao Bai come from?

But he was too sensible to say anything.

Xu Yin gave him a look that said, "Boy, you are very smart." She changed the topic and said, "Let's go find Professor Liu tomorrow and open up some more land."

Why? Isnt it enough for one person to have one ridge? Xu Dong was puzzled.

Ning Jin: "Yinyin is worried. There is a lot of water everywhere outside now. We can't even eat cabbage and vegetables. Vegetables will be even more nervous."

Hearing that he would not be able to eat vegetables, Xu Dong and Xu Xi immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go find Professor Liu now!"

Even though it was night, considering that Professor Liu had to work until late every day before going to bed, the four children used their work ID cards to open the planting area on the second floor and found Professor Liu.

Hearing Mings purpose, Professor Liu was pleased and touched: You are really good kids! But you are still young. If you can persevere in one field per ridge, it will be great. Let others expand the planting!

"Professor, I can do it." Xu Yin said, "Since I got better, my strength has become stronger and stronger! Leave it to me to open the land!"

Ning Jins three children rushed to say, Leave the rest to us!

Professor Liu smiled from ear to ear: "It's good that you have this intention, but..."

Stop being hesitant, its settled happily! We will expand the land tomorrow! Try to get more vegetables for everyone to eat!

After saying that, Xu Yin ran away with her three friends.

Professor Liu shook his head with a smile, thinking that when they come to work tomorrow, no matter how hard he tries to persuade them, it will still be the rising sun in the morning! It would be great to be responsible for a ridge of land.

Furthermore, their greatest contribution is not actually growing vegetables. Their fertilizing methods and some tips in the vegetable growing process are worth learning from.

However, when he arrived at the Baogan area the next morning, he found that four children were already working with small hoes - Xu Yin was responsible for loosening the soil, and the other three children were responsible for digging drainage ditches and building ridges.

Professor Liu hurriedly walked over and asked them if they were tired? If you are tired, sit down and take a rest. Don't affect your growth and development.

Other vegetable farmers who came to clock in for work were puzzled when they saw it: "Why are those four children cultivating the land again? The new task assigned to them by Professor Liu?"

Where is it? From what Professor Liu said, it seems that they applied for it themselves.

"Are they stupid? They can't take care of such a long ridge of land, so they are going to open new land?"

Its not because you cant grow vegetables, so you can open up some land to make up for it, right? Haha! Have you visited their vegetable fields? How are they doing?

As soon as these words came out, many people fell silent.

Because when they finished work, they went around to take a look at the vegetable patch with four little radish heads

There are four ridges, one ridge is planted with potatoes and corn; one ridge is planted with taro and cabbage; one ridge is planted with beans on the top and winter melon and celery on the bottom; tomatoes are planted on the top of the ridge and peppers and garlic seedlings are planted on the bottom. How can this be a layman who doesnt know how to grow vegetables? He is clearly an expert!

Not only do we take advantage of the different growth requirements of crops, interplanting those that like shade, those that like sun, those with deep roots, those with shallow roots, those with long growth periods, those with short growth periods, those that require trellising, those that grow prostrate... and even the racks for beans and tomatoes. They all look better and more standardized than them.

"Why don't you say anything? Are the vegetables they grow so thin that they worry about being scolded, so they go to open fields again?"

Ahem, Xiao Wu, you have to be really curious, finish the work at hand, and go over and take a look and youll find out.

Anyway, they went to see her a few times, and her face hurt every time. The flesh on both cheeks was probably swollen.

Xiao Wu gave them a puzzled look: "It's so mysterious, how can I still think about work!"

After saying that, he threw down the farm tools in his hands and immediately ran to the vegetable field with four radish heads to see what was going on.

Looking at this, after returning, there is one more person who is silent.

He even suspected that the four carrot heads found it too easy for one person to be responsible for one ridge of land, so they approached Professor Liu to apply for land expansion.

Simply evil!

Xu Yin opened ten more ridges of land in one go and took her friends to work diligently in the vegetable fields every day.

Professor Liu used to be busy with the experimental field and rarely came to Baogan area. Since the arrival of four children, he has come here every morning to take a walk, express condolences to the children, and look at the dazzling array of vegetables, which makes him feel a little happier.

Those vegetable farmers, some old and some young, were the first batch of new residents to move into the central city. They fought hard to get the job. They worked very diligently in the early days, but as time went by, the enthusiasm gradually faded away, and they started to work hard. I think they are from a big vegetable growing family. Who can compare to them when it comes to growing vegetables?

As a result, work gradually resembled that of employees in state-owned enterprises - clocking in by the work bell, doing some leisurely work in the vegetable field during the period, and leaving on time when the time came to get off work, regardless of what work was being done at hand.

Now it seems that something is wrong. Professor Liu seems to be evaluating the difference between several ridges of land. He seems to think that the vegetables they grow are not as fertile as those of the four children. He will not fire them later, right?

Only then did they realize that this job was not guaranteed to be theirs. They would be beaten to death on the beach by the waves at any time. They could no longer work as foreigners!

Unknown to Professor Liu, Baogantian under his ownership started the road of involution.

Old Liu, have you found the secret to increasing production in batches?

Professor Lius colleague Professor Hong knocked on the door excitedly and came in:

I saw that your farmland is growing very well. Have you reported it to the leader for approval? When will you have a meeting to tell us?

Professor Liu was confused: "What's the secret? I don't have it. I've been working on several high-temperature resistant vegetable varieties recently, and I'm very busy..."

"No secret? Impossible! Have you seen the vegetables in your own farm? Is it possible that your vegetable farmers are secretly using chemical fertilizers? Isn't it strictly forbidden to use chemical fertilizers? If nothing else, it will destroy the water circulation system! Come, lets go! Come and see with me!

Professor Hong took Professor Liu to his Baogan area and carefully tested the vegetables and fruits in each ridge and found that there was no inorganic residue. Vegetables grow well simply because the farmers take good care of them and water them carefully.

Professor Hong:

Why didnt he hire such a hard-working and willing vegetable farmer? It was obvious that they were all recruited in the same batch.

Vegetable farmers: Stop talking! I will cry if I continue!

Professor Liu praised the vegetable farmers a few words, and after they continued to work, he took Professor Hong to the vegetable fields of the four children:

I still have four treasures here! You will be even more surprised when you see the vegetables they grow!

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