The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1305: Living in the days of natural disaster (32)

Chapter 1305: Living in the days of natural disaster (32)

After the four of them finished work, Xu Yin went to the canteen with their lunch coupons.

No one has opened a restaurant in Central City yet. How can one open one without ingredients?

There are only canteens opened by the government, which are located in different areas.

They went to the No. 11 canteen on the upper floor of the residence.

It was the lunch rush hour, and the canteen was very busy with people coming and going.

Xu Yin saw several familiar faces - they were all her customers when she was setting up a stall in disguise!

Those who come to the canteen to eat are generally those with jobs, and they can only come to the canteen with meal coupons.

Everyone received exactly the same food: a corn bun, a plate of cold bean sprouts, and half an egg with rutin.

After receiving the food, the four children sat in the corner and ate while whispering:

We are still children and this little food is not enough to eat. Do adults have enough to eat?

Are they also running a small stove at home?


Ning Jin signaled Xu Dong and Xu Xi to stop talking.

In the past two years, thanks to the blessings of the gods, they have eaten well and are full, unaware of the sufferings of the outside world. Only when they came here did they realize how scarce supplies were.

All departments expect the planting department to grow high-yielding grains and vegetables, otherwise they may not even be able to guarantee one steamed bun per person.

After we finish eating, lets water the ground thoroughly and soak the seeds before going to class.

Yes! Then we can sow the seeds tomorrow.

Xu Yin and Ning Jin thought of something.

Xu Dong and Xu Xi have no objection.

They only have to work for half a day and have to go to school in the afternoon.

Schools have also been built in the central city. If there are a series of natural disasters that make it impossible for people to live, work, and study normally on the ground, it will not be possible without schools.

However, the capacity of the underground city is limited, and it is impossible to have as many schools as on the ground. Moreover, the teaching staff has been reduced a lot in the past two years. After discussion, the superior department decided to divide the classes into morning and afternoon classes, with middle and high school students attending classes in the morning and work-study in the afternoon; You need to get enough sleep, rest in the morning, do some housework within your ability, and arrange classes in the afternoon.

There will no longer be fixed classrooms, but classes will be held in large classes. An academic test will be taken every six months. Students who meet the standard will attend classes at that time and in which classroom.

Without these two years of self-study, Xu Dong and Xu Xi would probably have been assigned to an enlightenment class similar to kindergarten. But with the knowledge acquired in these two years, he could easily pass the basic class in the academic test, similar to the third or fourth grade of elementary school. Ning Jin was admitted to the intermediate class equivalent to elementary school.

Xu Yin roughly grasped Ning Jins level. She intentionally made a few mistakes during the test and got into the same class as him.

In this way, they started their daily life in the central city where they worked part-time and studied part-time.

Every morning, I report to the planting area at eight o'clock, work hard for half a day, receive a lunch coupon, eat in the nearby canteen, eat, return to my residence, take a short nap, and go to school.

The classroom in the evening is used to recharge college students and adult education. There are no classes in elementary school and there is no need to go to work, so you are free.

But they dont like to visit each other, mainly because the people living next door are either a young couple or a large family with several members. They dont have many peers, so they simply stay at home, cooking on a small stove and hatching some bean sprouts to add vegetables.

They only provide one meal for half a day's work, and they have to take care of the meal themselves in the evening.

However, they are all minors. With their new citizen cards, they can go to the Logistics Department to receive minor subsidies.

Children aged seven to 12 years old can receive five kilograms of rice, ten rutin eggs, two cabbage or two kilograms of utai vegetables every month.

There are four of them, so they can receive four shares.

Of course it can also be exchanged for other daily necessities, but this is the total amount.

Fortunately, they have a free working meal at noon, and they can also make some bean sprouts and make bowls of cereal. Otherwise, these supplies are really not enough.

Seeing the rutin eggs, Xu Yin asked the staff of the logistics department: "Can we raise rutin chickens at home?"

"Yes, each family unit can receive two rutin chickens, but you have to be responsible for the feed." The logistics staff said with a smile, and pinched Xu Yin's tender cheeks, "How cute!" ""

After receiving this news, the four children went to the next door to apply for two rutin chickens after receiving the supplies, and spent two potatoes to buy a cage for the rutin chickens.

There are two more rutin chickens at home. I have work to do in the evening, cleaning the chicken coop, feeding the chickens, and playing with the chickens.

Rutin chickens like to eat all kinds of small bugs and corn kernels.

Xu Xi took out a can of sun-dried corn. This was corn kernels that she grew, dried, and rubbed on the cobs herself. She ground them into fine particles and fed them to the rutin chickens.

Chicken, chicken, grow up quickly! Lay eggs for us to eat!

Xu Dong looked at the rutin chicken and thought of the geese and goslings they left in the bunker to look after them: "I really miss them!"

I miss marshmallows and little cows too! It would be great if I could bring them here!

We can go see them! Maybe the goslings are laying eggs again, lets go pick them up!

Ning Jin shook his head: "I heard from the people in the logistics department that the entrance to the central city will be closed soon."


Cant go out?

Well, the temperature outside has risen again, and the snow will melt soon, and there will be floods.

Ah! Will the water flood into the house again like in previous years? Will the geese and the others be okay?

"No." Xu Yin comforted her friend, "Our bunker is safe."

This evening, Central City closed early.

Because the temperature suddenly rose from minus ten degrees to zero, while the alarm sounded, the temperature continued to climb.

5, 10, 15, 20

In just one night, the temperature from the ground has soared to 30.

The entire northern hemisphere is experiencing rapid snowmelt.

The temperature is still rising, and the Arctic Circle has entered midsummer.

As sea levels gradually rise, low-lying coastal cities and islands are gradually being submerged.

Not only that, individual plates also triggered earthquakes, followed by tsunamis.

The situation in the country was better. They mobilized the whole country and built more than 30 underground central cities according to administrative divisions. They evacuated the ground with the people in the jurisdiction before this wave of natural disasters struck.

Abroad, especially those countries that received anonymous warning letters but still refused to heed the advice, the situation was miserable. Some were directly wiped out by the tsunami, and some entire cities were soaked in floods, with no way to escape.

The people who were eating their work meals and listening to the canteen broadcast were happy but a little scared.

Many of them did not plan to move to Central City in the first place. Everyone has moved away, and they are the only ones left in the old base. How comfortable they are to live here. They are all underground anyway, so whats the difference?

Later I heard that if you fail to report to Central City after the expiration date, you will permanently lose your citizen card application, so I came here reluctantly.

Now everyone is glad that they are not too rebellious, and the law of true fragrance has arrived late.

Xu Dong listened for a while when he went to return the dinner plates. He patted his chest when he came back and said to his friends: "Fortunately, we listened to Brother Ning and moved here. I heard the uncle working in the monitoring room said that next to the old base In our community, everything below the third floor was flooded, while our welfare home only has two floors!"

Then Lao Bai and the others didnt drown? Xu Xi suddenly thought of the group of animal friends and burst into tears, Wow

Xu Yin had no time to comfort her.

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