The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1289: Living in the days of natural disaster (16)

Chapter 1289: Living in the days of natural disaster (16)

This news is like a shot in the arm, bringing new hope to people who have to wait in line to bask in the sun and dont want to speak unless absolutely necessary to avoid losing their energy.

Almost everyone is talking about snow vegetables:

Have you seen the photo posted at the entrance to the second floor? I heard it was taken by a drone. There are many such vegetables growing in the snow, and it will be a treat soon.

I know this dish, its Wutai! I used to grow it for pigs in my hometown, but now its become a luxury to have a bite.

"It's almost there! I should be able to eat it after a few months. Looking at the photo, it looks pretty big. Each person can't get half a piece of it. How can I have a few leaves?"

What the common people are concerned about is that they can finally have a bite of fresh vegetables. Government leaders gathered together to study how these vegetables appeared.

Although these vegetable seedlings have been tested and determined to be non-toxic and edible, their unknown origin always makes decision-makers suspicious.

It has been found not only in our city, but also in surrounding areas, as if it appeared overnight.

In this way, it should not be man-made. In this kind of weather environment, individuals do not have such great capabilities. If it is a group...with such a large coverage, our drones have been patrolling, and any anomalies would have been discovered long ago.

"Indeed! Not to mention the person who has seeds and can grow vegetables to improve everyone's food at this time, it is not an exaggeration to call him/her a 'hero'. Why do it secretly? Isn't it more convenient to hand it over to the government? So I think it is It grows naturally.

I dont think its man-made. Im afraid its the adaptive feedback of species in extremely cold weather. Isnt there a saying in the biological world called survival of the fittest.

The leader pondered for a moment and asked the secretary: "These two kinds of vegetables have not been discovered in the south and north until now?"

Yes, it is only found in our Central Plains.

This is strange.

Tapping his fingertips on the table, he was puzzled.

Someone suddenly thought: "Could it be that the temperature in our Central Plains is just suitable for the growth of these two vegetables?"

Everyone thinks it makes sense.

The temperature in the north is so low that even meteorologists cannot predict how cold it will be.

The humidity in the south is high, and it freezes when it snows, and crops have long been frozen to death.

In other words, the Central Plains is relatively better. The lowest temperature is still around minus 30 degrees. The climate is dry and the snow is relatively fluffy. Cold-resistant and low-temperature seeds are wrapped in snow and germinate...

After much discussion, this view seems to be the most reasonable.

The top leader asked the secretary to organize the meeting materials and report them to the headquarters later.

By the way, youre still in touch with the anonymous emailer, right? Ask him/her if he/she needs fresh vegetables.

Xu Yingxiong Yin, who does good deeds without leaving any name behind, found an email from the Municipal Office Secretariat lying in the mailbox that night when he went online. He twitched his lips after reading it.

Do you really want to repay her contribution or do you want to take the opportunity to find out her address?

No matter who you are, are you the one who is short of one or two vegetables?

Reply immediately: No need, thank you! In the other room, the top leader was thoughtful after listening to the secretarys story: There is no need for green vegetables after being frozen for more than three months? It seems that the other party is either not an ordinary person, or... is a resident of the southern hemisphere?

Only the Southern Hemisphere is not covered by ice and snow. Instead, everything looks like midsummer. It is said that several Antarctic icebergs have melted.

Under high temperature radiation, it is difficult for people to travel, and the mortality rate caused by heat stroke is a terrible figure. Many houses in high latitudes do not have air conditioning, and they have to live underground when the temperature climbs to 40 degrees.

But those heat-resistant and high-temperature vegetation are like in paradise. Their roots absorb the melted snow water from the Antarctic icebergs, and they grow several centimeters overnight.

Countries in the Southern Hemisphere are considering that if the temperature is high year-round from now on, they plan to use towering trees to build residential buildings in the sky, develop private aircraft, and open up flight routes.

Even though they are both on the earth, the gap is so huge.

The earth seems to be divided into two worlds by a barrier, one that dies from drought and one that dies from floods.

But it is unrealistic to say that the whole country will move to the southern hemisphere.

The disease and death rate caused by high temperature are also high. In some areas, the plague is rampant due to lack of timely elimination.

What's more, the anonymous email mentioned that after two or three years of extreme cold, the country will enter high temperatures. At that time, the global high temperature sea level will rise, and disasters such as wildfires, tsunamis, and diseases will come one after another, and the southern hemisphere will not be able to live in peace.

It is better to steadily expand the underground base, improve the living environment, and try to survive the extreme cold and high temperatures in the past few years, in order to preserve as many human beings as possible, and continue to live and pass on the fire to the next generation.

Xu Yin finished replying to the letter and continued to browse the news.

The network systems in various places are sometimes good or bad, and the news is intermittent and not comprehensive.

So she "climbed over the wall" and connected to the news network of a country in the southern hemisphere.

Speaking of which, Comrade Xiaojin taught her this "climbing the wall" technique, and it really worked at critical moments.

Xu Yin went online for a while and learned more about the current situation in the Southern Hemisphere under the high temperature.

In two years time, the northern hemisphere will not be able to escape the same situation, or even worse. Due to two years of extreme cold, supplies are extremely scarce.

Unlike the southern hemisphere, although high temperatures also induce many diseases and deaths, growing crops in the tropics is relatively easier than in extremely cold weather.

Thinking about it this way, we still have to farm and accumulate grain to prepare for the follow-up.

Xu Yin put away her computer and looked around. She saw that her friends were sleeping soundly. She tiptoed to the fifth floor and opened the escape door of the equipment room. When she went out, she found another bunker built by robots day and night.

It's just that it's different from the bunker they live in now. Not only is it large, but every floor is a planting area. The soil is the nutrient soil she stocked up for a rainy day in her previous small world. In order to increase the survival rate, she also mixed in a little Taoyuan Star Breath loam. .

A patio surrounded by guardrails is left between the blocks. The natural diffuse light input by the lighting system can shine on each floor through the patio. A set of fully automatic irrigation equipment is installed at intervals beside the guardrail. The water outlet is placed A fine hot spring stone was planted, and the temperature of the sprayed water was kept at around 16 degrees. Over time, the entire bunker became like a super large multi-layered vegetable greenhouse.

According to the difference in light and irrigation intensity, she put up a sign for each area, writing down the crop type, floors and areas with plenty of sunshine and strong irrigation, used to grow rice, potatoes, and corn, with plenty of sunshine but no need for frequent irrigation. Wheat and cotton are grown in the area; shade-loving crops such as agaric, Chinese cabbage, milk cabbage, mustard, etc. are planted in the dark area where there is no sunlight even if there is a patio; dark, warm and humid areas at the negative tenth floor or even deeper are used to breed bacteria. crops.

She recorded her experience in the construction and planning of the "greenhouse" and improved the shortcomings, bit by bit, to create a livable environment for the growth of temperate and subtropical plants.

As for tropical crops that are resistant to high temperatures, there will be plenty of opportunities to plant them in the next two years, so there is no need to waste the limited space in the greenhouse.

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