The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1288: Living in the days of natural disaster (15)

Chapter 1288: Living in the days of natural disaster (15)

All her friends have returned to the bunker, and they keep calling her: "Yinyin, come back quickly! It's so cold outside!"

Xu Yin had no choice but to come back.

She just went outside to take a look and found that the kale leaves were stretched out and were at their most tender and edible time. She quickly picked a wave of young leaves, leaving the center of the leaves to continue growing.

Most of the young leaves were stored in the system warehouse, leaving a handful in hand, which was enough for them to try and eat a few meals.

Hey, Yin Yin, what are you holding?


What a delicious dish!

"What kind of vegetable is this? It looks so strange. Do you know Brother Ning? Can it be eaten?" Xu Dong was more concerned about whether it could be eaten.

Ning Jin shook his head, but he was not afraid. He had the "Encyclopedia of Plants" and started looking through it when he got back.

After searching for a long time, he finally found it!

Hagoromo x Blue?

He didn't recognize one of the four words, but it didn't stop him from reading the introduction of kale. He learned that it is a vegetable that can be used as an ornamental plant and has high edible value. At noon that day, he mixed a vegetable salad according to the illustration. , Xu Dong, who prefers meat, took a bite and bared his teeth: "It tastes terrible."

Xu Yin:

Its true that I dont know how blessed I am!

This dish is not only rich in vitamins and other nutrients, but also antioxidant. It is highly praised by many supermodels, nutritionists, and fitness experts abroad.

I think back when my sister was struggling to lose weight in ancient times, she wanted to take a bite of kale but couldnt!


Xu Yin gave Xu Dong a big salad with chopsticks in his bowl. A good boy shouldn't be picky about his food.

Xu Dong felt so bitter in his heart that he tried his best to protect his bowl: "Enough, enough! Yin Yin, I'm enough! It's really enough!"

Xu Xi was overjoyed and cheered on the sidelines: "Not enough, give him more Yin Yin! Otherwise, give him the whole plate!"

It seems that this kale is really not very popular?

Obviously it has such good edible effects.

It can be said that it is one of the very few vegetables that can grow naturally in the ice and snow. In addition, its cold resistance is comparable to that of kale.

Think about the fact that the outside world is very short of supplies right now, especially fresh vegetables. Even if the lighting system is put into use, the existing underground space will not have enough time to accommodate people. I am afraid that there will not be much land available to grow vegetables to meet the needs of all the victims.

So, that night, after her friends fell asleep, Xu Yin put on her clothes and went into action in the dark.

She brought a high-intensity seed sprayer that could be exchanged for energy points and two bags of seeds soaked in Linghu water - one bag of kale and one bag of black cabbage, and drove the "Snow Eagle" stealth helicopter through the empty city-like Central Plains. From above, a rain of plant seeds came.

"Snow Eagle" is the proudest work of Mr. Wang Luhui, our partner in the last small world. It not only has the function of invisibility - it is not easily detected by vision, radar, audio and infrared, but also can drive and cruise automatically. Otherwise, with her With such a small body, it may not be possible to operate it. On the first night, she didn't plan to fly very far, so she circled at low altitude over the city several times, choosing to sow in air-raid shelters where residents took refuge and in jungles and parks outside large shopping malls.

Before spraying the seeds, dont forget to activate [Floating Light and Misty Rain].

At first she was worried that the temperature was so low and it was night time. Even if the stimulation was successful, would snow fall instead of rain?

But the magic of this skill is that it automatically judges the ambient humidity.

The current environment does not require precipitation, and the sun cannot be turned on at night. After activating the skill, Xu Yin clearly felt that the surrounding surface temperature had increased. The thick snow seemed to be in a semi-melting state, allowing the spray to spread out. The seeds passed through the snow and fell to the soil to germinate and take root.

As for how many grains can survive and grow in the end, it all depends on luck.

The environment was extremely cold at minus forty degrees at night. No matter how confident she was in the seeds soaked in Linghu water, she could not guarantee that every seed would germinate.

In the next few days, Xu Yin drove the "Snow Eagle" out every night, with this city as the center, radiating to neighboring cities, provincial capitals, and other provinces... While stimulating [Floating Light and Rain], he sows seeds, arriving every time The twin-cylinder fuel tank of the "Snow Eagle" was only half used before returning home.

You can imagine the next day - if her friends don't come to wake her up and let her sleep until she wakes up naturally, she can sleep until noon.

Ning Jin was worried that she was sick and kept touching her forehead to see if she had a fever.

If you get sick right now, you can't even find a doctor, and the orphanage's stock of medicines is very limited, with only a few commonly used medicines for colds, coughs, and diarrhea. Yinyin doesn't look like one of these common diseases, so what should I do?

Made the child very worried.

It was Xu Dong who said: "Yinyin is blessed by the gods. If you are sick, just drink the water fed by the gods and you will be fine."

Xu Xi nodded in agreement: "Gods can do anything, they are so awesome!"

Ning Jin:

Why didnt he think of it?

Finally not so worried anymore.

But every day when giving out fruits and snacks, I would still observe Xu Yins appetite. I felt more relieved when I saw that she had a good appetite and didnt look sick.

In this way, Xu Yin worked at night and caught up on her sleep in the morning. She was busy for more than half a month, and finally looked forward to the sprouts of the black cabbage and kale that she had sown before.

Even though the survival rate was lower than she expected, maybe less than 20%, fortunately, if you only pick the leaves and not the roots, you can eat the kale for several rounds.

When the patrol drone transmitted photos of green vegetables and cabbage growing in the snow back to the control center, the decision-makers immediately sent plant experts wrapped in cold-proof down jackets to check on the ground. After confirming that they were edible vegetables, the entire underground base boiled.

Since the extreme cold came, people have been living underground for more than three months. The food they brought has long been eaten. They now rely on queuing up to receive government subsidies to survive. Although they dont have enough to eat, they will not starve to death.

However, government-subsidized grain is paid for by the national grain reserve, mainly wheat and rice. Staple foods can still be received for the time being, and meat can occasionally be allocated.

After all, when the extreme cold comes, all live poultry, live pigs, cattle, sheep and other meat livestock in breeding farms will be slaughtered and frozen immediately. On such a cold day, there is no need for a refrigerator. Any house is an excellent freezer.

But fresh vegetables are really hard to eat. Although policymakers immediately set aside an experimental field for experts to cultivate fruits and vegetables, in the end, the number of people who have more fruits and vegetables will definitely depend on their contribution to the survival of the country and human reproduction. The people at the bottom who have little contribution value have not seen fresh vegetables for a long time.

The only thing that can be seen now is bean sprouts. Whoever makes a pot of bean sprouts from beans will definitely become the most popular person.

At this moment, such good news suddenly came - edible vegetables grew in the snow. Who wouldn't be excited? I can't wait to rush forward and chop one back now.

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