The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1201: Control group in the 1990s (10)

Chapter 1201: Control group in the 1990s (10)

Chapter 1201 Control group in the 1990s (10)

In any case, it was a great success to be able to make such a profit on the first day of opening the stall.

The couple are very happy.

You two put things away and Ill buy some meat. We wont go to the canteen to buy food at noon. Well make dumplings at home!

She helped carry the stove back to Tongzilou, and went downstairs without stopping. Before the stalls were closed at the morning market, she hurriedly cut off a strip of fat and thin meat from the front legs.

Xu's father put the stove after removing the charcoal ash back to the small balcony. He was about to go back to the house to help his daughter clean up the pots and pans filled with stuffing, when he met Jiao Dongmei who opened the door and was in a hurry to go to work.

Hey! Lao Xu, are you back from business? You look happy and smiling, have you made a lot of money?

Business was really good on the first day.

Xu's father is an honest man and is not very good at lying. If Ma Chunfang were here, he would definitely reply: "Don't mention it! I didn't understand anything on the first day. The three of them were in a hurry. I don't know if they made a profit. It's good if they didn't lose money.

Jiao Dongmei was just saying polite words at first, but after hearing what Xu's father said, she felt uncomfortable. She excused herself that she was going to be late for work and didn't want to talk any more. She turned and walked towards the stairs, jogged a few steps and then turned back and said:

"Old Xu, it's not that I'm short-tempered. Will your stove always be placed on the small balcony from now on? Then if we occasionally want to put a chair to dry vegetables, beans and other small things, wouldn't it be very troublesome? Oops, I'm going to be late for work. I wont tell you any more.

Jiao Dongmei left after saying this, without giving Father Xu a chance to speak.

Father Xu scratched his head and walked into his home.

Dad, who are you talking to?

In fact, Xu Yin heard it very clearly in the house. Not only her, but most of the residents on the entire floor who were at home also heard it. There is no secret in Tongzi Building at all.

"Aunt Zhou, you asked us if the stove for baking sesame cakes will always be placed on the small balcony. Most likely, there is something that I want to dry, and it is inconvenient to take it to the rooftop." Father Xu said that he had a headache, "This is indeed a troublesome thing, but Who asked our family to live on the third floor? It would be better if we lived on the first floor. If we put the small platform in front of the door, it won't be in the way of anyone."

The residents on the first floor have more small terraces where they can grow vegetables and flowers than the residents upstairs. Each house is surrounded by a fence, so that the well water does not interfere with the river water.

When he first moved into Tongzi Building, Xu's father wanted to choose a room on the first floor, but Ma Chunfang insisted on living upstairs. She said that she had to climb the stairs to get home to feel like living in the city. There was a courtyard in and out, which was similar to her natal family in the countryside. What's the difference?

Another thing, a few steps from the south-facing room on the first floor is the public laundry station. Originally, only well water was available, but later tap water was installed. Every morning, noon and evening, people were washing things in front of the tap. It was too noisy; The room in the north has a high courtyard wall behind it. Not to mention that the sun doesn't shine all year round. When you open the door, there is a wall, which makes your heart blocked.

"We now have the right to choose a house. We can choose two houses that are relatively far away from the patio but can get sunlight." Xu Yin said, "For us now, living on the first floor has more advantages than living upstairs. First, it is easy to get in and out. It is convenient, and you dont have to carry the stove up and downstairs every day; secondly, it is convenient to use water. The water pressure in the water room upstairs is often low, and the water from the faucet is like dripping urine. Water is not as enjoyable as in the patio, otherwise why would everyone go downstairs to wash clothes and bedsheets? Thirdly, there is a small room on the first floor You can grow things on the ground, and you wont have to buy green onions in the future. Although a handful of green onions is not worth much, it is still an expense over the years.

"I agree!"

Ma Chunfang came back from buying meat and heard the two men discussing the house. She would have jumped in and objected before, but now she was convinced by her daughter's one, two or three reasons.

Two areas appeared in my mind. The left area listed the benefits of living on the first floor, and the right area listed the benefits of living upstairs. It turned out that living upstairs not only has a wider view, but may not be as noisy as the first floor, and climbing the stairs to go home is more like the city. I couldn't find the fourth advantage. On the other hand, living on the first floor was a very practical benefit, so I immediately expressed my agreement to move to the first floor.

Xu Yin did not expect that Comrade Ma Chunfang was persuaded before even trying to persuade him.

The hostess nodded, and this matter will be easy to handle. Ma Chunfang stayed at home, chopping stuffing and making dumplings, while Xu Yin followed her father to the factory office to find out if there were any vacant rooms on the first floor.

Dont tell me, there really is one.

"It used to be a couple living in the land. Not only did he pass the exam last month to become an engineer, but also his wife was pregnant and his mother-in-law wanted to take care of her but had no place to live, so the factory allocated him a two-bedroom apartment. I moved to the high-tech building two days ago." Xiao He said while flipping through the roster in the staff building.

"That's great!" Xu's father said happily, "I know Lu Gong's house, it's the first one on the east side of the courtyard gate."

"Yes!" Xiao He nodded, "It's the easternmost room. The door opens to the west. It has one more south window than other houses. There is an open space under the south window. Lu Gong's family used to use it to dry clothes. You can also You can use it to grow things. The only downside is that its far away from the patio.

The father and daughter looked at each other and smiled: This is just what they wanted!

They just wanted a room that was close to the door and far from the patio. The room vacated by Lu Gong not only fulfilled their wish, but also had an extra south window and an extra space for the stove than the middle room. , briquettes are perfect.

The father and daughter happily agreed: "This is the one I want! Can you get the key now? We will move in this afternoon!"

This way you wont have to carry the stove up and downstairs tomorrow.

Xiao He said: "We have the key. Are you no longer waiting for the south-facing balcony room upstairs?"

"Isn't there another room that I can choose? For that one, choose the south-facing room upstairs." Xu's father said.

He has thought about it, and this room on the first floor will be used as the couple's bedroom and the family's dining room from now on. There is also a room that serves as a bedroom for the two children. If you want to just sleep, you should wait for the south-facing balcony room upstairs.

Xu Yin didn't know what Xu's father was thinking. It doesn't matter where she lives. Anyway, this place will be demolished in five or six years at most.

The two men signed and fingerprinted, and went home with the key and the good news.

When Ma Chunfang heard that the house was settled so quickly, she couldn't help but be glad that the two of them had made the original choice: to use the 20,000 yuan they had not saved to buy a house. Otherwise, there would be no good thing now.

Move! Lets move it after we finish eating the dumplings!

"Mom, don't move in a hurry. I'll go to that house and have a look. If the walls are dirty, they need to be painted or wallpapered."

Ma Chunfang thought that this would be her own home from now on, and she really had to clean it up before moving in. She immediately said, "Okay, you can go take a look later and discuss what needs to be done when you come back. Your dad and I will pack things at home." , you have to hurry up, we have to set up a stall in the evening!"

Xu Yin found that her mother's whole mental outlook had changed a lot since she started working at a stall.

I used to be reluctant to buy meat and cook it myself, but now I just buy a piece of front leg meat. I also had a sudden idea: Is there anyone who can buy the unused meat fillings made into sesame cakes and made into meat fillings? Xu Yin smiled and asked her to try it, and she went on tinkering happily.

It can be seen that Fu Di Mo can also be saved. If the rescue is successful, she may still be a career-oriented strong woman.

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