The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1200: Control group in the 1990s (9)

Chapter 1200: Control group in the 1990s (9)

Chapter 1200 Control group in the 1990s (9)

With almost the attention of all factory workers, Xu Yins sesame cake stall opened.

Xu Wu and his wife carried a sesame cake stove the size of a diesel barrel downstairs, while Xu Yin walked behind them carrying the dough they had kneaded early in the morning and the sesame and white sugar that they had ground and mixed yesterday afternoon.

After discussion, the family of three decided to set up the stall on the first day at the intersection outside the main gate of the machinery factory, across the street from the back door of Tongzilou.

The reason why it is not at the gate of the iron ore factory is that the couple is still a little bit reluctant to let go. They always feel that it is shameful to set up a stall to do business and not go to work in the factory. Secondly, after the iron ore factory laid off a group of employees, the number of employees is less than that of the iron ore factory. If you dont go to a well-established machinery factory, of course you have to choose a place with a lot of traffic when doing business.

Xu Yin let the couple discuss it, and after they agreed, they set up the stall.

Xu's father was responsible for lighting the fire in the oven, and Xu's mother unfolded the folding dining table she bought yesterday and put various ingredients one by one.

Xu Yin asked Xiao He, the factory manager, to borrow a small blackboard that was obsolete, and wrote the price of sesame cakes in beautiful small regular script:

Xus Cake Stall Opens Today#

Signature peanut butter: 0.5 yuan/piece

Liuxin brown sugar: 0.3 yuan/piece

Scallions, pepper and salt: 0.2 yuan/piece

Sesame sugar: 0.2 yuan/piece

That's right, we added a new flavor today - brown sugar sesame cakes.

Break open the sesame sesame pancakes with brown molasses juice flowing in them. They look simple, but the more you eat, the more delicious they become.

The first thing Xu Yin baked was today's new product - brown sugar sesame cakes.

When they were kneading dough in the morning, the couple followed and followed suit.

The wrapping material was the same now. Father Xu awkwardly kneaded the brown sugar filling that Xu Yin had kneaded in advance into the dough, flattened it and sprinkled it with sesame seeds, dipped the bottom in water and spread it evenly, and slapped it on the oven inner wall.

Xus mother stood nearby making the next batch of peanut butter pancakes to be baked.

The space on the inner wall of the stove is not large, and it can bake up to seven or eight sesame seed cakes at the same time. No more can be put on it.

Therefore, the couple is not in a hurry to make bread. They dont know if they can sell it yet. Wouldnt it be a waste if they make too much and cant sell it?

As the first batch of sesame cakes came out of the oven, Xus bakery stall welcomed its first customerit turned out to be Lu Jianye and his son on the same floor.

Old Xu, Old Xu, why are you here selling sesame cakes? I have been waiting at the factory gate for a long time.

Dad, please stop nagging and buy me sesame seeds!

Buy, buy, buy! This brat yelled about sesame cakes all day yesterday and it annoyed me to death!

Lu Jianye took out a two-dollar bill and handed it to Xu Yin: "Yin Yin, do you have the white sugar sesame cakes yesterday? I want two, and give me a salt and pepper one and a peanut butter one."

Uncle Lu, we only have brown sugar now. The rest will have to wait a few minutes. The next one is peanut butter.

I want brown sugar! I want brown sugar!

The little fat man from the Lu family shouted.

Replace the white sugar with brown sugar.


Xu Yin wrapped a brown sugar sesame cake in cut oil paper and gave it to the little fat man, letting him eat it slowly.

Another brown sugar sesame cake was taken by Lu Jianye. He took a bite and said, "Phew! This brown sugar is delicious too! It's better than white sugar! No wonder it's a dime more expensive. You get what you pay for..."

The scene of the father and son squatting in front of a sesame seed cake stall eating sesame seed cakes, with their faces buried in the brown molasses juice of the sesame seed cakes, attracted many workers at the machinery factory.

Smelling the sweet smell of brown sugar in the air, the employee who had not had breakfast walked over curiously: "When did there be an additional stall here? What does it sell? Shaobing? How many are there? Yo! The price of these shaobings is a bit expensive, so catch up. The canteen sells twice as much. How does it taste? Is it delicious?"


Good time!

The Lu family and his son are not only living signs, but also spokespersons.

Especially the little fat man, who was still unsatisfied after eating a brown sugar biscuit. He tugged on his father's sleeve and said, "Dad, I want more biscuits! I want more biscuits!"

Children's expressions can't be faked. The employee of the machinery factory quickly took out a fifty-cent piece and said, "Give me one with brown sugar and one with salt and pepper."

Ill also buy a brown sugar one to try. Boss, I want a peanut butter one.

I like salty food, give me two pretzels.

The cake stall was crowded with people.

The Xu and Wu couple, who were worried about whether there would be business a moment ago, were so busy that their hands were not enough at the moment, and they wished they could have another pair of hands.

The working hours of the machinery factory are about to come. The employees are waiting for the sesame cakes they want, and while eating, they enter the factory and say:

This sesame seed cake is delicious, but its a bit expensive.

Its a bit expensive, but it tastes really good.

I bought the brown sugar juice. The brown sugar juice is as thick as a soft-boiled egg. Its sweet but not greasy. Its really delicious. I want to buy it again tomorrow.

Then Ill try the brown sugar one tomorrow too.

Ill buy some sugar tomorrow.

I still like salt and pepper. Im not very interested in sweets, but I can bring something sweet to my mother later. I dont know if its still evening.

So, someone from afar turned around and asked: "Boss, are you still setting up your sesame seed stall after get off work?"

This is far beyond the couples imagination.

After the morning stalls were confiscated, someone started to rush for the night stalls.

Daughter, do you want to go out to the stall in the evening?

Xus father wiped his sweaty face and asked Xu Yin.

Xu Yin was counting money. After counting a stack of dimes, she tied them with rubber bands and put them in the money box. Then she said, "I don't care. You can come if you want."

"Come on!" Ma Chunfang was very excited at the moment. She had just watched her daughter count the money, and there were twelve or thirteen yuan in dime notes. The remaining one, two, and five yuan notes added up to twenty yuan, which was enough. That is to say, they earned more than 30 yuan from the breakfast stall alone, more than 30 yuan a day, 30 days a month, oh my god...

Xu Yin counted the remaining money, put away the money box, and poured a ladle of cold water on her mother to cool it down: "This is just the turnover, the costs have not been deducted yet!"

How much does it cost? Ma Chunfang asked.

Almost half, I use good ingredients.

This is true. Although some materials, such as brown sugar and white sugar, are not purchased but stocked in the system warehouse, they are all made using traditional methods and the sugar cane used is organically grown. The peanut butter purchased is not a finished product, but It is made by grinding and beating fried peanuts with plump grains and no oil. The homemade peanut butter with some small grains is very fragrant.

Hence, in terms of quality, it is definitely not comparable to the cheap seasonings sold in the wholesale market.

Ma Chunfangs heart suddenly shut down again: How much does it cost?

Father Xu said on the side: "Even if the profit is only fifteen yuan, it will be more than four hundred yuan a month. And this is just a breakfast stall. If we come in the evening, we will make eight or nine hundred yuan a month, which is more than what we earn by working in a factory." Thats a lot.

Their couples combined monthly salary is just over 500.


You can also have a night stall!

Ma Chunfang suddenly came to life again: "Quickly, quickly, close the stall and go home! After cleaning up, take a nap, and get up in the afternoon and go out to the stall again!"


Father Xu happily started to close the stall, and saw a few pieces of money under the stuffing basin. He collected them and gave them to his daughter.

Ma Chunfang saw it and felt a little sour in her heart: "How about I take care of it? You are a girl, don't lose it!"

Xu Yin put the money into the money box and clicked the lock: "Don't worry, Mom, I won't lose it to anyone!"

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