The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 113: The reason for reorganizing the family (8)

Chapter 113: The reason for reorganizing the family (8)

Chapter 113 The troubles in reorganizing the family (8)

When I came to the private land of the old Xu family in the back mountain, I found that the weeds here had almost caught up with the pines and cypresses planted by Grandpa Xu back then. It was impossible to walk in without holding a sickle to clear the way.

Xu Yin put down the basket, put on a little fox mask, put her mobile phone on the upside-down bamboo basket, took out a sickle and a rake, and while weeding weeds, she introduced to her fans:

"This is the private land of my grandma's family. The location is a bit remote. When my grandpa was here, he often came here to plant corn and sorghum. After my grandpa left, my grandma was alone. The little grain in the field was enough to eat, so she didn't come here. Its been planted here. But its a pity that its deserted. Ill clean it up first and look back to see what I can plant.

Netizens praised Xu Yins voice for being so beautiful.

Having a good figure and a nice voice, she definitely looks good.

As a result, netizens rewarded her and begged her to take off her mask and show her face to everyone.

Xu Yin:

Isnt the point that she can do it?

Ignore this request from netizens and continue weeding.

There are many wild vegetables and medicinal herbs in the weeds. When she encounters these, she will stop to collect them and learn about them:

This is Malantou, this is shepherds purse, but its a little old.

"Everyone knows this, right? Dandelion is a natural fireweed, and it is also a natural antibiotic. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying. If a breastfeeding mother suffers from acute mastitis and is inconvenient to take medicine, she can use dried dandelion to boil water. Drink. The leaves and roots can be used to make tea. Drinking it often when soaked in water is effective for some chronic inflammations..."

This is Huoxiang, the Huoxiang used to make Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills. It has a very good effect on relieving heat, removing turbidity and stopping vomiting. It is mainly used to treat summer colds, cold and heat headaches..."

She explained and weeded at the same time, which could be regarded as cleaning up the private land of the old Xu family.

Collected several bundles of dandelion, mugwort, patchouli and other herbs, and dug out a small half basket of relatively tender shepherd's purse and malan head.

The harvest is not small.

Netizens called her a "treasure girl".

It will mix cement and build a baked kiln, and now there is another skill knowing herbs.

Even if there are only a few common herbal medicines, it does not prevent netizens from worshiping them.

At least they dont know him.

Following the two topics last night, #Girl# has hit the live broadcast hot list again.

After finishing her work, Xu Yin sat under the shade of a tree, took out the military green water bottle she had used in her life in the 1980s, unscrewed the lid and drank some water.

This kettle is made of aluminum, so it is best not to hold hot water. It's hot now, so she only uses it to keep cool drinks. When the weather gets colder, she plans to buy a thermos cup with a stainless steel liner.

Netizens watching the live broadcast saw Xu Yin drinking water with her swan neck raised, and suddenly became fascinated by the old-fashioned military green kettle in her hand.

[This kettle has a sense of age! I remember my uncle and grandfather had a kettle like this, which was issued by the army when he was in the army. ]

[Military kettles that were popular in the 1950s, 1970s, 1970s and 1980s! ]

[Suddenly want one! ]

[Buy one for my Dabao. He has recently become obsessed with the game of chicken, and it seems that there is this kettle in it. ]

So I started searching on the Taomaimai website one by one according to the pictures.

This old-fashioned military kettle, which was about to retire from the stage of history, suddenly became a best-seller.

Sellers were quite puzzled at first. Why did the sales of kettles, which had never been sold before, suddenly become so good? It's actually sold out.

The stock is sold out, but there is still a steady stream of buyers sending a screenshot of the live broadcast room, asking if they have the same kettle.

It was then that I realized that the co-author's live broadcast produced an advertising effect, so he immediately contacted the manufacturer to place an order.

However, most manufacturers have stopped producing this kettle long ago, and even the stainless steel liner model is not selling very well.

Some factories have even shut down their production lines to produce other products, so there is no way to stock up on goods.

For a time, old-fashioned kettles that were out of stock quietly became popular among the public.

Xu Yin still didnt know. After drinking the water, she got up and continued working. From time to time, the pleasant sound of the system distributing rewards could be heard in her ears:

Release 10 grams of physical strength, reward 20 energy points

50 grams of physical strength released, rewarded with 100 energy pointsStamina released...

Xu Yin was so motivated that the **** in her hand flew up.

After hoeing deeply, I went to the stream to wash my face and hands, and then exited the live broadcast room without any hesitation, regardless of the fans who were shouting "Don't turn off the live broadcast, I haven't seen enough yet".

Because she found a cluster of orchids on the other side of the streamif she read it correctly, it should be a plain-headed tripod.

As for the difficult-to-identify medicinal materials, she had to rely on the "Illustrated Book of Chinese Herbal Medicine" to know and understand them. Then she was very familiar with orchids.

In the last small world, Yan Kejin saw that she liked flowers and plants, so he sent people out to buy flowers that were not common in Beijing for a long time. He also built her a glass greenhouse as big as the imperial garden to house precious flowers from all over the world.

Suguan Heding is an extremely precious variety among orchids. Its petals are both lotus-like and lotus-like, and its pigments are pure and elegant, hence its name.

However, the unflowered orchids look like leeks at first glance, and they are inconspicuous growing in the mountains and fields covered with weeds. This is what gives her an advantage!

Xu Yinxin said that this trip up the mountain was very rewarding!

Orchids, herbs, wild vegetables...oh, I just dont have time to pick wild fruits.

Forget it, I dug out the raspberries, wild pears, and mountain grapes that I had stored in the system warehouse. These were relatively easy to find in the mountains, and I went down the mountain happily.

After getting home, I poured out the wild vegetables and herbs, picked out the wild onions, wild garlic, water celery, washed them with a bucket of well water, and ate them for lunch. I would pack the rest later.

But the orchid could not wait. She found an old earthenware pot with cracks, dug some soil, mixed some vegetable cake residue ecological fertilizer stored in the system warehouse, and planted the orchid.

Grandma Xu said that the village chief came when she was going up the mountain and brought a clean and cut duck. Seeing that it was still early, he went to the fields first. The village chief's wife is frying mahua at home and will come over as soon as she's done.

Xu Yin stopped waiting for them, put down her mobile phone and started cooking roast duck.

Massage the duck with seasonings first, and pour honey water twice during the marinating process.

Stuff the duck belly with wild onions, garlic and shiitake mushrooms soaked in the morning, seal it with a thin bamboo skewer, and hang it in the oven.

After the stone slabs on the lower floor of the kiln were pulled out, the space became much larger, more than enough to roast a duck.

She specially selected dead wild fruit trees on the mountain to roast. It is said that the duck skin roasted in this way is crispy and has a natural fruity aroma.

"Yin Yin is already baked? It smells so delicious!" The village chief's wife came with a large plate of freshly fried twists, followed by a sleepy Zhou Yang.

"Look at Yin Yin, look at you again." The village chief's wife glanced at her grandson with disdain, "I don't remember to go to bed when I play games at night, and I don't remember to get up in the morning. When school starts, your parents won't recognize you anymore. Come back with me. Its like a steamed dough bun

Zhou Yang cried out: "Grandma, I haven't gained any weight."

It hasnt increased yet, but it will soon.

After Zhou Yang waited for her milk to go to the kitchen, he jumped to Xu Yin: "Sister, the bread you made is so delicious. I ate half of it in one go as a supper last night. Do you still want to make it today? I think you can make it. Take him to the town and sell them. If you are too busy, I will work for you for free. I will give you two loaves of bread every day and it will be enough!"

Xu Yin was speechless: There is a bakery in the town.

But what you make is better than what they sell.

Two hours later, when he eats the roast duck

"F*ck! It's so delicious! Sister, sister, I think you can make roast ducks and sell them in the town. I'll work for you! It's absolutely no problem to sell hundreds of them every day! I don't want a salary, you... one every day Is there too much roast duck? Then half...a quarter! Any less and I'm afraid I won't be full..."

Xu Yin:

The village chief waved an iron palm and slapped his grandson on the forehead: "What are you doing! I want to give you something good to eat, so I asked your sister to set up a stall and sell it. She is only two years older than you! I want to go to school before school starts." Studying."

The little fat man blinked innocently: "I forgot..."

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