The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 112: The reason for reorganizing the family (7)

Chapter 112: The reason for reorganizing the family (7)

Chapter 112 The trouble with reorganizing the family (7)

Xu Yin herself knew nothing about it.

She collected a wave of energy points, spent 99 points to refresh the system mall, and bought two limited-time special cookbooksone "Pasta Flavors" and one "Home-cooked Side Dishes". The original price was 2,000 energy points, but the current price is only 300. Take them home, what are you waiting for? Redeemed it!

When I got it in my hand, I saw it was a good thing! From ingredients to recipes to detailed steps, novices can become master chefs in minutes.

With them, coupled with her expertise in medicinal food, Xu Yin felt that if she could no longer survive, and open a restaurant in the ancient streets of the town, she would be able to live a life without worries about food and clothing.

Xu Yin happily returned to the house and moved the newly bought rattan rocking chair to the yard: "Grandma, you lie down and cool down for a while. We will eat cold noodles tonight, and my granddaughter will show you her skills!"

Grandma Xu saw her coming back from the hospital and was busy going in and out without much rest. How could her body bear it if she continued like this? She felt distressed and said, "Grandma's eyes are much better. I'll make dinner."

If you need to take action, Ill do it.

While rolling out the dough, she had a sudden thought: "Grandma, let's try the baking kiln. How about baking a batch of bread for breakfast tomorrow?"

Okay, you can eat it if you want.

Xu Yin kneaded an extra dough and set it aside to rise.

The phone is still propped on the edge of the window and working quietly.

The setting sun casts on the clean chopping board, adding a bit of nostalgia.

She never planned to live broadcast her cooking. She always recorded it as a video, and then speeded it up and edited it appropriately later.

After all, it is just a cooking process, nothing special, people are not in the camera, and a bright rhythm is the way to go.

She mixed some appetizing cold noodles, cooked a tomato and egg soup using the green organic tomatoes grown by the farmer, and added a few slices of mustard pickled by Grandma Xu herself for seasoning. It had a refreshing taste and was very suitable for summer.

While the soup is cooling down, quickly knead the fermented dough and cut it into two parts.

One part is covered with chopped peanuts, cashew nuts and other nuts, and the other part is filled with nothing.

Apply both portions with egg wash, sprinkle with black sesame seeds on the one with nuts, and sprinkle with white sesame seeds on the one without nuts, then put them in the oven to bake.

After the grandfather and grandson had finished their dinner, the dishes and chopsticks were put away, and the bread was baked.

The village chief and his wife took a walk around the village after dinner and stopped by to see Grandma Xu. Before they reached Xu's house, they smelled a sweet and appetizing aroma. They were still full after eating just now. very.

Yinyin, what delicious food is your family cooking? the village chiefs wife asked curiously.

Toasted bread, freshly baked, would you like to try it?

Well, it tastes so good! The village chiefs wife broke off a little to taste and gave Xu Yin a thumbs up, I dont think the bakery in town is as delicious as yours.

After tasting it, the village chief also praised: "It's different from the ones sold in the town. The ones you bake are more fragrant and delicious. The ones sold outside are too sweet and not suitable for us older people."

Xu Yin nodded. She put less sugar and no other additives. She only added a little pure wild honey. It is not so greasy to eat in summer.

Xu Yin broke off half of the two loaves of bread and asked the village chief to take them away.

Ill bake it again tomorrow, and then Ill invite Yangyang to eat together.

Yangyangs famous name is Zhou Yang, that is, the little fat guy. He has done a lot of work with her these days, and Xu Yin wants to reward him.

Can your kiln bake anything besides bread?

The village chiefs wife walked around the kiln with great interest.

Anything grilled will do. Xu Yin said.

Okay, then Ill kill a duck and bring it over tomorrow, and well roast a duck to eat.

"Like the kind of roast duck sold in the store?" The village chief also became interested after hearing this. Roast duck is the most delicious when paired with wine. He asked Xu Yin, "Can it be roasted?" "Yes."

What chickens, ducks and geese havent been roasted in the last small world? Xu Yin nodded firmly.

The village chiefs wife made an appointment with her: Dont prepare anything tomorrow, I will bring it. Just provide this kiln.

After saying that, the couple went back in a hurry.

Xu Yin cleaned up the yard, waited for Grandma Xu to wash up and go to bed, then returned to her room with her mobile phone and started working on the post-production process.

Including todays dinner and baking videos, she has uploaded more than twenty food vlogs.

Perhaps the background music she chose is more pleasant, or maybe netizens have seen too much food in the city and are curious about the wild dining in the countryside. The wild vegetable cake vlog uploaded first, the click rate...Ehhhhhh? More than 100,000? Looking at the number of fans, it is actually over 100,000.

Whats even more strange is that when I refreshed the page, the number of fans suddenly increased from six digits starting with 1 to starting with 2.

Refresh again, 2 jumps to 3?

Suddenly I didnt dare to brush anymore, because I was worried about breaking the sky.

Just when she was wondering if the platform was out of date, in the comment area of the newly uploaded toast video, she saw what netizens were saying about the hot list. Xu Yin followed the lead and found the twelfth one on the live broadcast hot list

gers How to let men live#

Co-authoring is a divine force that helped her get on the list and attract a wave of new fans.

And there was an advertising invitation for Aijia gas stove in the private message. Was this the manufacturer looking for her to advertise?

Xu Yin subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it carefully: isn't this just a living on the surface? With advertising revenue, can Grandma Xu feel more at ease? Every time I buy something, I worry that she will lose the 200,000 yuan.

Sure enough, the next morning, Xu Yin told Grandma Xu that she had accepted a soft advertisement for gas stoves. From now on, she said she would receive at least 10,000 yuan of promotion fees every month, which made the old lady extremely happy.

Really? You can make so much money just by cooking on your mobile phone?

Its true! So from now on you should eat and drink as you should, and dont save money for your granddaughter.

The old lady was extremely happy: "Okay, okay."

After breakfast, Xu Yin decided to go up the mountain and dig some wild onions and garlic to come back. Why not make roast duck for lunch? The pancakes wrapped with wild onions are much more fragrant than home-made onions. Lets see what wild fruits there are. She has not forgotten the task of making wine.

So I told Grandma Xu, picked up the bamboo basket and went up the mountain.

Seeing that the scenery was good, Xu Yin started a live broadcast and took fans to appreciate the scenery of Heqi Mountain. Along the way, she picked up a lot of fungi, dug up a few bamboo shoots, and also discovered a lot of wild medicinal materials.

Some of them she recognized, but some were not sure whether they were valuable herbs or useless weeds.

I remember when I refreshed the system mall yesterday, I took a look at a "Chinese Herbal Medicine Illustrated Book" and spent 2,000 energy points to redeem it.

The introduction says that this is a skill book that can be lit up. That is, every time a herb is discovered, the book will automatically light up the corresponding illustration. When all the herbal illustrations in the book are lit up, the system will reward a random skill.

Seeing the words [random skill], Xu Yin's eyes lit up and she became energetic.

2000 energy points are well spent!

Permanent divine power is so useful that she cant wait to know what skills will be used this time.

But is it too early to be happy?

There are a total of two thousand illustrations in this book, and lighting them all cannot be completed overnight.

On the way up the mountain, the lights were only in single digits.

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