Terran Guardian

Chapter 101: The Well.

Chapter 101: The Well.

The incident at the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion last night had already made Nie Xu feel devastated. Now, even before things settled down, another accident had happened.

If it was in the past, the death of a few people would be suppressed from the public without much problem.

But at this time, more people dying would mean more panic.

Most importantly, if there were hidden monster/s Jin City and they were not removed as soon as possible, the consequences would be disastrous.

If he waited until his defenses were relaxed before taking action and another group of people died, Nie Xu felt that he should just step down from his position.

Shen Changqing did not immediately agree with the proposition.

"The Black Tiger Army has always been strong, and they have also killed many monsters. Now that the Black Tiger Army has entered the city, if there are other monsters hiding, I think that the Black Tiger Army will be enough to deal with it."

Although Shen Changqing hasn't witnessed the Black Tiger Army at work, he could tell from their aura that they were not push-overs.

Take Wen Ce for example. He was not weak at all.

Nie Xu didn't have time to reply, as Wen Ce beat him to it. 

"Lord Shen might not know, but although the Black Tiger Army could deal with monsters, their concealment methods are not weak. It isn't easy for our soldiers to accurately pinpoint the location of the monster/s."

"In comparison, the Demon Suppression Division's people have always dealt with monsters, and I believe it will be much more efficient."

"So I hope Lord Shen can take action and help the Black Tiger Army find the monster/s."

Reaching up to here, Wen Ce suddenly bowed.

"On behalf of the people of Jin City, I will thank Lord Shen first."

Seeing Wen Ce's actions, Shen Changqing was half-smiling.

He did not expect that the General was even more capable in negotiations than a Governor, like Nie Xu.

If this were in the past, even if Wen Ce was good at talking, Shen Changqing wouldn't bother to pay any attention to his request. However, finding monster/s was Shen Changqing's goal.

Right now, he did not have much Killing Value left on the panel. To improve his strength in a short period of time, he must hunt down enough monsters.

Shen Changqing took a deep look at Wen Ce and smiled lightly: "General Wen jests. As a Slayer of the Demon Suppression Division, I will always put the people first. Even if General Wen didn't say it, I would still do it." 

He was basically saying, it's my job and it has nothing to do with you.

To this, Wen Ce's expression remained calm, and there was no major change.

Shen Changqing then looked at Nie Xu and said, "There is no need for the Black Tiger Army to intervene in the matter of eliminating monsters. The Demon Suppression Division will handle it. Instead, have the Government send someone to lead the way, and the rest will be left to me."

"Thank you, Lord Shen!"

Nie Xu simply smiled, while turning a blind eye to the conversation between the two just now.

He was the Governor of Jin City, and he only had one purpose. That was, to maintain the stability of Jin City.

As for the rest, what does it have to do with him?

Shen Changqing then seemed to have thought of something and said: "I also went to the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion just now, and saw that the Government had sent people to block the street."


Nie Xu nodded, the smile on his face had dampened a lot.

"Last night, all of the people on that street had died and their bodies were burned. This Official couldn't be sure if there were still monster/s hiding there."

"If there are and people enter, there will be even more bloodshed."

"So it turns out that Lord Nie was worried about this problem."

Shen Changqing made a look of surprise, and then shook his head again.

"Lord Nie can rest assured. I went to the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion and I am certain that all of the monsters there have retreated. There's not even much Evil Aura left."

"Sending people to block the place will just be a waste of the Governments manpower."

"Blocking the street will also have a certain impact on people's hearts. This matter has to be carefully considered."

Nie Xu was not offended or anything. Instead, he seriously thought about Shen Changqing's words, before eventually nodding.

"Since Lord Shen has confirmed that there are no monsters there, then there is no need for people to stay there. After all, as Lord Shen said, it will cause some unnecessary trouble."

He then looked at a person beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Constable Liu, go and ask Liu Zhaotou and the others to unblock the street."


Constable Liu nodded and left the Government.

Nie Xu looked at the other Government Officials: "You guys should take care of all the corpses on the ground, don't cause any trouble."


"Lord Shen, General Wen, let's sit in the inner hall for a while. We will continue when Constable Liu returns."

Nie Xu said to the two, after delegating orders.

Neither of the latter refused the offer either.

Inner hall.

It was much bigger than the one in Lin'an City's Government Office.

But Jin City was also a bigger city.

Not to mention the other things, the population in Jin City alone cannot be compared to Lin'an City.

Three people were soon seated, with an Official serving tea.

Nie Xu picked up his teacup and took a sip, before putting it back down. His eyes fell on Shen Changqing.

"Lord Shen, now that such a thing is happening in Jin City, is there any news from the Demon Suppression Division?"

"Governor Nie jests, I am from the Capital's Demon Suppression Division. The Great Wilderness Province is too far away, it isn't possible to send and get the news in just two days."

"As for the Demon Suppression Division in the Great Wilderness Province, I have no contact."

Shen Changqing shook his head and laughed.

There was a Demon Suppression Division in every province. Although each Demon Suppression Division branch communicates with each other, the Slayers under it don't.

Most of the time, the Slayers would rarely have any contact with the other branches.

Even if there was any movement in the local Demon Division in the Great Wilderness branch, Shen Changqing wouldn't know.

Nie Xu also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and couldn't help, but smile to hide his embarrassment.

About half an hour later, Constable Liu walked in. He bowed his head and clasped his fists at Nie Xu: "Governor, the street has been unblocked!"

"En." Nie Xu nodded, and then said: "Last night, regarding the monsters raging in other parts of the city, Constable Liu should be very clear, right?"


Although Constable Liu didn't know what Nie Xu meant, he still replied truthfully.

After all, the corpses were discovered by him.

Nie Xu said, "Then I ask Constable Liu to take Lord Shen to the crime scenes, and see if there are any monsters left."

"No problem."

Liu Zoutou was surprised, but he responded quickly.

Nie Xu nodded and then turned to Shen Changqing.

"Lord Shen, Jin City is not stable yet, and this Official still has a lot of affairs to deal with. It is inconvenient for me to accompany you to go there for the time being. For now, Constable Liu Zhaotou will replace this Official and accompany Lord Shen to the scene of the crime."

"Does Lord Shen feel comfortable with this arrangement?"

Unlike to Constable Liu, Nie Xu had to consider Shen Changqing's opinion.

Shen Changgun nodded: "Yes."

Hearing his agreement, Nie Xu was also slightly relieved.

"Thank you Lord Shen!"

"You're welcome."

Shen Changqing then stood up.

"Well, let's not waste time. I ask Constable Liu to lead the way. As for other matters, we will talk about it after dealing with the monster/s."     

"Lord Shen, please!"

Out of the Government Office, Shen Changqing stopped, turned his head to Constable Liu and said, "I'm not very familiar with Jin City. Since Constable Liu knows the locations of the crime scenes, you should lead the way." 

"Yes! Please, Lord Shen."

Liu Chutou smiled and then pointed to the right.


"Lord Shen, it's this way."


Shen Changqing hummed softly, and walked shoulder to shoulder with Liu Zhaotou.

Along the way, some people would stop a little when they saw Constable Liu's sword, or nodded and said hello with a smile.

Constable Liu also nodded in response.

Seeing this, Shen Changqing couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that Constable Liu Zhaotou has won the hearts of the people in Jin City!"

"Lord Shen jests. I just happen to be familiar with the people."

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what Constable Liu's real name is."

"Replying to Lord Shen, this Official's real name is Liu Jian."

"Liu Jian."

 Shen Changqing recited the name silently and remembered it.

While the two were talking, they continued walking until they crossed the lively street. They came to a secluded and empty place.

There stood a lone well.

Liu Jian stopped and pointed to the well in front of him: "Lord Shen, this is one of the places where the bodies were found. The well is usually used by the people living nearby, but since the accident here, no one dares to approach it now."

"When the body was found, it was also lying by the well."

As Liu Jian spoke, Shen Changqing also felt the faint Evil Aura from the well in front of him.

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