Terran Guardian

Chapter 100: Mummified Corpses.

Chapter 100: Mummified Corpses.

Government Officials, equipped with swords, were gathered on both sides of the street.

Seeing Shen Changqing's arrival, Liu Zhaotou, who was leading the team, immediately greeted him.

"Lord Shen!"

Liu Zhaotou took a few steps forward and clasped his fists in salutation.

He was very clear on Shen Changqing's identity.

Especially after returning to the Government Office, Nie Xu had specially warned Liu Zhaotou not to offend the other party.

Therefore, he was very polite.

Shen Changqing nodded: "It's you, Liu Zhaotou. Why are you here today?"

He could see that the other Officials were all driving away the people and preventing others from stepping into the streets behind them.

Hearing this, Liu Zoutou couldn't help, but show a bitter smile: "Lord Shen might not know, but there was a major incident on this street last night. After the destruction of the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion, the people living in the vicinity were all killed."

"As soon as this matter was discovered, Governor Nie was furious."

"Currently, in order to prevent any monster that still remains nearby from causing anymore casualties, no one is allowed to approach the area."

"If there are more casualties, the follow-up impact will definitely be greater."

As he spoke about the monster, Liu Zoutou's eyes flashed with fear. 

Shen Changqing nodded.

When he turned his gaze towards the other Officials, he could also see fear on their faces.

Obviously, the Officials were also afraid of the streets behind them.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shen Changqing looked at Liu Zoutou again: "Liu Zoutou, I want to go in and have a look. Is that fine?"

"Lord Shen jests, please go ahead!"

Shen Changqing clasped his fists in thanks, and then walked in.

It was not the first time Shen Changqing had entered this street. Although he had only been in Jin City for a few days, he had come here no less than three or five times.

However, unlike in the past, the bustling scenery was nowhere to be seen. 


Deathly silent!

On both sides of the street, Shen Changqing could see that some doors were forcibly broken down. The wooden doors were broken into several pieces and discarded on the ground.

A desolate scene came to his mind.

"Damn it!"

Shen Changqing's eyes were cold.

He was also a citizen of the Great Qin. He naturally couldn't forgive the monsters for slaughtering the common people.

When he arrived at the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion Building, it had already become a ruin.

He could also see some skeletons that had not been completely burnt.

"The corpses should be the Corpse Puppets that I had killed last night. Though, I wonder who burned them, the Black Tiger Army or the Government Officials?"

Standing amidst the ruins of the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion, Shen Changqing spread out his perception.

He wanted to find out if there were monsters hiding here.

A few breaths later, Shen Changqing retracted his perception. He opened his eyes and an expression of regret flashed across his face.

The surrounding area was very clean. Not to mention a monster, not even a trace of Evil Aura remained.

Obviously, whatever remained was all burnt by the fire.

Glancing at the ruins one last time, Shen Changqing walked away.

Soon, he came to an open space, where there were also traces of a fire.

"This should be the place where the bodies of the people were burned."

Shen Changqing stopped in brief silence, before going to another place.

For half an hour, Shen Changqing roamed the street, both inside and out.

Every time he would go to a place, he would stop for a while and check it carefully, before moving on to the next.

If he could find one or two monsters, they would add to his Killing Value.

Unfortunately, there's none.

The whole street was unbelievably clean. 

"Lord Shen is back."

Seeing Shen Changqing coming out, Liu Zhuo forced a smile on his face.     

Shen Changqing nodded: "I have already inspected the street, and there's no monster left there. I believe the monster/s have already left long ago. There is no need to continue blocking the area."

Liu Zoutou had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Unfortunately, this humble Official doesn't have the final say about this matter. If it is possible, this Official also does not want the manpower of the Official to be wasted here." 

The implication was obvious.

No one wanted to stay here all day long.

It's just that now the Black Tiger Army had entered the city, and the order in the city was maintained by them, there was no use for the Officials.

Thus, they could only be sent here.

Shen Changqing could naturally understand the meaning of Liu Zhaotou's words, he nodded.

"I'll tell this to Governor Nie."

"Then, I have to thank Lord Shen!"

Liu Zhaotou said with gratitude.

Under the earnest gaze of the other party, Shen Changqing left.

At this time, the 2,000 troops of the Black Tiger Army had already scattered all over the city. Each team was composed of ten people and patrolled a different area.

At this time, a steward hurried over.

They looked at Shen Changqing and reported: "Lord Shen, the Governor asks you to please come to the Government Office."

"Government Office?"

Shen Changqing pondered, before nodding: "Lead the way."

"Lord Shen, please!"

This was the first time Shen Changqing came to the Government Office in Jin City. 

Before, he was either staying on Tianyi Lou or wandering around the city. He had almost no intersection with the Government.

On the Government Office's gate were two tall stone lions; one with an open mouth and the other with a closed one. However, both looked majestic.

Shen Changqing glanced at them briefly, before following behind the steward and walked towards the inside.

 He saw several stretchers lying on the ground, covered with white cloth. Nie Xu and the other people present did not look good.

It was only when Shen Changqing came in, that the gloom on Nie Xu's face faded significantly. He forced a smile, while clasping his hands.

"Greetings Lord Shen!"

"Governor Nie."

Shen Changqing nodded.

Nie Xu pointed at the person beside him and introduced, "Governor Shen, this is the commander of the Black Tiger Army, General Wen Ce." 


He then pointed at Shen Changqing, and said to Wen Ce: "General Wen, this is Lord Shen Changqing of the Demon Suppression Division. Although Lord Shen is just a Yellow Rank Slayer, when it comes to strength, he's on par with the top slayers of the Red Black Rank."

"General Wen!" Hearing this, Shen Changqing greeted Wen Ce.

Shen Changqing had never heard of Wen Ce's name, but the words from the Black Tiger Army explained a lot.

A thousand-strong commander was not an ordinary person.

The strength of the person in front of him might not be in the Innate Realm, but he's qualified to be called at the top of the Qi Circulation Realm.

Otherwise, how could Wen Ce be qualified to hold his current position?

"Greetings Lord Shen!"

While Shen Changqing checked out Wen Ce, Wen Ce also checked him out.

Wen Ce had heard Shen Changqing's name a lot.

From last night to now, he had heard Shen Changqing's name no less than ten times in just Nie Xu's mouth alone.

The Demon Suppression Division's Yellow Rank Slayers were Cultivators in the Qi Circulation Realm, while Red Black Slayers were the experts in the Innate Realm. If one was called strong among the Red Black Slayers, one was at least in the Innate Outer Astral Realm.

That is to say, the person in front of him was an expert at the Innate Outer Astral Realm.

It's just that when Wen Ce looked at Shen Changqing, he found that he couldn't see the slightest clue from Shen Changqing, making him feel slightly shocked.

Not being able to see through the strength of the other party, meant that the other party was just too strong!

After briefly introducing Shen Changqing and Wen Ce to each other, Nie Xu said no more, as both had respectable statuses.

Shen Changqing looked away from Wen Ce and to Nie Xu.

"Governor Nie asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

"Lord Shen, please take a look."

Nie Xu did not answer, and instead pointed to the white cloth.

Shen Changqing waved his hand and conjured wind using his True Qi, blowing the white cloth; revealing the mummified corpses under.

Seeing this scene, Wen Ce's pupils involuntarily shrank.

With a simple wave of Shen Changqings hand, he was able to achieve such an effect!? This was enough to prove that the other party's True Qi had reached a terrifying level!

Moreover, when Shen Changqing's True Qi erupted, the white cloth was simply lifted without causing any damage to the corpses under the white cloth, which proved that his control was also high.

If it was himself (Wen Ce), he would never be able to do it to such an extent.

At this time, Shen Changqing's status in Wen Ce's heart had risen to a new level.

In the military, the strong were respected.

Shen Changqing looked at the several mummified corpses on the ground. He could feel the Evil Aura attached to the corpses, even before he lifted the white cloth.

"Are these mummified corpses from the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion?" 

Shen Changqing's first thought was that these people were the ones who died in the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion.

However, Nie Xu shook his head. His face turned solemn: "These corpses are all watchmen in Jin City. When they were discovered last night, they all died in different places, and their blood was completely drained."

"The Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion is in the South of the city, while the places where these corpses were found some are in the East and some in the North."

Shen Changqing nodded, and then carefully sensed the corpses.

"The Evil Aura is not strong, or maybe it's because it's been too long that the Evil Aura has dissipated a lot. Does Governor Nie suspect that there are still other monsters in the city?"


Nie Xu nodded calmly, however, his eyes burned as he looked at Shen Changqing.

"This Official is worried that there are monsters in the city and continue to harm the people. Otherwise, the Black Tiger Army entering the city and stabilizing the people's hearts would be for naught."

"Therefore, this Official hopes that Lord Shen can help us to find the monster/s hidden in the city and get rid of them."

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