Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 273 - Two Hundred And Seventy-three: Sweet Little Villain

Chapter 273 - Two Hundred And Seventy-three: Sweet Little Villain

Isabella's point of view

"You do know this is called vandalism?" Pedro said for the nth time already, pointing at the graffiti on the wall.

I rolled my eyes while daubing badass motivational speeches graffiti across the wall, "Pedro, I called you here to accompany me, not criticize me - relentlessly,"

"We could get arrested for this," He complained.

"Going to jail is the fun part," I winked at him.

"Joking," He was so silly, "We are not going to go to jail, besides -" I was still saying when I heard the sound of an incoming siren, "And yeah, you had to jinx our luck,"

I stopped spraying at once, putting?back the canisters in the bag, saying hurriedly to him "What are you still waiting for, get your ass moving!"

Swinging the bag over my shoulder, I took hold of Pedro's hand and ran off just as the police van pulled up beside us. They gave us a hot chase, but I had studied this area before coming to attempt this vandalism - in Peddy's view.

Art is meant to be expressed and I just did those on those walls. I gave it life, my graffiti was better on it than the plain faded white paint that was peeling off already.

"Quick, here," I drew Pedro into a narrow, dimmed alley. The police car sped past us with no idea where we just sneaked into.

"That was close," Pedro threw his head back against the wall in relief.

"Yeah," I agreed, "I'm totally liking this closeness,"

His brow raised at my comment, his eyes traveling down to discover how pressed together our bodies were.

A smirk pulled my lips to the side, I loved this; my vein was throbbing with anticipation, and my heart slamming against my chest; I simply felt alive.

I had never felt this way with someone and had never planned on it but then, there could always be room for adjustments.

It was obvious that Pedro was affected too. I heard him draw a sharp breath, he shivered when I placed my hand on his chest and the other wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer till our heads were touching.

He shifted uncomfortably, "Isabella, there's something I need to -"

"Shh, don't destroy this moment," I hushed him, pressing my finger against his lips. Gosh, he was so hot.

We stared into each other's eyes, I swear I could see stars in there. Pedro had the palest of blue eyes I had ever seen and I wouldn't mind staring in them all day. Was this what my father felt for Maya because if this isn't love, I don't think it's anything else.

"Isabella, I really need to -"

And Of course, he dared me.

I used that opportunity to kiss him, sliding my tongue into his mouth and drinking from him, till he was sucked numb. This soul was mine to devour.

Pedro groaned into the kiss, his hand moving to snake around my waist and pulling me so close to him that we might as well have been naked; I could feel every part of him, including the reactive little brother.

Sure, it had been awkward after that moment in the living room but none of us had talked about it till now - we weren't doing much talking either.

Pedro's hands were really talented, they moved down to cup my butt, I moaned, threading my hand into his hair and pulling him closer; we were practically eating each other's faces.

The kiss stole my breath away, getting more intense when his hand slipped into my shirt. But then, he pulled away.

I was dissatisfied, I wanted more and stepped forward, trying to pull him in for another passionate kiss when he pushed me away.

"I'm sorry, Isabella, but I can't do this anymore," He said, chest heaving from the effect of what we shared.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed it off. What could make him this serious? He was probably shy or stunned about how fast this was going.

Well, I couldn't blame him. I've always had a direct and prompt personality and approach to life. I don't believe in wasting the little time we had to spend here on earth, which means some people couldn't keep up with my speed. But Pedro shouldn't have to worry, I could slow down for him.

"I don't know how to say this but you should know I'm very sorry," He licked his lips nervously which made me begin to worry. Why was he so nervous?

"Pedro, come on, talk to me. I'm going to listen," I beckoned him to open up to me with a warm smile - and you should know I never smile. Warmly.

He scratched the back of his head, hesitant to say a word.

"Seriously, talk to me, Pedro," I urged him, taking his hand and intertwined our fingers together.

He pulled his hand away.

Alright, I'm getting the bad vibe now.

"Anabelle didn't tell you the truth, she lied," He said, awaiting my judgment.

My faces creased, confusion setting in, "What are you talking about? What do you mean Anabelle lied -" it clicked in my head.

My face darkened, looking like a tornado was brewing in there. My hands fisted by my sides as anger enraged me, how dare they!

My hand moved of its own accord, I whacked Pedro on the face. Did he dare to play me?

"How dare you?" I fumed, my eyes staring into his with blazing intensity.

"Isabella, I can explain -" Pedro tried to reach for me but I halted him with a piercing glare.

"Don't you dare!" I hissed, hot seething anger boiling through my veins. I just wanted to rip somebody apart. The first time I decided to give my heart to somebody and this is how they treat me; play me like I'm some sort of yoyo.

I should have known: the way they looked at each other; how he knew her whereabouts; their secret communication. The signs were clear but I just waved it aside as nothing. After all, I've been gone for seven years, they must have been close. Who knew they'd upgraded?

"You and Anabelle must have enjoyed this; laughed and sneered behind my back for being stupid; for trusting this once," I laughed mirthlessly, running my hand through my hair.

"No, Isabella, listen to…Ouch!"

I punched that irritating handsome face, saying with spite, "Oh, Anabelle is going to get it from me,"

Before he could stop me, I had walked out of the alleyway, to the road and stopped a taxi that took me to their mansion at once.

Though it was quite late, the security didn't stop me nor question my intention of coming there by that time - they must have thought I was coming for a sleepover. Moreover, I was on my best behavior and even flashed them the killer smile I had copied from Niklaus.

When I came into the living room, lo and behind, there was Anabelle watching TV - so much for taking meds. My instincts were right, she must have been so guilty she decided to avoid me.

"Isabella?! " It seems no one informed her of my coming because she looked shocked at my arrival.

"How was it?" I asked, a cold smile on my face.

She gulped, "How is what?"

"It must have been fun watching me make a fool of myself, right? I mean, you've been dating him all this while, and then tough, stupid Isabella decides to let her guard down for once and this is what she gets in return?" I threw my head back and laughed at my stupidity, yet that laughter carried an air of ominosity.

"Isabella, I know how you feel right now but you shouldn't -"

"No!" I roared, my chest heaving, "If you know how I feel right now then you would know that I'm freaking mad!" I boomed, picked the short little wooden stool I could find, and hurled at the large screen television, damaging it.

"If you truly know how I feel, you'd know how volatile I can be when betrayed by no one but my own relative," I spat, intimidating her by approaching her with slow, calculated steps.

"I'm s-sorry, okay?" she choked, " I chickened out; I just so scared of telling you that Pedro and I were a thing, I thought you'd.. you'd.. be what you are right now,"

A cruel smile parted my lips, "Well, thanks for your selfish cowardice, it ruined my life!" I rammed my fist into the vase on the mantel.

Anabelle screamed, shielding her ears with her palm. None of the broken fragments injured her but the same couldn't be said for me. However, the pain in my heart was far greater than this physical one so I didn't care.

"I hope I never see you again, cousin, " I spat and left.

On my way out, I saw the guards rushing past me into the living room, it seems the butler heard the commotion and called them. I snorted, yeah, they must think I've murdered Anabelle.

I ran into Pedro on my way out and I was really expecting him to say something, anything! Which was evidenced by him opening his mouth, but then, his eyes fell on my bleeding fist.

Oh yeah.

His eyes widened, disbelief with fear crept into his orbs, "Anabelle!" he shouted, rushing into the house.

And yeah, Pedro assumed the worst. What was I even expecting? Of course, evil Isabella would hurt her cousin - that was how heartless they saw me.

Tears streamed down my face, it wouldn't hurt to be that sweet, unfeeling villain once more. I don't need stupid feelings in my life.

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