Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 272 - Two Hundred And Seventy-two: Coming For You

Chapter 272 - Two Hundred And Seventy-two: Coming For You

Niklaus' point of view

It had to stop now. I had taken enough of Jennifer's nagging and manipulation, it was to end instantly. Moreover, we had a deal and now I've confirmed it's Maya, she should keep to her end of the deal.

I was truly sorry for giving her false hope which was why I made sure that the card contained enough money that would give her and Neon a comfortable life without even lifting a finger in the name of working.

Things just didn't go the way we planned. People date for years, engage and yet call off the wedding on D-day. So this was just a slight version of it, I told my guilty heart.

Moreover, If Maya had to return to me, Jennifer had to go. If there was anything I learned from Tina, it was the fact that women were extremely jealous creatures and would never coexist in a room when put together.

I was on my laptop going through the weekly statistics from my company, forcing my mind not to think about the ridiculous conversation I had with my father days ago.


"Who is this Reina I hear about?" His voice rang from the other end.

My jaw ticked, for Adam to call by himself meant he was uncomfortable with this news and wanted something to be done.

"And why do you ask me that? I'm not your private investigator," I backtalked. Gone were the days when I was under his control.

"Niklaus.." He released a burst of mocking laughter that made my fist clench. He was treating me like I was some sort of inexperienced kid.

"We already know where Maya left you and I. Steer clear of this one whether she looks like Maya or not, " I sensed the threat beneath his words.

It was a relief he didn't know Reina and Maya were the same person else who knows what this crazy man would have done already.

He continued, "You're welcome to return home anytime soon. Eden is nothing but a puppet I allowed in your place - temporary. Just a word and you'd be restored to your former glory. This position belongs to you, son."

That comment made goosebumps climb my arms, I realized, "You're the one responsible for Anabelle's illness, aren't you?"

"Desperate time calls for desperate measures," was his reply.

Of course, what was I expecting? That this demon would suddenly develop a human heart. Eden must have foolishly thought he could beat him.

"You know what father?" My voice was icy cold, "You can go to hell,"

I was so angry that I wanted to hang up on him, instead, I added, "And if you dare to lay a hand on Reina, I'll really put a bullet in your head this time," I reminded him when I pointed a gun at his head after Maya's death.

He laughed again, that annoying sound making my blood boil, "Really? Come at me then,"

End of Flashback.

The thought made me hot and I reached out for my glass of water only to realize it was empty and so was the jar. I contemplated calling up Amanda for a refill through the intercom but decided against it and so, I made my way downstairs to quench my taste only to receive the greatest shock of my life.

Pedro and Isabella

My eyes weren't deceiving me.

It wasn't Anabelle, but Isabella, my daughter with Pedro on top of her, doing stuff I did to Reina hours ago.

The glass slipped from my hand and smashed to the ground. I was not expecting this, nor with Pedro.?Sure, they had been pretty close as kids but they're adults now - and it had never crossed my mind till now.

They both rushed up to their feet, guilt, and embarrassment showing on their faces.

I pointed at Izzy and Pedro, what was I even going to say to them. More like where was I going to begin?

"Sir, I can explain," Pedro stepped forward.

"Yeah, explain the fact that I just caught you on my rug, swapping saliva with my daughter in the sitting room while I'm upstairs. Respectful, right?" there was no smile on my face.

A childhood friend or not, Pedro was a boy; a horny hormonal teenager, and as a father, it's my responsibility to keep Isabella from these dickbags - not that I wasn't one in high school.?But thanks to that experience, I know what boys his age think about - notwithstanding his innocent facade.

"Dad, chill, it was just a kiss - we weren't even having sex," Isabella rolled her eyes, bored.

"How kind of you to help your father," I said ironically.

I took a step towards Pedro, menacingly. The boy was tall but I still towered over him - Sure, he'd grow up more in the future but let me enjoy intimidating him as of the moment.

"Let me make it clear...," My voice was low and dangerous, "If I get your nasty prick inside her hole, I'll cut them off and feed them to the dogs. Are we clear, here?"

Pedro gulped and nodded his head. It was good to know that my threat was understood. Seems my reputation comes in handy now.

"Seriously, dad, "You're beginning to scare him," Isabella complained and picked up a strange bag.

"What's in there?" my brow raised in suspicion.

"None of your business," she replied, took hold of his hand, and began to lead him out.

"I need you home before eleven!" I yelled after them.

"Hopefully," Isabella gave me an unsure answer.

"Don't get pregnant!" I added before she made it out of the door.

That comment must have touched Isabella because she retraced her steps, stretching out her neck to peer at me, saying, "You'd make a good grandpa,"

"Seriously, Isabella. Don't you dare -"

She was out of the door already. I?sighed, girls were too hard to train.

I took a drink from the water dispenser, filled up the glass I had taken from the kitchen, and made it back to the room, only to discover I had a message from an unknown stranger.

Rubbing my chin, I didn't put much thought into it as I clicked open on the message and stilled.

"Nice to meet you, father,"

"T-This... how's this...?"

No, I composed myself. There was no way a supposedly seven-year-old son I once thought dead would chat me up. This could be some sort of prank, right? But who would do such a thing?

Another message was sent in, "Are you going to talk or what?" he was getting impatient.

With faith, I typed and sent, "Is that you, son?"

"Took you long enough to figure that out. You don't seem as smart as Ailee claims,"

I could sense discontent in his voice.

"Who's Ailee?"

"My twin sister, I'm Allen,"

I forgot how to breathe, my chest was stuffed with emotion. Maya had twins for me? It wasn't just one child but twins? I didn't know how to feel? I wanted to jump up in jubilation, hug my laptop, or just…. I don't know.

"Where are you two, I'll come to get you," I had already grabbed my keys, ready to bolt out of my room when a message came in.

"You can't,"

My blood boiled, why were they refusing to meet me? Did Reina threaten them not to speak to me or what?

"Why can't you speak with me?" I sent a message back to them.

"It's not yet time, we promised mom,"

Right, I should have known, Reina.

"Let's video chat then," I proposed.

Thankfully, they readily agreed.

This was the second time in my entire life I was this nervous. The first had been when Maya fell off that bridge; I had been so anxious I couldn't differentiate my left from right.

And now, I was so nervous to meet my children that it wouldn't surprise me if I peed on my pants.

Not long after, my screen lit up with their faces. Both seem to be dragging the position of the camera or something, without realizing the call has connected already.

"Hi," I made my presence known.

They froze.

"Holy shit!" the young girl exclaimed, delight on her face "Allen, he's so handsome up close - no wonder mom fell for him," she gushed over me.

I knew such language was highly inappropriate for a seven-year-old, but I was too emotional to care. Tears fell from my eyes while I cupped my mouth, stifling the pained moan.

I had completely missed out on seven years of their life: I didn't get to hear them make their first baby speech, get their milk teeth nor see them go to preschool. It was just a lot to take in.

"Ooh, daddy don't cry, it makes you ugly," she comforted me but it made me cry harder.

"I'm so sorry," I cried out, the sobs rocking my body hard. I had done practically nothing for them and now they're all grown up. It's not like Ailee is going to appreciate me getting her a teddy bear or Allen, a toy car- they've developed past those.

I knew Maya didn't mean to keep them away plus my fault anyway, but I felt cheated. I had not been a part of their life for god damn seven years- not seven days, note the difference. I bet they didn't even know they had a rebellious big sister Isabella who would be so excited to see them- evidenced by her attachment to Neon.

I clenched my fist with a resolution, relaying a message to them,

"Tell your mother that I'm coming for you both,"

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