Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

The stage set up in the Orchesi Square was bigger than he thought. There was still an hour left until the show started, but there were already people sitting in good seats to watch.

It looked smaller in the YouTube video, didnt it?

They installed a bigger one this year because they had more customers than expected last year.

I see. Its awesome!

Seo-jun nodded at Charlies answer. There was a rectangular stage with lights installed, and a protruding stage in the shape of a straight line that he could walk out on.

It was similar to the runway that fashion show models walked on, but it was wider and shorter.

Ill walk out this way.

Seo-jun, who was thinking about the route on the spacious stage, nodded his head with satisfaction.

This is the way to the back of the stage.

The backstage was noisy as he followed Charlies guide. The contestants for the contest received their numbers and handed over the papers with the prepared music and the timing of the stage effects to the organizers.

Seo-jun also handed over the paper and received his number. After waiting for a while, the staff who checked the application form started drawing lots.

Seo-jun was the last of the 13 teams.

This way. The performance teams are preparing further inside. They have a lot of props to prepare.

As he followed Charlie, he saw two groups of people who were practicing hard and matching their timing.

At a glance, they were vampire and werewolf groups. The vampires were wearing fancy suits and the werewolves had human faces with their wolf masks off.

Uncles! Dad!


A little wolf without a tail has come.

The vampires and werewolves who were practicing greeted Charlie. The practice stopped for a moment with Charlies appearance. They all drank water and took a breath. Then, a stranger walked towards Charlie. Charlie ran and hugged the man.



Seo-jun blinked his eyes. For a moment, the face and the name did not match. Oh, right. Charlie was human and Charlies dad was human too.

The wolf mask was so impressive that he only remembered the wolf face. The mom and dad he glanced at also seemed flustered.

The man who hugged Charlie tightly opened his mouth.

Thank you for taking care of Charlie.

No, we had a lot of fun too.

Charlie knows the festival well.

Charlies dad smiled and stroked Charlies head at the couples compliment. He greeted the other people and Seo-juns group went outside.

The contestants party can sit in the front of the stage. This way.

Charlie walked ahead.

But are they all actors?

No. My dad runs a restaurant in front of here. The food is delicious, but the beef bourguignon is the best. Try it later.

Seo-jun and the couple blinked their eyes. Charlies dad, a chef.

Vampire leader uncle makes wine and the other uncles have their own jobs too.

Why do they perform?

Orchesis specialty is wine, but there are a lot of places in France that have wine as their specialty.

Charlie shrugged his shoulders.

They wondered how to get more people to come to Orchesi and came up with the Halloween festival. The Halloween festival has been going on since a long time ago, but there werent many participants. But there are a lot of Halloween festivals, so they wondered if there was anything special, and they decided to make and keep such a setting that they could really immerse themselves in. Thats how they started various events, and the most popular one was the confrontation between vampires and werewolves.

Seo-jun nodded his head.

They said they would continue to perform as well as fight for food. The first performance was clumsy, but everyone loved it. The tourists also increased. They like it, so they work hard. I dont know about anything else, but no one can follow our uncles in vampire or werewolf acting.

Seo-jun shrugged his shoulders at Charlies words. Monster acting, there was someone here who could do it better than anyone else.

I can do it too.

My dad has been doing it for 10 years already.

Ill be that good too.

This life. Seo-jun swallowed the rest of his words and smiled. The couple who heard Seo-juns words also smiled.

You can see well if you sit here. Theres a dads performance after the awards ceremony, so we can all watch it here.

Seo Eun Hye put her bag on the chair and decided to wait for the contest with Seo-jun behind the stage, and Lee Min Jun decided to film Seo-juns stage from the audience seat. Charlie decided to watch the contest with Seo-jun behind the stage.


When there was not much time left for the show, the front of the stage was crowded. People dressed as various monsters sat in their seats.

The Monster Company staff who had finished cleaning up all the booths, and Grace and her family who had finished dinner, also took their seats where they could see the stage well.

Will Jun come out?

I forgot to ask for his phone number.

Lets go see him after the show is over.

Grace, who was with her family, looked lively. The family was also relieved by Graces cheerful mood.

After waiting for a while, an announcement came out in French, English, and various languages.

[The monster contest will begin now. Please take your seats, everyone.]

Grace straightened her back and looked at the stage.

[The first contestant. The fairys dance!]

A cheerful music flowed. A ray of light fell on the stage that was all turned off. There was something on the stage.

One by one, the lights turned on, and the stage brightened up. Something that was curled up like an egg in the middle of the stage slowly got up.

He got up from his seat and spread his arms wide. At the same time, his wings spread out on his back. A fairy with rainbow-colored wings danced.


Is she a ballerina? Shes amazing!

Grace, who was clapping along with the people, stopped her hand.

No. I have to cheer for Jun.

Her parents burst into laughter at the sight of their daughter clenching her hands that had been clapping.

The first contestant left the stage and the second contestant came up. This time, it was a funny concept, and a contestant appeared with a Pegasus model.

The front legs of the Pegasus were dolls and the hind legs were the contestants legs. Of course, the person on top of the Pegasus had model legs.


The contestant ran around with a cheerful music. Laughter erupted everywhere. The contestants who were watching the television behind the stage also burst out laughing.

The contestants who were discouraged by the fairys dance of a different level relaxed their minds and decided to enjoy themselves.

I applied for fun anyway!

I worked so hard to make this, I have to go on stage!

The contestants regained their energy and went up on stage one by one.

A performance of witches and wizards casting magic. A performance of Jack O Lantern choosing a new pumpkin head from the closet. A performance of a vampire dancing with a beautiful woman and biting her neck.

The short performances passed and it was Seo-juns turn. The previous contestant went down below the stage, and Lee Min Jun, who knew Seo-juns order, picked up the camera and started filming the stage.

[The 13th contestant. The werewolfs transformation!]

The music Seo-jun prepared was the sound of drums. It was a heavy sound like the drums of the inner circle.


Smoke rose from both sides of the stage. It was a device rented by the organizers. Seo-jun chose smoke among various effects.

Boom! Boom!

The audiences hearts raced with the sound of the drums. Seo-jun, who was standing next to the stage, pressed his wolf hat firmly. And he growled very low and softly.

[(Line) The wolf transformation of the shadow werewolf is activated.]

Something long appeared from Seo-juns shadow. It was a shadow wolf. Seo-jun bent his knees and leaned his waist, and stepped on the stage with his fluffy dog paws. The shadow wolf stood next to Seo-jun. And Seo-jun and the shadow wolf overlapped.

Seo-jun, who wore the shadow wolf upside down, had fake wolf ears and a wolf tail that moved like they were alive.

He moved his body for a moment with his right hand, left hand, right foot, and left foot on the floor. When he got comfortable with walking on all fours, he activated another ability.

[(Line) The fog of the cloud whale is activated.]

[(Line) The fog of the cloud whale medium-low level]

Fog rises from the blowhole of the whale flying in the sky.

You can adjust the density and thickness of the fog.

Fog flowed from Seo-juns body. His two hands and two feet that stepped on the stage felt strong. Seo-jun and the shadow wolf went into the thick fog.


The stage was full of smoke. It was the most impressive effect that the organizers had provided so far. They couldnt see an inch ahead. The stage was filled with cloud-like smoke, and the organizers turned off the smoke machine.

Hmm. The machine is fine.

Is it because of the weather?

While the organizers were puzzled, the people were looking for the 13th contestant on the stage. The smoke was too thick to see anything on the stage.

What do you see?

No, I dont see anything.

Then, something flashed by in the smoke. People who saw the black shadow tilted their heads.

Boom! Boom!

The drums sounded, and another black shadow crossed the stage. More people witnessed the shadow. It looked like something with four legs.

Dog? Wolf?

If its a wolf is it a werewolf?

But it didnt walk on two legs, did it?

Boom! Boom!

The shadow passed by.

Boom! Boom!

The shadow flashed.


The audience swallowed their saliva.

isnt it getting bigger?

The four-legged beast was swelling in size. It hid its body like hunting and moved very fast. It was coming from the back of the stage to the audience in a zigzag.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fast drum sound was different from the shadow, which started to move slowly. The dim shadow made by the lights and smoke looked like a real wolf.

The wolf slowly walked from the right to the left of the stage. The wolf slowly raised his upper body at a quarter of the stage.

[(Line) The dignity of the young lion king is activated.]

Step by step, the wolf in the smoke became more human. The bright light shone behind Seo-jun, and it looked like a real halo.

With the halo on his ability, the heavy atmosphere that flowed from Seo-jun made people speechless and only looked at the stage.


Step by step, he felt the power. The smoke that came out of the machine was blown away by the wind and gradually disappeared.

The wolf, who had fully stood up, stopped his steps to the side and turned his body and walked slowly to the front of the stage.

The smoke cleared and the wolfs face was revealed. It was a round and cute face, but it felt strong. His ears twitched. His tail also swayed.

Charlie and Charlies dad, who were watching on TV, admired. It seemed like they could hear the audiences exclamation from behind the stage.

I didnt know how to express the transformation like this, but the little wolf is amazing. He used the lights and smoke well. Like a shadow play.


Not everyone could do that. He just walked on the stage, but it looked like a wolfs movement. Charlies dad, who had studied wolves to act well as a werewolf, saw that.

Swaggering. The audience didnt know the details, but they felt that way.

The movement of the shadow wolf in the fog a while ago was also felt by the bipedal werewolf.

It was amazing. Walking on four legs and two legs should have different movements, but they had a similar atmosphere. It was so natural that the being on the stage felt like a human who had been a wolf until a while ago.

Boom! Boom!

The fast drum sound was heard. Seo-jun, who had reached the end of the protruding stage, turned around. The gray tail with a blue light swayed.

Boom! Boom!

Smoke rose on the stage. Seo-jun, who was looking at the stage slowly with his back to the audience, sped up.

The ceiling light shone like a full moon. The fog that flowed from Seo-jun rose and made a shadow.

In the smoke, Seo-jun ran on two legs, bent his knees and waist, and put his hands on the floor and became a wolf again.

The shadow wolf that popped out of Seo-juns shadow covered Seo-juns body. The wolf tail swayed.

The audience looked at the wolf that became a dot in the smoke.


A very loud drum sound was heard and all the lights went out. Soon the lights came on again. The fog and the wolf were all gone. The audience, who had lost their minds on the clean stage, jumped up from their seats and started clapping.



Grace, who was clapping hard, realized.

Ah! Its Jun!


Dad! Its Jun. The werewolf I found!

Graces words reminded her family of the boy they had seen at the orphanage. He was a boy who wore a wolf head doll-like mask on his head.

Oh? Now that I think about it, the clothes are the same.

Its really Jun?

Wow. I didnt expect much when a kid entered the contest

They thought it was a well-made costume then, but now that they saw it, it was amazing.

Did Jun act? Like modern dance or something.

Um. I dont know.

But its really cool. It was just running and walking, but it was amazing.

This will be the first place, right?

Of course!

Grace and Graces family clapped hard. It was the first place in the contest that no one could refute.

When Seo-jun came back behind the stage, Seo-eun-hye handed him the water she had prepared. He was drinking it and Charlies eyes sparkled.

Youre awesome!

I am.

Seo-jun smiled at Charlies compliment. Charlies dad, vampires, werewolves, and contest participants also applauded Seo-jun, who came back behind the stage.

The little wolf is amazing!

We have to work hard not to lose!

The organizers staff, who calmed down the cheering audience, appeared. He informed the contest participants of the award ceremony, and told Charlies dad and uncles to prepare for the performance.

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