Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

While the stage was being decorated for the performance of the vampires and the werewolves, the award ceremony for the contest began.

The lights on the stage went off and only the protruding stage was lit up. The 13 teams of participants appeared on it and the audiences eyes turned to the protruding stage.

[We will now start the Monster Contest award ceremony. The mayor of Orchesi will present the trophies.]

A guide voice came from the speaker. The mayor, who was standing next to the trophies, bowed. The people applauded.

[Third place!]

Who will it be?

I liked the team of magicians and witches who came out as a group.

[Number 2! Dancing with a Pegasus!]

At that, laughter erupted from the audience. They all remembered that ridiculous participant. Number 2 spun around and went to receive the trophy.

Well done!

It was so funny!

As the sound of congratulations clapped, number 2 danced hard without any music. It was funny to watch on the screen, but it was really funny to see in person. Seo-jun and the other participants behind him also laughed.

I agree. Thanks to that person, I performed comfortably.

It was really amazing.

The mayor also gave the trophy to number 2 with a cheerful smile.

[Second place! Number 1! The dance of the fairies!]


The childrens cheers were heard. Number 1, who walked gracefully, received the shining trophy and turned with a splendid gesture. The transparent, glittering pair of wings was very beautiful.

[First place!]


It was the best!!

The audience cheered.

[Number 13! The transformation of the werewolf!]

Seo-jun walked forward. It was his second time receiving an award, but it was a different scale from the film festival, and he felt good to feel the hearts of the people who congratulated him.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and waved his hand. Applause sounded from everywhere.

Seo-jun walked casually to the mayor who was handing over the trophy, just like the other participants who had shown a short performance after receiving the award.

The audience, who had not lost the afterglow of the performance, sent cheers and applause to him. He looked even cooler because of the smoke that had been thick on the stage, but he was great even without the smoke.

[Please give a big cheer and applause to the participants who showed us a wonderful performance!]

Once again, cheers and applause erupted from the audience. The participants who did not receive the award also greeted them with bright faces.

[Soon, we will start the performance of the vampires and the werewolves. Please wait in your seats.]

The announcement went out and the participants sat in the seats prepared by the organizers. The friends of the participants who were sitting first greeted the participants with bright smiles. Lee Min-joon, who was watching from the staff seat, smiled broadly and greeted the two kids and Seo-eun-hye.

You did well! You looked like a real wolf!

Seo-jun smiled and sat down in the chair at his fathers words. The people sitting near the staff seat also kept praising him.

You were amazing for a kid.

It looked like modern dance. Where did you learn dance?

Charlies shoulders were proud of the praise that poured out to Seo-jun. But the praise soon stopped. It was because the announcement came out.

[We will now start the last performance of the Orchesi Halloween Festival.]

Soft music sounded and the dark stage lit up with a beam of light. A golden box was placed on a tower in the center of the stage.

Seo-jun, who looked up at the stage, took off his hat because his wolf head was a little uncomfortable. Seo-eun-hye, who was sitting next to him, cleaned up the traces of wolf ears and fur as much as possible.

The light shone elsewhere. On the left side of the stage, five black coffins were set up against a black castle background.


Charlie whispered.

The lid of the black coffin slid open and white smoke flowed out. Inside the coffin was a man with white skin and black hair, wearing a black suit. The other coffins were the same.

The sound of bats flying was heard. The vampires opened their eyes at the same time. Heavy music flowed and the vampires came out of the coffin. They greeted each other with noble faces and seemed to be talking. And one of the vampires pointed to the golden box on the tower in the center of the stage with his finger.

The light on the left side of the stage went off. This time, the light shone on the right side of the stage. Someone appeared on a rock-shaped prop in front of a background full of rocks. A yellow light shone on him.


And five werewolves appeared. Unlike the stiff vampires, they were free-spirited and sat or stood here and there. One of the werewolves pointed to the golden box.

The audience understood without any dialogue. Both the vampires and the werewolves were after the golden box.

The light that shone on the right side of the stage went off and soon the stage brightened. The number of vampires and werewolves increased and they met.

One of the vampires pointed at them. The werewolves also bowed their upper bodies and growled.

Tense music flowed. The vampires and the werewolves started to fight like enemies who met on a bridge.

As the fight progressed, something yellow caught the eyes of the audience. It was a pumpkin.

Jack O Lantern!

The existence of the pumpkin head ran through the gaps between the vampires and the werewolves. The audience laughed at the sight of him avoiding the attacks of the two groups.

In the end, the one who took the golden box was Jack O Lantern.

The performance ended with a loud applause. The vampires and the werewolves, who had performed with sweat, bowed to the audience.

In front of them, Jack O Lantern, who had a golden box and a relaxed look, passed by. It was a pleasant performance until the end.

The lights on the stage went off and,

Bang! Bang!

Fireworks exploded. Pretty sparks bloomed in the black sky. The short fireworks show ended and the announcement came out.

[Thank you to everyone who participated in the Orchesi Halloween Festival. We hope it was a fun memory for everyone. See you at next years Halloween Festival!]

The Orchesi Halloween Festival was over. The people also left their seats with happy faces. While waiting in the audience until Charlies dad came, there was a witch running from afar.

Jun! Charlie!


Jun, you really won first place! I cheered for you too!

Graces family appeared behind her. They all smiled and waved their hands.

I forgot to give you my contact information earlier. I thought you left, but you were here!

Ill give you my phone number too! What messenger do you use?

While the three kids exchanged contact information, Charlies dad, who had changed clothes, appeared. Charlies dad smiled and said to the growing party.

Would you like to have something at our store?


Charlies dads store was close to the square. He raised the temperature in the store in the chilly weather and prepared a place for everyone to sit.

Charlies dad quickly made delicious food. Both the kids and the adults ate the food with admiration.

Do you want to play over there?


Charlie pointed to another table and Seo-jun and Grace nodded. They were playing and chatting, when Seo-jun scratched his cheek.

He had been worried about it since the performance, but he thought someone would recognize him once the video was uploaded on YouTube. And then it would spread like wildfire. They were friends he met for the first time today, but he wanted to tell them himself.

I have something to tell you.

What is it? Is it a secret?

At the word secret, Charlie and Graces eyes sparkled. Seo-jun smiled and took out his phone. He showed them a picture.

It was a picture of Evan Block and Rachel Hill, taken right before Seo-jun finished his makeup and started filming Shadowman 2. Charlie and Grace blinked their eyes when they saw the picture.

What is this?

Charlie, dont you know Shadowman?

I know Shadowman, but dont tell me thats Evan Block!?

Rachel Hill is here too.

The two kids eyes widened. Next to the two actors was the kid who had been playing with them.

Charlie looked back and forth between the picture and his friend. No way. There was no one around, but Charlie lowered his voice.



Are you really Jin Natra?

Grace, who was a step behind, covered her mouth as if she was about to scream. Seo-jun smiled brightly and opened his mouth as he met the eyes of the two shocked kids.

Im Jin Natra, Seo-jun Lee.

Charlie and Grace couldnt move for a few seconds, then they finally exclaimed. My friend is Jin Natra! A Hollywood actor!


Grace and Charlies eyes shone. Seo-jun showed them another picture. It was a picture of him with Redbone and Davis Garrett.


Its real!

The two kids hearts beat very fast. They felt like they would faint if they were more surprised. Grace lowered her voice and asked Seo-jun.

Can I tell my mom and dad? And my sister too!

Me too! Can I tell my dad?


While the kids were playing, the adults who were drinking tea and chatting brought up the performance. They said it was a great performance, and Charlies dad smiled shyly.

Seo-jun did much better than me.

He really looked like a werewolf.

They all remembered the vivid performance again. Graces dad took out his phone.

I recorded it on video, do you want to see it?

Oh, I have it too.

The adults took out their phones and showed each other the videos. Seo-juns performance looked amazing and cool from different angles in the audience.

This side captured the transformation scene well.

Running looks much better from the side.

But no matter where you look, Seo-jun is really good.

At that, the adults laughed. Graces sister asked Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon.

Did Seo-jun do any dance or acting? If not, he should start now! Hes much better than our school drama club!


Hmm. What should they do? As the couple looked at each other, Charlie and Grace ran over with surprised faces. Seo-jun walked over with a relaxed face.

Dad! Dad! Da-ad!!

Charlie called his dad over and over again, as if he had seen something amazing. Charlies dad seemed to see his sons expression for the first time. He was excited, his face flushed. Seo-jun looked fine, but his son was like that.

Whats wrong?


Charlie called his dad like a broken record. Seo-jun tapped Charlies shoulder. Charlie couldnt stand still. He kept bouncing around, not knowing what to do. Hmm. He was a prankster, but he had never made such a fuss before.

Dad, Seo-jun is Jin!


Seo-jun is Jin? Charlies dad frowned at the strange words.

Was it some kind of secret code that only the kids knew? Charlies dad looked at the couple with a bewildered expression, and they smiled as if they knew something.

As Charlies dad was about to ask, Charlie opened his mouth first. His heart was pounding so hard that he couldnt wait.

Grace was also explaining to her parents and sister. Grace and her family, who were explaining with gestures and body language, looked more and more stunned.

Seo-jun is Jin Natra! He was in Shadowman! Seo-jun Lee is Seo-jun! He had pictures with Evan Block and Rachel Hill, and with Davis Garrett too! Redbone, I mean!


Dad, you saw it too! Shadowman!

At his sons words, Charlies dad looked at Seo-jun. Graces family also looked at Seo-jun.

Seo-jun smiled and pushed his hair back, just like he did when he played Jin Natra. The adults mouths opened wide. He was really Jin Natra.

They thought he was an ordinary family with a memorable wolf hat, but why was there a Hollywood actor here?

Hello. Im an actor, Seo-jun Lee.




Even though they recognized him, they couldnt believe it. Charlies dad looked at the couple. They nodded their heads as if to confirm.

Charlie ran around the restaurant, too surprised to think of anything to say. He just shouted, Wow! Wow! Soon, Grace was running around with him.

Can I ask for one autograph?

Yeah! Autograph! Me too!

Can we ask too?

Yes. Its okay!

The two kids who got the autographs shouted with their faces lit up.

This is my treasure!

Me too! Im going to frame it!

After getting the autographs and taking pictures, it was time to say goodbye. Everyone was reluctant to leave, but they had a schedule for tomorrow, so they packed their bags and got up from their seats.

It was a short meeting, but it was a meeting they would never forget. Seo-jun hugged the two kids who looked like they were going to cry. Charlie and Grace hugged Seo-jun too.

Ill definitely watch Shadowman 3 later.

Me too! Ill watch all the movies Seo-jun is in!

Come and play again next time!

Come to New York!

You two come to Korea too! Lets play together!

The adults shook hands with each other, watching the cute kids say goodbye. It was time to really part. The kids kept looking back and waving their hands with regret.



See you again!

Seo-jun waved his hands hard, watching his friends get smaller and smaller.

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