Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

A few days later.

While Seo-jun was having fun with Jack, Seo Eun-chan arrived in Korea first and started preparing for Seo-juns arrival.

The excited public, the endless calls, the perfect preparations, but as the day of Seo-juns arrival approached, Seo Eun-chan and Cocoa Entertainment became anxious.

Please, just like when he left! Please!

Seo Eun-chan prayed and prayed. The airport security and the bodyguards who had experienced the departure with Seo-jun also prayed in their hearts.

Just be quiet like that time.

And the day of Seo-juns arrival.

When Seo Eun-chan saw the people flocking to the airport, he couldnt help but look for a god. The Cocoa Entertainment staff who came to the airport with him also called for a god. Cheong-ryong-nim. Cheong-ryong-nim. Could it be.

Are those all people waiting for Seo-jun?

I hope they are leaving!

The prayers didnt seem to work at all. The airport was crowded even before the plane arrived.

Unusually large cameras were installed in and around the arrival hall. Seo Eun-chan opened his mouth with a disgusted expression at the names of the broadcasting stations attached to the cameras.


Yes, thats it.

Kim Soo-ryeon, the team leader, nodded as he understood Seo Eun-chans thoughts at once.

I agreed to broadcast it live, but maybe I shouldnt have?

They would have come anyway, right?

Exactly. Seo Eun-chan muttered as he washed his face.

Why are there so many?

Seo-jun is eight years old now, right? This year is like this, but what kind of movie will he make next year and how much will it be a hit? What about when hes ten, thirteen? The older he gets, the more famous he will be. Beyond imagination.

Kim Soo-ryeon opened his mouth, recalling the posts on Seo-juns fan cafe and website.

There were noises everywhere. The people who came from the fan cafe shouted the points to pay attention to.

Dont scream so Seo-jun wont be surprised! Dont flash because it will dazzle him! Dont push the fence! There! Dont push!

We are watching his growth. 48 Hours, CF ads, William, Evil Spirit, Jin Natra. Maybe we are watching the growth of an actor who is writing an amazing history that everyone in the world will hear at least once. The growth of a superstar who will leave his name behind even after a hundred years, like a legendary singer.

That was the heart of the people who gathered here and watched the live broadcast on television.

Hes in his childhood now, and hes breathing and spending time with us. Who wouldnt be curious about the real thing?

At Kim Soo-ryeons words, Seo Eun-chan looked at the crowded airport. He saw people waiting for Seo-jun with eager faces.

They seem to expect too much.

Seo Eun-chan suddenly felt the pressure of the peoples expectations and thought of the stories of the geniuses who hid themselves.

The plane that left LA arrived.

As the letters appeared on the screen, the airport swayed.

After a while, the door of the arrival hall opened.


As the Korean actor who was laughing and chatting with the famous Hollywood actors appeared, a huge cheer rang out in the airport. Seo-jun quickly used his ability at the scream that was incomparable to the departure.

[(Line) The calming scent of apple blossoms is activated.]

[(Line) The basic breathing of the elves is activated.]

A sweet scent wafted. He also calmed his breathing.

As their excited hearts calmed down and they felt relaxed, the people who were gathered became quiet.

There were more people who didnt listen to the ability, but they all seemed to have been impressed by the fans attitude at the departure and clapped with happy faces.

At that sight, Seo Eun-chan, Cocoa Entertainment staff, and An Da-ho were relieved. The bodyguards and the airport security also breathed a sigh of relief and did not lower their guard.

I have one more ability prepared

He didnt seem to need to use it when he saw the quiet people. Seo-jun smiled and waved his hand to the people.

The live broadcast camera kept spinning. It showed Seo-juns appearance and the people who gathered.

The people who were watching the television and worried about the noisy and crowded crowd a while ago were amazed at the quiet people.

-Hes here! The time of silence!

-They are so united even though there are so many people! Thats Seo-juns fan!

-Its really amazing

A small podium was prepared like when he left. Seo-jun, who climbed on the podium, picked up the microphone. Flashes popped up everywhere.

Only the sound of applause filled the place, and Seo-juns voice echoed.

Hello. Im actor Lee Seo-jun.

Clap clap clap!!

The actor who made his name known to the world, Lee Seo-jun, returned.

[KBC, Interview with actor Lee Seo-jun!]

[MBS, We asked Hollywood star Lee Seo-jun!]

[SBC, Lee Seo-jun Thank you for voting]


Mr. Da-ho! Todays script!

A staff member from Team 2 handed a small box to An Da-ho.

After the interviews with the three broadcasting stations as a commemoration of the award, Seo-jun took a break for a while.

The short break seemed to get longer and longer, and eventually filled a full year. But even with a year of diving, the scripts poured out to Seo-jun as usual.

Movie, movie, drama, drama, drama.

An Da-ho nodded his head as he glanced at the script roughly.

Some possible ways to continue the response are:

As Seo-jun became famous, more and more works featuring child actors appeared. At first, some of them were hastily made to cast Lee Seo-jun, and they ended up being scrapped halfway.

But when some of the works met brilliant child actors and became hits, child actors like Choi So-young and Lee Da-jin also found their places.

The fact that those works had been offered to Seo-jun made Ahn Da-ho and the staff of Team 2 feel bitter.

That success could have been my actors success!

The probability of this script being rejected was high, too. A staff member who belonged to Team 2 sighed and asked.

Will this one fail, too?

Team 2, which had been the exclusive team for actor Lee Seo-jun, had nothing to do when Seo-juns hiatus became longer. Team 2 also took care of the work of White, the junior group of Brown Black, who had just debuted.

After a few months, when White settled down, they hired new staff members to take care of the five members of White.

With the increased number of staff, Team 2 could gather again and form an exclusive team for Seo-jun when he resumed his activities.

Seo-jun needs a script that he likes.

Right. When will that script come?

Dont worry. Idols have little rest because they have events and various performances, but actors have long breaks. One year is the minimum.

Sigh. Well, Brown Black was so busy. They were busy making the next album even during the break. Its the first time we have an actor in our company, so its awkward to have such a long break.

The staff nodded at Ahn Da-hos words, who had seen many actors at other companies. Ahn Da-ho, who had prepared the scripts, got up from his seat.


Hyung! Youre here?

Ahn Da-ho looked at Seo-jun. Seo-jun, who had lost some baby fat, had grown up well with his handsome appearance intact.

He had lost his baby teeth and got his permanent teeth. He still had some inner baby teeth that were not visible and his permanent teeth had not come out yet, but Seo-jun liked his neat front teeth.

His round head had gotten closer to his previous height. He had grown a lot taller.

One year.

It had been a year since the WTV Film Festival ended. Seo-jun, who had been in the first grade, would become a third grader after this winter break.

Ahn Da-ho handed a box to Seo-jun and entered the house. Seo-jun smiled brightly and took out a script from the box. He easily lifted five thick scripts. He was strong, too.

Hyung. What do you want to drink?

Do you have juice?


Seo-jun clattered to the kitchen.

Ahn Da-ho looked around Seo-juns house, which he was now familiar with.

On one side of Seo-juns living room, a trophy shaped like a popcorn box was displayed on a neat shelf. In front of it, there was a photo of Seo-jun smiling brightly with the Shadowman team, the couple, Seo Eun-chan, and Ahn Da-ho. It was a photo that made his heart beat whenever he saw it.

Hyung! Juice!


The two sat in their seats. Seo-jun read the script and Ahn Da-ho also took out another script and read it.

There were also evaluations of the directors, writers, and production staff that the staff had researched.

Most of them were false rumors, but there were a few percent of truth hidden in them. The gossip that he had collected from here and there while taking care of Brown Black. He had excluded the production companies or directors with the worst reviews, but he had marked the directors and writers whose rumors were not sure whether they were true or false.

Is there none today?

Seo-jun quietly read down to the last script. Ahn Da-ho had thought that this one had a good chance.

Because, the writer of the drama script that Seo-jun was reading now was So Eun-jin, the writer of Reinvestigation, which he had cameoed in before, and the director who would film the drama was Choi Min-sung, the PD who had filmed with him.

The production company is okay, too.

Cocoa Entertainments rating was four stars. It was only an evaluation of the non-work-related aspects.

Thanks to the success of Reinvestigation, the writer and director were confirmed, which was a plus. Seo-juns positive evaluation from the cameo shooting was another plus. The experience of filming with him was also a plus.

However, a star was deducted because the broadcasting station and the co-stars were not decided yet.

Depending on the actors, it could be a plus or a minus.

Seo-jun read the script.

It was not the whole script, but the scenes where Seo-jun appeared were clearly marked. He flipped back to check the synopsis and looked at the script again. Hmm. Hmm.

I like this!


Ahn Da-ho, who was sighing inwardly as he expected another rejection, asked with a brightened face. Seo-jun smiled mischievously.

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-joon were also worried about Seo-juns long break. They felt anxious when they heard the news of Brown Black, who were busy with their work, while Seo-jun was relaxing without any work.

Did mom and dad lose interest in acting? Should we find something new and fun for him? They looked troubled. Even if it was not Seo-jun, they would be worried. Rachel Hill, Evan Block, and Lee Ji-seok, who had the same profession as Seo-jun, took a break for up to three years.

Seo-jun handed the script to Ahn Da-ho. He liked the script and the historical drama, which was not popular these days.

I want to do this!

One year.

The sleeping acting genius opened his eyes.


Hello. This is Moviegoer.

Moviegoer turned on the live broadcast. Many comments greeted Moviegoer.

Finally, the movie Assemble of Marinus, which started shooting last summer, finished filming and started promoting. Wow. Its going to be released in mid-January! Im really curious about the stories of Redbone, Shadowman, and other heroes. Oh, by the way, Greenwings appearance in Assemble was confirmed in the cookie video of Greenwing 2, which was released early last year! Lets clap!


-Clap clap!

Greenwings appearance is important, but theres another thing thats important to us, right?

At Moviegoers words, one persons name started to appear in the comments. Moviegoer nodded and said.

Yes. Its actor Lee Seo-jun! The real Natura. I wonder if hell appear in the cookie video of Assemble. Honestly, when he won the award at the WTV Film Festival and came back to Korea, and interviewed by all the public broadcasting stations, I thought he would debut on TV! He would do a drama! But

-That was the last.


-He didnt do any CFs or dramas

Moviegoers face also became gloomy.

Honestly, his activities two years ago were amazing. Shadowman 2, of course, that was filmed the year before, but anyway. Shadowman 2, Reinvestigation cameo, childrens play Spring, WTV Film Festival. And they were all hits! He achieved what adult actors could hardly do at the age of eight, now ten, right? Actor Lee Seo-jun did it. Clap!

-Clap clap!


For a while, actor Lee Seo-jun didnt do any work, so the media, ahem, wrote some terrible stories, but they all turned out to be nonsense when they saw actor Lee Seo-juns appearance on Channel [JUN]. Some of them were even sued.

-Kidnapping story!

-Confinement story!

Honestly, dont actors take a lot of breaks? Its because actor Lee Seo-jun did so much work in a year, usually they do one work and recharge and then go back to work. And if they dont like the work, they rest until they find the work they like. The problem is


Yes. There are actors who start doing other things or retire. Well, there might be actors who are forced to retire because they are forgotten by the public and dont get any scripts, but actor Lee Seo-jun is not at that level.

-World class!

-Just come out! Ill go see it!

-The reporters are waiting too!

Moviegoer opened his mouth as if he thought of something.

By the way, do you know this?


Reporters go to see plays and musicals. They always go to see the works where child actors appear. Actor Lee Seo-jun has been so quiet for a year, so they wonder if hes doing something under a pseudonym. So these days, plays and musicals are booming. People think the same and go to see them.

Some plays became famous thanks to the articles titled The second Lee Seo-jun?. Many people went to see them, hoping it was true. In the end, it turned out that it was not Seo-jun, and the comments on the articles were full of curses, but the plays were successful every day.

-Honestly, I went too

-Me too It was fun, but it didnt feel like Seo-jun

I went too. But it was a bust.

Moviegoer shrugged his shoulders.

Actor Lee Seo-jun hasnt done any work for almost a year, but theres a confirmation that hes in the Marinus series, so Im just waiting for Shadowman 3. Its a waste of talent for an actor who does such impressive acting to do something else! I want to see actor Lee Seo-juns acting! I dont know how many times Ive watched Shadowman 1 and 2.

-But Seo-jun is good at horse riding.

-And soccer! He scored a goal in a mini-game with a middle school team last time.

-Hes so good at taekwondo that they wanted to make him a national team.

Seo-jun occasionally uploaded daily vlogs on YouTube Channel [JUN]. He uploaded videos of cooking or cleaning with his mom and dad at home, or going out, rather than his life at the academy, which would be troublesome if it was revealed.

Even so, he couldnt stop the mouths of the people who came to the academy. They didnt reveal the name and location of the academy, but they posted their sightings.

Among them, there were some false reviews, but there were three sightings that were proven to be true.

Taekwondo, horse riding, soccer. The instructors who taught him all recommended him to be a national representative, saying that Seo-juns skills were excellent.

-He tried this and that and quit acting!

-I Seo-jun, decided to become a national representative!

-Horse riding, soccer, taekwondo! Call me anything! The goal is gold medal!

Moviegoer looked dejected at the comments that came up. The comments that laughed at his impressive expression came up. Moviegoer quickly fixed his expression and said in a serious voice.

Its very important for an actor to have a lot of experience when hes young! Please, please, please start working again.

-What do you think hes doing now?

Moviegoer gave an answer that anyone could guess to the question of the viewer who was praying to Cheongryong somewhere.

Um. Assemble is going to be released soon, so I think hell go see it.

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